Canada is a vast and rugged land. From north to south it spans more than half the Northern Hemisphere.

Canada is a vast and rugged land. From north to south it spans more than half the Northern Hemisphere. From east to west it stretches almost 4,700 miles (7,560 kilometers) across six time zones. It is the second largest country in the world, but it has only one-half of one percent of the world's population.

Canada features black-blue lakes, numerous rivers, majestic western mountains, rolling central plains, and forested eastern valleys. The Canadian Shield, a hilly region of lakes and swamps, stretches across northern Canada and has some of the oldest rocks on Earth.

Canada's far north lies in the frozen grip of the Arctic, where ice, snow, and glaciers dominate the landscape. Few trees grow here, and farming is not practical. Native Canadians, called First Nations people, live in this region by hunting and fishing.

Map created by National Geographic Maps


In some ways Canada is many nations in one. Descendents of British and French immigrants make up about half the population. They were followed by other European and Asian immigrants. First Nations peoples make up about four percent of the population.

Inuit people live mostly in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Many Native Canadians live on their traditional lands, but many others have moved to cities across Canada. First Nations artwork is widely recognized and is seen as a symbol of Canadian culture.

Canada's remote north and extensive forests are home to wildlife, from bears , wolves , beavers , deer, mountain lions , and bighorn sheep to smaller animals like raccoons, otters , and rabbits. The country's lakes and rivers, which contain about 20 percent of all fresh water on Earth, are full of fish such as trout and salmon.

Canada's prairies in the south are home to bison and pronghorn antelope. Farther north are Canada's sprawling evergreen forests, which have lots of wildlife, including moose and black bears. Even farther north is the cold, bare tundra, where herds of caribou and musk ox live.

Canadians work hard to protect the native wildlife. Canada has 41 national parks and three marine conservation areas. Nevertheless, species like wolves , lynx, and Atlantic fish have been overhunted and overfished.


The British monarch is the head of state of Canada. The monarch is represented by a governor-general, who has very limited powers. Laws are made by Canada's elected federal government, which includes a parliament and a prime minister.

Britain's Quebec Act of 1774 granted Quebec its own legal and religious rights. Despite this concession, many Quebec citizens have long sought independence. In votes held in 1980 and 1995, Quebec decided to stay in Canada. But the second vote was very close, and the debate is still alive.

Canada has provided fish, furs, and other natural resources to the world since the 1500s. Today, it is a world leader in agricultural production, telecommunications, and energy technologies. The vast majority of Canada's exports go to the United States.

The first people to come to Canada arrived between 15,000 and 30,000 years ago across a land bridge that joined Asia and North America. Around A.D. 1000, the Viking explorer Leif Eriksson reached Newfoundland, Canada. He tried to establish a settlement, but it didn't last.

In the 16th century, French and British settlers arrived. Land disputes between farmers and fur traders led to four wars between 1689 and 1763. The final war, called the French and Indian War, left the British in control of Canada, but French influence remains strong even today.

In 1867, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick combined to form a dominion with its own government, parliament, and prime minister. Manitoba joined soon after. In 1931, Canada became an independent nation.

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3 Essays on Canada that Carve Out a Deeper Understanding of the Country!

Canada, a mosaic of landscapes, cultures, and histories, is a captivating subject of exploration. In this collection, we delve into three distinct aspects of this diverse nation.

From its breathtaking wilderness to its multicultural society and rich history, these essays provide a glimpse into the multifaceted tapestry that defines Canada.

Table of Contents

Essay 1: Why is Canada a Good Place to Live and Work

Canada, with its picturesque landscapes, vibrant cities, and diverse culture, stands as an attractive destination for individuals seeking a better quality of life and ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Its reputation as a welcoming and progressive nation is not unfounded, as it is supported by a multitude of factors that contribute to making Canada a prime choice for living and working.

One of the foremost reasons that make Canada a great place to live and work is its commitment to inclusivity and diversity. The country is often celebrated as a cultural mosaic, where people from various ethnic backgrounds coexist harmoniously.

This commitment to diversity is beautifully epitomized in cities like Toronto, where one can experience a tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions. Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, succinctly captures this ethos, stating, “Canada is strong not in spite of our differences, but because of them.”

This emphasis on celebrating differences has resulted in an open and accepting society that welcomes immigrants and fosters a sense of belonging.

Furthermore, Canada’s robust healthcare and education systems add to its allure. The country offers universal healthcare, ensuring that every citizen and permanent resident has access to essential medical services.

This safety net provides peace of mind to residents, knowing that their health concerns will be addressed without facing crippling financial burdens. In the realm of education, Canada boasts world-class institutions that consistently rank among the top globally.

The quality of education, coupled with the multicultural environment, attracts students from around the world, creating a dynamic and intellectually stimulating atmosphere.

Canada’s natural beauty is another undeniable draw. From the breathtaking Rocky Mountains to the serene shores of its many lakes, the country offers a plethora of outdoor activities and a chance to reconnect with nature.

The preservation of its environment is a testament to Canada’s commitment to sustainable practices and high quality of life. The words of renowned environmentalist David Suzuki ring true in this context: “Canada is a country whose main exports are hockey players and cold fronts.

Our main imports are baseball players and acid rain.” The emphasis on protecting the environment for future generations underscores the nation’s dedication to both its citizens and the world at large.

Economically, Canada stands as a stable and prosperous nation. Its thriving industries, such as technology, natural resources, and finance, provide ample employment opportunities.

The country’s sound economic policies and prudent financial regulations have shielded it from the worst impacts of global economic downturns. This stability ensures job security and a promising future for those who choose to build their careers within its borders.

In addition, Canada’s commitment to social welfare is admirable. The Canadian social safety net includes unemployment benefits, affordable housing programs, and support for families and seniors.

This safety net promotes social cohesion and alleviates financial stress during challenging times. Former Canadian Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson, encapsulated this sentiment: “We are not here to boast; we are here to do a job.” This dedication to serving the needs of its citizens speaks volumes about the nation’s values and priorities.

In conclusion, Canada’s well-deserved reputation for quality living and work is supported by diversity, healthcare, education, nature, stability, and welfare. A prime choice for a fulfilling life, Canada’s allegiance to citizens shines as a global opportunity beacon.

Essay 2: Refugees in Canada: A Path to Hope and Opportunity

Canada, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse culture, has also gained international recognition for its compassionate approach toward refugees.

The topic of refugees in Canada is one that has sparked both admiration and intrigue. In this essay, we will explore the country’s exceptional stance on refugee resettlement, the impact of refugees on Canadian society, and the role of global leaders in promoting this humanitarian cause.

Canada’s commitment to providing a safe haven for refugees is emblematic of its values and principles. Over the years, the Canadian government has consistently demonstrated its dedication to welcoming those fleeing conflict and persecution. The Canadian refugee resettlement program, which has been praised worldwide, is a testament to the nation’s belief in offering a second chance to those in need.

As former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau aptly stated, “Canada is a country built on immigration, and that diversity only makes us stronger.” These words encapsulate the essence of Canada’s approach to refugees, portraying them not as a burden, but as valuable contributors to the nation’s fabric.

In recent years, Canada has witnessed the profound impact of refugees on its society and economy. Far from being a mere humanitarian gesture, the integration of refugees has enriched Canada culturally, socially, and economically.

According to a study conducted by the Conference Board of Canada, immigrants, including refugees, play a crucial role in fostering innovation and driving economic growth. Their unique experiences and perspectives contribute to a vibrant tapestry of ideas, propelling Canada forward in an increasingly interconnected world.

This sentiment is echoed by entrepreneur and philanthropist, Elon Musk, who remarked, “The value of immigrants to the U.S. economy and to innovation is pretty much unassailable.” This sentiment holds true for Canada as well, as refugees continue to invigorate various sectors and communities across the country.

Furthermore, Canada’s support for refugees extends beyond its borders, signaling its commitment to global solidarity. The nation’s participation in international efforts to address the refugee crisis exemplifies its role as a responsible global citizen.

Former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, praised Canada for being a “model for other countries,” highlighting its dedication to finding sustainable solutions for displaced populations.

Canada’s engagement in diplomatic initiatives and financial contributions underscores its belief in collective action and the importance of shouldering the responsibility of refugee protection on a global scale.

In conclusion, Canada shines as a beacon of compassion, offering hope and setting a global example with its welcoming approach to refugees. Through sanctuary, positive societal impact, and international engagement, Canada’s inclusivity and humanity stand out. Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai’s words remind us of the world-changing power of education. Canada’s embrace of refugees parallels this, providing a new book, a fresh start, and the chance to rewrite life stories. In doing so, Canada not only transforms refugees’ lives but also reshapes its own narrative, rooted in empathy, understanding, and the limitless potential of human resilience.

Essay 3: Multiculturalism In Canada

Multiculturalism, a concept that celebrates diversity and fosters inclusivity, has become a defining feature of modern societies. Canada, often cited as a paragon of multiculturalism, stands as a shining example of how a nation can embrace various cultures while maintaining social cohesion. This essay delves into the significance of multiculturalism in Canada, exploring its historical roots, societal implications, and the lessons it offers to the world.

Canada’s embrace of multiculturalism can be traced back to its history of immigration and settlement. Waves of immigrants from diverse corners of the globe have shaped the nation’s cultural fabric.

The policy of multiculturalism was officially recognized in 1971 when the Canadian government adopted the Multiculturalism Policy of Canada. This policy not only acknowledges the importance of cultural diversity but also promotes equality and social harmony among all citizens, irrespective of their backgrounds.

One of the remarkable aspects of Canada’s multiculturalism is its positive impact on society. Rather than creating isolated enclaves, multiculturalism has encouraged communities to interact, share, and learn from one another.

The result is a rich tapestry of traditions, languages, and perspectives that contribute to the nation’s dynamism. For instance, in cities like Toronto and Vancouver, one can find neighborhoods where Chinese markets coexist with Indian restaurants, creating a fusion of flavors and experiences that reflect the global village we live in.

In the words of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, “A society that emphasizes uniformity is one which creates intolerance and hate.” This sentiment underscores the wisdom of embracing multiculturalism.

When individuals are encouraged to express their unique identities, they are more likely to feel valued and respected, reducing the potential for social tensions. The Canadian approach of recognizing and celebrating diverse cultures has led to a society where citizens proudly identify with their heritage while also considering themselves Canadian.

However, multiculturalism is not without its challenges. Striking a balance between preserving cultural traditions and fostering a unified national identity can be intricate. Some critics argue that multicultural policies may inadvertently lead to cultural silos, hindering the assimilation of immigrants into the broader society.

To address this concern, it is crucial to promote activities that facilitate cross-cultural interactions, such as cultural festivals, language exchange programs, and collaborative community initiatives.

Former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan once remarked, “Tolerance, inter-cultural dialogue, and respect for diversity are more essential than ever in a world where peoples are becoming more and more closely interconnected.”

Canada’s commitment to multiculturalism aligns with this sentiment, offering a model for nations grappling with issues of identity and diversity. As countries face the challenges of globalization and increasing cultural intermingling, the Canadian experience underscores the importance of nurturing an environment where individuals from various backgrounds can coexist harmoniously.

In conclusion, Canada’s multiculturalism shines as a beacon of unity in our divided world. Its history, policies, and societal harmony showcase the power of embracing diversity. Canada celebrates differences, inspiring an inclusive global community. Let’s learn from this model and build a world that thrives on understanding and diversity. endeavor to create a global community that thrives on diversity and understanding.

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Canada Essay Examples and Topics

You should understand that assigned essays on Canadian Studies go beyond studying the history of Canada, its politics, and even its government. Here are some ideas to write a good paper on Canada:

Understand the multicultural makeup of Canadian society. Canada has an extensive history of South-East Asian migration, many indigenous peoples, for example, the First Nations, and varied black, Latino, and Arab communities.

You can and should use Canadian literature. While most titles are published in French, there are almost as many books written in or translated to English. Using them lets you gain an insider’s perspective on the country’s history.

Research Canadian Studies essay topics that are similar to yours. As a historical essay, there is a good chance that many of the issues interconnect with each other. The more cognitive links you establish – the better the quality of your essay!

However, there are also things you should avoid doing when writing a Canadian studies essay. For example:

  • You should not use terms in which you are not confident. While this goes for any research topic, you must remember the multiethnic makeup of Canadian society and the negative connotations terms, such as “visible minority,” may have.
  • Avoid using French books if you are not a francophone. You can easily undermine your essay’s credibility by quoting from sources, which you do not understand. You can find an English version to avoid academic embarrassment.
  • On the topic of francophone literature, you should know that plagiarism is still a punishable offense if you translate from French to English with no reference. If you are unsure whether something needs a link to a source, it is better to reference the material than accidentally plagiarize.

Find more helpful essay samples on Canadian Studies on our website!

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Study in Canada: College application essay tips

Rachel Dancel

By Rachel Dancel

Updated 5 days ago

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Share article, once you have chosen where you want to study in canada , the next step is the application process..

This may include writing a college application essay. With a solid plan and by adhering to some principles, your college application essay is more likely to stand out among the pile.

The application process to study in Canada

Contact the college or university you want to go to and ask them details about the application process. Oftentimes, they will have a prepared kit that’s going to help you with information such as:

  • Tuition fees
  • Cost for applying
  • The prices of rent and lifestyle in Canada
  • Any required language tests
  • Information regarding the college application essay

Complete the application from your chosen school, and use the instructions provided to submit it. You’ll have to wait for a letter of acceptance, which will then allow you to apply for a Canadian study permit .

But in order to make an awesome impression and raise your chances of being approved, your college application essay has to be exceptional. Your essay represents an important component of the overall admission process.

1. Understand what they’re looking for

You must do your homework and find out the psychology behind the way admission officers react when dealing with applications. There are few key elements that can make you their preferred candidate.

If you look like you’re about to succeed no matter what once you’re admitted, this will be a huge plus. Also, you should be a profitable investment and contribution to the overall society of the college or university.

2. Determine the goals of your essay

College application essay

After a higher rank reads your application, you will leave the first impression on the table. You must be careful of the impression you give. How do you want to be perceived by the school board? What can you say that could lead to a better characterization of your aptitudes?

It’s important that you write your essay while still staying focused on your desired end-result effect.

3. Show your language usage skills

Even though it’s not always recommended to use fancy words during essays, in this case it may just work fine. You need to prove the reader of your essay that you can express yourself using proper language and a diverse range of words and phrases.

You should also not allow mistakes during your essay. Here’s an awesome website called Grammar Monster that lets you check your grammar problems and learn more on how to stop making those mistakes.

4. Proofread your college application essay

You might think that your essay has no grammar or punctuation mistakes, but even professional writers make mistakes from time to time. I really believe that allowing a professional essay writing service to proofread your writing is a good investment.

EduGeeksClub offers a variety of services such as editing and proofreading.

By letting a proofreading expert take a look at your college application essay, you may improve your chances of being approved.

5. Specific details matter

Your college application essay should be on-subject and specific. You never want to bore the person reading it, so unnecessary information should be left out.

If you write about a specific experience from your past, make it as concise as possible.

If you want to see some examples and learn more about how you can improve your essay, I’d suggest checking out Shmoop: College 101 , where you’ll find specific examples and helpful recommendations on application essay writing.

6. Out-of-the-box thinking

In a society where everyone copy and pastes, you’ll be much appreciated if you can do things differently. In order to be different, you need to start thinking “outside the box.”

Your essay should also contain out-of-the-box ideas and experiences. If you can show them you are special, you will be perceived differently.

7. Don’t miss deadlines

Each school where you can study in Canada has different rules and deadlines. Missing deadlines is one of the biggest mistakes you could make. You’re risking your chances of being approved, because they either stop checking late submissions, or you’ll be perceived as a student who lacks discipline. Either way, it’s not a good way to present yourself.

If you want to study in Canada, the admission process is quite easy and straightforward compared to the process in the United States. But that doesn’t really mean that it’s easier to be approved as a student. You need to take care of the way you create your overall submission.

Your college application essay should “shine” in order for you to get noticed and taken into consideration.

Karen Dikson

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Personal Essay on “Why I want to Study in Canada”: Samples, Do’s and Don’t’s


  • Updated on  
  • Dec 8, 2023

Personal Essay on “Why I Want to Study in Canada”

If you want to learn how you can write an effective essay on studying in Canada, then you are at the right place. Maybe you are assigned to write this essay by your teacher, or you are submitting this to a competition, or maybe you are just preparing for a speech. It doesn’t matter what’s your intention, this blog will surely help you with writing your essay. We have provided below some samples of why I want to study in Canada essay. These sample essays will help you understand practically how you can write this topic. Towards the end of the blog, we will also share some do’s and don’t of writing the essay. 

This Blog Includes:

Sample 1 (100 words), sample 2 (150 words), sample 3 (300 words), do’s and don’t’s.

I want to study in Canada because it is known for offering high-quality education and extensive employment opportunities. This country can offer me everything I need to boost my career. It’s not just the academics that draw me towards Canada, it is also its good quality of life. The nation boasts an inclusive and culturally diverse environment. 

I am choosing Canada to study abroad because I will never feel far from home while studying in this country, thanks to its welcoming and friendly residents. I want to have a safe, secure, and booming career, and I believe Canada can offer me that. So, this was all I wanted to say in my why I want to study in Canada essay. 

Also Read: 🧑‍🚀Essay on Chandrayaan 3: Samples 100, 150, and 200 Words

Canada has always been my dream destination for the pursuit of my higher education and it’s not just me. Students from across the globe frequently choose Canada as their study-abroad destination and for very good reasons. Canada houses some of the most prestigious universities in the world, offering top-notch education and a plethora of career opportunities to international students. 

Universities like McGill University , University of Toronto , and the University of British Columbia consistently rank among the top across the world. These institutes provide a wide range of programs and disciplines to their students. 

Moreover, Canada is known for its acceptance and support of overseas students. This makes it easier for students from across the globe to integrate into the Canadian education system and feel at home. The nation’s government even offer various resources and services specifically created to support international students via health insurance, academic support, and housing assistance. I hope I clearly explained the reasons behind Canada being my choice in my why I want to study in Canada essay. 

Also Read: Essay on Indian Culture in 500 Words

Canada is a land of opportunities, for both residents and internationals. Home to some of the best universities in the world and thriving businesses, the country truly offers a ton of career opportunities. I want to give my career the right direction by studying in this beautiful country.

Here are the main reasons why I want to study in Canada:

Top-Notch Universities

Canada is home to various prominent universities, offering world-class education and placement opportunities. Universities like the University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, and McGill University consistently rank among the top in the world. 

High Academic Standards 

Canadian universities are known for their high academic standards, ensuring that students obtain a high-quality and rigorous education. The institutes in the country emphasize research and innovation, creating a stimulating environment for students to participate in cutting-edge research and contribute to their respective areas. 

Inclusive and Diverse Culture 

The multicultural society of Canada offers a unique chance for international students to immerse themselves in a diverse and inclusive environment. With people from different ethnicities, backgrounds, and cultures, studying in Canada offers a rich cultural experience. The exposure to different traditions, customs, and languages fosters open-mindedness and respect for diversity. This prepares students for a globalised world. 

Strong Job Market

Canada boasts a robust and diverse job market that provides various opportunities for overseas graduates. The country has a thriving economy and a shortage of skilled workers in numerous sectors, such as healthcare, engineering, IT, and business. This makes it easier for graduates to find employment. Moreover, Canada’s inclusive immigration policies and supportive business environment make it easier for international students to thrive in their careers. You can get access to a wide range of career opportunities by studying in Canada. 

So, this was all I wanted to say in my why I want to study in Canada essay. 

Also Read: Essay on Women’s Education

We hope that the above samples gave you a solid understanding of writing the why I want to study in Canada essay. However, there are some do’s and don’ts you need to keep in mind before you write your essay. 

Here are the do’s of writing the essay:

  • Make sure that each paragraph is in sync with the topic,
  • Stick to the provided word limit, 
  • Pay special attention to the essay’s first line and first paragraph,
  • Get to the point soon after providing a broad overview of the topic, and
  • Ensure that the paragraphs follow a logical sequence.

Here are the don’t’s of writing the essay:

  • Don’t spend too much time on writing the introduction of the essay,
  • Refrain from writing very long sentences,
  • Avoid stating facts when you are unsure about them, 
  • Avoid writing very long incidents or stories in your essay. 

Also Read: Essay on Forest for Students in 500 Words

Ans: Moving to Canada can be immensely beneficial to your professional and personal life. The country boasts world-class education, good-quality life, a diverse culture, and extensive job opportunities. 

Ans: Yes, Canada offers a very safe and welcoming environment to Indian students. 

Ans: Yes, Canada is a wealthy country because of its strong and diversified economy.

Related Articles:

So, this was all about the why I want to study in Canada essay. Many Indian students dream of pursuing education in foreign nations due to the exposure and career growth they offer. Consider joining a free counselling session with Leverage Edu if you plan to study abroad .

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Abhishek Kumar Jha

Abhishek Kumar Jha is a professional content writer and marketer, having extensive experience in delivering content in journalism and marketing. He has written news content related to education for prominent media outlets, garnering expansive knowledge of the Indian education landscape throughout his experience. Moreover, he is a skilled content marketer, with experience in writing SEO-friendly blogs. His educational background includes a Postgraduate Diploma in English Journalism from the prestigious Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), Dhenkanal. By receiving an education from a top journalism school and working in the corporate world with complete devotion, he has honed the essential skills needed to excel in content writing.

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Canada vs USA: Compare And Contrast Essay Sample

10 Jul 2019

People both outside and living within North America have the tendency to view the United States and Canada as one uniform region with homogenous cultural and political structures. The ecology of Canada and the US alone, demonstrate a great contrast, with the US having more diverse climates and ecosystems. Ice is a larger part of the Canadian landscape with the permafrost in the northern portion and more temperate climates toward the US-Canada border. The Canadian tundra and the Mojave Desert of the Southwest US receive fairly equitable rainfall but have vastly different temperatures. Mediterranean climates also make up a larger portion of the United States than in Canada. With the ecological differences in mind, it is also essential to point out the societal divergence between the US and Canada.

Canada is considerably larger than the United States, but contains only 1/10th of the population, with Canada housing more than 36 million inhabitants, and the US having a population of more than 325 million. While both countries reflect many of the values of western culture, the differences between the embodiment of these characteristics can be seen as soon as one crosses the border. Overall, the distinctions between

Canada and the United States can be categorized into three spheres: the political sphere, the economic sphere, and the socio-cultural sphere. Political Sphere With the recent political climate in the United States and the controversy surrounding America’s federal government, the political differences between the United States and Canada have become even more apparent, not only in structure but ideology as well. While both countries have a federal system, The United States has 50 states and 14 other territories, while Canada contains 10 provinces and 3 other territories. As Canada continues to be a nation under the Commonwealth the head of state is currently Queen Elizabeth or the monarchy. The prime minister of Canada, currently Justin Trudeau the 23rd Prime Minister, is the elected head of the federal government and acts as both the chief executive and a leader in the legislative branch. (Hardwick, Shelley & Holtgrieve, 2013).

One may say the separation of powers is of greater importance to US political ideology with the President of the United States being the head of the Executive Branch soley. While the president does have veto power as a check on Congress, he is often criticized when he steps out of his predetermined role in the executive branch and further into the legislative sphere. The process through which the head of government is elected is also somewhat different from each country demonstrating forms of democracy but different party systems.

There are a plethora of pros and cons to the US two-party system. While it makes for more concise politics, the divisive Republican and Democratic parties experience a large amount of gridlock because of the vast political chasm. Canada, on the other hand between four and five parties in the legislative body and even more than lobby for certain initiatives. In this system, voters are even more strongly tied to their party than specific politicians. However, because party leaders gain power through plurality and not an absolute majority like the United States, coalition building is a major part of the legislative process, making compromises more representative of the public’s opinion.

Canada and the United States political ideologies contrast with greater emphasis on different portions of governmental influence. While the precepts of democracy are still evident in both systems, and political freedom is a great source of pride for citizens in each nation, that sense of freedom seems to be founded in diverging practices. A laissez-faire attitude toward economic and political control is more prevalent in the US, with many citizens seeing that their personal freedom begins at the ends or limits of federal government. This can foster greater distrust and resentment toward national government, particularly when the opposing party has a greater disbursement of power. On the other hand, Canadians, on average, demonstrate greater trust in government, relying more on government services, namely healthcare. This leads into the distribution of federal funds. In the US, a larger amount of federal taxes go toward the department of defense and there is an overall greater emphasis on military power while in Canada a greater amount of federal funds are allocated toward socialized healthcare.

According to the Central Intelligence Agency’s World Factbook, in 2016 3.29% of the United States’ gross domestic product was allocated to military expenditures while 0.99% of Canada’s GDP went toward spending on defense programs. ("The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency", 2018) These differences in spending speak to the greater power wielded by the United States in world affairs, with the US having a permanent membership in the United Nations and NATO. Institutionalized violence is another topic of controversy between the United States and Canada. Canada has, in general, established stricter gun laws than the US. With the prevalence of mass shootings in both countries, gun laws have come to the forefront of the news and public policy. “Handguns accounted for 21 per cent of the total homicides [in 2016], and 58 percent of the shooting homicides. In the United States, by comparison, the report notes there were 7,105 homicides committed with a handgun in 2016, accounting for 47 percent of all homicides south of the border that year.” (Fletcher, 2018) Americans stress the protection of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution, and often describe the United States’ more lenient gun laws as a source of liberty. Another example of the way institutionalized violence differs is with capital punishment.

Canada has abolished the death penalty for all crimes, including capital offenses, while in 30 of the 50 state there exist valid death penalty statutes. Finally one of the greatest contrast between the two countries is their differing ideologies surrounding immigration. Canada is recognized for its very open immigration policies. Canada’s largest immigrant populations come from Asian countries, while in the US, Asians make up a large portion of those immigrating, but the largest percentage is those from Latin America. It is interesting that going forward with immigration policy the US is known as the ‘melting pot’ while Canada calls itself a ‘mosaic’ Economic Sphere The differences between the US and Canada are most apparent when comparing their economies and capital. According to the World Bank’s 2017 report, the United States has a higher gross domestic product per capita at $59,531.7, while Canada’s is $45,032, and the exchange rate between currencies in s about $1.30 of Canadian dollars for every US dollar. ("GDP per capita (current US$) | Data", 2018; "Convert US Dollars to Canadian Dollars - Exchange Rates", 2018).

At first glance, one may say that the US economy and standard of living is higher but in taking a closer look there are pros and cons to each country's economic status. Canada supports a much less diverse economy from oil and lumber, while US is a manufacturing powerhouse, and in spite of growing similar grain-based crops, 44% of the land in the US is viable for agriculture whereas in Canada it's only about 7%. The US exports $1.4 trillion goods. Canada’s imports and exports are fairly equitable while US imports way more than it exports. Canada has a higher unemployment rate, but the US has higher rate of people living under the poverty line. As is evident in many of these statistics, both countries’ economies exemplify strengths and weaknesses.

Now looking at the markets and labor forces in Canada and the US, we observe that there are distinguishing factors of each country. This is particularly true in e-commerce and internet laws in Canada. Because of heavy licensing restrictions, Canada does not allow Spotify or Pandora, and has a very limited selection of programs on Netflix. E-commerce, in general, is less developed, with few stores even offering websites for online shopping, and Canadian Amazon holding a more limited selection of items. The US, on the other hand, has an ever-growing online economy. “During an April 2017 survey, 40 percent of internet users in the United States stated that they purchased items online at several times per month, and 20 percent said they bought items or services online on a weekly basis.” (Facts, 2018) As far as the labor force is concerned, Americans are known for working longer and later than Canadians. In the US, the average workweek is 47 hours and in Canada the workweek is 36-40 hours and at the minimum 2 weeks of paid vacation.

Canadian women in the workforce receive at least 15 weeks of paid maternity leave mandated by the government. In the United States many states mandate vacation time and maternity leave but don’t require that this time be paid and, in some cases, don’t require this time at all. As mentioned previously, socialized healthcare is a major distinguishing factor that sets Canada apart from the United States. The Healthcare Act of 1984 aimed to ensure that all residents of Canada have access to necessary hospital and physician services based on five principles: universality, portability, public administration, accessibility, and comprehensiveness. ("The Canada Health Act", 2018). Canadians do still have to pay for things like prescription drugs, home care, and prescription eyeglasses.

Canadians also live an average of 2 years longer than Americans, with average life expectancy for Canadian women at 82.3 years and 79.3 years for men. American women, on average live to be 80.8 years and 75.6 years for men. While there are many compounding factors that could contribute to this, like lower levels of obesity, or increased physical activity, socialized healthcare has been reported to be a contributing factor in the longer life span. Sociocultural Sphere Lastly, the sociocultural sphere can be used to contrast the United States and Canada, with differing traditions, dialects and colloquialisms, and subtle cultural nuances.

A nation’s overall culture can be broken up into many subcategories, but the following will discuss how language, and cultural celebrations and traditions distinguish Canada from the United state. First, Language is one of the most infamous ways Canadians and Americans claim they can tell each other apart. While the majority of each population speak English, the second most popular languages in each country are distinct and point to different colonial and immigration histories. The US technically does not have an official language, however in every state majority of government sponsored programs use English. Depending on the area of the US one is in effects the other languages that are present. For example, in Clark County, Nevada, (where Las Vegas is located) voter ballots are available in English, Spanish and Tagalog because Las Vegas contains large populations of Hispanic and Filipino residents. For the most part, Spanish appears to be a common second language with the high volume of immigrants from Latin America. In Canada on the other hand, English and French are both official languages, representative of the colonial background of Canada, as well as the federal government's relationship with the province of Quebec. Along with the languages spoken, come the differences in dialects, accents and slang relative to the English spoken in each country. Canada use different spelling for words that contain an ‘or’ sound: colour, favourite, labour.

The second cultural facet that distinguishes Canada and the US are the celebrations and traditions. Thanksgiving in Canada occurs on the second Monday of October however, most people celebrate it on Sunday and take the Monday off school and work. The holiday celebrates the harvests and blessings of the past year and is celebrate earlier because of Canada’s shorter growing season and earlier harvest. American Thanksgiving it is the fourth Thursday in November and celebrates the harvest and the legend of “peace between pilgrims and Native peoples”. Another interesting facet of national celebration is that Canada Day and US Independence Day are only three days apart (July 1st to July 4th) and are both celebrated with traditions like barbeques, parades, and fireworks. (Youtube, 2018).

Food is an essential tenet of not only celebrations but life in general. While the food in both countries is fairly similar accounting for a few distinct delicacies like all-dressed chips, and poutine in Canada, there is one major difference between the US and Canada-- the legal drinking age. In Canada, the drinking age is determined by the local government, with legal age being 19 in the majority of the country, but in Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec young adults can start drinking at 18. In America, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 and is a federal policy that establishes 21 as the legal age. (Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2018). In short, Canada and the United States, while they have a long history of peace, are distinct in government, economy, and culture.

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Published: Dec 18, 2018

Words: 854 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Works Cited:

  • (2013, August 6). Pussy Riot jailed for hooliganism.
  • BBC News. (2013, August 23). Pussy Riot: Russian Orthodox Church forgives group.
  • Collins Dictionary. (2019). Hooliganism definition and meaning.
  • European Convention on Human Rights. (1950). Article 10 - Freedom of expression.
  • Oxford University Press. (2019). Censorship.
  • Reporters Without Borders. (2019). World Press Freedom Index 2019.
  • Spangler, T. (2019, May 1). What is the FCC, and what does it regulate? Variety.
  • Stern, M. (2017). Sounds like censored: the suppression of dissent in the art world. ABC-CLIO.
  • Wiggins, T. (2014). Censorship in Vietnam: Brave New World. Routledge.
  • Wittern-Keller, L., & Shachar, H. (Eds.). (2010). Freedom of speech: documents decoded. ABC-CLIO.

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essay canada

Top Reasons to Visit Canada

The expanse of Canada's natural beauty, from mountains and glaciers to secluded lakes and forests, is almost unparalleled worldwide. But Canada's allure is not just the great outdoors. Canada has cosmopolitan cities that are clean, safe, friendly, and multicultural. In fact, Canada repeatedly is lauded as one of the world's most livable countries. Whether your interests are river rafting or live theater, Canada won’t disappoint.

Spectacular Cities

Canada has many modern, multicultural cities, each with its own distinct personality. Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver are possibly the best-known, but there are so many others that highlight different aspects of Canada, such as its maritime culture, mountainous landscape, French history, or its indigenous people. Each city is delightful for different reasons.

In addition, Canadian cities are generally much smaller than the biggest counterparts in the United States, so they are easy to navigate. Canadian people, even in big cities, tend to be friendly to strangers, and crime is relatively low. 

Although it’s doubtful you’ll get to all of them in one trip, these cities are the most popular destinations for visitors to Canada:

  • Vancouver , British Columbia, has been a hot spot in Canada for years as far as the number of people who want to live there goes. No wonder. It is on the water and next to a mountain range, making it postcard pretty. In addition, in a country where winter reality can be harsh, Vancouver has a moderate climate, which includes not much snow and early spring. Downsides include lots of rain and low housing availability despite high prices.
  • Calgary , Alberta, is probably most famous for its Calgary Stampede, an annual rodeo that attracts more than a million people every July. Calgary is a natural gateway to the Rocky Mountains. 
  • Niagara Falls , Ontario, is home to the Horseshoe Falls, the most powerful waterfall in North America and possibly the best-known in the world. The city itself is very touristy, but there are more charming places nearby. 
  • Toronto , Ontario, is the biggest, brashest city in Canada, often mistaken as the nation's capital. The nearly 6 million residents of the metropolitan area are a diverse mix of English, Chinese, East Indian, Irish, Scottish, and Italian, among other ethnicities. Vibrant and textured, Toronto is one of the most multicultural cities in the world. 
  • Ottawa, Ontario, is Canada's capital and home to the country's government. The city has a cultured yet friendly vibe. 
  • Montreal , Quebec, is Canada's second largest city but arguably the cultural capital of the country, with its wide range of festivals and museums. It is European in feeling and quite liberal in character. Much of the old part of the city has been preserved and is a highlight for visitors.
  • Quebec City , Quebec, is a stunning city because of its location, architecture, and level of historical preservation. French is even more common here than in Montreal, though most of the people you will interact with if you're a visitor also speak English.
  • Halifax , Nova Scotia, represents all that is great about the Maritimes (a group of three provinces in Eastern Canada that all border the Atlantic Ocean): Friendly, down-to-earth, fun, affordable, and scenic.
  • Victoria, British Columbia, has a rich English history dating back to the 1840s when the city was established as a trading port but a deeper provenance as an aboriginal community.

Natural Wonders

Few countries boast the number and range of natural wonders that Canada does. With more coastline than any other country, mountain ranges, lakes, forests, arctic lands and even a small amount of desert, Canada has a diverse landscape full of surprises.

Some of Canada’s most spectacular and popular natural attractions are the Canadian Rocky Mountain parks, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Nahanni National Park Reserve, Cabot Trail , Niagara Falls, and a multitude of  scenic drives .


Canada is an affordable vacation choice. Historically the Canadian dollar is worth slightly less than the U.S. dollar, so prices in Canada generally seem reasonable to travelers.

Outdoor Activities

One of the best reasons to visit Canada is to take advantage of the fabulous outdoors— and there's a lot of it. Canada is the second largest country in the world, but its population is relatively small. Consider that the United States. has about nine times the number of people that Canada does on a slightly smaller land mass. Canada has expansive uninhabited land that gives Canadians and visitors room to roam. Some of the most popular outdoor activities in Canada are camping,  skiing and snowboarding , golfing, fishing, hiking , mountain biking, climbing, kayaking, and canoeing.

Events and Festivals

Canadians know how to put on a party. Just check out any one of these popular Canadian events and festivals to find out how hospitable Canadians are. 

  • Celebration of Light, Vancouver (largest fireworks competition in the world)
  • Calgary Stampede
  • Edmonton Folk Music Festival
  • Toronto International Film Festival
  • Canadian Tulip Festival, Ottawa
  • Quebec Winter Carnival , Quebec City
  • Celtic Colours International Festival, Nova Scotia

All-Season Charm

Lots of Canadians head for warmer climates in the winter , but while they're leaving the country, skiers and other winter enthusiasts from around the world are pouring in. Canada is a famous "northern" destination, but it's not all igloos and snowcaps. Spring, summer, and fall have their own charms and add to Canada's appeal.

Of course, because Canada is so large, the climate varies greatly, allowing for a wide range of activities year-round. 

For example, Western Canada, including Vancouver, has a relatively moderate climate with not much snow and early spring. Contrast that to Montreal, which has long, cold winters with loads of snowfall. It definitely pays to know about your destination and what to expect weather-wise.

Canada's French Heritage

French culture remains a prominent part of Canada, mostly in Quebec, but also in Ontario and the Maritime provinces. Canada is officially bilingual, although it's certainly not necessary for tourists to speak French. Quebec, which was settled by the French in the 1600s, is where visitors can visit Montreal and the provincial capital, Quebec City. Quebec remains very European in feel. Its rich history and distinct heritage make it a unique tourist destination.


Canada's laid-back attitude and expansive variety of outdoor activities and events make it a fantastic travel destination for families traveling with children. From hiking or skiing and snowboarding to visiting Quebec Winter Carnival or the Calgary Stampede, a Canadian vacation with kids is good fun for the whole family.

Diverse cultures, climates, and landscape make Canada a destination to suit any interest. Canada is a country of immigrants and has a policy of encouraging diversity. Thus, urban hubs feature a range of ethnic neighborhoods, restaurants, and shops.

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A Guide to Canadian Provinces and Territories

Skiing in Canada

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Canada essay

Canada essay 4 models

Canada essay  contains many important information about the State of Canada, which is the second largest in the world in terms of space. Here you will find information about the location of Canada as well as its economy, climate and everything related to it. All that information you will find here in Canada essay in English.

Canada essay

Canada is one of the most advanced countries in the world and here we will upgrade its economy and constitution and all the important information about Canada. All of this information will be found here in Canada essay.

The State of Canada is located in the northern part of the North American continent.It is a federal state with a representative democratic and constitutional monarchy, Where Queen Elizabeth II heads the state.

Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of area, with a total area of ​​about 9984670 km 2, While the population according to the statistics in 2006 about 31612897 people. Canada extends from the Atlantic Ocean eastward to the Pacific Ocean, and on the north side is the Arctic Ocean.

English and French are the official languages ​​of the country.Canada is one of the most advanced countries in the world,  Canada is a member in the Group of Seven Industrial Countries , the Group of 20,  The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Organization of American States and APEC.

The State of Canada is a large part of the North American continent, sharing the southern border with the United States and also sharing the Northwest Frontier with the State of Alaska. The State of Canada is located between latitudes 41 ° C and 84 ° N and longitudes 52 ° W.

Canada consists of eight large forests, the most famous of which are the vast northern forests. It contains a large number of lakes and a large stock of fresh water in the world.

 Canada is also a geologically active country, with active earthquakes and volcanoes , most notably the volcano in the Tesikas cone in 1775 that killed 2,000 people.

Temperatures vary in Canada from one location to another, with coastal and inland provinces dominating a continental climate,  The land-locked areas are covered by snow for nearly six months..

Essay on Canada

Canada is one of the most exotic and surprising countries, as it combines a lot of different and diverse life on its land, and has many dangerous and deadly animals throughout.

Despite that, its people can coexist peacefully and adapt to any dangers or life around them. Canada has the longest coastline in the world, with a length of 200,000 km. In addition, it is surrounded by three oceans: the Atlantic on the east, the Arctic on the north, and the Pacific Ocean on the west.

The capital of Canada is called Ottawa, and it is the fourth largest Canadian city after Toronto – Calgary – Montreal. Surprisingly, Canada has six time zones due to the geographical range.

We can see in the Canadian flag the maple leaf, which is the most familiar and most famous emblem. Among the famous animals in Canada is the beaver and the Canadian horse as well.

Canada is characterized by many dangerous animals such as bears, which abound in the summer season, and is famous for catching salmon fish in the migration and breeding season.

It is also famous for its green spaces and forests. It is characterized by famous areas such as Niagara Falls, which is very famous in many shots in international films.

Essay about canada

Canada was discovered by the French, and the indigenous peoples of the Amerindians, and the Inuit tribes, lived there. Canada was discovered in the fifteenth century, in 1608.

Events developed in Canada from 1608 to 1663, as the country moved from French control to British hands and from English domination to independence.

There were many wars between the French and the British, called the Seven Years’ War, until France ceded all of Canada to Britain.

After that, Canada witnessed significant growth in agriculture and industry, until it signed a trade agreement with the United States in 1988.

To witness a great and complete change in trade and industry, and to become a source of great attraction for tourism and workers, to form Canada and become ancient and great as we see it today.

Essay on canada country

The local people of Canada are the Indians, and this name was given to them by the Europeans, when they first discovered the country, thinking that it extended to the East Indies, and they are the same people.

The indigenous people lived on fishing in various ways, using what allows them to hunt and live. Some of them worked in agriculture, others were fishermen. This is due to the area in which they live, and the extent of the availability of life in it, whether from water or fertile soil and other things.

The Siew Bedouin tribe is famous for other indigenous tribes that lived on Canadian lands. And that is because of her hunting for the bison buffalo, as they were tracking him and preparing ambushes for it to hunt.

This is the opposite of what the people of the west coast of Canada were doing, where they used to catch fish, dry it by smoking, and live on it. This method is still ongoing and present to this day.

The arrival of the Europeans to the local population in a large way, led to a great change in the way they lived and the tools they used, missionaries and colonial soldiers arrived in the country, which led to the dissemination of different cultures and customs of the indigenous peoples.

Among the things that affected the indigenous people are the diseases that came with the Europeans, which they lacked immunity against, which led to the death of many of them.

After that, many wars followed on Canadian soil from the Vikings and other countries until governments were formed and the constitution was formed, which helped change the entire region and earned it wealth and earned many kings great reputation and wealth.

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  • Final review: Upon completion, take the time to inspect the final draft. We're all about matching your expectations and the assignment's demands. If it's spot-on, confirm your satisfaction by releasing the payment. Or, if there’s something amiss, let us know, and we'll tighten those bolts with free revisions.

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At, we're dedicated to providing value on all fronts: exceptional writing, affordable prices, and timely delivery, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck. We cater to students' needs by offering a price-quality balance that fits their budget perfectly for every paper ordered.

Our Canadian essay writing services are synonymous with punctuality. Urgent essay? No problem! Our proficient writers handle even the tightest deadlines, delivering a polished paper when you need it – without a second loss.

Originality is our creed. We craft each piece from scratch, tailoring it to the individual university criteria and your personal touch to ensure it's one-of-a-kind, every single time.

Help is always at hand with our 24/7 customer support. Questions and assistance requests are met with our round-the-clock availability to make your experience with us seamless and worry-free.

Our Process: It's as simple as pie – sign up with an email, pick a password, and lay out your paper's requirements. Choose from a plethora of expert Canadian writers based on their skills, experience, and customer feedback. Stay in the loop with our chat feature as your paper takes shape, ensuring the final product is precisely what you envisaged. Once satisfied, release the payment or opt for revisions if you aim for perfection.

That’s our promise at – impeccable writing tailored to your timetable and terms, just a few clicks away.

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Navigating the world of online academic writing can be tricky, with every company claiming top-notch legitimacy. The real test, however, is their willingness to stand by their service. We do just that at our company by offering a straightforward promise: if we encounter an essay that's beyond our expertise, or if we believe we can't do it justice, we'll refund your payment promptly. Just submit your assignment with the deadline and details, and trust us to handle it from there.

Our process is transparent – you place your order, and then sit back while we assign it to one of our seasoned writers. You'll have continuous access to your dedicated control panel, allowing you to communicate with your writer at any time, keeping you firmly in the driver's seat.

What sets us apart is our commitment to keeping you informed. We believe in the power of communication and progress updates, and we're proud to say this comes at no extra cost to you. When you work with us, you’re entitled to regular updates so you can steer the project in the direction you want.

And our essay writing help doesn't just end at delivery. If you review your completed essay and find aspects that haven’t been addressed as you envisioned, request a revision. We'll work tirelessly to tweak and refine your paper until it meets your expectations, ensuring that you receive precisely what you ordered.

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What I’ve Learned From My Students’ College Essays

The genre is often maligned for being formulaic and melodramatic, but it’s more important than you think.

An illustration of a high school student with blue hair, dreaming of what to write in their college essay.

By Nell Freudenberger

Most high school seniors approach the college essay with dread. Either their upbringing hasn’t supplied them with several hundred words of adversity, or worse, they’re afraid that packaging the genuine trauma they’ve experienced is the only way to secure their future. The college counselor at the Brooklyn high school where I’m a writing tutor advises against trauma porn. “Keep it brief , ” she says, “and show how you rose above it.”

I started volunteering in New York City schools in my 20s, before I had kids of my own. At the time, I liked hanging out with teenagers, whom I sometimes had more interesting conversations with than I did my peers. Often I worked with students who spoke English as a second language or who used slang in their writing, and at first I was hung up on grammar. Should I correct any deviation from “standard English” to appeal to some Wizard of Oz behind the curtains of a college admissions office? Or should I encourage students to write the way they speak, in pursuit of an authentic voice, that most elusive of literary qualities?

In fact, I was missing the point. One of many lessons the students have taught me is to let the story dictate the voice of the essay. A few years ago, I worked with a boy who claimed to have nothing to write about. His life had been ordinary, he said; nothing had happened to him. I asked if he wanted to try writing about a family member, his favorite school subject, a summer job? He glanced at his phone, his posture and expression suggesting that he’d rather be anywhere but in front of a computer with me. “Hobbies?” I suggested, without much hope. He gave me a shy glance. “I like to box,” he said.

I’ve had this experience with reluctant writers again and again — when a topic clicks with a student, an essay can unfurl spontaneously. Of course the primary goal of a college essay is to help its author get an education that leads to a career. Changes in testing policies and financial aid have made applying to college more confusing than ever, but essays have remained basically the same. I would argue that they’re much more than an onerous task or rote exercise, and that unlike standardized tests they are infinitely variable and sometimes beautiful. College essays also provide an opportunity to learn precision, clarity and the process of working toward the truth through multiple revisions.

When a topic clicks with a student, an essay can unfurl spontaneously.

Even if writing doesn’t end up being fundamental to their future professions, students learn to choose language carefully and to be suspicious of the first words that come to mind. Especially now, as college students shoulder so much of the country’s ethical responsibility for war with their protest movement, essay writing teaches prospective students an increasingly urgent lesson: that choosing their own words over ready-made phrases is the only reliable way to ensure they’re thinking for themselves.

Teenagers are ideal writers for several reasons. They’re usually free of preconceptions about writing, and they tend not to use self-consciously ‘‘literary’’ language. They’re allergic to hypocrisy and are generally unfiltered: They overshare, ask personal questions and call you out for microaggressions as well as less egregious (but still mortifying) verbal errors, such as referring to weed as ‘‘pot.’’ Most important, they have yet to put down their best stories in a finished form.

I can imagine an essay taking a risk and distinguishing itself formally — a poem or a one-act play — but most kids use a more straightforward model: a hook followed by a narrative built around “small moments” that lead to a concluding lesson or aspiration for the future. I never get tired of working with students on these essays because each one is different, and the short, rigid form sometimes makes an emotional story even more powerful. Before I read Javier Zamora’s wrenching “Solito,” I worked with a student who had been transported by a coyote into the U.S. and was reunited with his mother in the parking lot of a big-box store. I don’t remember whether this essay focused on specific skills or coping mechanisms that he gained from his ordeal. I remember only the bliss of the parent-and-child reunion in that uninspiring setting. If I were making a case to an admissions officer, I would suggest that simply being able to convey that experience demonstrates the kind of resilience that any college should admire.

The essays that have stayed with me over the years don’t follow a pattern. There are some narratives on very predictable topics — living up to the expectations of immigrant parents, or suffering from depression in 2020 — that are moving because of the attention with which the student describes the experience. One girl determined to become an engineer while watching her father build furniture from scraps after work; a boy, grieving for his mother during lockdown, began taking pictures of the sky.

If, as Lorrie Moore said, “a short story is a love affair; a novel is a marriage,” what is a college essay? Every once in a while I sit down next to a student and start reading, and I have to suppress my excitement, because there on the Google Doc in front of me is a real writer’s voice. One of the first students I ever worked with wrote about falling in love with another girl in dance class, the absolute magic of watching her move and the terror in the conflict between her feelings and the instruction of her religious middle school. She made me think that college essays are less like love than limerence: one-sided, obsessive, idiosyncratic but profound, the first draft of the most personal story their writers will ever tell.

Nell Freudenberger’s novel “The Limits” was published by Knopf last month. She volunteers through the PEN America Writers in the Schools program.

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Call for papers: Generating stronger evidence to inform policy and practice: natural experiments on built environments, health behaviours and chronic diseases

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada Journal

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Call for papers: Generating stronger evidence to inform policy and practice: natural experiments on built environments, health behaviours and chronic diseases

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This call for papers in the HPCDP Journal licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license

Guest editors: Dr. Stephanie Prince Ware (Public Health Agency of Canada), Dr. Gavin McCormack (University of Calgary)

HPCDP Journal Editors: Robert Geneau and Margaret de Groh (Public Health Agency of Canada)

Where we work, learn, play, eat and live has important implications for health. The built environment has been associated with the development of chronic disease, and with health behaviours often seen as critical pathways for this relationship. Footnote 1 Footnote 2 Built environments refer to components of the physical environment that are human-made or human-modified and include structures and buildings, recreation facilities, green spaces and parks, transportation systems and community design.

Natural experiments are interventions that occur without a researcher’s ability to manipulate the intervention or exposure to the intervention. Footnote 3 Footnote 4 Natural experiments offer the opportunity to evaluate the effects of “naturally occurring” interventions such as changes to the built environment (e.g. creation of a new bike path, park improvements, infrastructure changes to schools or workplaces, construction of a new recreation facility or grocery store) on health behaviours and chronic disease risk. Natural experiments are often more practical for investigating the health impacts of environmental interventions when compared to traditional experimental studies (e.g. randomized controlled trials). Compared to cross-sectional studies, natural experiments provide a means to generate rigorous evidence to better establish causality, as well as to understand the implementation of interventions in “real-world” scenarios.

This special issue answers the 2017 Canadian Public Health Officer annual report’s call to further evaluate the health impacts of community design features in Canada. Footnote 5 This special issue resonates with the expanding scholarly and policy-oriented interest in the utility of natural experiments as a critical tool in advancing the body of evidence and for informing interventions to improve public and population health. Footnote 6 Footnote 7 Specifically, the objective of this special issue on natural experiments is to provide timely evidence to further understand the effectiveness of built environment interventions on health behaviours and chronic disease prevention in a Canadian context.

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice is seeking relevant topical research articles that present new findings or synthesize/review existing evidence on natural experiments of the built environment (or related policies) that influence health behaviours with implications for chronic disease prevention in Canada.

Relevant topic areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Built environments, including community or neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools, transportation infrastructure, home environments, recreation environments, parks, playgrounds, green spaces, public open spaces, natural environments and seniors’ residences.
  • All health-related behaviours, including physical activity, sedentary behaviour, sleep, food consumption, smoking and substance use.
  • Chronic diseases and health-related outcomes, including body mass index, fitness, blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar, injuries, falls, mental health, stress, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and lung disease.

International submissions will be considered if they include Canadian data, results (e.g. as part of multi-country studies or global comparisons) and/or evidence-based discussion of implications for community or population health in Canada.

Consult the Journal’s website for information on article types and detailed  submission guidelines for authors . Kindly refer to this call for papers in your cover letter.

All manuscripts should be submitted using the Journal’s  ScholarOne Manuscripts  online system. Pre-submission inquiries and questions about suitability or scope can be directed to  [email protected] .

Submission deadline: November 30, 2024

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Yellowknife newcomer says his family's in the lurch while he waits for immigration papers

Yousef alshayeb wants to use his skills as a medical tech but can't get work without permanent residency.

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When Yousef Alshayeb moved to Yellowknife, his goal was to get a job at Stanton Territorial Hospital and help fill staffing shortages in health care.

Now, a year later, he's frustrated by what he feels is an arduous immigration process. He's also out of work and anxious about how he'll feed his family. 

Formerly a medical technician in Amman, Jordan, Alshayeb first immigrated to Ontario in October 2022 on a study permit. He said he immigrated for stability and was on track to become certified to work as a medical tech in Canada too.

But Alshayeb soon met his wife, an immigrant from Morocco, and moved to Yellowknife to be with her, in April 2023. 

He said he didn't realize that would cause so many challenges.

No longer on a study permit, Alshayeb decided to apply for permanent residency in Canada. He also planned to drive for DoorDash in Yellowknife while he waited for his permanent residency.  

As of Wednesday, however, Alshayeb's N.W.T. driver's licence is expired, and he can't renew it until he has Canadian permanent residency. That means he can no longer drive for DoorDash.

"Now, I can't do anything because of this paper," he said. 

All of Alshayeb's Canadian documents have also expired so he says he can't get another job. 

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) said it can take two years to get a permanent residency. That would mean Alshayeb might not get his residency until August 2025 — which is too long to wait, he says.

"No job — meaning no money, meaning no milk for my baby, no Pampers for my baby, no pay rent for my house, yeah, nothing," he said. 

Alshayeb's wife Houyame Elkhatri is a permanent resident in Canada. She's currently on maternity leave receiving $1,160 a month. The couple says that's not enough to pay their monthly rent — $1,890 — or other costs, like food and care of their nearly three-month old baby. 

Woman sits with baby.

Elkhatri is eligible for social assistance because of her permanent resident status. The couple said they're not clear on how much that would offer, or how for how long. 

Alshayeb says that will help temporarily to pay the bills, but he doesn't want to accept welfare. He wants to work and set up his life.   

"I need just help me with my paper, because after this I can complete my life," he said.

'Rooting for Yousef'

Alshayeb has met with federal and territorial politicians to see about expediting the immigration process and ask if there's anything else he can do. 

Alshayeb said N.W.T. MP Michael McLeod told him there wasn't anything he could do. 

McLeod declined an interview with CBC. In an emailed statement a spokesperson from his office said that their staff in Yellowknife are "dedicated to assisting" anyone who comes to them with immigration-related questions, "and have helped countless constituents successfully resolve their case files."

Screenshot of screen that says application still in process.

Alshayeb's MLA, Kate Reid, said that she's sympathetic to his case but that there also isn't much her office can do. 

"We're really rooting for Yousef but unfortunately my office is just one of advocacy, and this is hinging on a federal process," she said.  

Reid's office is how the couple learned that social assistance is an option. 

The MLA said it would be "so excellent" to see Alshayeb working in health care in the N.W.T. 

"Obviously our health-care system needs a lot of support, and we are finding it very hard to retain workers," Reid said.

She said it's important "that we're both attracting people here who have those skills and are ready and willing to work, and making that as easy as possible, especially for newcomers and from folks from outside of the territory here in Canada.

"Mr. Alshayeb is a DoorDash driver and, you know, that's definitely one way to feed your family in the interim. But if you have that background and you're a medical tech, obviously you would love to practice your profession."

IRCC confirmed that Alshayeb has applied for permanent residency, and did not respond about whether his application will take the full two years. 

A spokesperson for the department also said the two-year timeline is an estimate, and how fast an application is processed depends on the complexity of the application, how difficult it is to verify provided information, and how quickly applicants respond to IRCC's requests for more information.


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Natalie Pressman is a reporter with CBC North in Yellowknife. Reach her at: [email protected].

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US And Canada Everton Soccer Schools - Book Now For Summer 2024

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Young soccer players across the United States and Canada will again be able to hone their skills this summer, with Community Athletic Solutions (CAS) set to run Soccer Schools based upon Everton’s Academy coaching model.

Building on a record year in 2023, this year’s programme will take place in at least 20 US states, along with two Canadian provinces, with the first camps starting in early June. BOOK A PLACE ON AN EVERTON SOCCER SCHOOL NOW

As in previous years, the CAS-delivered Soccer Schools will use the same coaching methodology that is implemented at Everton’s Finch Farm training ground to deliver high-quality sessions for players of all abilities, providing an authentic experience of what it is like to train at a top-rated (Category One) Premier League academy.

Parent, Norwin Soccer Club (Pennsylvania) It's such an amazing programme. The camp was great, the coaches were outstanding... and I know our girls left even more excited about the upcoming season and wanting to continue working and improving.

Coaches will also instil key footballing values such as teamwork and communication, while creating a fun environment in which youngsters can learn and make friends.

The 20 states where Soccer Schools will take place in 2024 are: Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Washington , and Wisconsin .

The scheme’s growth into Canada also sees Alberta added to the inaugural camp that took place last year in Manitoba. Each location will offer a range of programmes, with boys and girls between the ages of five and 18 catered for. Many sites will also offer goalkeeper specific schools.

North American fans wanting to learn more about the dates and tiers of camps – or to register their child’s place at a Soccer School – should visit

Andy Reid, Junior Academy Director, Homewood Soccer Club (Alabama) "The quality of coaching was exceptional... and the curriculum intense, fun and of great quality. The coaches were very friendly, with excellent temperament and bursting with knowledge.”

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    Canada supports a much less diverse economy from oil and lumber, while US is a manufacturing powerhouse, and in spite of growing similar grain-based crops, 44% of the land in the US is viable for agriculture whereas in Canada it's only about 7%. The US exports $1.4 trillion goods.

  13. The Culture of Canada: [Essay Example], 854 words GradesFixer

    Published: Dec 18, 2018. Culture can be defined as the behaviours and belief characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. Every country has its own special way of life. Canada's in particular can be considered unique because Canada is a cultural mosaic, which allows elements of many cultures to be integrated into one.

  14. Top Reasons to Visit Canada

    One of the best reasons to visit Canada is to take advantage of the fabulous outdoors— and there's a lot of it. Canada is the second largest country in the world, but its population is relatively small. Consider that the United States. has about nine times the number of people that Canada does on a slightly smaller land mass.

  15. Canada Essay 4 Models

    Essay about canada. Canada was discovered by the French, and the indigenous peoples of the Amerindians, and the Inuit tribes, lived there. Canada was discovered in the fifteenth century, in 1608. Events developed in Canada from 1608 to 1663, as the country moved from French control to British hands and from English domination to independence.

  16. Canada Is the Best Country in the World to Live: An Essay

    The average life expectancy in Canada was 80 years for males and 84 years for females and total life expectancy is 82.8 in 2018, ranking Canada 7th in the world for life expectancy. This is a great result compared to 67 years of worldwide average life expectancy. This great health care system is paid through taxes and income taxes.

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    EduBirdie is a paid essay writing service that is committed to offering Canadian students premium quality essays for affordable prices while providing a focused, personal approach. Essay writing is one of our primary services, but our team also offers help with a diverse range of academic assignments. Our qualified writers can handle the most ...

  18. Canada Essay

    Canada Essay. Sort By: Page 1 of 50 - About 500 essays. Decent Essays. What Is Canada In Canada. 889 Words; 4 Pages; What Is Canada In Canada. rest of the North American continent (Simpson, 2017), Canada is the second largest country by land mass in the world and a close economic and geographic neighbor of the United States (U.S.). Under ...

  19. Essay about Canada

    Essay about Canada. Type of paper: Essays Subject: Education, Geography Words: 251. Canada is an amazing country and it would be not fair to talk only about such ordinary and boring aspects like economic development, mining industry or political system - the things which would never attract neither you, nor any other curious person.

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    ORDER ESSAYS ONLINE IN CANADA AT EDUBIRDIE. As you might be wondering why students in Canada buy essays online, the answer to this question is way deeper than you may anticipate. Canada is a multicultural country, a lot of ESL students request assistance with grammar or getting their grading rubrics explained among other things.

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  24. What I've Learned From My Students' College Essays

    Most high school seniors approach the college essay with dread. Either their upbringing hasn't supplied them with several hundred words of adversity, or worse, they're afraid that packaging ...

  25. Call for papers: Generating stronger evidence to inform ...

    Guest editors: Dr. Stephanie Prince Ware (Public Health Agency of Canada), Dr. Gavin McCormack (University of Calgary) HPCDP Journal Editors: Robert Geneau and Margaret de Groh (Public Health Agency of Canada) Where we work, learn, play, eat and live has important implications for health. The built environment has been associated with the development of chronic disease, and with health ...

  26. Critical Thinking Diagnostic Essay (docx)

    English document from University Canada West, 3 pages, 1 Critical Thinking Diagnostic Essay Aashish katal University Canada West ENGL 102: Critical Analysis and Writing 2 Critical Thinking Diagnostic Essay 1. Introduction Critical thinking is a fundamental ability that enables people to analyze, appraise, an

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  28. Yellowknife newcomer says his family's in the lurch while he waits for

    He said he immigrated for stability and was on track to become certified to work as a medical tech in Canada too. But Alshayeb soon met his wife, an immigrant from Morocco, and moved to ...

  29. Communist Party of Canada member who uses his Ukrainian ...

    Communist Party of Canada member who uses his Ukrainian heritage to slander anti-Putin Ukrainians as far-right nationalists argues that Putin's deranged blood and soil essay about how Ukraine is a fake country was nicely written

  30. US And Canada Everton Soccer Schools

    Young soccer players across the United States and Canada will again be able to hone their skills this summer, with Community Athletic Solutions (CAS) set to run Soccer Schools based upon Everton's Academy coaching model. ... What The Papers Say - 15 May Wed 15 May, 2024 5. Home Everton. Follow us Facebook Twitter YouTube Instagram TikTok ...