phd student linkedin

The Academic Designer

Communications for Professors and Scientists

7 LinkedIn Profile Tips for Graduate Students

Why linkedin is important for graduate students like you.

A tablet with Jennifer van Alstyne's LinkedIn profile on the screen

LinkedIn is the best social media platform for graduate students. This guide tells you why.

I’m Jennifer van Alstyne. Welcome to The Social Academic blog, where I share how to manage your online presence. I write about websites and social media for academics.

In this article, learn 7 ways to improve your LinkedIn profile for graduate students

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7 ways to improve your LinkedIn profile while in grad school

A view from an office desk of a computer monitor with the LinkedIn login screen pulled up. Also on the desk are two small black vases and a speaker. A young man walks behind the desk wearing a long sleeved tshirt and white pants.

Your headline should be descriptive

How do you write a LinkedIn headline as a student? Most grad students I see on LinkedIn have a Headline like “Graduate Teaching Assistant at University of Iowa” or “PhD Student at Temple University.” The information I see most is Job Title + Affiliation, but it’s not enough.

You need more information in your Headline to invite people to explore your profile. Communicating who we are in just 120 characters is hard.

In my article on LinkedIn for Professors and Researchers, I talk about how your Headline is the one piece of information about you people are guaranteed to read if you

  • write them a message
  • appear in their search results
  • send a connection request

Be specific when writing your LinkedIn Headline. Include as much detail as you can in 120 characters. A good formula to follow is “Keyword + Job Title or Student + affiliation | Area of specialization.”

A headline like, “Political Science PhD Candidate | Graduate Research Assistant at Duke University | Security, Peace, and Conflict” is descriptive. It uses keywords people may search on LinkedIn when looking for connections (i.e. political science, Duke University, security, peace, conflict).

When your friend asks what to put in their LinkedIn headline as a student, send them this post.

Join my LinkedIn profile course for academics.

Profile photos that focus on your face are easier to recognize

When you choose a profile photo for LinkedIn, choose one that focuses on your face.

Some people prefer an upper body headshot that includes your chest and face. On mobile screens it’s much harder to recognize upper body headshots than face headshots.

Choose a profile photo of your face. And don’t forget to smile!

Here’s how to take a professional headshot for free on your phone.

Write an About section with a friendly bio

Write a short bio for your LinkedIn profile that introduces you to profile visitors. I start mine with “Hi, I’m Jennifer…” because real people visit my profile and I want to be friendly.

Include in your bio the information you most want people to know.

Get started with your online presence in academia for free

This is not a traditional academic bio. You can talk about your

  • work experience
  • educational background
  • volunteer/service experience
  • hobbies and interests

Add the bio to your LinkedIn Experience section.

Let people know how to contact you

People may want to get in touch with you beyond sending a connection request on LinkedIn. In your About section, after your bio, include contact information.

How do you most want to be contacted? Some grad students like to use their institutional email address. Any email address is fine, as long as it’s one you check.

Maybe you spend more time on Twitter than checking your email. Including social media handles where you can be contacted is another great option for graduate students.

Share links in your Experience and Education sections

Your Experience and Education sections on LinkedIn can be dynamic! You can include links and other media to entries in these sections.

For example, in your Education section you could include a link (URL) to your

  • School or department website
  • Research lab
  • Publication
  • Blog post or interview
  • News or media mention

You can also include other types of media like images and PDFs.

Choose 50 skills that make sense for you now

You can add up to 50 skills on your LinkedIn profile. Many of you may be headed on the non-academic job market.

Skills on LinkedIn are an important part of applying to jobs through LinkedIn. Basically, the LinkedIn algorithm matches your profile (including your Skills) to the requirements jobs you apply to through LinkedIn. Hiring managers get a score that says how closely your profile matches the job. So if you don’t include skills on your profile, your application may not even be viewed.

Check out my tips for social media and the job market.

Add 50 skills to your LinkedIn profile. The Skills section is a good one to update each year.

Your LinkedIn profile will change over time

As you grow and change, so will your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is the best alternative to a website because it

  • Shows up high in Google search results and other search engines
  • Can be updated and edited whenever you need
  • Can include links and media making it more dynamic
  • Can be extensive without being overwhelming
  • Has advanced search capabilities making it easy to find the right connections
  • Is helpful if you’re an academic for networking with your scholarly community
  • Is highly recommended when applying for jobs (non-academic)
  • Is becoming more social (more conversations are happening on LinkedIn)

But your LinkedIn profile won’t change if you don’t update it. Review each section of your profile at least once a year. Add an update to your calendar now. The best place to start your is by updating your student LinkedIn headline.

Your online presence helps your real life

Grad students, I have faith that you can do this. You can make a great LinkedIn profile that helps people understand who you are and what you care about. People that want to help you.

Want step-by-step training to update your LinkedIn profile? Here’s my online course to help you do-it-yourself.

If you want more help with LinkedIn, don’t hesitate to reach out! I’d love to work with you. Graduate students have used university funds (professional development funds, academic department, and graduate school) to pay for support when they work with me on 1:1 online presence services.

Ask your university to bring me in as a speaker. My workshops are fun and interactive. And you’ll build confidence when showing up online. I’m here to help you. Learn more about my workshops.

Guides and Advice Articles LinkedIn Resources for Grad Students Social Media How To's

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Jennifer van Alstyne View All →

Jennifer van Alstyne is a Peruvian-American poet and communications consultant. She founded The Academic Designer LLC to help professors build a strong online presence for their research, teaching, and leadership. Jennifer’s goal is to help people feel confident sharing their work with the world.

Jennifer’s personal website https://jennifervanalstyne

The Academic Designer LLC

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Proactive Grad

7 Tips to write a Perfect Graduate Student LinkedIn Summary (With examples)

Aruna Kumarasiri

  • November 20, 2020

How to write a perfect graduate student LinkedIn summary

LinkedIn is one of the best and commonly known online, professional networking services. Many graduate students can take advantage of this platform to grow professionally, especially since LinkedIn is one of the places where different companies find their employees through recommendations .

However, since every student has a profile on LinkedIn, you should strive to make yours stand out in ways that will capture the attention of the reader. Since everyone is focused on their LinkedIn profiles, the LinkedIn summary is often overlooked. As a graduate student, you can focus on your LinkedIn summary to stand out from the rest of the students from all areas of study.

Another important reason why you should consider writing a good graduate student LinkedIn summary or the “about” section is because this is the third part that your readers will see after seeing your profile picture and name. The profile picture and the name may be appealing, but if the summary is not well written, the reader will lose interest even before reading the summary further.

Unlike other platforms which may limit you to the number of words that you need to use in your summary, LinkedIn allows you to write a summary about yourself in about 2000 words. Some of the best tips for writing the best graduate student LinkedIn summary include the following.

1.Start your first sentence with a hook

The first sentence of your graduate student LinkedIn summary should capture the attention of the reader and make him or her want to read more. Managers have so many things to do, and if they are looking for the best graduate student LinkedIn summary, yours should stand out in unique ways. To make your LinkedIn summary stand out, you need to make the reader want to know more about you and to effectively do this, use a hook in the first sentence of your LinkedIn summary.

2.Use specific- keywords

Using keywords help in putting you closer to the top. This is because most employers use keywords when looking for the best candidates for a specific position. This is why a graduate student LinkedIn summary should incorporate keywords, to help find a student fit for a specific position easily.

For instance, you can write that “I am currently in my last year as a Law Student at Harvard University” . When an employer is looking for law students, you are most likely to appear at the top because you have used the keyword “law student”. In addition to that, all the other students with the same keyword will also appear at the top of the search.

3.Always write from a first-person perspective

Most of the professional biographies usually take the third-person narrative. However, when writing a graduate student LinkedIn summary, you should always use the first-person narrative. This makes the reader know more about you at a personal level  from just reading your voice.

The tone that you use in your LinkedIn summary will also tell the reader more about yourself, and if you are very passionate about your professional achievements. Confidence is one of the key things that most employers look for in their candidates, making it very important to portray a high level of confidence in your graduate student LinkedIn summary.

For instance, you can say that “I know how much teamwork can cause a positive change in the company and for individuals. I believe that teamwork makes dream work, and I consider myself a good team layer.” The fact that you have written the summary from a first-person perspective shows the reader that you are talking about “you”, and that you have recognized some of your best qualities that you think are important when put to use.

4.Use short to medium-length paragraphs

A well-written paragraph should have at most seven to eight lines. This makes it easier for the reader to get the point of the whole graduate student LinkedIn summary. Consequently, writing long paragraphs will only make your work look boring and unpleasing to the reader. However, if the paragraphs are short or medium length, the reader will be interested in going on reading your LinkedIn summary.

How to write an exceptional graduate student LinkedIn summary

In addition to that, also ensure that your paragraphs do not have long sentences. Have short sentences that are punctuated correctly, and can give the reader time to relax and get the whole point behind the graduate student LinkedIn summary.

5.Include information about your personal life

Remember that the reader also wants to know more about your personal life, and the things that you find interest in. since LinkedIn is an online platform that is used mainly for professional purposes, it is better to show the reader that you are a human being, and that you also have a life outside work.

Some students think that listing only their professional life will get managers attracted to their profiles. However, when you cannot find something fun to do after work, getting productive at work will be difficult because you will be burnt out and exhausted from working all the time.

The reader also wants to see the personal side of your life too. In your graduate student LinkedIn summary, you can include a few of your hobbies, the things you find interesting, and even your pets. Listing this on the summary is important especially since the rest of the LinkedIn profile says everything there is about your professional life.

For instance, you can say that “I am a football fan, and I spend most of my free time watching my favorite teams. If I am not glued to the screen watching a football match, you will find me walking my dog, mostly in the evenings.” You want to portray that you are human and you also have a life outside of work.

6.Avoid saying you are Unemployed

Telling the reader that you are unemployed only shows that you are not optimistic and that you are not ready for whatever may happen in the future. For instance, if you are a graduate teacher, engineering student, or law student, then you should focus on what the future holds for you. You are not unemployed, rather you are the future professor, engineer, and lawyer that the country needs. Therefore, whenever you are writing your graduate student LinkedIn summary, avoid using the term “unemployed” to refer to your current situation. It would be better to show some level of optimism.

7.Explain what you are doing currently

The experiences that you have gained so far need to be recognized in the graduate student LinkedIn summary. The employers need to know why you are doing what you are currently doing. Writing about your current experiences also shows the reader whether you are fit for the task at hand in a given company. However, when explaining what you are currently doing, focus on making it as simple as possible, so that it is easy for the reader to understand.

Graduate student LinkedIn summary

Writing a clear, straightforward, and concise summary is very important as compared to writing long LinkedIn summaries. A LinkedIn summary does not need a conclusion because the summary itself gives the information that the reader wants to know. Concluding a summary only makes you repeat everything you have said.

8.Common graduate student LinkedIn summary mistakes

The above tips help students write the perfect graduate student LinkedIn summary. However, there are some common mistakes that students tend to make in their LinkedIn summary. Some commonly made mistakes include the following.

Not having a profile picture

A profile picture helps the reader to know who he or she is dealing with. Failing to have a LinkedIn profile picture looks unprofessional and possibly could give a negative expression to a person who is interested in your graduate student LinkedIn summary. Not having a picture can deliver the wrong message that you may be a fraud.

Unprofessional profile picture

LinkedIn is an online professional platform where most people can be recommended for work. This means that most of the information you have on your profile should be professional, including your profile picture  . Having an unprofessional profile picture will not get you any readers.

Spelling, grammar & punctuation mistakes

Human beings are prone to make mistakes. However, since you want to appear professional, you should go through your graduate student LinkedIn summary to ensure that there are no typing errors in your summary.

Not mentioning your core strengths

You have to mention the things that you are good at, both personal and professional in your LinkedIn summary. However, some students fail to include their skills in their summaries, and this makes their whole summary irrelevant. Readers go through LinkedIn summaries to get the best candidate, with the desired skills to hire.

9.Examples of Graduate Student LinkedIn Summaries

How a student writes a LinkedIn summary depends on his or her major. This is what will help you sell yourself and will make you appear at the top of the search list. In this case, we are going to focus on two examples of graduate student LinkedIn summary, which will be mainly focused on a Finance student and an Education student.

Finance graduate student LinkedIn summary

This market requires you to sell yourself through marketing your main background skills on LinkedIn. An example of the LinkedIn summary is as follows.

“I am a 2016 Finance graduate student from Cambridge University. I have a passion for Entrepreneurial Finance and have used my communication skills for the best interest of both my team members and the company as a whole. I have worked in the real world, with real challenges, and getting solutions to these challenges is always very satisfying. Over the past year and a half, I am honored to say that my company has made me grow in ways I thought impossible. I consider myself aggressive, passionate, and a problem-solver. I love getting things done and I take pride in seeing everyone happy with my work. I am also a pet lover, who loves taking long walks with my dog when not on work duty,”

Education graduate student LinkedIn summary

Education is a major that is taken by various students. It is therefore advisable that anyone who wishes to pursue a career in education, to focus on any experience they may be having in the classroom. If you are passionate about teaching, then that is an added advantage. An example of a eduacation graduate student LinkedIn summary is as follows.

“I knew I wanted to be a teacher from the moment I kept tutoring my nieces. I realized that my passion for teaching grew immensely and I made sure that it did not stop at tutoring my relatives. I pursued a career in Education and graduated in 2017 from the University of Massachusetts. Teaching has been my long-term passion, and I am confident to say that I love teaching Literature at Yale University. I find teaching refreshing and my communication skills have positively impacted the lives of my students. Problem-solving has been made much easier through communication and understanding.”

Engineering graduate student LinkedIn summary

A well-written description will immensely help students in engineering and other technical programs—the engineering sector values participants who can communicate effectively and market themselves well. Using bullet points would be efficient to describe yourself to people. An example of an engineering graduate student LinkedIn summary is as follows.

I thrive on building connections between materials science and computational engineering and have spent several years in the domains of surface engineering and nanotechnology. I’m a graduate of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Freelance Academic Writer and Tech Blogger: Helping scholars and young professionals to advance in their carriers. Data Analyst : Modelling / Visualization / Data management /Mining / Wrangling. Proficient in : MATLAB / COMSOL Multiphysics / Solidworks / Creo Parametric / R Studio. Learning never stops.


All the above graduate school summaries have one thing in common: they were all written from the first-person perspective. This shows the reader that you are talking about yourself and your experiences and depicts a level of confidence that may just help you secure a chance in a given company. The paragraphs are short, with precise and clear sentences that are easy to read and understand, making work easier for the reader. Therefore, a graduate student LinkedIn summary should be straight to the point and should show some skills that you possess and think that will help you secure a chance in another institution.

Images Courtesy : Photo by inlytics | LinkedIn Analytics Tool & Photo on Unsplash , Vector icon from freepik , Background photo created by –

Aruna Kumarasiri

Aruna Kumarasiri

Founder at Proactive Grad, Materials Engineer, Researcher, and turned author. In 2019, he started his professional carrier as a materials engineer with the continuation of his research studies. His exposure to both academic and industrial worlds has provided many opportunities for him to give back to young professionals.

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This is really worthy article. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with everyone.

Thanks, Supun! That’s great to hear.🙂

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The Savvy Scientist

The Savvy Scientist

Experiences of a London PhD student and beyond

How to Master LinkedIn for Academics & PhD Students

Cover photo with post title and cartoon image of a scientist

Whichever stage you’re at in your academic journey it’s never too soon to start building up your presence on LinkedIn. While LinkedIn is commonly known as a platform for job seekers and professionals, it also provides a great way for academics and PhD students to showcase our research and engage with others in our fields.

In this post we’ll walk through my top tips for networking with LinkedIn. We’ll begin with covering why having a LinkedIn profile can be a good idea, move on to polishing your profile and how to engage with the community, then discuss how to expand your network.

I’ve also included a few bonus tips at the end for anyone who’s approaching the end of their PhD and looking to make the move into industry.

Tight on time? Be sure to download my LinkedIn Top Tips guide from the free resource library so you can start putting these suggestions into practice.

Why You Should Use LinkedIn as an Academic Researcher

I’ll admit that I used to think that LinkedIn wasn’t useful for anyone outside of the corporate world. However, despite not using any other social media, I’ve been actively using LinkedIn as a researcher for a number of years and think it is well worth setting up an account.

Here’s why:

1. Stay up to date with developments in your field

Yes, us researchers do use LinkedIn! I see loads of new and interesting work getting shared on LinkedIn: not just people announcing their own papers getting published but also highlighting interesting studies they’ve seen.

You can follow updates for academics on places like Google Scholar but the perk of LinkedIn is that: 1) people will also share their own take on the work 2) since LinkedIn is a network you’ll also be exposed to new work from your connections connections etc. I know that a lot of people like Twitter/X for this stuff too.

For this reason I suggest adding people that you meet at conferences, currently work with, or would like to work with (more on that in a second!).

2. Learn from others

Alright so I’ll admit that the idea of using any social media platform to learn things can quickly descend into doom scrolling.

However, given that people generally treat LinkedIn as a lot more of a professional platform than most others, it does seem to be a lot more curated (i.e. useful) if you’re following the right people. I often see people sharing useful tutorials, workflows, interesting findings, etc, alongside general cool science.

3. Expand your reach

You can of course use LinkedIn as a platform to share your own research, thoughts etc. This makes it more likely that relevant researchers could see your work and will help you to build your own personal brand if you’re into that.

4. Career moves and job opportunities

The obvious reason! I see loads of job adverts on LinkedIn and it’s easy to set up alerts for specific companies or job roles. If you’re considering moving into industry at some stage this can be a fantastic place to look for open positions.

Sometimes I’ve known PhD students or academics to urgently set up a LinkedIn profile out of desperation when they’re looking for a job. It is much better to gradually set one up, as we’ll come onto shortly.

5. Collaborations

Maybe you’re not looking for a job, but networking via LinkedIn can still be a useful way of building connections with people you may want to work with: by collaborating!

For this reason I suggest adding interesting people you meet, or reaching out to people who you know do cool work. We’ll discuss more about the best ways to connect with them shortly.

6. I nteresting academic opportunities

LinkedIn can act as a notice board for different opportunities which may become available.

For instance:

Climate Change AI LinkedIn post asking for people to help to contribute to an initiative around climate data.

Now that we’ve covered off some of the benefits of using LinkedIn as a researcher, we’ll next go into some practical ways to network on LinkedIn.

Polish your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is the first impression you make on potential connections, fellow academics, collaborators, and employers. So the best place to start is by enhancing your profile to ensure it accurately represents who you are and what you do.

Some of my key recommendations are:

  • Start early and enhance it over time – filling out a lot of blank spaces can seem intimidating, so make things easier for yourself by just doing a high level summary now and gradually fleshing it out.
  • Make it visually appealing – use a professional headshot and interesting background picture.
  • Regularly add new projects and publications – it can be tricky to remember your achievements after a lot of time has passed, so make it a regular habit to add new information to your LinkedIn. While you’re at it I’d also encourage this for your CV as well.

Once you’ve got your Linkedin profile set up, you’ll be ready to move onto the next step: interacting with others on the platform.

Engage with the Community

LinkedIn isn’t just a place to display your credentials, it’s a dynamic community where you can build relationships and share your insights.

Here are a few ways you can start engaging on LinkedIn:

1. Add People You Already Know

Search for people you already have connections with, this could include both your current colleagues and previous course-mates. Building this initial network creates a strong foundation for what will come next.

2. Interact with Other Posts

I feel like a YouTuber saying this but like, comment, and share posts related to your field. Offer meaningful comments that showcase your expertise.

This not only helps you build relationships but also increases your visibility.

3. Get Active!

Interacting with other posts is all well and good, but it’s also important to actively share your knowledge and research with your network.

Write posts about interesting papers, developments, or challenges in your field. This invites discussion and shows that you’re actively engaged in your area of study. Sharing your work could also lead to collaboration opportunities!

Expand Your Network

Building a meaningful network on LinkedIn involves more than just connecting with your immediate contacts. It’s about expanding your reach and connecting with professionals and researchers who share your interests.

Here are some ways you can expand your LinkedIn network as a researcher:

1. Join Relevant Groups and Follow Hashtags

LinkedIn groups are like virtual conferences and seminars, where people in your field gather to discuss the latest research and trends. Find groups related to your research interests and join them. Participate in discussions, share your insights, and connect with group members.

It’s also possible to follow hashtags to stay updated on topics of interest. Check out the video below for further information on how to do this.

2. Find Your LinkedIn QR Code for Faster Networking at Conferences

LinkedIn offers a QR code feature that makes connecting with new people easy. When you meet someone at a conference, simply give them your QR code to scan and you’ll be connected!

You can find your QR code by logging into the LinkedIn app on your phone and clicking on the search bar. Upon doing so a QR code symbol should appear on the right-hand side. Once clicked it will provide your code, ready to be shared and scanned.

Image showing how to find the QR code to share on the LinkedIn app

3. Add a Personalised Note When Cold-Contacting People

While connecting with people you know is straightforward, you’ll also want to reach out to professionals and researchers you haven’t met yet. When sending connection requests to people you haven’t interacted with before, always include a personalised note.

Image showing the option to add a note on LinkedIn when adding a new contact

This is really important! Personally I don’t ever tend to accept invites from people I don’t know if they’ve not added a note, or aren’t clearly working on interesting topics. I can only assume other people take this approach too.

Also, even if someone does accept your invite, if you’ve not sent them a message they don’t have any reason to know why you’re interesting in connecting.

  • If you’ve met someone at an event, just send them a quick note reminding them of who you are.
  • If you’ve never met them before, explain why you want to connect, how your interests align, or what you hope to gain from the connection.

This extra step will significantly increase both the chances of them accepting the invite and how meaningful your connection with them is.

Example notes you can use

  • “Hey {X}, I really enjoyed your talk at {a conference} and would love to connect. Thanks”
  • ”Hi {X}, after my PhD I’m hoping to move into {new career field} and would really appreciate a quick call to hear about how you were able to make the leap.”

It’s worth saying that yes, you can ask for something immediately, but it’s even better if you’re able to offer your new connection something as well. Do expect that they will look at your profile before accepting.

Bonus: LinkedIn Job Search Tips

Finishing up your PhD and/or considering a move into industry?

If you’re in that position now, here are a few things you can do to maximise your chances of securing a role.

1. Target Specific Companies

Already have a specific industry or company in mind? Below are three ways to boost your chances of success.

  • Stay Informed: Follow companies you are interested in working for to stay up to date about job openings, company news, and developments in your chosen field.
  • Engage: Interact with the content companies post on LinkedIn. Commenting and sharing their updates might get you noticed by their recruiters.
  • Leverage the Alumni Tool: Use LinkedIn’s Alumni Tool to see where graduates from your university work. This can help you identify companies that have hired people with your academic background.

2. Optimise Your Profile for Job Searches

Use relevant keywords in your profile to make it easier to discover in job searches. Include skills, qualifications, and job titles you’re interested in.

3. Use LinkedIn Job Search Tools

LinkedIn has an abundance of tools specifically designed for job seekers.

Here are two ways to use these to your advantage:

  • Activate Job Preferences: Let recruiters know you’re open to job opportunities by discreetly activating the “Open to Work” feature in your profile.
  • Set Job Alerts: Create job alerts based on your preferred criteria.

4. Utilise Networking

Your LinkedIn network can be an incredibly valuable resource when searching for job opportunities. Start by reaching out to connections who work in your desired industry and seek advice or referrals. I personally know of people who have been successful in securing roles this way after struggling to otherwise get a foot in the door after graduating.

It can also be a good idea to follow thought leaders in your chosen field and engage with their posts. This will help to ensure you stay up to date on the latest insights and there’s always the chance it could end up leading to a job opportunity.

Finally, be sure to look out for and attend online webinars and events within your industry to further expand your network.

Summary: How to Master LinkedIn for Academics and PhD Students

LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for academics and PhD students, it allows you to showcase your research and can help to open up opportunities for collaboration.

By following these tips you can build your online presence, stay informed about the latest trends in your field and put yourself in the best position for your next career move.

You can find all of the key points available in my free LinkedIn Top Tips guide, available to download from the resource library .

I’d highly encourage everyone to set up a LinkedIn profile, even if you’re at an early stage in your PhD and dead-set on staying within academia. It’s so much easier to build it up gradually than to try and tackle it all in one go and you never know what opportunities it may lead to! If you want to add me here is my profile .

Happy networking!

Do you have any other suggestions for how academics and PhD students can use LinkedIn? Let me know in the comments!

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How to optimise your LinkedIn profile as an academic

Research Retold

How to optimise your LinkedIn profile as an academic

Many of our research clients use LinkedIn and have expressed interest in improving their profiles. So we decided to gather some tips and insights from our team and other academics who encountered the same challenge.

In this blog, we share concrete suggestions on how to optimise your LinkedIn profile as an academic to help you get the most out of this networking tool.

The list is not by any means exhaustive, but it provides an initial guide.

If you have more recommendations please share them in the comments!

Why use LinkedIn as an academic?

In contrast with other social media platforms, LinkedIn is focused on business and employment. As such, it has the potential to communicate your research to corporate audiences and bring a wider readership to your work (Morcom, 2020). 

As of February 2021, LinkedIn had over 675 million users according to the site. This can be very useful to create contacts, especially with companies and researchers you would like to collaborate with. 

LinkedIn is an excellent tool for looking at job opportunities, which usually arise through contacts rather than being advertised. Actually, one of our Research Retold team members first contacted us through this channel. This platform also enables you to share and highlight your research as well as to comment on other people’s work (van Alstyne, 2020).

Think of your LinkedIn profile as a dynamic CV in which you can showcase your skills, expertise and experience.

Since the platform is less personal than Facebook and more formal than Twitter (Morcom, 2020), the way you share information in your profile requires a different approach.

Here are some main recommendations when setting up your profile to optimise your LinkedIn profile as an academic in terms of the look and the content:

The hands of a person working in front of a computer

1) The look of your profile

  • Use a professional picture . Have a solid colour background, good lighting and preferably a smile. This will make it easier for others to associate you with the information you share on your profile.
  • Display your expertise at a glance . Use the banner to add more related images. For example, pictures of you doing your usual activities. These can be tutoring, giving lectures, doing lab work or on field trips. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.
  • Write a headline that summarises what you do, or even what you want to do . This is the second most important part of your profile. It is the punchline that will make a recruiter or peers get interested. Be as brief and specific as you can. You can use keywords that make your profile easy to find. A recommended structure is:  name | keyword + job title + affiliation | field or specialisation. For example “John Kerry | Energy Systems Professor at the University of Sheffield”

2) The content in your profile

  • Write a brief career story . When writing the ‘About’ section, avoid jargon and be relatable. Make it easier for others to understand your background and point of view. You can even share your core values (Barlow, 2020). 
  • Share your experience in the designated section . An advantage of this platform is that it has space for you to give brief explanations of projects rather than just titles and bullet points. You can use 1 – 2 sentences. Keep all the details relevant to your skills and strengths. For example:

[box] Assistant Lecturer/Tutorial demonstrator

Part-time 2018 – 2020 2 yrs

  • Lecturing, tutoring, invigilating and exam marking for COM1002 Foundations of Computer Science.
  • The module covered: logic, set theory, Boolean algebra, linear algebra, proofs, probability theory.

Project Coordinator 

Part-time 2019 – 2020 1 yr

  • Project coordinator of the collaboration between the University “X” and University “Y”.
  • Funding from UKRI, grant xxxxx for studying the impacts of meditation in self-perception.[/box]
  • Add volunteering activities . This will highlight your interests and allow others to see what you care about. You could share your experience as a tutor/mentor or your involvement in the activities of NGOs and university societies. If you are still a PhD student, these experiences can vouch for your teamwork and time management skills. Especially if you do not have working experience yet.
  • Use the Featured section to showcase your work . In this section, you can share slides, papers, links or other kind of content. It is a great way to organise and expose your portfolio to others. For example, during conferences, you can show this section in case you want to share your previous work and you don’t have your computer with you.

Have a look at your profile. Does it display your values? Have you conveyed your purpose? Did these suggestions help you to optimise your LinkedIn profile as an academic?

Make the most of LinkedIn

Woman holding a computer

Once you have created a nice and easy to navigate profile it is time to put it to good use.

You put a lot of hard work into it. Now it’s time to share it with the world, just as with any other research project findings.

Here are some actions you can take to reach out to others and make them notice you:

Build your network

Follow companies and people that interest you.

When looking for contacts, use keywords on your search. For example,  type “process engineering”, “physical therapy research” or “behaviour analysis”. This can help you find pages and companies related to your area of expertise. You can leave comments on their posts and share their publications. If you want to take it to the next level, why not send a personal message? Write about why you would like to collaborate with them and what you have to offer.

Post new content

Join professional groups, things to remember.

  • Your LinkedIn profile is a living thing, and it needs to be kept up to date.
  • Connect regularly to add new experiences or accomplishments. This will also help you track your career progress.
  • Be your biggest supporter!

Hand pointing at a network

Barlow, Sonya. “ Succeed with LinkedIn ”. AllBright Academy: Supercharge your career. 2020. Accessed 09 February 2021. 

Frisch, Lucy. “ 5 Tips to use LinkedIn in promoting your research ” Springer Nature. August 2017. Accessed 09 February 2020. 

Morcom, Tom. “ How researchers use LinkedIn effectively ” Research to Action . 29 July 2020. Accessed 09 February 2021. 

van Alstyne, Jennifer. “ Is LinkedIn important for academics? ” The Academic Designer . 24 January 2020. Accessed on the 09 February 2021. 

Many thanks to our Research Communicator, Phebe Bonilla, for writing this blog post.

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Build Your LinkedIn Profile

Why use linkedin.

LinkedIn is a widespread social media platform used by job-seekers, employees, and employers to establish and maintain professional online presences. It is a valuable tool for developing your network, seeking jobs and internships, and developing your career.

Getting Started

When you make a LinkedIn account, the first task is crafting your profile. What you add to your profile will be visible to your connections and potential employers (depending upon privacy settings—see below). Once you establish your profile, update it as you would a  résumé to reflect your experiences and interests. Keep in mind, who is the audience you are trying to reach? How can you draw attention to what you have done and why you do it —this should not be a CV-like recounting of academic accomplishments alone.

The four major sections of a profile discussed here are the Intro , Summary , Experience , and Education . While there are other sections to consider when crafting your profile, these four sections necessitate the greatest degree of curation.

The Intro section includes a Headline , your pronouns, current role, industry, and location, and whether you are open to work or hiring. Think of this information, plus your headshot, as your LinkedIn business card. When you appear in search results, users will see this information alongside your name. Therefore, it is key that your Headline provides a snapshot of you and your aspirations.

Your Headline is a short, memorable professional slogan that conveys your professional brand, strengths/skills, and interests/goals.

  • Needs Improvement: Graduate Student at Northwestern University
  • Better : Neuroscience PhD Student at Northwestern | Expertise in SQL | Seeking Data Science Position
  • Check out the profiles of students, alumni, and professionals in relevant industries. What works well? What does not? How are experiences framed?
  • Under your settings, view the “Job Seeking Preferences” and if you are looking for internship or full-time opportunities, select “yes” to allow recruiters to know you are open to opportunities.

The About section provides space to articulate a longer version of your Headline , sharing the sum of your experiences and goals toward your aspirations. Think of this like an abstract of your interests and skills for a given professional space (or spaces).

Your Summary should build on your Headline . Use the Summary to describe who you are, including your background/experience, strengths/skills, accomplishments, and goals/aspirations. Tie these elements together into a cohesive professional narrative. Use industry keywords and keep it concise (4-6 sentences).

  • Social scientist with 5 years of experience using qualitative and quantitative methods. Effective communicator, collaborator, project manager, and educator seeking to apply expertise in field of child development.
  • Data scientist using time-series and weather sensor information from industrial machines to create preventive maintenance models. Programming: Proficient in Python (e.g., Pandas, Scikit-learn, Scipy, Bokeh, Tensorflow), MATLAB, R, GIT; Data Analysis/Database: Image processing, machine learning, working knowledge of SQL.

Experience & Education

The Experience and Education sections mirror the corresponding sections of a  résumé in which you itemize these data points.

Visibility Settings

In the settings menu, you can alter the visibility of the components of your profile. Privacy is a personal choice, but there is a distinct advantage to making your profile publicly visible.

  • Select "Edit your public profile" to edit the visibility settings of your profile. From this editor, you can designate which parts of your profile you wish to be visible to any LinkedIn user.
  • Your contact info: Share your contact info in your “About” section or in your settings, be sure your email address is at least visible to those you connect with.
  • Profile viewing options : LinkedIn will inform a user when someone has viewed their profile. You can alter your Profile viewing options to curate whether someone sees your full intro or an anonymized version of your profile. Someone seeing that you have viewed their profile is actually a positive and may lead them to check out your profile.

Academia Insider

Effective LinkedIn Headline for Students – Killer Headline Examples

A LinkedIn headline is more than just a quick line about your current position or studies; it’s an impactful statement that showcases your professional brand.

For students, having a compelling LinkedIn headline can make all the difference, setting them apart from their peers and creating enticing opportunities.

This blog will guide you through crafting a killer LinkedIn headline, whether you’re an undergraduate, a recent graduate, or a PhD student.

We’ll provide practical tips, proven formulas, and stellar examples that will help you optimize your LinkedIn profile, making it irresistible for potential employers, hiring managers, and networking opportunities.

Let’s help you leverage LinkedIn effectively for your career growth.

What is a LinkedIn Headline for Students and Why is it Important?

A LinkedIn headline for students refers to the professional title or summary that appears below a student’s name and profile picture on their LinkedIn profile.

It serves as a brief introduction to showcase a student’s skills, qualifications, and career goals.

The headline is the first thing recruiters or potential employers see, making it a critical component of a strong LinkedIn profile.

It is important for students to have an attention-grabbing headline as it can attract recruiters to click on their profile and learn more about them.

Including relevant keywords in the headline increases the chances of the student’s profile appearing in search results when recruiters search for specific skills or qualifications.

By crafting a strong LinkedIn headline, students can effectively market themselves and stand out in a competitive job market, allowing them to connect with professionals and networking opportunities that align with their career aspirations. 

Types of LinkedIn in headlines:

For students, there are two main types of Linkedin headlines:

  • Undergraduate
  • Postgraduate (Masters and PhD students)

Here is what you do for both types.

LinkedIn headline examples for undergraduate students

If you are an undergraduate student here are some simple structure that you can follow that will still allow you to be found in LinkedIn search. 

Some general tips across all categories for students include:

  • Start off with your current status or what you are aspiring to be.
  • Include your area of study or specialization.
  • Mention any relevant skills you have acquired from your courses or internships.
  • Convey your eagerness to apply your learnings in a professional setting or your ambition for future growth.
  • If you’ve completed an internship or any relevant projects, include that in your headline.
  • Make sure to include keywords related to your field of study or the industry you’re interested in.

My formula for a crazy effective LinkedIn headline for masters and PhD students

The key to crafting an effective LinkedIn headline as a student lies in answering and weaving together three fundamental questions.

The significance of a simple yet powerful headline cannot be overstated.

It’s not merely about stating your field of study but about demonstrating the skills you are honing and the true value of your research.

Here’s the formula for sculpting your headline:

who you serve + the value you bring + how you do it

Let’s dive into each component:

1. Who you serve

Most people undertake research with the intention to make a positive impact. The first part of your headline should highlight the primary beneficiaries of your research. You could be aiding a specific industry, a professional community, or conducting ground-breaking blue sky research.

Examples could be:

  • Serving the energy sector
  • Empowering the medical community
  • Revolutionizing education for students
  • Innovating solutions for environmental challenges

Identifying who you serve allows others to quickly grasp who stands to benefit the most from your work.

2. The value you bring

Your headline should also encapsulate what you’re helping these groups achieve. It’s about portraying the potential outcomes of your research, and why your work matters.

Here are some examples:

  • Advancing renewable energy solutions
  • Enhancing understanding of human physiology
  • Democratizing access to quality education
  • Promoting sustainable and green solutions

Including this component will allow viewers to understand the real-world applications of your research.

3. The way that you do that

Finally, describe how you’re conducting your research. This offers insights into your expertise and skill set.

Examples might be:

  • Through cutting-edge fiber optic technology
  • Utilizing atomic force microscopy
  • Synthesizing innovative pharmaceutical compounds
  • Developing sustainable materials and processes

By adding this part, viewers can gauge the specific skills you’re developing throughout your PhD, which might trigger interests for potential collaboration or information sharing.

Crafting Your Headline Combine these three elements to craft a LinkedIn headline that truly represents you and your work.

For instance here are some excellent LinkedIn headlines for masters students and PhDs:

  • Empowering the healthcare sector to enhance patient monitoring via state-of-the-art fiber optics
  • Revolutionizing the energy sector by developing cost-effective hydrogen fuel through novel catalysts
  • Assisting the solar industry in producing efficient solar cells via sustainable solar paint
  • Pioneering efficient drug manufacturing processes with flow chemistry

Integrating a powerful headline like this on your LinkedIn profile not only helps others comprehend your unique value proposition but also encourages them to reach out for collaboration or more information about your expertise and research.

Here is a worksheet from a workshop that I have used with academics to formulate the best healing and about section.

How many characters does the LinkedIn headline allow?

The LinkedIn headline allows for a maximum of 220 characters.

It is crucial to make use of this prime real estate on your LinkedIn profile to create a compelling headline that accurately represents your professional identity and highlights your unique value proposition.

A well-crafted LinkedIn headline can make a significant impact on your profile’s success and contribute to attracting the right opportunities and connections. 

What does a great Linkedin heading look like?

There are a few things that you need to keep in mind if you want your LinkedIn headline to stand out. 

According to recruiters from high-ranking companies such as Hulu, Google, and Netflix, a strategically crafted headline can dramatically increase your visibility.

LinkedIn operates as a professional search engine, meaning that your headline significantly influences whether you’re discovered by potential employers. However, misinformation online has led many to develop unimpactful headlines.

To counter this, it’s important to understand the role of headlines in shaping your professional image.

1. Highlighting Your Value Proposition Instead of Job Needs

Instead of detailing what you’re seeking from your career or hinting at desperation, your LinkedIn headline should focus on the value you can add to the world.

Imagine a snack bar packaging talking about the company’s revenue goals – it’s not appealing.

Similarly, your headline should reflect your unique attributes and skills that make you an asset to potential employers.

Frame your headline from the perspective of what you bring to the table, not what you want from the table.

2. Leveraging Keywords Over Buzzwords for LinkedIn Visibility

While it might be tempting to fill your LinkedIn headline with popular buzzwords like ‘passionate’, ‘creative’, or ‘collaborative’, these often don’t hold any real weight.

Instead, focus on using industry-specific keywords.

LinkedIn’s algorithms, much like other search engines, prioritize profiles that effectively utilize relevant keywords.

If you’re uncertain about the crucial keywords for your target career, resources like optimization guides can be invaluable.

3. Applying Practical Strategies: Examples of Effective LinkedIn Headlines for Students

To put these principles into practice, consider this formula: “Keywords for your target role + Industry/Area of expertise + Unique value”.

For example, if you’re a mechanical engineering student interested in the automotive industry and have placed third in a human-powered vehicle competition, your headline could read: “Mechanical Engineering Student | Automotive Enthusiast | Ranked Third in Human-Powered Vehicle Competition”.

By following this model and tailoring it to your own experiences, you can craft a LinkedIn headline that showcases your unique skills and captures the right attention.

Common mistakes found in Linkedin headlines:

Avoiding common pitfalls in creating a LinkedIn headline is just as important as understanding what to include.

Here’s a list of things to avoid in order to optimize your LinkedIn headline effectively:

  • Being vague or generic: Stay away from generic terms like “unemployed”, “seeking opportunities” or “looking for a job”. These don’t provide any information about your skills, experiences, or career aspirations.
  • Overusing buzzwords: Avoid commonly overused terms like ‘passionate’, ‘experienced’, ‘hard-working’, ‘motivated’. They are so overused that they lose their impact and make your profile seem less unique.
  • Using a job title without context: A job title alone might not provide enough information about what you do. If you decide to include your job title, try to accompany it with additional details or keywords that highlight your skills or industry.
  • Including personal information: LinkedIn is a professional platform. Therefore, refrain from including personal information such as your age, marital status, or other non-professional details.
  • Making spelling or grammatical errors: Any spelling or grammatical errors in your headline can be seen as lack of attention to detail and may lead to a negative first impression.
  • Being too lengthy: While LinkedIn allows up to 220 characters for your headline, it’s important to be concise and to the point. Too much information can overwhelm the reader and dilute your main message.
  • Not using relevant keywords: Keywords are crucial to help you show up in search results. Not including relevant keywords can make it harder for potential employers or connections to find your profile.
  • Writing in the third person: Your LinkedIn profile is a personal representation of you. Avoid writing in the third person as it can seem impersonal.
  • Using excessive jargon or acronyms: While it’s important to showcase your skills and industry knowledge, avoid using too much jargon or too many acronyms. Keep in mind your audience may come from various industries and might not be familiar with specific terms.
  • Failing to update regularly: Your headline should be up to date and accurately reflect your current position, projects or career objectives. A headline that’s outdated can give the impression that you’re not active on LinkedIn.

Avoid these mistakes to create a headline that is effective, clear, and professional, and will make you stand out to potential employers and connections on LinkedIn.

Wrapping up – best LinkedIn profile headline

The importance of an effective LinkedIn headline for students and recent graduates cannot be overstated.

Whether you’re on the hunt for internships, trying to break into the job market, or keen to make meaningful industry connections, having a strong LinkedIn headline can set you apart in the competitive professional landscape.

Your headline is one of the first things potential employers, hiring managers, or networking contacts see when they come across your profile. It’s your initial pitch, your opportunity to make a compelling first impression. 

For undergrads, our formula emphasizes the importance of highlighting your current status, your area of specialization, and your professional ambitions. Make sure you spotlight relevant skills you’ve gained from academic courses or internships and show enthusiasm to apply them in a professional environment.

For Masters and PhD students , your LinkedIn headline should clearly outline who benefits from your research, the value you bring, and how you do it. Remember, this is about more than just your area of study—it’s about showcasing the tangible impact and value of your work.

Crafting an excellent LinkedIn headline is an art—one that combines strategic keyword usage, a clear display of your individual strengths, and a precise showcase of your professional identity.

By leveraging these tips, students and job seekers alike can amplify their LinkedIn presence, leading to new opportunities and fruitful connections in their desired industries.

So, go ahead, dive in, refine your headline, and join the millions of LinkedIn users standing out for all the right reasons.

Tthe goal is to not just be part of the crowd but to stand out in it. That’s the power of a killer LinkedIn headline.

Happy networking!

phd student linkedin

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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I Reviewed 53 PhD Linkedin Profiles. Here’s What I Saw

  • Posted by: Chris

One morning in December, I put the call out on Twitter that anyone with an advanced degree looking to build a career should join the new Roostervane group on LinkedIn.

Plus, I promised to do a LinkedIn review of anyone who joined that day.

The requests started rolling in quickly. And by the end of the day, I’d reviewed 53 profiles. It was amazing to see the caliber of people in the group. So many with fantastic skill sets and interesting backgrounds. And while so many of the profiles had so many great things, I noticed a few common places where they could be improved.

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You can read my story about leaving academia in Doctoring: Building a Life With a PhD–Available on Amazon.

1. Work from top to bottom

Go look at a few LinkedIn profiles and see what you notice. If you’re like most people, you see:

  • The Picture
  • The Headline
  • The “About” Section
  • The “Experience” Section
  • Anything else

Exactly in that order.

When you fill out your Master’s or PhD LinkedIn profile, the temptation is to put the most work into the “Experience” section—like a resume—to show what you’ve done.

But the thing about LinkedIn is that people open a page, start at the top, and stop reading if they get bored. Unlike a resume, they can’t glance down at your history; they have to scroll.

When people have all their career details buried in the “Experience” section, which some readers will never get to, it hurts the profile.

Since the “About” section comes first by default on LinkedIn—some people never get there.

Make sure your profile starts with a strong headline, at least a few sentences of “About” that are interesting and show some personality.

2. The Picture

So arrange your priorities based on the list we just wrote.

What’s the first thing people notice? Before they even click on the link that takes them to your site?

The picture!

This is so important. The picture should be clear and close up. It needs to be close enough that people can look into your eyes and trust you. And if you’re smiling it goes a long way!

Professional headshots are great. But if you don’t have that, wash your face, do your hair, put on something clean and professional, and stand against a wall outside and smile directly into your phone’s camera-selfie lens. You’ll get something that looks good. (I know it’s awkward. I’ve done it too. Push through it.)

Allow me to demonstrate.

This picture is me.

phd student linkedin

This picture is also me.

phd student linkedin

Crooked tie, I know. But still, it’s obvious which one is best.

The thing that’s vital… and I mean vital… to understand, is that a connection request from the first picture will get ignored. The second might get some traction.

3. Make your headline shine

If employers or recruiters search for a role they need to fill on LinkedIn, your name will only come up if you have some of the keywords they’ve searched for. Then, they see your name on a tiny little list of people that pop up.

Try it yourself.

Search for a job title in the LinkedIn search bar and notice what you see. Which profiles stand out to you?

If you’re trying to get a non-academic job in a specific field, it’s important to add a field-specific word to your headline. “Researcher” doesn’t mean much, so it’s way better to have “AI Researcher” or “Historical Researcher.” I’d identify a field here with ONE ADJECTIVE ONLY. Keep it tight.

Also, if you’re looking a PhD for a non-academic job, I’d recommend having “PhD Candidate” or “PhD Student” as part of your headline—BUT ADD MORE THAN THIS! This is a bad PhD LinkedIn.

Fill it out a bit with a few extra descriptives.

If you are changing fields or are in a field that’s less relevant to non-academic work, try adding an aspirational title to your headline that identifies a specific value you bring to the job market.

For example, you might be a “Project Manager,” “Data Analyst,” or an “Editor.”

So all together, this could look like: “AI Researcher | Data Analyst | PhD Candidate” or “Historical Researcher | Research Project Manager | PhD Student.”

I format mine like this—with the tiny little bars—but you don’t have to. Have a look around LinkedIn at different ways to do it.

4. Be careful with academic jargon

This advice depends. If you’re looking for altac work splicing genoisotopic hormones of CHN—and there’s an industry for that—totally leave it in. (I just made that up, so don’t google it.)

But if you’re looking to make yourself hireable to a wider variety of employers, I’d keep it simple. “I do gene splicing,” or “I’m a conservation archeologist.”

And for humanities students in obscure fields (like my ancient history degree was), I wouldn’t talk too much about your research. Focus more on general value propositions you bring. So “my research is on ancient Egyptian sacrificial urns” might become “I’m a historian studying how people build meaning into their lives…” or something like that.

5. Let’s talk “About”

The “About” section is important. As I said above, it’s the thing people often see first, and sometimes the only thing they see.

I love an “About” section that’s engaging and shows some personality.

Remember, a lot of employers see academics as being out of touch and having their heads in the clouds.

There’s no better way to contradict this than with an engaging career story that shows that you’re more than just a pretty brain. ( I also wrote this post about assumptions employers make about PhDs and how to counteract them .)

Use first person.

Tell your career story with limited jargon.

Don’t just talk about your research field. Talk about the skills you bring to the workplace that employers want.

And don’t be afraid to say where you want your career to go.

6. Lead with your thoughts

If you’re on the non-academic job market or you will be soon, it can be great to engage in some thought leadership on LinkedIn. Start sharing links of posts in your field. Comment (kindly and intelligently) on things others have written or shared. And write your own material on LinkedIn or a blog and share it!

It’s a great way to get eyes on you and your profile and to establish yourself as an emerging voice. ( I wrote this post about the value of thought leadership ).

A few final thoughts about your PhD LinkedIn…

There are different seasons of a PhD LinkedIn. I’m not job-searching anymore. I’m an entrepreneur. And so, I don’t need potential employers to be impressed by my LinkedIn.

However, I do use LinkedIn for thought leadership! So I use my LinkedIn differently. And opportunities now come to me from my network.

LinkedIn was a great tool in building this network in the first place. And a LinkedIn reach-out literally got me my first job. So the possibilities are endless!

Finally, there’s no one way to do LinkedIn. If you search for advice on how to do it, you’ll find different things. People have different opinions on what works, and it changes regularly.

But if you focus on 1. Who you are, 2. What your skills are, and 3. How they can solve a problem for an employer —You’ll be fine.

Hey! If you’re in the process of building a career with a PhD, check out my book about leaving academia– Doctoring: Building a Life After a PhD — now available on Amazo n.

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  Psst… Did you know Roostervane has a YouTube channel? Here’s a video I made with some quick networking tips. Don’t forget to subscribe!

Read More About Making Your LinkedIn Shine

10 powerful linkedin tips to take your networking game to the next level., linkedin for phds: how to use it to build an amazing non-academic career.

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15+ Good LinkedIn Summary Examples for Students (With Tips)

LinkedIn is a great site for job seekers of all levels, especially for students who are looking to start their careers. To make a strong first impression and catch the attention of potential employers, one must have a strong LinkedIn profile summary.

But how do you make your profile stand out? What should you include in your summary?

According to experts, here are good LinkedIn summary examples for students, with tips on how to write your own:

Jen Wells

Founder and President,  TalentID Group

Selling yourself can be difficult. Selling yourself can be even more difficult when you don’t have much experience to back it up. But as students, you are working hard to reach your personal and professional goals so that you can go down a specific career path when you graduate. 

Even if we don’t know what that exact career path is, you should know some things you enjoy doing. With that, you can start crafting your own LinkedIn summary with four main things in mind. 

Related: What to Do If You Don’t Know What Career Path to Choose?

Tell a story — help them get to know you better

Help the reader get to know you. When you don’t have years of experience, you have to draw them in with your story. Connect with them. Leave them wanting to know you better. 

For example: 

“I was born with a crayon in hand. Writing on walls, desks, tables, sometimes paper, and now digitally on a computer screen, I’ve been honing my abilities since I was an infant. 

I experimented with different mediums and techniques, from fashion design to painting, pottery, and more. And let’s just say fashion was not my area of expertise. But I did learn in the process that digital design is kind of my thing.”

Demonstrate your passion

This is your opportunity to show that even though you don’t have a lot of experience, you have the  passion  and  desire  to learn and grow. Think about what you have done in the past that demonstrates your desire and ability to learn and grow. 

Building off the previous example, you might say: 

“Before college, I begged my parents to buy me a computer with the Adobe Creative Suite. But they said it was too expensive. So I made a deal with them and worked hard all summer to save up the money to buy one. 

When I did, I spent the next month figuring out how to use Adobe Creative Suite (I may or may not have fallen asleep in school a time or two because I stayed up too late the night before learning to use photoshop).”

Explain your experience

You may not have a lot of experience. In some cases, you may not have any experience. And that is where your story and passion come into play. 

But, if you have some experience, you can continue building off your passion. You could continue with: 

“ Once I learned how to use Photoshop, I started editing photos and then quickly caught on to Indesign and Illustrator. I began designing cards for my friends and birthday invitations; in college, I used them for school projects and papers. I would include extra flair on papers and was able to use these pieces to land my first internship. “

Related: How to Get an Internship

Include a conclusion

Your conclusion should include an easy way to contact you. It should also spell out your experience with specific programs, tools, or technologies, as well as what you are looking for next. 

You might tell readers: 

“I would love to chat with you about any graphic design internships or freelance opportunities you have available! The best way to reach me is by [email protected]

My experiences include Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Indesign, and Illustrator), HTML, and CSS.”

This  doesn’t  mean you need four separate paragraphs. This can be done well in one small paragraph with a few sentences. The point is that  by telling a story and engaging your readers, you have the opportunity to get them interested , so they want to know more and speak with you. 

Linda Shaffer

Linda Shaffer

Chief People and Operations Officer,  Checkr, Inc.

Use concrete examples and numbers to illustrate your points

One thing all students should do as soon as they have some experience to put on their LinkedIn profile is to write a great summary. 

A great LinkedIn summary can help you  stand out  from the hundreds of other students competing for jobs. But writing one can be challenging. How do you condense everything you’ve accomplished into just a few sentences?

 Here are some tips for writing an  impactful  LinkedIn summary as a student:

  • Start with a strong opening sentence that immediately catches the reader’s attention.
  • Use keywords to highlight your skills and what you have to offer.
  • Write in the first person and use active language throughout.
  • Focus on your accomplishments and what you’ve learned rather than simply listing your experience.
  • Use concrete examples and numbers to illustrate your points.
  • Keep it between 200-300 words.
  • Edit carefully for grammar, punctuation, and typos.

Here’s an example:

“I’m a recent graduate of XYZ University with a degree in communications. During my time in school, I held several leadership positions, including president of the student government association and captain of the varsity soccer team. 

I’m a skilled public speaker and have experience with event planning, fundraising, and media relations.

I’m a strong communicator with excellent writing and editing skills. I’m also proficient in Spanish and have experience working with diverse populations.

Since graduating, I’ve worked as a marketing assistant at a small firm. I’ve written press releases, developed social media campaigns, and organized promotional events in this role. 

I’m eager to use my skills and experience in a larger organization where I can have a greater impact. I’m seeking an entry-level position in marketing, communications, or public relations .”

Anna Berkolec

Anna Berkolec

HR Manager,  ResumeLab

Aim to present yourself as a positive, dynamic, and eager learner

There are many factors to consider when looking to write an attention-grabbing LinkedIn summary. The same tips apply to students as they do to seasoned professionals.

So when looking to put your best foot forward, aim to apply these tips and best practices.

  • Not too short, not too long.  Go for  balance  and (ideally) aim to write 150-250 words.
  • Ensure to highlight your education  (after all, you’re still a student), your most impressive achievements (including awards), and tangible skills (both soft and technical) that would make you a valuable addition.
  • First impressions go a long way, so  aim to present yourself as a positive, dynamic, and eager learner  with a can-do attitude.
  • There is a reason listicles are so popular.  Bullet points make it easier to read , so use them frequently.
  • Make it as quantifiable as possible.  Numbers and percentages make it easier and more precise to highlight your accomplishments and measure your impact.
  • Look to  strategically select and include keywords recruiters might be using to search.   Don’t  overdo it, however, as it quickly becomes obvious and cringe-worthy.
  • A call to action is key.  Provide an easy/best way to contact you.

Here is an example of such a summary:

“I am a recent New York University graduate with a double major in Psychology and Sociology looking to join a social change organization.

I am dedicated to this cause, as I would like to channel my education and life experiences to help make the justice system more just and ethical.

Having completed a few internships in this field has provided me with invaluable experiences that I would like to continue to build upon and utilize to contribute from the start.

Furthermore, throughout my studies, I’ve developed my research and statistical analysis skills, particularly through the use of software such as SPSS and STATA.”

Dorota Lysienia

Dorota Lysienia

Community Manager,  LiveCareer

Make it short and easy to understand

A LinkedIn summary should be like your elevator pitch: short and easy to understand. 

But that’s not enough. It should also  grab  the recruiter’s attention and show that you’re willing to go the extra mile to advance your career. Remember that it’s not  about all your educational and professional details. 

You want to spark interest in your profile by sharing some of the most exciting experiences you’ve had so far. Your goal is to explain what you did during your studies and internships in a simple and understandable way. 

Did you do something different from your peers that could add value to your profile? For example, some volunteer work or student-athlete experience? If so, you could add the following statement to your LinkedIn summary:

“As a captain of the soccer team at  [university name] , I gained my first leadership experience and learned how to motivate my teammates to achieve our goals on and off the field.”

However, don’t focus on every single point of your resume. It’s also important to talk about “ why ” you want to work in a specific industry rather than solely focusing on what you did. 

Showing your motivation is crucial for the latter stages of the recruitment process. Why? Because your motivation and things that inspired you to follow a particular path show your potential employer who you are and allow them to evaluate if you could be a  good  cultural fit for their company.

My advice is to include some aspects of your personal life , such as:

  • Foreign destinations you visited

That way, you will show your  human side  and maybe find some connection with people that look at your profile.

Also, remember that your LinkedIn summary’s first sentence plays a crucial role. It often determines whether a person continues reading your text and becomes interested in your profile. That’s why you should make your first sentence  stand out  and encourage recruiters to get to know you better.

Agata Szczepanek

Agata Szczepanek

Community Manager, Resume Now

Proactive attitude matters

Being a student with extensive work experience? Impossible. How to attract potential employers on LinkedIn, then? No worries, job history is  not  everything. 

Focus on your proactive attitude, motivation, and willingness to develop. Be sure to mention all: 

  • Internships
  • Being a member of student organizations
  • Voluntary work
  • Additional courses
  • Academic accomplishments you can be proud of

Also, provide  relevant  examples to illustrate what and how it has shaped you the way you are. 

Last but not least, make your LinkedIn summary not only informative but also  attention-grabbing .

“Hi there. If you seek an employee who treats (work) life with passion, people with respect, and new challenges with enthusiasm, I am the one you need.

I can do many different things and master new ones quickly. Fluency in English, good analytical and organizational skills, creativity, and kindness are just a few examples of what I can offer you. 

Thanks to hard work at university, the ability to learn fast, and strong motivation, I set very high standards for myself. 

I have been a member of the Scientific Circle of Psychological Sciences for three years so far, which gives me a great deal of satisfaction and precious leadership skills. I am in charge of our Circle’s magazine, having a few people on my team.

What I am really good at are people. Calling it a “superpower” would be an exaggeration; however, I find it really easy to build positive relationships, and it seems that people feel comfortable in my company. 

Those I worked with during my summer internship characterized me as “energetic, well-organized, professional, and peaceful.” On the other hand, friends, and family—if asked—would probably focus on “honesty, reliability, and an open mind.”

Education has always played an essential role in my life. Combining two full-time MA degree courses at  [Name of the University]  with the previously-mentioned scientific Circle has taught me to effectively manage my time and duties. 

Check it yourself and invite me for a job interview. I can’t wait to prove in person that I am a good candidate for many jobs thanks to my skill set, proactive attitude, and character traits.”

Iqbal Ahmad

Iqbal Ahmad

Founder and CEO,  Britannia School of Academics

Use one-line opening

One-line opening matters when it’s relatable to your personality; it could be your favorite quote or mantra, your greatest milestone, or even a funny line. Or something you want your reader to know right off the bat. 

Mine is:  “With great power comes great responsibility within your office.”

Do talk about your strengths and advantages

Recognize the motivations behind your career choice and your goals for the positions. These will increase the  emotional resonance  of your LinkedIn profile.

Be realistic. Provide a  compelling  look into your personality since individuality and originality are key to standing out from the crowd. Develop your distinct blend of creativity and emphasize humanizing your encounters.

Do talk about your strengths and advantages. Again, personal branding is the key to getting yourself hooked on a reader.

Tell the reader about your  unique  traits. Then, write numbers, case studies, and actual examples from your experience to exemplify the results of what you have accomplished. 

This is much more  powerful  than using simple sentences to show the actions you accomplished because it gives more validity to whoever is reading it. Also, it gives them a much greater grasp and a lot more comfort in knowing that you are capable of very concrete skills.

“I was born and raised in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, attended YIS (Yanbu International School), now famously known as ISG (International Schools Group), for my high school education, and then traveled to Wales for college. I enjoy working in a social community and playing basketball and polo nationally.

I love to write, and I’m now balancing my studies and writing as a part-time academic and advertising writer (Copywriter). I’m responsible for generating a word for an advertisement. When people around me comment that I’m always thinking deeply, I frequently respond that I must come up with original concepts for my advertisements.

I have a firm grasp on time management since I can juggle my education, my passion for writing, and playing polo without wasting any of it. In addition, I frequently go to literary events to broaden my knowledge, which helps me increase my passion for writing.

Because of my sensitive temperament, I discovered myself to be an exceptional caregiver, so I pay close attention to my words and thoughts when writing or speaking.

I’m a political nerd and am very interested in global issues. However, the only reason I usually participate in discussions about world politics is to offer constructive criticism.

And in a cheerful tone, I eagerly await your response.”

A quick overview

  • Outline your aims, professional values, character, and ethical practice  widely, and use this summary to exhibit your exceptional blend of knowledge, wisdom, and creativity. 
  • Write one of your favorite lines to make it catchier . 
  • At the end of your LinkedIn summary,  include an action point inviting people to contact you  for a productive and rewarding professional relationship.
  • Instead of a resume,  focus on narrating an interesting story that expresses your personality’s positive traits  and defines your academic and professional ambitions.
  • I would propose you add extra flair and humor.  

Your LinkedIn summary will give recruiters and other users an idea of what to expect if they contact you.

I would propose that adding emojis is a lot of fun. You will be more approachable if you use these subtle signals judiciously. Use them in your summary, but don’t be over-packed.

Melissa Erdman

Melissa Erdman

Chief Operating Officer and Head of Client Success, Executive Resume Writers

Feature descriptive language and keywords

While crafting your professional summary can seem like a daunting task, it can be easily managed by taking the time to develop what our company calls the Unique Success Proposition™ (USP).

The USP serves as the  basis  for your summary. It should feature  descriptive language and keywords  that  clearly  and  precisely  define who you are and what distinguishes you from your peers.

USP Example:  

“A driven, results-oriented marketing student at  [insert college]  with a comprehensive background in digital advertising. I am recognized for my strong communications skills, creativity, and ability to inspire and lead high-performing teams. 

My greatest success has been assisting with the  [insert brand]  social media marketing campaign as an intern at  [insert company] .”

Now that you have crafted your foundational USP, expand on the summary by discussing key attributes that are  unique  to you and  align  with the roles you are targeting. 

Use action-oriented language that depicts what you contribute and how it drives organizational success.  Focus on showing recruiters and potential employers the skills and achievements you can leverage to support growth and strategic vision.

Additionally, research roles, academic background, and previous jobs can set the tone for your professional summary and ensure that you  reflect  your experience in alignment with the positions you are seeing.

Lachlan de Crespigny

Lachlan de Crespigny

Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Revelo

Sell yourself by promoting your experience and credentials

When it comes to making money, the most valuable commodity you have to sell is yourself. The social networking site LinkedIn is an excellent place to begin a career in the financial industry by promoting your experience and credentials.

For instance: 

“Next year, I plan to enroll at NYU’s Stern School of Business as a third-year finance major. 

After spending the past two summers as an intern at JetBlue Airways Corporation, I’ve decided to concentrate on learning about financial analysis and applying that knowledge in the real world of business. 

I am at my best when I can use my interpersonal skills in a team environment to address complex financial issues.

Personally, I adore the city of New York. Even though I grew up in New York City, I always looked forward to visiting Albany. Financial planning at New York University has long been on my radar. I hope to make a living as a financial consultant for prominent Wall Street figures in the long run. 

Thank you, New York University, for laying the groundwork for a prosperous professional future in which I assist others in taking control of their financial futures.”

Bruce Hanson

Bruce Hanson

Education Wellness Expert, UCLA | CEO,  First Choice Admissions

Create an easily traceable thread

The thing to remember about writing a LinkedIn summary when you are a student is  not  to overreach. 

Everyone understands you have  minimal  job experience. Your job is to create an  easily  traceable thread from your interests to what you are studying to your work goals after school.   

This is a sample summary for a mechanical engineering student :

“I always loved numbers, and math always came easily to me. I also spent a lot of my time taking apart things around the house and (mostly) putting them back together again. 

I was thrilled when I took my first mechanical engineering class at Purdue. I felt like I had found my true passion. I made the dean’s list all four years and was selected to compete in the annual VEX robotics competition.

I had an internship with Eli Lilly during the summer of both my sophomore and junior years. I was on a team that worked to improve the manufacturing process of a heart monitor device. 

I learned how to apply my classroom knowledge creatively in real-world situations and the value of teams in solving complex problems.  

Now that I am a senior, my goal is to continue working in manufacturing and specifically focus on using robotics in manufacturing processes.”

Joshua Rich

Joshua Rich

CEO and Founder,  Bullseye Locations

From my experience, here is what I believe recruiters prefer when they are looking out for potential candidates to employ. 

Ensure you comprehensively cover your academic credentials

There are many areas that people actively searching for jobs should cover in their LinkedIn summaries. However, I believe a certain order should be followed to establish a more pressing impression with employers.

First and foremost, as a student, you want to ensure you comprehensively cover your academic credentials. Here, you seek to make clear the answers to specific important questions the employer would like to get to know you through. 

  • Which institutions do you study at?
  • Which courses more comfortably lie in your area of expertise?
  • What are your highest scoring subjects have been?
  • What are you most passionate about? 

Include professional qualifications and experience 

Next are your professional qualifications and any work experience you may have under your belt. These don’t necessarily have to include only full-time opportunities.

In fact, employers appreciate any part-time jobs, internships, training, and especially volunteer work experience. The experiences that  align  with your academic field are  noteworthy  to employers, so students should be sure to mention those.

Related: Do Internships Count as Work Experience?

Highlight their extracurricular skills and creative potential

Moreover, students must also look  beyond  their professional achievements and highlight their extracurricular skills and creative potential. 

Make sure you recall any awards you may have won, such as sporting victories, debating competition medals, etc. In addition, proficiency in a musical instrument, painting, writing, etc., can all form more than adequate representations of skills with respect to hobbies. 

Tie it up with an aligned long-term goal and plan

Lastly, in addition to the content mentioned above, it is important to tie it up with an aligned long-term goal and plan you seek to actualize. 

Mentioning appropriate values you seek to embody to help you get there may allude to employers whose company’s DNA and culture match those. 

Marie Pierce, CCC

Marie Pierce

Career Counselor, Manhattanville College

Start with a hook

Your LinkedIn summary is akin to your “ about me ” section on your blog or dating profile. But instead of introducing yourself to potential a partner or content absorbers, you are marketing yourself to potential employers and coworkers. 

So how do you utilize the space you are given to show who you are and why you’d be a great addition to a workplace team? One of the best ways to ensure a potential employer takes the time to read through your LinkedIn summary is to start with a hook. 

Grab their attention with one to two sentences showcasing your personal brand: 

  • What you do
  • What you feel strongly about
  • What you do differently than others

Within your summary, you want to focus on  why  a company should hire you over anyone else. This is your opportunity to express: 

  • Why it is you do what you do
  • The joy it brings you
  • How it helps to serve others 
  • What motivates you

Related: How to Answer Job Interview Question “What Motivates You?”

Once you have given the reader a view into who you are, what you do great, and why you do what you do,  prove it . Quickly mention some recent achievements and highlights from your career. 

Also, don’t be afraid to sprinkle in some personal qualities and interests that live  outside  of work.  Hiring managers are interested in seeing who you are as a person, not just a workplace robot.  Close out with an eager invitation to connect and collaborate.

Linnita Hosten

Linnita Hosten

Student Success Strategist

Tell the story of your “why”

Everyone’s going to do the same thing with their LinkedIn profile summary. They will copy and paste “ work jargon ” from their resume. 

I charge students to think strategically about every digital asset. Use the LinkedIn Summary to tell the story of your why. 

  • What got you so intrigued with your work? 
  • What are you looking to do? 
  • What opportunities are you seeking to be a part of? 

Use the space to  creatively  story-tell. It’s a great way to be distinguished and human—rare characteristics in today’s traditional career industries.

Summary sample:

“At age 18, I watched my pop pop slowly dissipate in a hospital bed. His eyes closed, and his hand released my palm. He was my motivation to cure cancer.

I’m a rising dean’s list senior at Tennessee State University, passionate about quality patient care and cancer research.

I’m seeking opportunities in…”

Daniel Cook

Daniel Cook

HR Director,  Mullen and Mullen

State your value proposition

If you’re using LinkedIn to attract professional opportunities, you have to view your profile as your resume. As much as possible, fill in all necessary details about you, like your educational background and previous job experiences. 

Instead of just putting what roles you had fulfilled in what companies, it is better to put a  brief  description or overview of what you actually did when you were in that role. This allows recruiters to see if you have transferable skills that will come in handy for the job they’re offering.

Just as your profile serves as your resume, the “ summary ” section, in particular, serves as your cover letter. This is where you pitch yourself to headhunters. Instead of just describing yourself and what you do, use that section to state your value proposition. 

Related: What Is the Difference Between a Resume and Cover Letter?

What is it that you have and provide, and how does it concretely help specific companies/businesses from particular industries? The more specific and niched you can write this, the better because headhunters will immediately know what they’re looking at.

Ben Michael

Ben Michael

VP of Operations, Michael & Associates

Use the “three-by-three” approach

I like to use what I call a three-by-three approach to LinkedIn summaries and similar brief text introductions. 

Three sentences, each with three points.  One about your  past , one about your  present , and one about your  future . 

Below is a good basic template to follow:

“Valedictorian, dean’s list, 2023 BS in Subject. Intern for X company, where I focus on A, B, and C duties. Aspiring Professional Title looking to achieve A, B, and C.” 

It’s concise, focuses on your best qualities, and shows your drive to succeed. You will inevitably be replicating some of the information elsewhere in your profile and resume with this approach, but that’s definitely part of the point. 

You want to emphasize the very  best  points of those more significant documents as a way to get people engaged and reading more. 

This approach also puts your essential information  front-and-center , making it easier  for recruiters and employers to find just the right major, skillset, and job description among potential candidates. 

It’s essential to  keep this introduction up-to-date, too.  Change it at least once a month, even if you’re just tweaking the wording, and make a point of quickly adding any new achievements or goals to get them noticed.

Tim Parker

Director of Marketing,  Syntax Integration

For graduate students, include information on degrees already achieved

Graduate students can boost their summaries by including information about any degrees they’ve already achieved. There’s a common misconception that grad students don’t have time to network because they’re too busy with their studies, yet the opposite is true.

For example:

“I am nearing the end of my dissertation work for a Ph.D. in English Literature at Syracuse. After completing my BA in English at the University of Kentucky, I spent a year in Cambridge, drawn there by a passion for British literature and poetry, before transferring to Syracuse. 

The works of great authors like Shakespeare, Austen, and Joyce have instilled in me a deep appreciation for the English language.

Working as a TA in an Irish literature course this year has broadened my understanding of how students absorb information. My ultimate career goal after completing my degree is to teach at one of the prestigious universities from which I have benefited so greatly.”

Andrew Lokenauth

Andrew Lokenauth

Founder,  Fluent in Finance

A great summary needs to be concise

No one has time to read a 5-minute summary. Try to keep it to a minute or less. Less is more.

  • Use powerful action verbs to show what you can get done and what you have accomplished. It is crucial to illustrate your strengths through examples of prior actions.
  • Do not waste space using adjectives or filler words like “ very ” in “very hardworking.”
  • Your lead sentence should explain the problem you solve and the value you add. 
  • Try to include as many SEO-rich words/industry jargon as possible. This will help when others search for someone with your skillset.

Here is an example of my  lead  sentence in my summary on Linkedin: 

“Andrew Lokenauth helps management translate their financials into actionable business decisions.”

Your ending paragraph should  tie  everything together and sell yourself one last time. You want to explain how you will make the hiring manager’s life  easier . 

Here is mine: 

“Andrew is adept at learning new information quickly. He has a track record of getting things done on time. His past experiences have enabled him to develop an excellent work ethic and deep. He is a multi-dimensional, accomplished, and results-oriented professional with comprehensive knowledge.”

Tyler Garns

Tyler Garns

Founder and CEO, Box Out Marketing

Show how you want to be known professionally

LinkedIn is considered an interactive version of a resume and a professional form of social media account. As recruiters search for a candidate’s name online, a LinkedIn profile will show, so it should reflect how you want to be known professionally. 

For students, your LinkedIn summary communicates to the recruiters and colleagues what professional opportunities you seek, whether a new job, internship, or networking. It also shows your  skillset  and  expertise .

Related: How to Network on LinkedIn


“I am a freshman  (major)  student at  (university)  eager to make a difference in the field of  (your choice/interest) .

I am interested in a summer internship that will contribute to my knowledge and explore this field to enhance my skills and fuel my passion. I am currently part of a volunteer program related to my field of interest.”

Michaeal Dadashi

Michaeal Dadashi

CEO, Infinite Recovery

Use paragraphs of a reasonable length

The ideal length of a paragraph is seven or eight lines . In this way, the reader may more  easily  grasp the significance of the whole LinkedIn summary written by a graduate student. 

In light of this fact,  avoid writing lengthy paragraphs unless you want your writing to come out as dull and unappealing to your readers. 

Paragraphs of medium or short length, on the contrary, will pique the attention of the reader and encourage them to continue reading your LinkedIn summary.

Check to see that your sentences  aren’t  too lengthy and that they’re evenly spaced out in their paragraphs. Have concise, well-punctuated phrases that allow the reader to settle down and absorb the essentials of the graduate student’s LinkedIn description.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How often should i update my linkedin summary.

Updating your LinkedIn summary regularly is good, especially as your skills and experience evolve. When you complete a new project or take on a new role, you should update your summary to reflect those changes.

You can also update your summary if you’re actively searching and want to highlight specific skills or experience relevant to the jobs you’re applying for.

In general, you should aim to review and update your LinkedIn summary at least every few months to ensure that it’s up to date and accurately reflects your current skills, experience, and career goals.

However, if something significant changes in your professional or personal life, such as completing a degree program or starting a new job, you should update your summary immediately to keep your profile as current as possible.

What tone should I use when writing my LinkedIn summary?

When writing your LinkedIn summary, it’s essential to strike the right tone because it can greatly impact how potential employers perceive you. Make sure your tone is professional but also that you come across as friendly, approachable, and someone people would want to work with.

One way to strike the right tone is to let your personality shine through in your writing. Don’t be afraid to include personal details highlighting your unique interests and experiences.

This can help potential employers connect with you on a personal level and give them a better sense of who you are beyond your professional qualifications.

However, remember that LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, so avoid writing too casually or informally. Use proper grammar and spelling, and avoid slang or overly casual language.

Remember that potential employers will judge you based on your professionalism and qualifications, and make sure your summary reflects that.

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10 Stunningly Good Graduate Student LinkedIn Summary Examples

How much thought did you put in while crafting your LinkedIn profile, more importantly, your LinkedIn student summary? You probably did a good job, but are you interested in seeing 10 stunningly good summary graduate Student LinkedIn Summary Examples? If so, read on!

Much like Facebook and Instagram serve as our social identities, LinkedIn cultivates our professional identity and serves as a professional database for our digital footprint.

We all have digital footprints, whether we create them intentionally or unintentionally. Businesses, entrepreneurs, HR recruiters, and industry leaders have increasingly started recruiting professionals and freelancers from LinkedIn.

Setting a good first impression is of the utmost importance, and a LinkedIn profile that you created hastily will cast a negative light on your professional identity. So, if you’re looking for lucrative opportunities to market your skills and explore career advancement opportunities, your LinkedIn student summary is a crucial element that needs to be perfected. 

Why is a LinkedIn student summary so important? 

Your LinkedIn student summary is the most significant element of your entire LinkedIn profile. It should be engaging, impressively written, well-structured, and, most importantly, it should be grounded in reality.

HR recruiters, mentors, and executives have a keen eye for professional aesthetics and content regarding  LinkedIn  profiles. 

Recent graduates and students seek to build up their resume, refine their digital footprint, and engagingly present their professional LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn graduation posts have become increasingly popular across student LinkedIn accounts, and they serve a significant purpose. 

Recent graduates enter the industry with an innovative and upgraded skillset, enhancing their  marketability  for talent Scouters and firms that recruit fresh talent. Many students create LinkedIn profiles to keep up with the trend, and their LinkedIn student summary sections are either blank or consist of one-liners and odd phrases. 

Students who are just about to embark on their professional journeys need to focus on cultivating their digital profile and marketing their skillsets as early as possible. The global job market has become increasingly competitive, with freelancers and remote professionals claiming immense prominence-because of their ability to market their services and skills effectively. 

It’s crucial to set aside all distractions and focus on crafting a LinkedIn graduation post. Your post should be inspiring, detailing your experience and skills, and reflecting your ambitions and life goals. 

This article will walk you through ten impressive LinkedIn summary examples for graduates, alongside some pro tips to craft an engaging LinkedIn student summary for your profile. Take a look:

Compelling LinkedIn Student Summary Examples 

  • Mikaila V. Smith 

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In a highly impressive profile, Mikaila has detailed her academic and professional achievements in a truly engaging manner. This is one of the best LinkedIn summary examples for students who wish to attract professional opportunities and market their skillset strategically. 

  • Samantha Manguiat

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This is a cleverly crafted LinkedIn student summary. It allows Samantha to outline her academic experience, professional capabilities, and passions with a well-written introduction. It’s a great example to follow if you’re finding it difficult to craft your LinkedIn summary. 

  • Maks Fraszka

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Here’s an excellent example of taking inspiration from infusing your LinkedIn student summary with creativity. Maks Fraszka tells his life story in a brief yet engaging student summary. He details his academic and professional pursuits with a lighthearted banter that reveals his personality and interests. 

  • Tiffini Simmons

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This is another impressively detailed profile and a highly presentable LinkedIn summary for students to learn how to market their skills effectively. Tiffini outlines her academic exposure, skills, and work experience by just getting to the point. 

  • Megan McDonnell 

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Here’s an example that reveals that an impressive LinkedIn student summary doesn’t necessarily have to be lengthy to make an impact. You can impact engagement by focusing on engagement and highlighting the strengths that will make you an excellent asset for any firm and industry. 

  • Anthony Fioretto

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Anthony Fioretto has used his LinkedIn student summary to discuss his academic pursuits, professional experiences, and interests. He has used this crucial LinkedIn space to reflect his personality, share his passions, and underscore the factors that motivate his ambitions. This LinkedIn student summary example can help you craft a brief yet impactful summary to make your Student LinkedIn account appear highly promising!

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If you still have a few years of academic learning left and want to build up your resume with prestigious internships and volunteer opportunities, here’s a compelling LinkedIn student summary to check out. Matt Pell has outlined his academic and professional experiences and his future goals, with a well-written summary that reflects his ability to market his skillset effectively. 

  • Noah Delumpa

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One of the most inspiring LinkedIn student summary examples shared in this article, Noah Delumpa’s summary, is highly engaging and moving. With great craft, Noah has outlined his academic and professional pursuits. Instead of boring the reader with heavy jargon and big brand names, he talks about his professional values, ethics, and drives.

  • Kaitlyn O’Connor

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Another excellent example for students who are still navigating through their academic journey. Kaitlyn’s LinkedIn student summary does not include any prestigious internships, but it is just as impressive because she candidly shares her motivations behind her academic pursuits. 

  • Will Hubber

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Are you looking for good internships while completing your academic journey? Will Hubber’s LinkedIn student summary offers a lighthearted introduction to his academic pursuits and professional values and strengths. An excellent strategy to get noticed and make a lasting impression without using too many words! 

Tips to Write an Impressive LinkedIn Student Summary 

We’ve explored some examples to walk you through the contents of an impressive Linkedin summary for students. Now, let’s turn our attention towards some tips that can help you craft one for yourself. 

  • Define your academic journey

Your LinkedIn student summary must reveal your academic pursuits and the motivations that inspired you to embark on your chosen degree. Recruiters, mentors, and observers are not just interested in the institutions you are affiliated with or the degrees you have completed. 

They want to know more about why you choose a particular major and how you plan to use it. Luckily, your LinkedIn graduation post is the right space to explain why your chosen academic path inspires you. Modern-day employers seek fresh graduates who are inspired and motivated, and you can cast a powerful impression by presenting your drives and academic interests in detail. 

  • Professional experience and pursuits 

Since LinkedIn is a professional database, your LinkedIn summary must outline your experiences, internships, and other accolades on your resume. Only listing down your experiences won’t make a desirable impact. You have to use each experience to outline what you’ve learned, and how that particular opportunity helped you grow professionally. 

Writing about professional experiences allows you to present your strength and even discuss crucial projects you’ve worked on. It is an opportunity to show your skills in a highly engaging manner and discuss your strengths by revealing how you have cultivated them. 

  • Your values and ethics 

Do you consider yourself to be a natural-born leader? Or perhaps, you firmly believe in your abilities to cool off tensions and arbitrate disputes? Do you believe in teamwork and thrive in nurturing environments, or do you prefer to work alone? 

All of the LinkedIn summary examples for graduates introduced above discuss professionals’ values and ethics because employers are keen to extract knowledge that reflects your values. Instead of allowing them to make their own assumptions, you can directly demonstrate who you are. 

Use your student LinkedIn bio to present the qualities and values that make you an excellent fit for any organization. What do you have to offer as an employee, a colleague, a subordinate, and a community member? Your summary must touch upon your values and ethics, however briefly or expressively you prefer. 

  • Humanize your profile 

Employers and recruiters are not looking for bots that can be programmed to perform specific tasks. They are looking for bright and talented graduates with vibrant personalities and the potential to make meaningful contributions to their organizations. It is instrumental in humanizing your account with a creative flair and a narrative grounded in your real experiences. 

Instead of mimicking the student LinkedIn summaries, you’ve seen in our list or elsewhere, concentrate on presenting your own experiences and struggles. What are the elements, passions, and values that define you as a person? What were the defining moments of your academic journey or professional experiences that clarified your professional goals? 

Where did you travel to study or work, and what are your interests other than exploring lucrative professional opportunities? It is crucial to present a human side to your professional profile to balance the narrative and cast a good impression. 

  • Maintain clarity 

It is crucial to define the goals of your LinkedIn graduation post or student summary throughout the narrative. What are your professional goals? What is the nature of your skillset and talents? What kind of work environment are you looking for? Are you currently pursuing your education or looking to get hired by a reputable firm? 

Maintaining clarity is of the utmost importance, so avoid dragging out ideas too much. The best LinkedIn student summaries strike a balance between too short and too long and present just enough information to hook the reader without causing them to work too hard. 

  • Focus on keywords 

Keywords are the most significant element to be mindful of as they will make your LinkedIn student summary optimized for search results. LinkedIn has a considerably higher ranking in Google’s search results, and focus keywords will help you enhance your digital footprint and, consequently, your marketability. 

Be sure to incorporate the most relevant keywords to your professional skills, industry, institution, and interests. It is ideal to do your research on your keywords before you start writing the draft. There’s a dashboard located right below the summary, where you can find “search appearances” to identify the keywords used by your searchers. 

Scoop up all the keywords relevant to your professional goals and career pursuits, but be sure to avoid jamming them into the summary tactlessly. 

  • Originality and uniqueness

It may seem overwhelming, but once you start writing, it will get more comfortable and you can work on refining your draft. It is crucial to go through all the LinkedIn summary examples for students given above and take notes of the keywords, narration, and themes. 

This will help you create a mental structure of the summary you want to introduce your academic and professional pursuits and offer an impactful glimpse into your personality. There’s no point in imitating these LinkedIn summary examples since uniqueness and originality are of the utmost significance to make you stand out. 

Cultivate your own unique blend of creativity and focus more on humanizing your experiences. Often, when we admire the experiences and portfolios of others, we unconsciously end up judging ourselves against them, which can be quite destructive if practiced routinely. It is crucial to take pride in everything you have accomplished so far and present it with confidence. 

Be sure to outline your personal goals, professional values, and use this summary to display your unique blend of intellect, wisdom, and creativity. Be sure to add an action point at the end of your LinkedIn summary, encouraging people to contact you for a collaborative and rewarding professional relationship. 

Focus on creating a narrative that reflects your personality and outlines your academic and professional goals, not like a resume. Still, like a fun introduction, one would give at an orientation meeting. 

We hope that this guide was helpful and inspiring in crafting a creative and impactful LinkedIn student summary. If you need further guidance about perfecting your LinkedIn profile as a recent graduate or student, please check our online training section and profile optimization service. We’re always happy to help young adults at the cusp of professional greatness! 

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Optimize your linkedin profile, for free., in 10 seconds, this tool will show you how to improve your linkedin profile so you get more jobs., linkedin headline examples for students, if you're a student or recent graduate, you might have little experience and are wondering what to include in your linkedin headline. but don't worry on this page, we'll give you a few examples of optimized linkedin headlines that will help get you more views and opportunities on linkedin., how to optimize your linkedin headline if you're a student, an optimized linkedin headline can increase the number of views to your profile significantly. more views to your profile by the right people (e.g. hiring managers and recruiters) often means more opportunities, whether those are internships or interviews. updating your linkedin headline takes two minutes, but could have a dramatic impact on your linkedin network. before we dive into a few examples of what a good student linkedin headline looks like, let's see what a weak linkedin headline might look like..

Do not leave your LinkedIn headline as the default, Student at XYZ University, as this will not get you more views on LinkedIn

This headline, 'Student at ABC University', is poor and not optimized for LinkedIn. You might notice that this is also what LinkedIn will set as your default headline if you haven't already changed it. It is a poor headline for two main reasons:

1) it does not contain any keywords that potential recruiters and hiring managers are searching for. this means you'll show up less to hiring managers and recruiters who are looking to hire you. 2) it does not stand out from other profiles in search results. if your profile showed up in a recruiter's search results, there is nothing to differentiate you from the thousands of other 'students at [university]' profiles the default headline is simply not catchy enough and gives a recruiter no reason to click into your profile or contact you. -->, a great example of student's linkedin headline, let's now look at what makes up a good student linkedin headline. here's an example of a student's headline..

Students and recent graduates should include keywords in their LinkedIn profile

Unlike the previous headline, the headline above (' Aspiring Java Software Developer | Seeking Entry-Level Programming Position | Experience with JavaScript and Python ') is an example of a great LinkedIn headline. Let's break down why. The first reason is because it stands out from all the other students in the search results, thus resulting in a higher amount of clicks. A higher number of clicks results in an increased number of connections, a bigger network and recruiters contacting you for more opportunities. If you're a student or you've just graduated, be specific about the role you want in your headline. It's a wasted opportunity to say, "Student" or "XYZ University Student", since recruiters and hiring managers are not searching for those terms. Instead, they're searching for terms such as "entry-level software developer". You want to be sure you end up in search results when they search for those terms. The key takeaway here is to use keywords from the job you want. If you don't have the skills needed for the job you want, you should strive to get the right skills through university courses, extra-curriculars, internships or projects.

Examples of great linkedin headlines for students, here are a few examples of linkedin headlines you can use if you're a student or recent graduate. they all incorporate the structure we described above..

phd student linkedin

The details used in the above LinkedIn profiles are entirely fictional (e.g. names, locations, job titles).

Let's break each example down further....

An example of a student's LinkedIn headline by Kathy

Headline Example: Freelance Software Developer | Experience building apps in Java, Rails, C# | Full Stack Engineer : Instead of positioning herself as a student, Kathy highlights her freelancing experiences. She also is aware to include keywords she expects recruiters to be searching for in this industry; specifically, keywords like "Full Stack Engineer" and "Software Developer" are the exact job titles she wants to be hired for!

Peter's student LinkedIn headline

Headline Example: Financial Analyst Seeking New Role | CFA Level II | Statistics Major in 2020 : Like Kathy, Peter includes keywords he expects employers to be searching for. These include the 'CFA' exam, the job title 'Financial Analyst', and 'Statistics'.

Another example of a good LinkedIn headline that a student can use

Headline Example: Aspiring Project Manager | Senior at NYU | Experienced with Scrum, Agile and Kanban : Annette follows the framework that works. Specifically, she's clearly optimizing her LinkedIn profile headline for Project Manager roles by including the 'Project Manager' job title, along with related keywords that are relevant for project management.

Get a free linkedin profile review, if you're a student and you want to make sure you have a well rounded linkedin profile, try out our free linkedin review tool. we'll use ai to instantly identify any weak areas on your profile and give you actionable steps to improve your profile's success rate., we dive deeper into the components of what makes up a great linkedin headline, what keywords are, and more in our deep dive report . here are the sections you might be interested in (click to open):, more examples of effective linkedin headlines, need more inspiration we've got you covered. here are more examples of linkedin headlines you can use for inspiration.

phd student linkedin

Santina Piller

Director of hr at oracle | technology | certified hr trainer, toronto, canada area.

phd student linkedin

Kimberly Thomas

Vp sales | revenue growth in cloud-enabled technology solutions | product development & sales operations leadership, london, united kingdom.

phd student linkedin

Tonette Barefoot

Human resources manager | 10+ years of people experience and recruiting, washington d.c. metro area.

phd student linkedin

Lulu Yeadon

Freelance product designer | risd graduate | photoshop, sketch, wireframing.

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

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Enago Academy

LinkedIn Tips for PhDs: 4 Hacks to Get You Hired

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LinkedIn is a professional social network where users can post their resumes and accomplishments to find work. Networking to find career opportunities is vital for academic professionals, especially PhD graduates and postdoctoral researchers. LinkedIn also allows users to connect their social profiles and showcase their raw skills and personalities. With this combination, users can find a job that fits their various needs. It is easy to create an eye-catching and interesting profile by using the right strategies!

Making Connections

When starting out in the professional world, most PhD graduates do not have many professional contacts. This is quite normal, early in a graduate’s career. However, it can seem overwhelming if someone doesn’t know how to network. The best way for a new graduate to build a network on LinkedIn is to connect with people they know. Academic contacts from school are the obvious choice, but connecting with family can also be helpful. Millions of people use LinkedIn, and people may be connected in unexpected ways.

Finding a job on LinkedIn sometimes depends on small things. It may not be obvious who could help a PhD graduate the most. New graduates should reach out as much as they can when trying to make connections. LinkedIn has many groups where people with similar education and interests can find a common ground for a good connection. Some of these groups, like alumni groups, may contain even more contacts than a student already knows. These contacts may have new leads of their own, and those new people may take notice.

In today’s modern and interconnected world, CVs alone are not enough to get a job, no matter how impressive they are. Sending a resume to a job posting does not help many graduates, because there are so many people who do the same thing. Therefore, it is difficult for one resume to get noticed in a large group. Personal connections make a graduate seem more interesting, and encourage others to take another look.

Building a Profile

A LinkedIn profile has a different style than a CV. Many graduates upload their CVs to LinkedIn and assume that it will function the same way. However, this is a common mistake. Graduates should make sure their profile is 100% complete as a complete profile contains things not found on a CV. An effective LinkedIn profile contains a profile picture and a catchy summary. It often includes pictures as well, to emphasize a graduate’s experience.

Because LinkedIn is not like a CV, graduates can add many different things to their profiles. Links to accomplishments, portfolios, or social media are often useful. This can add to a reader’s positive perception of the graduate by proving that the person is hard-working, or has contributed to something significant. These unique pieces of a profile are usually free of buzzwords and jargon to help the reader get to know the graduate.

LinkedIn profiles can do more than highlight professional accomplishments. They can showcase personal successes, and these can be just as important. Sometimes, highlighting unique skills in a graduate’s personal life can grab a reader’s attention. Things that may not seem directly applicable to the professional world might be an asset in some careers. Showing one’s unique personality through personal accomplishments can help a graduate stand out.

Be Social and Proactive

When making connections on LinkedIn, it is important that a graduate be social and proactive . Writing personalized requests for connections on the platform can spark someone’s interest, and could lead to more connections. Recommendations are another important part of being on LinkedIn. It is helpful to gain recommendations for skills from connections, but giving recommendations to others can open the door for new connections as well.

To get connections from others, a graduate must be ready to reach out when necessary. LinkedIn is not like other casual forms of social media. It is a network of professionals, so accepting connections from people a graduate does not know involves very little risk. In fact, connecting with new people gives the graduate a much better chance of being noticed and finding a job. It is still important to ensure that new connections are trustworthy and this is easy to do by looking at their profiles and connections.

Because LinkedIn is a social network, users have the ability to share whatever they wish. However, graduates should remember that LinkedIn is a professional and not a casual environment. This means that anything the user shares could reflect on them professionally. Joke posts, politics, or other controversial topics are not appropriate for a LinkedIn profile. Being proactive means telling the world about oneself, but this should be done in a professional and neutral way.

Keep It Simple to Stand Out

Knowing all the capabilities of LinkedIn, graduates may be tempted to create a long profile, containing minute details of their work. However, most readers do not go through long profiles and it is best to keep them simple . No reader wants to sit through a long, specialized summary when carefully chosen words and a few pictures could do the same job. This can apply to any area of a graduate’s profile. Too much detail can bore readers, instead of enticing them.

The best way to avoid making a profile too complicated is to give information in small chunks. Small pieces of information are easy to read and understand. Carefully wording these small pieces can tie together a graduate’s profile while giving the reader essential information. A LinkedIn profile is not just a list of accomplishments, it is also a marketing tool.

A LinkedIn profile should not only give the reader enough information to generate curiosity about the graduate, but also leave them wanting to know more. If readers want to know more, they will contact the graduate. The new contact could be a passive connection, but they will still expand the graduate’s network. If the new contact decides to contact the graduate for a job, the LinkedIn profile is then at its peak effectiveness, doing exactly what it was meant to do.

For more details, the following links may be helpful:   Part 1 ,  Part 2 , and  Part 3 .

Have you created your own LinkedIn profile? What steps did you follow to create your profile? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

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Its easier said than done. My experience says 8/10 people don’t respond to a personal message. I have tried sending a message with a nice introduction about myself and then asking for a referral. Though I have read somewhere that it’s not a good idea to ask for a referral/job in the first message. But I think LinkedIn is a platform for professional and being direct into context is no harm, as long as someone is not repeatedly messaging. I feel bad to see that a person is very active in LinkedIn and not responding to the message written in a very modest and formal way. Jobseekers don’t always expect a positive reply from the people but any kind of reply would surely make them happy.

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Current PhD Students

Students in the Accounting research group study topics such as accounting anomalies, alpha generation, arbitrage limits, empirical asset pricing, financial econometrics and options.

Accounting PhD Students

Fabio da Silva Soares

Fabio da Silva Soares

B.A. Economics and Mathematics

Chuck Downing

Chuck Downing

B.S. Accounting

Zoe Yuxin Han

Zoe Yuxin Han

B.B.A. Accountancy and ACMS

David Sunghyo Kim

David Sunghyo Kim

B.A. Business Administration and Economics; M.S. Business Administration

Jason Kim

B.B.A Business Administration, M.S. Business Administration

Zirui Song

B.S. Math, Economics & Statistics

Gabriel Voelcker

Gabriel Voelcker

B.A. Economics; M.S. Finance

Yuting Wang

Yuting Wang

B.A. Accounting

Wendy Wen

B.A. Management, Accounting

Cindy Zhang

Cindy Zhang

B.S. Accountancy; B.S. Finance; M.S. Statistics

Economic Sociology

Our Economic Sociology students research topics such as organizational learning in the public sector, social network analysis and its intersection with contract theory, institutional analysis, organizational change, and financialization.

Economic Sociology PhD Students

Hajar El Fatihi

Hajar El Fatihi

B.A. Applied Mathematics, M.A. Sociology,

Moksh Garg

BMS Finance, MBA

Tatiana  Labuzova

Tatiana Labuzova

B.A. International Relations; M.A. Economics

Chen Liang

B.A. Public Policy; M.A. Computational Social Science

Audrey Mang

Audrey Mang

B.S. Mathematics

Eppa Rixey

B.S.E. Mechanical Engineering; MBA

Mikaela Springsteen

Mikaela Springsteen

M.A. Sociology with Quantitative Methods

Zach Tan

B.A. Social Studies, M.Sc. Social Science of the Internet

Bradley Turner

Bradley Turner

B.S. Economics; M.A. Social Science

Victoria Zhang

Victoria Zhang

B.A. Political Science and French

Our Finance students research topics such as asset pricing, behavioral finance, corporate finance, empirical asset pricing, executive compensation, financial inclusion, financial econometrics, financial intermediation, financial macroeconomics, household finance, industrial organization, labor and finance, market microstructure, macro-finance, and macroeconomics.  

Finance PhD Students

Patrick Adams

Patrick Adams

B.A. Economics and Mathematics/Statistics

Enzo Bastos Profili

Enzo Bastos Profili

B.S. Industrial Engineering and Economics

Quentin Batista

Quentin Batista

B.A. Economics and Finance; M.A. Economics

Maya Bidanda

Maya Bidanda

B.A. Music and Economics

Marta Bilghese

Marta Bilghese

B.S. Finance, M.A. Economics

Tim de Silva

Tim de Silva

B.A. Economics and Applied Mathematics

Monroe Gamble

Monroe Gamble

B.S. Business Administration

Brice Green

Brice Green

B.A. Economics, M.A. Economics

Joanne Im

B.A. Economics

default avatar

Stone Kalisa

Jack Li

A.B. Applied Mathematics

Jiageng Liu

Jiageng Liu

B.S. Mathematics; M.S. Statistics

Yury Olshanskiy

Yury Olshanskiy

Specialist Mathematics; M.A. Economics

Fiona Paine

Fiona Paine

S.B. Electrical Engineering; S.B. Mathematical Economics

Giuditta Perinelli

Giuditta Perinelli

B.S. Finance; M.S. Economics

J. R. Scott

J. R. Scott

B.S. Economics and Mathematics

Maria Tiurina

Maria Tiurina

B.A. Economics; M.A. Economics

Nick von Turkovich

Nick von Turkovich

B.S.E. Electrical & Computer Eng., M.Sc. Econometrics and Mathematical Econ.

Yevhenii Usenko

Yevhenii Usenko

B.A. Finance; M.Sc. Economics

John Wilson

John Wilson

B.S. Economics and Applied Mathematics

Xin Xiong

B.A. Accounting, M.A. Economics

Information Technology

Our Information Technology students research topics such as AI and the future of work, applied machine learning, causal inference, computational social science, economics of digitization, economics of information technology, econometrics and machine learning, intangible capital, networks, online marketplace design, productivity, and social networks.

Information Technology PhD Students

Mohammed Alsobay

Mohammed Alsobay

B.Sc. Chemical Engineering; M.Sc. Applied Math and Computational Science

Michael Caosun

Michael Caosun

B.S. Mathematics; B.A. Economics

Justin Kaashoek

Justin Kaashoek

B.A. Applied Mathematics

Benjamin Manning

Benjamin Manning

B.A. Applied Mathematics; M.P.P. Social Policy & Statistics

Hirotaka Miura

Hirotaka Miura

B.S. Mathematics/Economics; M.A. Mathematics of Finance

Zanele Munyikwa

Zanele Munyikwa

B.S. Computer Science

Robin Na

B.S. Physics; B.A. Knowledge Ecology

Alex Moehring

Alex Moehring

B.S. Business Administration; B.A. Economics

Anand Shah

B.S. Mathematics and B.A. Economics

Peyman Shahidi

Peyman Shahidi

B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, M.A. Economics

Jaeyoon Song

Jaeyoon Song

B.B.A. Business Administration

Hong-Yi Tu Ye

Hong-Yi Tu Ye

B.A. Economics; M.Sc. Computational Statistics and Machine Learning

Emma Wiles

B.A. Mathematics and Economics

Institute for Work and Employment Research

Students in the Institute for Work and Employment Research group study topics such as behavioral science, comparative employment relations, labor economics,  labor standards in global value chains, political economy, subjective well-being, worker grievances and voice, and working time arrangements in organizations.

IWER PhD Students

Arrow Minster

Arrow Minster

Soohyun Roh

Soohyun Roh

B.A. Economics and Sociology; M.A. Sociology

K. MacKenzie Scott

K. MacKenzie Scott

B.A. Economics and French; M.P.A.

Di Tong

B.A. English Language and Literature; M.A. Computational Social Science

Our Marketing students research topics such as Applied Machine Learning, Computational Social Science, NLP, New Product Development, Online Marketplaces,  and Quantitative Marketing.

Marketing PhD Students

Jenny Allen

Jenny Allen

B.A. Computer Science and Psychology

Cathy Xi Chen

Cathy Xi Chen

B.S. Psychology, Economics, and Statistics; M.A. Computational Social Science

Jason Du

B.B.A. Accounting; M.S.M.S Accounting

Lei Huang

M. Econ; B.S. Information Management and Information Systems; B.A. Law

Keyan Li

B.A. Economics; M.S. Economics

Zelin (James) Li

Zelin (James) Li

B.A. Applied Mathematics and Statistics; M.S. Statistics

Chengfeng Mao

Chengfeng Mao

B.S. Computer Engineering; M.S. Computer Science

Cameron Martel

Cameron Martel

B.S. Cognitive Science

Reed Orchinik

Reed Orchinik

Yifei Wang

B.A. Business Administration

Hongshen Sun

Hongshen Sun

B.Eng. Engineering Physics, M.S. Operations Research

Joshua White

Joshua White

LL.B. Law & BCom. Finance, LL.M. Law, Grad. Dip. Psych. & Advanced Psych.

Organization Studies

Our Organization Studies students research topics such as artificial intelligence, changing nature of work inside established firms in a digital context, crowdsourcing, decision making, future of work, groups and teams, future of work, teams, & visual technologies.

Organization Studies PhD Students

Raquel Kessinger

Raquel Kessinger

B.A. Political Science; MBA

James Mellody

James Mellody

B.A. Foreign Languages/Literatures

Laura Changlan Wang

Laura Changlan Wang

B.A. Psychology & Statistics

Alan Zhang

B.A. Neuroscience and Healthcare Management; M.S. Customer Analytics

System Dynamics

Our System Dynamics students research topics such as autonomous and alternative fuel vehicles,  behavioral operations management, consumer product development, cost of product failure and product recall dynamics, energy industry management, government policy, & firm strategy.

System Dynamics PhD Students

Cathy DiGennaro

Cathy DiGennaro

B.A. Neuroscience

Jason Friedman

Jason Friedman

M.S. Data Science, B.A. Mathematics

Alexander Kuptel

Alexander Kuptel

B.A. Economics & Philosophy

Jose Lopez

Bachelor Electrical Engineering; MBA

Arya Yadama

Arya Yadama

B.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering

Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management

Students in the Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management group study topics such as Entrepreneurship, Human Capital, Incentives, Innovation, Innovation Economics, Intellectual Property, M&A, Strategic Management, Strategy.   

TIES PhD Students

Alexis Haughey

Alexis Haughey

S.B. Mechanical Engineering, MIT

Luca Gius

B.Econ. Economics and Business, University of Pisa

Christina Nguyen

Christina Nguyen

A.B. Sociology, Harvard College

Lindsey Raymond

Lindsey Raymond

B.A. Economics, Yale University

Laura Shupp

Laura Shupp

B.S. Economics, Pennsylvania State University

Randol Yao

B.A. Economics, University of California, Berkeley

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Exploring Careers as a PhD

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Are you thinking of pursuing a PhD, or are you currently in the middle of a program? Ever wonder what life can look like on the other side of defending your dissertation? Well, the path is not all too linear, and your first job may not be your last job; however, it may be a door to a world of opportunities. Check out this alumni profile from the graduate school to spark innovation within your own exploration: Alumni Profiles Series: Jeannie Karl | The Graduate School (

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RIT graduate pursues Ph.D. across time zones

Nastaran Nagshineh is shown with other faculty in a small room where she defended her thesis.

Nastaran Nagshineh, center, defended her Ph.D. thesis at RIT in April. Faculty from RIT’s Rochester and Dubai campuses served on her thesis committee and include, from left to right, Kathleen Lamkin-Kennard, Steven Weinstein, Nathaniel Barlow, and David Kofke (a professor at the University at Buffalo). Mohamed Samaha participated remotely and appears on the video screen behind the group and alongside Nagshineh’s picture.

Nastaran Nagshineh is one of the first Ph.D. candidates to bridge RIT’s Rochester and Dubai campuses. Her accomplishment creates a path for future students at the university’s international campuses.

Nagshineh completed her Ph.D. in mathematical modeling while working full time as a mathematics lecturer at RIT Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, teaching as many as five classes a semester. She described her Ph.D. journey as “an exercise in perseverance” due to competing demands and long days. Rochester is eight hours behind Dubai, and the time difference meant many late-night classes and meetings.

“I saw this collaboration as an opportunity, rather than as a challenge, because my primary adviser, Dr. Steven Weinstein (RIT professor of chemical engineering), and my co-adviser, Dr. Mohamed Samaha (RIT Dubai associate professor of mechanical engineering), both have the same area of research interest,” she said. “They both worked toward my success.”

Nagshineh is one of 67 RIT Ph.D. students who defended their thesis this academic year and who will earn their doctorate. RIT awarded 63 Ph.D. degrees in 2023.

In 2020-2021, RIT’s Graduate School met and surpassed the university’s goal of conferring 50 Ph.D. degrees during an academic year. That number will continue to grow as students cycle through the seven new Ph.D. programs that RIT has added since 2017, said Diane Slusarski , dean of RIT’s Graduate School.

Meeting these goals puts RIT on a path toward achieving an “R1,” or research-intensive designation, from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Learning. RIT is currently ranked as an R2 institution . Many factors go into changing a university’s status, including research investment and maintaining a three-year average of 70 Ph.D. degrees awarded per year, according to Slusarski.

“We have met the goals of the strategic plan, and now we look forward to contributing to the research innovation in the future,” Slusarski said. “We want to help the new programs thrive and win national research awards.”

RIT’s emphasis on high-level research is seen in Nagshineh’s Ph.D. work. She applies mathematical modeling to the field of fluid dynamics. Her research has been published in top-tier journals and has gained notice, said Weinstein, her thesis adviser.

Weinstein describes Nagshineh’s accomplishments as “a testament to a fantastic work ethic and commitment” and is inspirational to younger students at Rochester and Dubai.

“The collaboration between RIT Dubai/Rochester has continued,” he said. “Another paper was submitted a few weeks ago with Mohamed Samaha and Nate Barlow (RIT associate professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics) as co-authors, as well as Cade Reinberger, a younger Ph.D. student in my research group.”

Mathematical modeling is one of RIT’s newer Ph.D. degree programs, and Nagshineh is among its earliest graduates. The program has doubled in size since it began accepting students in 2017, Slusarski said. This past fall, the mathematical modeling program had 35 students, with two graduating this year.

Altogether, RIT has 13 Ph.D. degree programs currently enrolling 438 students, with computing and information sciences accounting for the largest with 117 students. RIT’s other Ph.D. programs include astrophysical sciences and technology , biomedical and chemical engineering , business administration , color science , electrical and computer engineering, imaging science , mechanical and industrial engineering , microsystems engineering , and sustainability .

New programs in cognitive science and physics will launch in the fall.

The growth in RIT graduate education—with more than 3,000 master’s and doctoral students—reflects a demographic change in the student population, Slusarski said. “We have a higher percentage of women in the graduate programs than we have for RIT undergraduate programs.”

RIT’s graduate programs enroll 42 percent women, according to Christie Leone , assistant dean for the Graduate School.

Nagshineh, who also holds an MS in electrical engineering from RIT Dubai, welcomes her role as a mentor to other women students on both campuses.

“As a young woman in an Arabic country, the power of women is often underestimated and undervalued, and I hope to serve as a role model to female students, especially those that question their path,” Nagshineh said.

She plans to continue in her career as a professor and a researcher. “I would like to pursue a research program where I can advise my own students and teach them more deeply.”

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Sutton receives Department of Energy award to study improved hydrogeological modeling

A person wearing business attire poses for a photo in front of a large piece of rock.

Geoscience PhD candidate Collin Sutton has received the Department of Energy’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award, which will take him to Los Alamos National Laboratory later this summer to continue the work he’s done as a graduate student at UW–Madison.

Sutton specializes in hydrogeology, a field that studies underground water and other fluids. Specifically, his research looks at how fluids flow and transport other materials, like small particles or dissolved solutes, in fractures or breaks in the materials that make up the Earth.

Fractures may occur naturally, or they can be made by humans for oil and gas extraction, enhancing geothermal capabilities, producing better drinking water, and other purposes. But Sutton said that experts still don’t fully understand how fractures transmit water, especially when it comes to the mathematical models that researchers and companies use to predict how a system of fractures will work.

While mathematical models do exist, they often aren’t easy or quick to apply to a system. Sutton’s work with his advisor Chris Zahasky, assistant professor of geoscience, focuses on this problem.

“Let’s say you’re a company. It might not be realistic to run a model that takes a week or two, and you may not have the national lab resources and the computers that can do that. So, trying to figure out ways to make faster models that are useful to industry, academia, stakeholders, [and] regulators is useful,” he said. “There’s still this broad need for more understanding of how these [fracture networks] work physically, both in the lab and also how to make mathematical models that are capable and efficient enough that real people want to use it.”

A person wearing safety glasses stands in front of a work bench with a number of machines connected via cords and tubes. A computer screen showing multiple different program windows is visible.

Sutton is excited to work with a group at Los Alamos National Laboratory that has created a modeling framework for fractured networks. His dissertation work on how fluids move through fractures has been conducted at the lab scale, which uses smaller rock samples that can fit into the scanners he uses to study them. As part of this, Sutton has developed a flow and transport model that can explain what happens in the lab accurately.

“We’ve shown that this approach works at the lab scale, but we really need to scale it up,” he said.

Earning the Department of Energy research award to work with Los Alamos National Laboratory will help Sutton do just that. He will work with advisor Jeffrey Hyman to learn more about how the Los Alamos team does their modeling, then use those theories to approach his own research, perhaps creating a hybrid model between his work and that of the Los Alamos team.

“The hope is that you can combine the two and this actually does work at a larger scale, and it works very well,” he said.

Sutton studied geology as an undergraduate at the University of Tennessee at Martin, then earned a master’s from Auburn University specializing in hydrogeology. While he wanted to continue doing research after his master’s, he also wanted to see what it was like to work in hydrogeology professionally.

After working for two years in environmental consulting, Sutton’s interest in returning to research got stronger. His professional experience led him to realize there were a lot of topics in hydrogeology that no one fully understands.

“There’s this need for people who understand hydrogeology and also want to do research, because there’s a very human-level application to this, where learning more and having people trying to push the boundaries is important for all of us,” Sutton said.

Sutton expressed thanks to the mentors, professors, UW–Madison geology graduate students, and the wider community who have helped him along his journey to where he is now. In the long term, he hopes this work will lead to better modeling that can accurately predict fracture networks, which could help environmental companies better know how quickly and where a contaminant might move if it gets into a fracture network.

A person wearing hiking attire, a hat, and sunglasses stands on a flat section of mountain terrain. In the background, more mountains and a bright blue sky with white clouds are visible.

“My goal with this is that we can upscale it in a way that enables industry or regulators to be able to model fractures in a way that’s quick and efficient, but also gives them enough detail and enough guarantee that we’re pretty good with how we can predict what’s happening in fractures,” he said.

Sutton said he is excited for his time at Los Alamos National Laboratory – although he is also sad to leave Madison for those months – and sees the experience as a key piece of his academic and professional development experience.

“I get to network with people who are really industry-leading, academic-leading people in this field of fracture network modeling,” he said. “For me, it’s very much the next step of, okay, I’ve done this at UW at the lab scale, can I grow my professional or academic skillset to go up to this next level?”

Chemical and Biological Engineering PhD student Seth Anderson also received the Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award. Read more about Anderson’s research from the College of Engineering .
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UK universities at risk as international student numbers plunge, report says

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Students and visitors are seen walking around the main campus buildings of University College London (UCL) in London, Britain

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Additional reporting by Sachin Ravikumar; Editing by Kate Holton and William Maclean

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CREECA Supplemental Graduate Student FLAS Competition for AY 2024-25 – Apply by June 15!

May be an image of text that says 'FOREIGN LANGUAGE Center CenterforRussia,EastEurope. for Russia, East Europe, anc Central Asia UNIVERSTYOFTWS.CONSIN-MADISON UNIVERSITY YOFWISCONGIN-MADISCH FWIS AREA STUDIES FELLOWSHIP AY 2024-2025* Apply Now Learn more Applications due June ApplicationsdueJune15 15 *This is sa a supplemental competition for Graduate Students'

Eligible applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, enrolled in full-time study for the duration of the award, and take one of the  approved AY regional languages  in both fall 2024 and spring 2025, plus an area studies class each semester.

Academic year graduate FLAS fellows receive a stipend of $20,000 as a 9-month assistantship, which includes eligibility for health insurance; stipend payments are made biweekly. The tuition portion of the FLAS fellowship covers graduate tuition, fees, and fringe benefits.

The deadline to submit your application is 11:59 pm, Saturday, June 15, 2024.

Applicants can access the application portal  HERE .

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Willamette University expands its footprint in Portland’s Pearl District to support growth in its graduate and professional programs

by University Communications, May 08, 2024

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Willamette University’s top-ranked graduate programs in business management and data and computer science will relocate from downtown to Portland’s vibrant Pearl District in the Natural Capital Center at 721 NW 9th Ave. Beginning Fall 2024, Portland-based working professionals seeking a Masters in Business Administration, a Masters in Data Science or a Masters in Computer Science will find a new home for innovation and collaboration within the Ecotrust building, which is located two blocks from Willamette’s premier art and design school, Pacific Northwest College of Art , 511 NW Broadway, offering exciting opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.

The Ecotrust building, renowned for its sustainability-focused design and commitment to community engagement, will now serve as a nexus for Willamette University's Portland-based graduate and professional programs. Approximately 60 graduate students from Willamette’s School of Computing & Information Sciences and Atkinson Graduate School of Management will use the space for their evening classes. PNCA students will also use the space during the day for some of its liberal arts classes to help support the recent growth in its undergraduate student population.  Willamette’s College of Law also plans to use the space to expand access to its immigration clinic while supporting the inaugural launch of its Immigrant Justice Scholars program

Classroom in Ecotrust building

In addition to classrooms, the 9,100 square foot space includes collaboration and event spaces and has access to nearby parking and dining options.

“We are thrilled that the growth in our graduate programs has prompted us to seek new space. We are even more excited that our new space will be located close to PNCA because of the opportunities for connections between art and design and data and computer science,” said Jameson Watts , dean of Willamette’s School of Computing & Information Sciences.

Willamette University’s first “Portland Center,” which expanded from the university’s main campus in Salem, opened in 2004 in approximately 5,800 square feet in the Brewery Blocks at 1120 NW Couch across from Powell’s Books. It later moved to locations in the Pearl District and downtown Portland.

“ Willamette has been a part of Portland for 20 years, and we are thrilled to be expanding our footprint with this collaborative space that enables us to continue to grow our programs in the area ,” said Willamette University President Steve Thorsett . “ Willamette’s expansion into the Pearl District, which has long been a hub of creative innovation for the region, is not just about physical growth — it represents a strategic investment in our students and Portland. By attracting top talent and educating the next generation of leaders equipped to drive positive change in a rapidly evolving world, Willamette is committed to playing a pivotal role in helping shape this dynamic city's future. ”


Photo credit: Renderings courtesy of DESIGN+BUILD .

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