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Plural of Thesis

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The Plural of Thesis

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Whats the Plural of Thesis: Understanding Singular and Plural Forms

  • The plural of “thesis” adheres to the Greek-rooted pattern, changing the singular -is to a plural -es.
  • Accurate use of “thesis” and “theses” reflects scholarly precision in both written and oral communication.
  • Awareness of correct pluralization extends to other similar nouns ending in -sis, emphasizing the importance of understanding language origins.

It is crucial to use the word correctly in both singular and plural contexts to maintain the integrity of written and spoken communication. In the realm of academics, precision in language reflects the rigor of one’s research and argumentation. As such, understanding the transformation from “thesis” to its plural counterpart is more than a trivial detail; it reflects a deeper appreciation for the structure and history of the English language.

What’s the Plural of Thesis?

The proper plural of thesis is “theses.” This transformation is part of a broader pattern in the English language where certain nouns change their ending to reflect a plural state.

Below, a comparison is made to illustrate the standard singular to plural transformation for nouns ending in -is:

Key Points about the pluralization of “thesis”:

  • The plural follows a specific rule of changing the ‘-is’ ending to ‘-es’.
  • This pattern is consistent with other Greek-derived words.
  • The pronunciation changes with the plural form, ending in “-eez.”

To clarify usage, consider these examples:

  • Singular: The student’s thesis was commended for its clarity.
  • Plural: The professor read all the submitted theses before the conference.

Singular Form of Thesis

The singular form of ‘thesis’ is of notable interest due to its origins and distinct pluralization.

Origination and Definition:

  • Etymology : Derived from the ancient Greek word τίθημι (tithēmi), which means “to put” or “to place.”
  • Meaning : It is a statement or theory put forward to be maintained or proved.

Usage in Academia:

  • A significant piece of writing prepared by a student to obtain a university degree or diploma.
  • Often involves original research and substantiates a particular view or argument.

Table 1: Notable Features of ‘Thesis’

Table 2: Contextual Examples

Definition of Thesis

A thesis is a substantial piece of scholarly writing that is typically required to obtain a master’s or doctoral degree. It represents the author’s research and findings in their chosen field of study. A thesis serves as evidence that the student has acquired the knowledge necessary to be considered a scholar in the field. Here, two key aspects of a thesis will be described through tables:

Purpose and Composition of a Thesis:

Characteristics of a Thesis:

  • Focused : It should have a clear, concise premise or central argument.
  • Researched : Employs rigorous methodologies to gather and analyze data.
  • Structured : Contains defined sections that present information logically.
  • Cited : Includes proper citations of sources that support or contrast the thesis.
  • Reviewed : Undergoes scrutiny by academic peers or supervisors.

Other Irregular Plural Nouns Ending in -sis/ses

Below you will find two tables categorized by common and less common irregular plurals that follow this pattern.

Common Irregular Plurals:

This pattern is often observed with words that have Greek origins.

Less Common Irregular Plurals:

It is important to recognize these forms to maintain grammatical accuracy in writing and speech. Below is a list of examples used in sentences:

  • When multiple scientific hypotheses are tested, the results can lead to important discoveries.
  • During the editing process, Jane had to review all the parentheses to ensure clarity in her writing.
  • Geographers study multiple oases in the desert to understand these unique ecosystems.
  • His thesis on renewable energy was well-received, and many theses on the subject reference his work.

Examples of Thesis (Singular) in Sentences

Here are examples that demonstrate its usage in various sentences.

In Academic Context

In everyday discourse.

Informal setting : During the debate, his thesis was that space exploration is no longer just a dream but a necessity.

  • Discussing beliefs : Her thesis is that all public spaces should offer free Wi-Fi.
  • Opinion : They argued the thesis that high taxes discourage spending.

Examples of Theses (Plural) in Sentences

Here are some examples of how “theses” can be used in sentences:

Education Setting : Graduate students often struggle to find unique topics for their theses as most ideas have been extensively explored.

  • Evaluating the structure and arguments of different theses can help one build a stronger dissertation.

Origin of the Word Thesis

The term thesis originates from the ancient Greek word θέσις (thésis), which means “a proposition” . Historically, this term has played a crucial role in both rhetorical and academic contexts. It denotes a statement that a writer intends to support and prove. In academic circles, thesis often refers to a document that presents the author’s research and findings and is submitted in support of candidature for a degree or professional qualification.

Etymological Background

The journey of the word from its Greek roots to the modern English language reflects the changing dynamics of educational and scholarly practices over the centuries.

As a carryover from Greek to Latin, the word made its way into English, maintaining its original Greek plural form:

Usage in Academia

In academia, the word has been used since the late Middle Ages to denote a scholarly work written by students aiming to obtain a university degree. Over time, the use of thesis expanded from merely referring to a proposition to a lengthy document providing evidence of comprehensive research.

Historical Evolution:

  • Middle Ages : Referred to propositions for a degree.
  • Renaissance : Emphasized individual research.
  • Modern Usage : Extensive research documents for higher education degrees.

Areas of Impact:

  • Rhetoric : Considered as a premise to be argued.
  • Academic Research : Reflects comprehensive study in a field.

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¿Cuál es la traducción de "thesis" en Español?

"thesis" en español, thesis {sustantivo}.

  • volume_up tesis

doctoral thesis {sustantivo}

  • volume_up tesis doctoral

bachelor thesis {sustantivo}

  • volume_up tesis de licenciatura

Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

Thesis noun, traducciones.

  • open_in_new Enlace a fuente
  • warning Solicitar revisión

Ejemplos de uso

English spanish ejemplos contextuales de "thesis" en español.

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

Ejemplos monolingües

English cómo usar "thesis" en una frase, english cómo usar "doctoral thesis" en una frase, english cómo usar "bachelor thesis" en una frase, english cómo usar "tesis de licenciatura" en una frase, colocaciones, "central thesis" en español.

  • volume_up tesis central

"doctoral thesis" en español

"academic thesis" en español.

  • volume_up tesis académica

Sinónimos (inglés) para "thesis":

  • dissertation
  • thermostatic
  • thermostatically
  • theropod dinosaur
  • these four walls
  • these things are sent to try us
  • these things happen
  • thesis examine
  • thesis paper
  • thesis project
  • thesis statement
  • theta waves

Más traducciones en el diccionario italiano-español .

Inicio de sesión social

Definición de "thesis"

IPA Pronunciation Guide

thesis in British English

Thesis in american english, ejemplos de frases que contienen "thesis" thesis, colocaciones cobuild thesis, tendencias de thesis.

Ver uso en: desde el principio Últimos 10 años Últimos 50 años Últimos 100 años Últimos 300 años

Traducciones de thesis

  • Inglés americano : thesis / ˈθisɪs /
  • Portugués brasileño : tese
  • Español europeo : tesis
  • Francés : thèse
  • Alemán : These
  • Italiano : tesi
  • Japonés : 主張
  • Coreano : 논지
  • Portugués : tese
  • Español : tesis
  • Tailandés : ข้อสมมุติ, ข้อวินิจฉัย

Consulta alfabética thesis

  • thesis play
  • thesmothete
  • Todas las palabras del INGLÉS que empiezan por 'T'

Términos relacionados con thesis

  • academic thesis
  • central thesis
  • doctoral thesis
  • Ver más palabras relacionadas

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What’s the Plural of Thesis? (Thesises? Theses?)

  • November 13, 2022

plural de thesis en ingles

What’s the plural of “thesis”?

Thesis , (and its plural theses ) is an example of one of the many common English words that has roots elsewhere. In this case, thesis is a word that has roots all the way back to Ancient Greek. Like other similarly structured words: diagnosis , synthesis , analysis , oasis , crisis , nemesis and the like, thesis is by no means the only frequently used Greek word that’s made it to Modern English.

What’s the singular of thesis?

"Thesis" singular in sentences.

Thesis is a singular noun and refers to one thing (or one thesis ).

What’s a thesis?

Merriam-Webster defines the noun thesis (plural theses ) as follows, “a dissertation embodying results of original research and especially substantiating a specific view especially : one written by a candidate for an academic degree.”

plural de thesis en ingles

Nouns that end in -sis/ses

Thesis is an irregular plural noun that does not end in the typical -s / -es that regular plural noun forms take. This is so despite that theses plural does in fact end in the conventional -s/-es suffix. Why is it still considered irregular; then, given that it follows the regular plural form? Notice the following regular plural noun forms:

plural de thesis en ingles

Thesis / theses operates differently. With these Greek words, the -ses does not simply  add onto the end of the singular form of the noun; instead, -ses replaces the singular noun’s suffixes, and effectively changes the entire spelling of the word (and arguably the word itself.)

Examples of “thesis” (singular) in sentences

His master thesis was on modal neural networks.
She wrote her thesis on Renaissance Nativity scenes.
We disagreed with the basic thesis of the report.
I’ve made a first draft of my thesis .
The student’s experiments helped her formulate a thesis to share with her professor and classmates.

Examples of “theses” (plural) in sentences

It must not be assumed that Luther’s ninety-five theses produced any considerable direct results.
The collection of theses are ready for publication.
Twenty years after Savonarola’s death Martin Luther made public his theses against indulgences.
Theses are generally examined by two or more specialists.
Theses is the plural form of the singular noun thesis.

Origin of the word “thesis”

Thesis / theses are of Greek origin.

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▾ diccionario inglés-español, thesis sustantivo ( plural: theses ) —, tesis f (uso frecuente), trabajo m ( plural: trabajos m ), thesis statement s —, doctoral thesis s —, phd thesis s —, thesis defense ee.uu. s —, thesis advisor s —, thesis supervisor s —, thesis work s —, thesis topic s —, thesis project s —, thesis director s —, write a thesis v —, licentiate thesis s —, thesis direction s —, research thesis s —, thesis adviser s —, degree thesis s —, diploma thesis s —, graduation thesis s —, director of thesis s —, undergraduate thesis s —, bachelor thesis s —, theses pl —, ▸ wikipedia, ▾ fuentes externas (español → inglés) (es → en).

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What is the plural of "tesis"?

In English, the plural of "thesis" is "theses". What is the plural of "tesis" in Spanish?

I found this for you, forming of plural:

Si acaban en –s o –x pero son palabras llanas o esdrújulas, no varían en el plural (la tesis / las tesis; el tórax / los tórax).

"tesis" is a word that remains unchanged in its plural mode.

Here I found a Spanish newspaper where you can see tesis can be both, singular and plural, with no change in its form:

Another example:

Tengo que hacer un esfuerzo para terminar mi tesis pronto.

  • I have to make an effort to finish my thesis soon.

Han sido presentadas muchas tesis .

  • Many theses have been presented.


The word "Tesis" is pronounced equally in plural or in singular.

By example:

En la biblioteca hay muchas tesis. In the library there are many theses. Estoy investigando para mi tesis. I am researching for my thesis.

The word remains the same!

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  • Thread starter MariaMoeckly
  • Start date Nov 2, 2011


  • Nov 2, 2011

¿Cómo se expresa el plural de tesis en español?  


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Hello, MariaMoeckly, and welcome to the forum. It´s the same: La tesis doctoral/las tesis doctorales.  

Muchas gracias!  

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  • I wrote my thesis on literacy strategies for boys .
  • Her main thesis is that children need a lot of verbal stimulation .

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    plural de thesis en ingles


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  1. The Plural of Thesis

    "Theses" is the only way to make the noun "thesis" plural. Confusion arises because some mistakenly believe that all nouns ending in "s" should form a plural that adds "es" to the end of the word. When a noun ends with "is," you need to replace the "is" with an "es" to form the plural. This is because its plural form derives from Greek.


    THESES Significado, definición, qué es THESES: 1. plural of thesis 2. plural of thesis . Aprender más.


    THESIS Significado, definición, qué es THESIS: 1. a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher…. Aprender más.

  4. Whats the Plural of Thesis: Understanding Singular and Plural Forms

    By Khamis 23 January 2024. The plural of "thesis" adheres to the Greek-rooted pattern, changing the singular -is to a plural -es. Accurate use of "thesis" and "theses" reflects scholarly precision in both written and oral communication. Awareness of correct pluralization extends to other similar nouns ending in -sis, emphasizing the ...

  5. Thesis

    Mira 3 traducciones acreditadas de thesis en español con oraciones de ejemplo, frases y pronunciación de audio. ... Añadir a lista. la tesis. Diccionario. Ejemplos. Pronunciación. Sinónimos. Frases. USO. El plural de "thesis" es "theses". thesis (thi-sihs) Un sustantivo es una palabra que se refiere a una persona, un animal, un lugar, un ...

  6. Significado de theses en inglés

    theses significado, definición, qué es theses: 1. plural of thesis 2. plural of thesis . Saber más.


    thesis volume_up US /ˈθisəs/ • volume_up UK /ˈθiːsɪs/ noun Word forms: (plural) theses 1. (argument) tesis (feminine) Monolingual examples My impression of your central thesis is that, contrary to how we may view ourselves as a society, we are in fact a lot more uptight about sex than we'd like to believe.Canadian Although ingeniously and entertainingly argued with a wealth of detail ...

  8. tesis

    Spanish. English. apoyar la tesis de que expr. (defender la tesis de que) back the thesis that v expr. agree with the argument that v expr. El estudiante apoyó la tesis de que las lenguas tienen un origen común. The student backed the thesis that languages have a common origin.

  9. THESIS definición y significado

    Listas de palabras en inglés. Uso del inglés COBUILD. Gramática inglesa. Gramática inglesa. ... Formas de la palabra: plural theses ... Puntuación en Scrabble de 'thesis': 9. Ayuda con Wordle. Scrabble Tools. Desafío exprés. Resultado. Pregunta 1 - Puntuación: 0 / 5.

  10. tésis

    Spanish. English. tesis nf inv. nombre femenino invariable: Sustantivo femenino que tiene la misma forma en singular y en plural. El artículo femenino muestra la diferencia entre plural y singular. Ejemplos: la crisis, las neurosis, la tesis. (trabajo de grado) thesis n. noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.

  11. What's the Plural of Thesis? (Thesises? Theses?)

    What's the plural of "thesis"? Thesis, (and its plural theses) is an example of one of the many common English words that has roots elsewhere. In this case, thesis is a word that has roots all the way back to Ancient Greek. Like other similarly structured words: diagnosis, synthesis, analysis, oasis, crisis, nemesis and the like, thesis is by no means the only frequently used Greek word ...

  12. tesis

    tesis noun, plural, ... y me permito recordarles que en el debate sobre el presupuesto 2000 el Consejo sostuvo la tesis de que, en cualquier caso, ... a Araba, Bizkaia y Gipuzkoa en el reino de Navarra desde sus orígenes hasta 1200. He is currently ...

  13. tesis en plural

    Spanish. Oct 12, 2009. #1. Buenas Noches a todos y todas. Alguien de ustedes sabe si la palabra thesis en plural se escribi como theses? De ser incorrecto, quisiera saber como se dice la palabra thesis en plural -en ingles calro está-. Agradezco su ayuda. A.

  14. THESIS

    traducir THESIS: tesis, tesis. Más información en el diccionario inglés-español.

  15. thesis

    Muchos ejemplos de oraciones traducidas contienen "thesis" - Diccionario español-inglés y buscador de traducciones en español. Buscar en Linguee; Sugerir como traducción de "thesis" Copiar; DeepL Traductor Write Diccionario. ES ... thesis sustantivo (plural: theses) ...

  16. What is the plural of "tesis"?

    5 Answer s. I found this for you, forming of plural: Si acaban en -s o -x pero son palabras llanas o esdrújulas, no varían en el plural (la tesis / las tesis; el tórax / los tórax). "tesis" is a word that remains unchanged in its plural mode. Tesis es una palabra que permanece igual en su modo plural.

  17. plural de tesis

    Spanish-English Grammar / Gramática Español-Inglés . plural de tesis. Thread starter MariaMoeckly; Start date Nov 2, 2011; M. MariaMoeckly New Member. English Nov 2, 2011 ... ¿Cómo se expresa el plural de tesis en español? chamyto Senior Member. Burgos, Spain. Spanish Nov 2, 2011

  18. Cómo formar el plural de los sustantivos en inglés

    Respuesta rápida. Para formar el plural de los sustantivos regulares en inglés, añade -s o -es, según la letra con la que acabe la palabra. Formar los plurales en inglés suele ser sencillo, pero hay algunas formas de sustantivos irregulares que solo se aprenden memorizándolas. A continuación, te mostraremos las reglas para formar el ...

  19. tesis doctoral

    dissertation n (plural: dissertations) Empecé a escribir mi tesis doctoral después de graduarme. I began writing my dissertation after graduating. less common: doctoral dissertation n. ·. PhD thesis n.

  20. TESIS

    traducir TESIS: thesis, thesis, thesis. Más información en el diccionario español-inglés.

  21. Theses

    Mira nuestro tesauro para aprender los sinónimos y antónimos de theses en inglés; encuentra las traducciones en español de cada palabra y sus opuestos. Aprender inglés. Traductor. Vocabulario. Pronunciación. Acceder. theses-las tesis. Plural de thesis. thesis. Añadir a lista. la tesis. ... traductor y sitio web de aprendizaje inglés ...

  22. Plural De Thesis En Ingles

    Plural De Thesis En Ingles, Memo Cover Letter Template, Music In The 70s Essay, Professional Dispositions Essay, Popular Blog Post Ghostwriters Services For Phd, Homework For High School Students, Persuasive Speech On Having No Homework 4.8/5 ...

  23. Traducción de thesis en el Diccionario Inglés-Español

    thesis - traducir al español con el diccionario inglés-francés - Cambridge Dictionary