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CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper for Term 2 Exam 2022 (with Solution): Solve Questions by Experts for Best Marks

Check cbse class 9 english sample paper by exam experts to prepare for the term 2 exam 2022. solve the paper to score full marks in exam. check solution to know right answers to all questions in sample paper..

Gurmeet Kaur

CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper provided below is set by the exam experts according to the latest pattern and reduced syllabus for Term 2. This sample paper will help students know the format, weightage and number of questions for CBSE Class 9 Term 2 Exam 2022. Students can also get an idea about the difficulty level of the paper and prepare accordingly for the exam. The sample paper solution is also provided below so that students can check the right answers to all questions and correct their mistakes if any. Both the sample paper and its solutions can be downloaded in PDF from the links mentioned at the end of the article.

CBSE Class 9 Maths Sample Paper for Term 2 Exam 2022 (with Solution)

CBSE Class 9 Science Sample Paper for Term 2 Exam 2022 (with Solution)

Check CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper for Term 2 Exam 2022 below:

Time: 90 Minutes

General   Instructions

  • Section-A Reading (10 Marks)
  • Section B Writing& Grammar (10 Marks)
  • Section-C Literature (20 Marks)

2. All questions are compulsory.

3. Internal choices have been provided in some questions.

4. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.

CBSE Class 9 English (Language and Literature) Term 2 Syllabus 2021-2022 (PDF)

Section  A

(Reading) 10 Marks

Q.1.Read the passage given below:  ( 05 M arks)

I.Sustainable development is an organizing principle for meeting human development goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services which the economy and society depend on. Sustainable development can be defined as the practice of maintaining the productivity by replacing resources used with resources of equal or greater value without degrading or endangering natural biotic systems. Sustainability

science is the study of the concepts of sustainable development and environmental science. There is an emphasis on the present generations' responsibility to regenerate, maintain and improve planetary resources for use by future generations.

II.Sustainability goals, such as the current UN-level Sustainable Development Goals, address the global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. Sustainable development can be thought of in terms of three spheres, dimensions, domains or pillars: the environment, the economy and society. The three-sphere framework was initially proposed by the economist Rene Passet in 1979. It has also been worded as economic, environmental and social" or "ecology, economy and equity". This has been expanded by some authors to include a fourth pillar of culture, institutions or governance.

III.The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. They are included in a UN Resolution called the 2030 Agenda or what is colloquially known as Agenda 2030. The SDGs were developed in the Post-2015 Development Agenda as the future global development framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals which ended in 2015. The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

IV.Though the goals are broad and interdependent, two years later (6 July 2017) the SDGs were made more actionable" by a UN Resolution adopted by the General Assembly. The resolution identifies specific targets for each goal, along with indicators that are being used to measure progress toward each target. The year by which the target is meant to be achieved is usually between 2020 and 2030. For some of the targets, no end date is given. To facilitate monitoring, a variety of tools exist to track and visualize progress towards the goals. The intention is to make data more available and easily understood. For example, the online publication SDG Tracker, launched in June 2018, presents available data across all indicators. The SDGs pay attention to multiple cross-cutting issues, like gender equity, education, and culture. There were serious impacts and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on all 17 SDGs in the year 2020.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.

(i)According to the extract, in what way is sustainable development interconnected to economy and society?

(ii)How can the present generation ensure access to these natural resources for the future generations?

(iii)The three-sphere framework dimensions, domains or pillars had an addition of a fourth sphere, which is:

(iv)The year 2030 has been earmarked by UN as 2030 Agenda because………

(v)"Children must be taught how to think and not what to think "By Margaret Mead. Which SDG do you think corresponds to this quote?

(vi)There were serious impacts and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on all 17 SDGs in the year 2020. What does the word implications stand for in this context?

Q.2Read the following passage carefully: (Case Based Factual Passage) (05 Marks)


Climate change has emerged as one of the main environmental challenges facing the world today. As a result of climate change, the global mean temperature is estimated to increase between 1.4 and 5.8 °C (centigrade) by 2100. This unprecedented increase is expected to have a severe impact on the global hydrological system, ecosystem, sea level, crop production and related processes. The impact would be particularly severe in the tropical areas, which mainly consist of developing countries, including India, warned the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Like any other country, India too would be hit by temperature variations, like its adverse impact on agriculture and food production, water resources, forest and biodiversity, health and coastal management. This is in addition to the stress on the ecological and socio-economic systems that are already facing tremendous pressures due to rapid industrialisation, urbanisation and unscientific economic development.

Though global efforts are afoot to mitigate the impact of climate change and global warming, especially after the 2015 Paris Summit", the division still exists among the rich nations on its contributions to such efforts.

The ability of nations and their populations to tide over the crisis depends on their resourcefulness. While the wealthy could find funds for a retreat to safety, temporary accommodation and relocation, the poor might not be able to evacuate. Access to food, water and housing or energy might not be available or affordable to them. Those responsible for climate change are relatively insulated from its impacts, while those affected face greater adversities with limited resources.

The global organization Oxfam says, the world's richest 10% cause 50% of emissions and they claim over half of the world's wealth. Conversely, the poorest 50% of the population contribute roughly about 10% of global emissions and receive only about 8% of global income.

On the micro-level the impact of global warming and climate change on agriculture and healthcare greatly affects the poor, who do not have the wherewithal to survive its impacts.

Poor nations would have to bear the most severe impacts of climate change, as their dependence on agriculture and therefore, vulnerability to extreme heat is higher than rich nations.

* The Paris Agreement united almost all the world's nations-for the first time-in a single agreement on cutting the greenhouse gas emissions which are causing global warming. World is off track to meet Paris Agreement climate target.

english grammar paper for class 9

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.

(i)The contributions of the poor towards global emissions is...

(ii)Those responsible for climate change are insulated from its impacts because...

(iii)The stress faced by our ecological and socio economic system other than the climate change is..

(iv)Net zero emissions mean...

(v)What effect of Climate Change is being faced by India?

(vi) Identify the word from the passage which means the same as "Never before seen, done, or experienced."

Writing and Grammar (10 Marks)

Q.3.Attempt ANY ONE from (i) and (ii). (05 Marks)

(i) You saw a girl working as a maid while going to your school today. Write a diary entry, expressing your views on child labour. Write this diary entry in about 100-150 words.

(ii) One day you dreamt that you became invisible. Write a short story based on your dream taking help from the points given below:

Shopping without using any money---watch movies--- travel the whole world without ticket---visit famous places- meet famous people--- disclose the planning and secrets of terrorists to police help them to nab the most dreaded terrorist of the world rewarded a cash prize of one crore.

Q4.Below you can see a cartoon. Complete the following paragraph reporting what happened in the cartoon. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. (1*3 Marks)

english grammar paper for class 9

The teacher asked Akash (a) _________. Akash replied respectfully that he had had a toothache. When the teacher further asked (b) _________. Akash replied he did not know as (c)_________.

Q.5.Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. Write the corrected sentences in your answer sheets. The first one has been done for you. (1*2 Marks)

Example: the /of/plight/Tanzanians/would/like/know/the/you/about/to

Would you like to know about the plight of the Tanzanians?

(i) Africa/in/Tanzanians/literacy rate/the/have/hightest

(ii) read/hardly/have/to/they/anything/but

Literature (20 Marks)

Q.6.Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each. (2*6 Marks)

(i) What was Jerome's real intention when he offered to pack?

(ii) Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Why, then did he have to be sent away?

(iii) How does the poet suggest that all people on earth are the same?

(iv) Can a "simple jab of the knife" kill a tree? Why not?

(v) How did Prashant help the villagers?

(vi) What is Behrman's masterpiece? What makes Sue say so?

(vii)What gestures of his schoolmates touched the author's heart in 'A House is Not A Home'.

Q.7 Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120 words each. (4*2 Marks)

(i) The Beggar has a beautiful message. It is that one can make one's life a happy journey through work only. Describe how the author demonstrates this simple principal.

(ii) After reading about Santosh Yadav and Maria Sharapova, would you say that some people are born great or do you think that it is the hard work which makes the person great?

(iii) How did Gerrard outwit the Intruder and save himself?

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Approach English Grammar CBSE ICSE ISE WBBSE

Class 9 Integrated Grammar Exercises with Answers

english grammar paper for class 9

Integrated Grammar Exercises for Class 9 compiled with different grammatical instructions noticed in the English Question Paper of CBSE, ICSE.

Exercises and Answers of integrated grammar class 9 are discussed in this post.

Topics related to integrated grammar Exercises for class 9 are provided with Answers to make this easy to practice.

Integrated Grammar Class 9 Topics

1. Gap Filling

3. Dialogue Writing

4. Omission

5. Reporting Dialogue   

6. Dialogue Writing

Direction for integrated grammar Exercises for class 9

The Direction for integrated grammar Exercises for class 9 are – 

1. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. 

2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided against the correct blank.

3. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the words before and after against the correct blank.

4. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences.

5. Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows.

6. Complete the following dialogue meaningfully.

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Gap Filling: Integrated Grammar Exercises for Class 9

Aspirin is (a) ………… The world’s most prescribed medicines. Aspirin is so important in cardiac care (b) ………… patients who for some reason (c)  …………  tolerate aspirin are advised (d) ………… undergo angioplasty. 

(a) (i) or (ii) among (iii) between (iv) around

(b) (i) that (ii) why (iii) for (iv) who

(c) (i) could not (ii) must not (iii) should not (iv) cannot

(d) (i) to  (ii) at (iii) for (iv) in

2. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. 

Liberty is not a (a) …….. affair only but a social contract. It is an (b) ……… of interests. In matters which not touch others’ liberty, I will be (c) …………..

free and won’t require anyone’s (d) ……….. 

(a) (i) personally (ii) person (iii) personal (iv) personality

(b) (i) adjustable (ii) adjustment (iii) adjusted (iv) adjust

(c) (i) completion (ii) complete (iii) completely (iv) completed

(d) (i) permissible (ii) permission (iii) permitted (iv) permit

3. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. 

(a) …………… think of road safety at all? It is because of the gruesome accidents that occur almost every day on the roads, in (b) ……………all sorts of vehicles, human beings, and even animals are endangered? These accidents (c) …………… loss of life and property and, (d) ……………importantly, obstruction to traffic.

(a) (i) Who (ii) What (iii) Where (iv) Why

(b) (i) them (ii) which (iii) some (iv) that

(c) (i) brings (ii) give (iii) mean (iv) take

(d) (i) most (ii) much (iii) very (iv) a lot

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Editing: Integrated Grammar Exercises for Class 9

1. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided against the correct blank.

3. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided against the correct blank.

Omission: integrated grammar Exercises for class 9

1. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word and the words before and after against the correct blank.

2. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word and the words before and after against the correct blank.

3. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word and the words before and after against the correct blank.

Sentence Re-ordering:  integrated grammar Exercises for class 9

Q.1. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences.

e.g., Small crane/a kind of/uses/tear gas

= A kind of small crane uses tear gas.

(a) use/they/this gas/themselves/to protect/feed on them/from/birds that

(b) from behind/when birds/come/spray/they/a fluid/their eyes/into

(c) causes/the fluid/temporary pain/irritation/and/to the eyes.

Q. 2. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences.

e.g., can reach/King cobras/18 feet/in length

=King cobras can reach 18 feet in length.

(a) they/venomous/are/the longest/of all/snakes

(b) are shy/they/and/humans/will avoid/whenever possible

(c) live/they/mainly in the/plains of India/rain forests/and

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Q. 3. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences.

e.g., are located/the Arctic and the Antarctica/at the/of the earth/poles

= The Arctic and the Antarctica are located at the poles of the earth.

(a) the/at both/atmosphere/is/cold/these places/very

(b) experience/they/extreme/solar/periods/exposure

(c) several/therefore/similarities/weather patterns/in the/there are

Reporting Dialogue: integrated grammar Exercises for class 9

Q.1. Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows:

Ashwin: What are you doing?

Shyam: I am studying.

Ashwin: Can you lend me your science book? 

Shyam: I will.

Ashwin asked his friend (a) …………… . Shyam replied that (b) ……………

Ashwin wanted to know (c) ……………  . Shyam said that he would.

Q.2 Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows:

John: I am off to school. Are you coming?

Hamid; You are very early today. What is the matter?

John: I shall have to spend half an hour in the botany laboratory before the bell goes.

Hamid: I have not had my breakfast. Do not wait for me. I shall see you at school.

John told Hamid that he was off to school. He asked Hamid (a) ………….. .Hamid told John that he was very early that day. He asked him (b)  ………….  .John said that he would have to spend half an hour in the botany laboratory before the bell went. Hamid said that he hadn’t had his breakfast. He asked John not to wait for him. He said that (c) …………….. .

Q. 3. Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows:

Sneha: Do you know that the Andaman trip has been postponed?

Deepti: No, I didn’t know that. Why has it been postponed?

Sneha: I heard that it is due to bad weather conditions.

Sneha asked Deepti (a) ……………. postponed. Deepti replied that she didn’t know that. She asked Sneha (b) ……………. .Sneha told her that (c) …………….

Dialogue Completion

1. Rishab is being interviewed for the job of a teacher in a school. Complete the dialogue by filling in the gaps.

Interviewer: Why do you think you (a) …………….. 

Rishab: Sir, I am qualified for the job and I have (b) ………… All these traits make me suitable for the job. 

Interviewer: Can (c) ……………… any foreign language?

Rishab:  Yes, I can speak and write German.

Interviewer:  What (d) ….. in graduation?

Sunita:  Sir, I have Graduated in Chemistry Honours.

Interviewer: Do you (e) ………?

Rishab: Yes, Sir. I have teaching experience (f) …………

Interviewer: Well, then we may consider you for the job.

2. Rahul’s mother fell ill all of a sudden and he had to stay at home to look after her. So, missed school. Complete the following conversations between him and his teacher.

Teacher: Rahul, why didn’t (a)……………..?

Rahul: Madam, my mother (b) ………………

Teacher:  Wasn’t there any one (c) ………….. ?

Rahul: No, Madam.My father was out of town and my sister is too young to look after her.

Teacher: Did you take her to a doctor?

Rahul: Yes Madam. He (d) …………….

Teacher: Is she feeling better now?

Rahul: Yes, Madam. She (e) …………… 

Teacher: I hope she (f) ………………

3. Here is a conversation between a doctor and a patient. The patient has a problem of getting sleepless nights. Complete the conversation.

Patient: Hello Doctor!

Doctor: Hello, what trouble are you having?

Patient: Doctor, I have a (a)………

Doctor: How long have you been (b)…………..

Patient: About two weeks.

Doctor: Okay, I will give you medicine. Just take one pill (c)………….

Patient: For how long?

Doctor: For (d) ………….. 

Patient: Anything else 

Doctor: Visit me if the problem (e) …………

Patient: Will the medicine (f) …………….?

Doctor: Do not worry. The medicine is safe to use. 

Gap Filling

1. Ans: (a) (ii) among  (b)  (i) that (c) (iv) cannot (d) (i) to 

2. Ans: (a) (iii) personal (b) (ii) adjustment (c) (iii) completely (d) (ii) permission

3. Ans: (a) (iv) Why (b) (ii) which (c) (iii) means (d) (i) most

Answers Key 1

Answers Key 2

Answers Key 3

Sentence Re-ordering

Ans 1:  (a) They use this gas to protect themselves from birds that feed on them.

(b) When birds come from behind, they spray a fluid into their eyes.

(c) The fluid causes temporary pain and irritation to the eyes.

Ans 2: (a) They are the longest of all venomous snakes.

(b) They are shy and will avoid humans whenever possible

(c) They live mainly in the rain forests and plains of India.

Ans 3: (a) The atmosphere at both these places is very cold.

(b) They experience extreme solar exposure periods.

(c) Therefore, there are several similarities in the weather patterns.

Reporting Dialogue

Ans 1:  (a) what he was doing

(b) he was studying

(c) if he could lend his science book.

Ans 2: (a) if he was coming.

(b) what the matter was.

(c) he would see him at school.

Ans 3: (a) if she knew that the Andaman trip had been

(b) why it had been postponed (c) it was due to bad weather conditions

Ans: 1 (a) are suitable for the job

(b) passion for children and teaching

(c) you speak or write

(d) were your subjects

(e) have any teaching experience

(f) of 5 years in a public school

Ans: 2. (a) you come to school yesterday

(b) was not feeling well. She had a high fever and severe headache.

(c) else in your family to look after her

(d) gave her some medicines and an injection. Opet

(e) is recovering well

(f) gets well soon

  Ans : 3. (a) problem of not having proper sleep at night

(b) facing this problem

(c) about 30 minutes before going to bed

(d) at least 30 days

(e) continues even after taking the medicine

(f) have any side effects

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Class 9 English Grammar Notes PDF Chapter Wise (Free Download)

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The class 9 English Grammar notes are created by our subject matter experts with proper research. Through the systematic research, students can easily cover the English Grammar syllabus as all topics and concepts are explained in a precise manner. With this, students can easily prepare and score well in the class 9 English Grammar final exam. 

The class 9 English Grammar notes acts as a framework for both teachers and students as it can be helpful for both of them. The notes of English Grammar can be helpful for teachers as it helps to save time and they can simply concentrate on teaching skills. It can help students to cover the class 9 English Grammar syllabus within the given time or before the final exam. 

Class 9 English Grammar Notes PDF

The class 9 English Grammar notes PDF is considered to be a crucial study tool as it helps students to be focused throughout the final exam preparation. The PDF of English Grammar notes are easily available on the Selfstudys website so that students can cover the whole syllabus from their safe place, accordingly they don’t need to face any kind of difficulty. 

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Tenses

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Modals

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Active And Passive Voice

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Subject Verb Agreement

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Reported Speech

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Clauses

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Determiners

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Preposition

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Gap Filling

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Editing

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Conjunction

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Editing And Omission

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Omission

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Jumbled Sentences

Class 9 English Grammar Notes on Sentence Transformation

Where Can Students Find Resources for Class 9 English Grammar Notes?

Students can find the study resource of class 9 English Grammar notes from the Selfstudys website, steps to download are discussed below:

  • Visit the Selfstudys website.
  • Bring the arrow towards CBSE which can be seen in the navigation bar/ button. 
  • A drop down menu will appear, select New Revision Notes from the given list.

Class 9 English Grammar Notes, Class 9 English Grammar Notes PDF, Class 9 English Grammar Notes Chapter Wise PDF, Download Class 9 English Grammar Notes, Class 9 English Grammar Notes Free PDF

  • Select class 9 from the list of classes, click English Grammar from the list of subjects. 

Features of Class 9 English Grammar Notes

The class 9 English Grammar notes are considered to be important tool as with the help of it, they can know key concepts and topics of the chapter, here are some common features: 

  • All Chapters are Covered: In the NCERT notes for class 9 English Grammar, all the chapters are covered so that students can have a strong foundation for each chapter. 
  • Easy Language: Topics and concepts in the class 9 English Grammar notes PDF are explained in an easy language so that all students can also understand complex topics in secs. 
  • Provides an Eye Catching Format: Content in the class 9 English Grammar notes are eye catching format as it includes diagrams, flow charts, etc; through it students can understand the topics in a creative way. 
  • For CBSE Board: The Class 9 Notes for English Grammar are generally for those students who are studying in CBSE as it is presented according to the latest syllabus.  
  • Available in the PDF: The class 9 English Grammar notes PDF are available in the PDF form as it can be downloaded from any of the electronic devices: smartphone, laptop, desktop, etc and it can be carried to anywhere. 
  • Introduction is Given: For each chapter in class 9 English Grammar, a brief introduction is given in the notes, so that students can get an idea about the chapter before starting it. 

What Are the Benefits of Class 9 English Grammar Notes?

The class 9 English Grammar notes provide many benefits to both students and teachers, some of benefits are discussed below: 

  • Improves Retention: The class 9 English Grammar notes PDF can help students to improve retention: ability to keep, by actively engaging themselves into the chapter. 
  • Improves Understanding: The NCERT notes for class 9 English Grammar helps students to clarify and deepen their understanding of the concepts as well as they can identify the confusions. Accordingly they can clear the doubts and confusions related to class 9 English Grammar. 
  • Helps in Organisation: The class 9 notes of English Grammar are arranged in a systematic and in organised way so that students can be organised during their preparation. 
  • Acts as Revision Tool: The NCERT notes for class 9 English Grammar acts as a study tool as it allows students to revise the chapters quickly and efficiently before the final exam.  
  • Acts as a Communication Bridge: The class 9 English Grammar notes can act as a communication bridge between both teachers and students as it allows students to ask questions, clarify concepts, and seek help from their teachers. 
  • Improves Confidence Level: The notes of class 9 English Grammar helps students to be more confident as well as be prepared for the final exam. 

How to Use Class 9 English Grammar Notes to Enhance Learning?

The class 9 English Grammar notes is a powerful tool to enhance learning skills and can improve the marks in the final exam, here are some tips:

  • Review English Grammar Notes Regularly: It is very important for students to review the class 9 notes of English Grammar so that students can regularly keep a touch in their preparation and can enhance their preparation. 
  • Highlight the Key Information: Students are advised to highlight key information in class 9 English Grammar notes PDF so that it can help to stay focused and can prioritise studying, accordingly can enhance the preparation process.
  • Summarise Key Points: Students are advised to summarise key points with the help of NCERT notes for class 9 English Grammar in a separate notebook so that they can enhance their preparation level. 
  • Create Study Tool: Students can create their own study tool: flashcards, mind maps, flow charts with the help of class 9 notes for English Grammar; this can help them to enhance their preparation process. 
  • Useful For Exams: The English Grammar notes for English Grammar can be useful during exams or assessments as it helps: to review the concepts, to understand the concepts during the last minute and to identify the flaws in the preparation; so that they can improve the level of preparation. 
  • To Solve Doubts: Students can utilise the English Grammar notes effectively to solve doubts and confusions regarding any chapters as the concepts are explained in a brief way, accordingly can enhance their preparation process. 
  • To Identify the Area of Weaknesses: Through the English Grammar notes of class 9, students can identify the weak topics and can give extra care to those topics, accordingly they can enhance their preparation process.
  • To Update the Learning Style: Students can update their learning style with the help of NCERT notes for class 9 English Grammar as it is very important to enhance their preparation process. 

How to Prepare for Class 9 English Grammar Syllabus With the Help of Notes? 

It is very important for students to cover the CBSE class 9 English Grammar syllabus so that they can score well, they can utilise the notes as it is considered to be the ready made study resources provided by the website, some tips to prepare are: 

  • Prepare Time Table: To cover the class 9 English Grammar syllabus with the help of notes PDF, students need to prepare the time table so that they can remain consistent throughout the preparation. 
  • Prepare Flash Cards: Students can make their own flashcards with the help of class 9 English Grammar notes PDF to complete the syllabus so that they can be productive throughout the preparation. 
  • Fix a Proper Study Location: Students are advised to fix a proper study location: quiet room, library, coffee shop, etc to complete NCERT notes for class 9 English Grammar so that they can maintain their concentration while preparing for the final exam. 
  • Practise Questions: After completing the class 9 notes of English Grammar, students can practise questions to improve their grip for the subject. 
  • Don’t Cram: Students are advised not to cram the topics and concepts of English Grammar syllabus, they can utilise the notes as topics in here are clearly explained for a better understanding. 
  • Take Breaks: Students are advised to take breaks while completing class 9 notes for English Grammar so that they can feel relaxed after taking a break and this can increase the level of productivity. 
  • Divide Into Segments: Students can divide the portion of notes for class 9 English Grammar into segments so that they can quickly cover the syllabus without any delay. 
  • Don’t Waste Time: Students are advised to not to take much time in breaks and in some other activities while completing English Grammar notes, this can affect the consistency level. 

When Is the Best Time to Look Through the Class 9 English Grammar Notes?

The best time to look through the class 9 English Grammar notes generally depends upon the student’s preferences and way of learning, some of the best time to go through it are: 

  • During Class Room Study: Students can go through the class 9 English Grammar notes PDF during class room study as it provides an outline for topics and concepts. 
  • For Weekly Revision: Students can look through the NCERT notes for class 9 English Grammar on a weekly basis so that they can clarify the doubts and confusion within 7 days.  
  • During the Final Exams: Before the final exams, students can look through the NCERT notes for class 9 English Grammar so that they can revise the key topics and concepts. Accordingly, students can increase their score in class 9 English Grammar final exam and can be promoted to the next grade. 
  • During Weekly Test: It is important for students to test their skills on a weekly basis so that they can improve on a weekly basis, while preparing for the weekly test students can look through the class 9 notes of English Grammar. 
  • During the Last Minute Revision: The last 24 hours before the class 9 English Grammar final exam is very crucial as students need to revise the entire syllabus, for this students can take the help of notes.

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NCERT Solutions Class 9 English

Ncert solutions for class 9 english, ncert solutions for class 9 english chapter-wise – download free pdf (updated for 2023-24).

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English from BYJU’S includes answers to all the questions of the main textbook, Beehive, and the supplementary reader Moments. The NCERT solutions are mainly created to help students ace the exam with much confidence. The highly knowledgeable experts make use of simple language so that students do not find difficulty in understanding the concepts.

These NCERT English Solutions have been meticulously designed by our subject-matter experts in order to give you the most standard solutions. In this cut-throat competitive age, students need to prepare themselves in the best way possible. To help students in their learning process, we are offering NCERT Solutions for Class 9 that is reliable and can be used by students as a reference during their preparation.

English is an extremely enticing subject. It is a language that connects every country and continent in the world; that is one of the many reasons why we should pay more attention to learning the language. Here, we have provided students with well-structured NCERT Solutions. These solutions will help them comprehend the way you must frame them to get good scores when they appear for examinations. Also, you can download these NCERT English Solutions in printable PDF format for free through the links provided below.

* The complete NCERT Solutions of Class 9 English will be available soon…

NCERT Solutions of Class 9 English

Given below are the links to the unit-wise NCERT Class 9 English Textbook Beehive and the Supplementary Reader Moments . Click on the respective links to get the solutions.

Beehive Textbook Solutions

The Class 9 students can master the language by using the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive at BYJU’S. The questions from the textbook are solved to improve their command of the language. The solutions are carefully drafted by the teachers in a way to strengthen the vocabulary and help students to score good marks in the exam. The usage of a language like English is prominent in different fields, and students should be fluent in it. The linguistic themes are explained in a comprehensive way which helps students to grasp them effectively.

The following are the chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 9 English Beehive textbook 2023-24.

Poem: The Duck and the Kangaroo

The Bond of Love

Poem: The Snake Trying

Supplementary Textbook Moments Solutions

The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments help students to comprehend the chapter in a better way in the exam. It provides them with the knowledge of the basic communication principles of English, which would help them in their higher levels of education. There are 10 chapters in the supplementary textbook, with each of them having a valuable meaning, making it easier for the students to learn. The main aim of providing the solutions is to set the right base for the board exam along with various complicated subjects. This, in turn, improves the academic performance of students, which will help them to achieve their career goals.

The following are the chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 9 English Supplementary textbook 2023-24.

The Accidental Tourist

NCERT Solutions are drafted by the subject matter experts with the aim of providing a quality learning experience for CBSE students. The answers are designed in a way to cater all the requirements of students. The PDF version of the solutions can be downloaded for free so that students can stay ahead in class. Download Class 9 English Solutions of NCERT for good academic performance.

NCERT Solutions Class 9 English aims to offer the most accurate and reliable solutions for students preparing for their exams. Each and every question from the NCERT Textbook are answered in a precise manner based on the CBSE syllabus. It is the best reference material for the students to refer to while learning the chapters from the textbook. Students will understand how to answer a question and analyse the chapters in which they are weak from the exam point of view. As these solutions are crafted by the subject experts, students will be able to frame suitable answers for the other questions that would be asked in the exam.

What Are the Top Features of BYJU’S NCERT Class 9 English Solutions?

Here are some of the most exciting key points that make the NCERT Class 9 English Solutions of BYJU’S the most reliable:

  • We have covered each and every question in English NCERT Class 9 textbooks .
  • Download these solutions in printable PDF format, and then students can enjoy learning even when they are offline.
  • The solutions have been provided in a comprehensive way and as per the standards set forth by the CBSE board.
  • Students can download the CBSE 9 th Class English Solutions for free while going through the lessons.

Mentioned above are some of the most prominent benefits of using NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English offered by us.

Students can also enrol in BYJU’S and learn various topics and concepts of the CBSE and NCERT syllabus . Students can learn the subjects under our guidance from the comfort of their homes. All they need to do is log on to our website, log in to the account and browse all the content they might be searching for. Students can even get personalised assistance from our subject-matter experts.

Download BYJU’S – The Learning App for more useful learning resources. Get lots of interactive learning videos, live sessions, etc., to make learning fun and engaging.

CBSE Class 9 English Marks Weightage (2023-24)

Frequently asked questions on ncert solutions for class 9 english, where can i find ncert solutions for class 9 english .

You can find as well as download reliable NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English on BYJU’S website for absolutely free of cost. All the questions of NCERT Class 9 English textbook Beehive and supplementary reader Moments have been solved here by subject experts of BYJU’S.

How many English books are there in Class 9 NCERT?

There are two English books in the Class 9 NCERT: textbook Beehive and supplementary reader Moments.

How are NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English helpful for CBSE Board Exams?

Which is the best site to study ncert solutions for class 9 english, what is the main intention of the ncert textbook for class 9 english, mention the chapters present in ncert solutions for class 9 english ., how many chapters are there in ncert class 9 english textbook beehive.

There are eleven units in the NCERT Class 9 English textbook Beehive . Each unit has one prose and one poem, except for the last unit, which has only prose. So, there are ten poems and eleven prose in the NCERT Class 9 English textbook Beehive.

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If you are looking for Class 9 English model papers, periodic test papers, Important Questions, MCQ Questions, Sample Papers, Study Notes, Hot Questions, Worksheets, Class Assignments, Practice Exercises, Word Problems, Previous Year question papers, Solved papers, Unit tests and other related study material for exam preparation then you are at the right place.

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Worksheets of class 9.

CBSE Worksheets for Class 9 English contains all the important questions on English as per NCERT syllabus. These Worksheets for Class 9 English or 9th grade English worksheets help students to practice, improve knowledge as they are an effective tool in understanding the subject in totality. Also Multiple Choice Questions based Worksheets help students in learning in depth concepts while out of the class.

Question bank of Class 9

On Ribblu one can get immense collections of CBSE Question Bank for Class 9 English which includes important questions 9th Class Chapter wise as per NCERT syllabus. Students while preparing for final exams must practice all the important questions of 9th grade English. All these Important Questions chapter wise have been uploaded by various registered users.

Sample Papers of Class 9

By Solving CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English, immensely helps students in preparing for the final exams. These Class 9 sample papers and 9th grade sample question papers are prepared in accordance with the latest syllabus and guidelines that are issued by the central board. If one wants to have a clear idea of how the final exam papers would be in terms of level of difficulty, time and other aspects then, all students must make sure that they do sample papers once their course revision is finished.

Revision Notes of Class 9

CBSE Revision Notes For Class 9 English are very important for quick revision to recall all that has been learned throughout the year. On Ribblu.com one can find Study Key Notes or Revision notes for all subjects of 9th Class STD and which includes English as per CBSE and NCERT syllabus. Notes make this process of recall easy. One can easily revise the precise notes in a day or two. Once they get the hint, the students are quick to recall the entire material.

Question Papers of Class 9

If you are looking for CBSE Question Papers for Class 9 English then you are at the right place. On Ribblu you will find Class 9 English Question Papers, 9th class previous year board question papers and MCQs Paper for Class 9 English, as per NCERT Syllabus. Solving them gives students the clear idea of how the final exam papers would be in terms of level of difficulty, time and other aspects, so all students must attempt as many English Question Papers as possible once their course revision is finished so as to get the best score in final exams

Test Papers of Class 9

CBSE Test Papers from Class 9 English are very important for exam preparations. Students need to practice these practice test papers of class 9th and periodic and assessment unit tests of grade 9th while preparing for final exams. Practicing these Test Papers will enable students to identify important topics of chapters for preparing final exams. As per CBSE Guidelines schools need to conduct weekly tests and periodic tests. So these Previous Class Test papers, periodic and Unit Test Papers of English gives students the clear idea of what are the important aspects in a particular topic and thereby increase their fundamental concepts and knowledge and prepare them for Final Exams.

Supplementary Helping Aids For CBSE Exams Preparation.

Indian Education system primarily consists of two parts one being studying the subjects and the other one is appearing for exams and tests. All these exams are conducted by schools for various classes to gauge how much the students have understood , learned and what is their capability score in any particular subject. But sometimes even after understanding the topics fully there are chances the students don’t do well in exams because of lack of preparation from the examination perspective. The reason being that one needs to prepare for exams in a particular way and for that previous question papers, sample papers, worksheets and unit test papers play a major role.

The important factors in performing well in the exams, apart from, studying day & night, grasping everything and retaining everything, is, to be able to study smart and in a proper disciplined manner, so that all the efforts translate into performance.

When preparing for your exams every expert recommends that students should invest more time and effort into solving question papers and worksheets from previous year

This practice not only will familiarise the students with the format of the question paper, it will also teach them the discipline of answering the entire question paper within the time allotted to you at the examination. The more one solves these, the more confidence will be gained towards achievement of highest score. Often it happens that in the exams the children know the solution of every question but due to lack of time they miss some portions. So it is imperative to practice before hand so that everything is attempted on time in main exams

Class 9 Other Subjects Papers

These papers & worksheets are from various CBSE Schools across India and have been contributed and shared by various users/members of Ribblu.

These CBSE papers and worksheets can be instrumental in students achieving maximum marks in their exams. These Papers and worksheets help students gain confidence and make them ready to face their school examinations. These Papers and worksheets school wise, covers important concepts from an examination perspective. Students and parents can download all the available papers & worksheets directly in the form of PDF. One can use these papers and worksheets to get extensive practice and familiarise themselves with the format of the question paper.

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CBSE Class 9 English Sample Papers & Grammar Worksheets

Toppr Nation

CBSE English Grammar for class 9 & 10 – Rules, Examples and Exercises

CBSE English Grammar for class 9 & 10 – Rules, Examples and Exercises with notes are available to view or read online. Class 9 & 10 English Grammar worksheets are available to download in PDF.  CBSE English Grammar is not easy to prepare because we have to learn every aspect very carefully. Our one mistake can make ours answers wrong. We have compiled CBSE English Grammar topic-wise rules, notes and exercises with examples. You can find useful exercises for practice.

Page Contents

English Grammar for Class 9 & 10

Students of class IX and X can access English Language and Literature study material for the above class This page contains the following topics:

Part – A 

According to CBSE Syllabus, Class 9 & 10 English Grammar has the following topics:

  • Introduction
  • Present Tense
  • Future Tense
  • Shall & Will
  • Has to, Have to, Had to
  • Subject – Verb Concord (Subject-Verb Agreement)
  • Reported Speech
  • Determiners
  • Use of Passive Voice
  • Noun Clauses
  • Adverb Clause of condition and time
  • Prepositions

The above topics are included in the CBSE Syllabus of class 9 & 10. You can read the above topics for preparing the examination. Examples and Grammar exercises are provided to understand the topics easily. CBSE English Grammar for class 9 & 10 is free for all.

CBSE Class 9 & 10 Writing

Part – B

The Part – B is writing. Students have to write a descriptive paragraph on a person/place/event or a diary entry on given visual or verbal clues. This paragraph must be in about 100-120 words. It carries 5 marks. In the second question, a letter is given to write on the given situation. It is also for 5 marks. A story is given to write on a topic in 100 to 120 words.

  • Letter Writing
  • Paragraph Writing
  • Story Writing
  • Article Writing

Class 9 & 10 Reading – Unseen Passage

Reading section in the question paper caries 20 marks. There will be two unseen passages in thee reading section. The passage contains 400-450 words. Questions may be multiple choice or for writing.  The other passage will be about in 200-250 words to answer the questions. 

  • Unseen Passage (Discursive)
  • Unseen Passage (Factual)

Class 9 CBSE English Grammar – Interactive Exercises

For student’s convenience we have created useful exercises for the students. Here is a complete list of class 9 grammar exercises to practise and enhance the knowledge of English Grammar. Follow the links given below:

  • Class 9 Grammar notes for quick revision
  • Tenses Exercises
  • Modal verbs exercises
  • Reordering Exercises with answers
  • Omission Exercises
  • Editing Exercises
  • Prepositions Exercises
  • Gap Filling Exercises
  • Determiners Exercises
  • Clauses Exercises
  • Subject-verb concord exercises
  • Reported Speech exercises

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar Exercises

If you are studying in class 10th, you must be preparing for the board exams. Here is a list of Class 10 English Grammar exercises. You can find the useful exercises for your revision. Class 10 Students search for grammar exercises. These exercises can help them a lot for preparing exams. We have a collection class 10 grammar worksheets in PDF. These grammar exercises are prepared according to the CBSE NCERT syllabus.

  • Tenses Exercises for CBSE class 10
  • Modal verbs exercises with exercises
  • Omission Exercises with answers
  • Editing Exercises with answers
  • Prepositions Exercises with answers
  • Gap Filling Exercises with answers
  • Determiners Exercises with answers
  • Clauses Exercises with answers
  • Subject-verb concord exercises with answers
  • Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect Exercises

English Grammar Revision Notes and Topics

If you are a student of class 9 or 10, you can find the following grammar topics useful. There are eight parts of speech in English Grammar. Every word is a kind of part of speech. Sentences are framed using these parts of speech. Have a look and study these topics below.

  • Conjunction
  • Preposition
  • Interjection
  • Forms of verbs
  • List of Prepositions
  • Tenses Chart
  • List of Conjunctions
  • List of Adverbs
  • List of phrasal Verbs
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • One word substitution
  • Grammar Exercises

Why CBSE Grammar?

CBSE Grammar is the most important subject and topic for CBSE Board students as they start learning grammar in small classes. But in the class 9 & 10 grammar may be difficult for the students. There are some important topics like Tenses, Modals, Speech Adverbs etc. These topics can be learnt one by one. We have created some exercises and worksheets for the students for their convenience. Teachers, parents and students can take benefit of these exercises. Our aim is to help the students, teachers and parents. They can reach here for CBSE English Grammar for class 9 and 10.

Get here some more – Grammar Exercises

FAQs on CBSE Class 9 and 10 English Grammar

Here are some frequently asked question:

Q. Where can I download CBSE Class 9 and Grammar exercises? Ans. – You can download the Grammar exercises from this page. The links are given above.

Q.2 Are CBSE Grammar exercises available in PDF? Ans. Yes, CBSE Grammar exercises are available in PDF.

Q. 3 Are these exercises free for everyone? Ans. Yes, These exercises are free for everyone.

Q.4 Why are CBSE English Grammar exercises important for students? Ans. These exercises are important for the students to enhance their knowledge for preparing the examination.

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Determiners Exercises for Class 9 CBSE

Determiners Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers

Determiners are words that come before nouns. They contain several classes of words, including pronouns and adjectives. They determine or limit the noun by giving some additional information about it. Determiners show whether a noun refers to is a general or a specific object, person, or place. They indicate which or how many things the noun refers to. Determiners define or limit a noun to the singular or plural. They indicate the amount or quantity. Determiners and nouns together make noun phrases. They make noun phrases with adjectives too. Determiners may precede numerals too.

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 9 English Chapter wise.

Determiners Exercises With Answers for Class 9 CBSE PDF

Determiners are words that precede and modify nouns. They tell us how many or how much. Selecting the correct determiner depends on your understanding of the distinction between countable and uncountable nouns.

Determiners Solved Exercises Examples for Class 9 CBSE

Diagnostic Test 8

Fill in the blanks using suitable determiners.

Bon Appetit – With Flowers

Flowers are not only beautiful and fragrant, they are often also edible. Indians have always relished eating flowers and (a) …………………………… (some/one) of the delicacies of Bengali cuisine is fritters made of pumpkin flowers. (b) …………………………… (one/another) flower widely eaten in the north-east is the banana flower which is made into a number of dishes.

Today, eating flowers is catching on in a big way. Apart from the cauliflower and broccoli, there are (c) …………………………… (various/some) other edible flowers too. In (d) …………………………… (any/some) western countries, crystallized flowers are used as decoration for cakes and puddings. Lavender flowers have (e) …………………………… (much/many) uses. They are used for making lavender water as well as in custards and ice creams.

(f) …………………………… (many/any) herbs like rosemary, thyme, and basil are used for garnishing and flavor. Answer: (a) one (b) Another (c) various (d) some (e) many (f) Many

Determiners Practice Exercises for Class 9 CBSE

Determiners Exercises Class 9 CBSE

Question 2. In the following sentences, fill in the blanks with one of the following determiners.

(a) It seems to me that we’ve had …………………………… assignments in English this term, (b) How …………………………… material can we be expected to read in one week? (c) …………………………… of the books you asked us to read are not in the library. (d) I’ve called …………………………… of my colleagues over for dinner. (e) …………………………… of the anger you experience can be attributed to being overworked.

Question 3.

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners. More than one answer is possible in certain cases. (a) Do you remember ………………….. of the questions asked in the interview? (b) I know very ………………….. about him. (c) Shakespeare wrote ………………….. plays. (d) ………………….. citizen should vote. (e) She has not bought ………………….. new books recently. (f) ………………….. one can go and collect the prize. (g) I collected all the marbles but I think ………………….. are still left. (h) ………………….. watches have you got? (i) ………………….. trees were cut yesterday. (j) These cheques can be deposited in ………………….. branch of the bank. (k) ………………….. vehicle is parked in front of of gate? (l) They have planted trees on ………………….. side of the road. (m) It was not a good match ………………….. team played well. (n) ………………….. side of the square has the same length. Answer: (a) some/any (b) little (c) many/several (d) Every (e) any (f) Every (g) a few (h) How many (i) Many/A few/ Few/ Some (j) any (k) Whose (l) either (m) neither (n) Each

Question 4. In the following sentences, fill in the blanks with one of the following determiners.

(a) They say …………………………… knowledge is a dangerous thing. (b) I know of …………………………… instances where that has proved to be true. (c) …………………………… people know as much about computers as Subhash does. (d) But it does him …………………………… good when the whole system goes down.

Question 5. In the following sentences, fill in the blanks with one of the following determiners.

(a) I’m having …………………………… of trouble passing my driving exam. (b) …………………………… the movies were rated PG. (c) …………………………… of the information proved to be outdated. (d) We’re close to the project deadline, but there is still …………………………… time left. (e) Although there are …………………………… brilliant students in this state, only …………………………… will choose to remain in the state after graduation. (f) We were able to destroy …………………………… the parasites with our antigen, but …………………………… of them survived to cause trouble. (g) …………………………… a student has passed through these doors. (h) Although …………………………… of the lawn is open to the sun, there are …………………………… of shady trees to make it comfortable. (i) I think he drank …………………………… wine last night. (j) …………………………… of the evidence was stolen from the police safe last night.

Question 6. Fill in the blanks using suitable articles, quantifiers, and demonstratives. (a) …………………………… very next day …………………………… new manager arrived. He was …………………………… ambitious, bad-tempered …………………………… man and …………………………… of us took …………………………… instant dislike to him.

(b) …………………………… man standing by …………………………… lamp post seems suspicious. I have seen him …………………………… times loitering around my house. I wonder if he has anything to do with …………………………… robbery last night.

(c) Mandarin is …………………………… of …………………………… more widely spoken languages. This is because almost 25 percent of the world’s population is concentrated in China alone.

(d) The Chinese language does not use …………………………… alphabet. Instead, it has over 50,000 characters which are adapted from pictures of …………………………… objects they represent. Although there is …………………………… or no resemblance now, so people simply have to learn what each character means.

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  • English Grammar Class 9 Grammar Gap Filling


Download English Grammar Free PDFs for Class 9 Grammar Gap Filling

English grammar is a tricky subject, but mastering it has long-term benefits in a child’s life. The Class 9 English grammar syllabus in CBSE is an amalgamation of diverse topics such as clauses, tenses, modals, commands and requests, determiners, and so forth. Parents should adopt various types of exercises that are necessary to disseminate knowledge, and one of the exercises that help students learn includes Grammar gap filling exercises for Class 9 stu dents. 

As the name suggests, gap-filling exercises are fill-in-the-blanks, where students complete a paragraph by writing the correct answers on the blanks given. Almost all the essential topics of English grammar can be learned through exercises on gap filling for Class 9 students . However, the content available in NCERT textbooks is limited, and it is imperative for young minds to go the extra mile and practice ancillary revision notes, sample questions, and so forth in the gap-filling format.


English Grammar for Class 9 Grammar Gap Filling Download Free PDF

In today’s lesson, we will discuss an essential topic of English grammar which is gap-filling. Gap-filling refers to the task in which the gaps in a passage or a sentence must be filled with suitable nouns, pronouns, verbs or any parts of speech as needed. In this article example passages along with answers have been provided. Practice questions and solved examples are given throughout the article for better understanding and concept clarity. Let’s begin the journey on this great topic.


Grammar Gap Filling:

A gap fill is an example of a practice exercise in which students have to fill words missing from a given passage/text. 

These words are chosen and removed to practice a specific language grammar, in this case, English grammar points.

Gap-fill exercises are different from close texts, where words are removed at regular intervals. 

In these exercises, a word about a grammar concept is removed intentionally and not just any random phrases which will require an addition of the missing words.

For example, gap filling could be of items of grammar and vocabulary, or adding particular features like nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions and other parts of speech as required.

Ways or Rules on How to Fill in the Correct Verb Forms in the Gap-Filling Exercises:

 Is there a signal word in the statement?

yes → go on with No. 3

no → go on with No. 2

 What action, the signal is?

Identify the tense and find the right verb form.

Is it a statement or a question?

Statement  → go on with No. 7

question → go on with No. 5

 Is there a supplementary in the sentence?

yes → go on with No. 7

no → go on with No. 6

Use does or do in the simple present tense and did in the simple past.

Is the statement or the question negative?

yes → go on with No. 8

no → go on with No. 9

 Put in not after the supplementary. (Simple Past didn't; Simple Present doesn't or doesn't)

Then fill in the verb form into the space.

Let’s take a look at some examples of Gap Filling Exercises

Passage- 1- Question

Fill the gaps with the help of the given options

Last month the Annual Meet of our academy (1) ___. The District Collector (2) ____ to bless the occasion as the special guest. The ceremony (3) ___ by the Chairman while the Collector, the special guest gave the awards to the achievers.

(i) is celebrated  

(ii) had been celebrated  

(iii) was celebrated              

(iv) shall be celebrated

  (i) was invited    

(ii) has been invited          

(iii) is invited                        

(iv) shall be invited

(i) is inaugurated

(ii) was inaugurated         

(iii) will be inaugurated       

(iv) has been inaugurated

Passage- 1- Answer

Last month the Annual Meet of our academy was celebrated. The District Collector was invited to bless the occasion as a special guest. The ceremony was inaugurated by the Chairman while the Collector, the special guest gave the awards to the achievers.

Passage- 2- Question

It was a sunny day. Traffic (1) ___ tough on the highway. A (2) ___ hit a truck badly in the middle of the road. Four passengers were injured while one person (3) ___ on the spot. The injured people were moved to the nearest Emergency room. The localites were very helpful.

(i) will be             

(ii) was                

(iii) is                      

(iv) has been

(i) speeding bus

(ii)  speeded bus

(iii) sped up bus   

(iv) speed bus

(i) was died        

(ii) had died        

(iii) died                 

(iv) is died

Passage- 2- Answers

It was a sunny day. Traffic was tough on the highway. A speeding bus hit a truck badly in the middle of the road. Four passengers were injured while one person died on the spot. The injured people were moved to the nearest Emergency room. The localites were very helpful.

Gap Filling

Gap Filling

Passage- 3- Question

Fill the blanks with the options provided in the box

Michele lives a ____ lifestyle and lives in America.

Animals are divided into three groups depending on the type of food they eat, and ____ is one among them.

The arrow didn’t injure the warrior as he was wearing an iron-clad ____.

Many countries are facing an ____ imbalance due to poverty.

The photographer ____ the expressions of the people in the ceremony.

The flag ____ in the fast winds.

A famous proverb, “unity in, ____”, implies the unity between diverse groups.

The team performed its ____ in the test game.

The plane ____ midway and several people were injured.

The servant ____ the floor every day.

_____ all students failed the diagnostic assessment.

An ____ person makes logical decisions.

The police expressed their ____ to the victim’s family.

The poet fills his poem with  ____

If you face any ____, you can reach out for my help.

Passage- 3- Answers

Michele lives a lavish lifestyle and lives in America.

Animals are divided into three groups depending on the type of food they eat, and herbivorous is one among them.

The arrow didn’t injure the warrior as he was wearing iron-clad armor .

Many countries are facing an economic imbalance due to poverty.

The photographer captured the expressions of the people in the ceremony.

The flag fluttered in the fast winds.

A famous proverb, “unity in diversity ”, implies the unity between diverse groups.

The team performed its worst in the test game.

The plane crashed midway and several people were injured.

The servant wipes the floor every day.

Almost all students failed the diagnostic assessment.

An educated person makes logical decisions.

The police expressed their cooperation to the victim’s family.

The poet fills his poem with emotions .

If you face any crisis , you can reach out for my help.

Difficult Words with  Meanings

Practice questions.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words

So (a)___ (a, an, the, one) wizard said, “Oh, very well. (b)___(Go, went, gone, going) to the end of the street and turn (c)___ (on, in, around, from) five times and look down the treasure box, and there you will (d)___ (found, finding, find) five gold coins. Hurry (e)___ (up, at, on, of).” So, Milly Cooper went to the end of the street and (f)___ (turn, turned, turning, has turned) around five times, and there in the treasure box were five gold coins.

So a wizard said, “Oh, very well. Go to the end of the street and turn around five times and look down the treasure box, and there you will find five gold coins. Hurry up ” So, Milly Cooper went to the end of the street and turned around five times, and there in the treasure box were five gold coins.

Importance of Exercises on Gap Filling for Class 9 Students 

There are a plethora of techniques to help young minds learn better and faster. Devising interesting and relevant assignments is a great way to teach new concepts to students, and this is precisely when gap-filling exercises for Class 9 students come into the picture. 

To begin with, gap-filling exercises enable young minds to anticipate. 

The CBSE Class 9 English grammar gap filling exercises also help in reformulation.

Through gap-filling exercises, students can identify the appropriate word in the missing place, and build on their foundation of a particular topic.

Teachers can teach various English grammar topics through gap-filling exercises.

Lastly, mastering gap-filling exercises help improve the cognitive skills of young minds, and they get better at essay writing and answer formulation.

Examples of CBSE Class 9 English Grammar Gap Filling Exercises

Most UFO sightings occur (a) during ( at, in, on, during) the night. They either take place in the late evening or in the early hours of the morning (b) when (as, when, while, often) the sun is about to shine. More often than not, UFO sightings take place on a dark, moonless, and pitch black night when the person (c) is (are, where, is, was) along a lonesome country road. However, it is essential to remember that an eerie atmosphere automatically compels the human mind (d) to (in, to, with, by) play tricks. Police and newspapers are often inundated (e) with (in, for, with, among) calls when something strange is seen. However, (f) once (how, then, before, once) an explanation is given, people happily accept it and move on in their lives. 

The CBSE Class 9 English grammar gap filling exercises should include paragraphs that are simple, yet interesting for the learners. 

Interesting Facts about Gap Filling English Grammar Exercises for Class 9 CBSE Students 

Gap filling exercises are a great way to consolidate the learning levels of young minds when it comes to English grammar.

Fill in gaps help students test their capacity to remember and connect new concepts, all the while activating the cognitive processes of recalling and understanding.

Gap filling exercises provide teachers with a real picture of what a student knows. 

Such exercises also help students to improve their understanding of tenses and how a word fits into the gap in the correct tense form.

It is always a good idea to combine interesting facts with any type of English grammar exercise to make the learning process more fun and exciting. 

Benefits of solving  Vedantu’s Gap Filling Exercises for Class 9 with Answers PDF

Curated by top-notch subject matter experts, Vedantu’s English grammar PDFs are a warehouse of knowledge. They include a range of study material such as gap filling paragraph exercises with answers , tips, and tricks to learn grammar faster, revision notes, and likewise. Therefore, PDFs are a one-stop destination for all students keen on elevating their academic skills. 

To remember the concepts well and analyse the preparation students can get Vedantu’s free PDFs easily. 

In Gap filling PDF, students will get clearly specified exercises which will help them learn the lesson easily.

The content of the PDF will help the students to approach the chapter in a new manner which will help them clear the concept at the end of the lesson.  

With the help of these PDFs, You will learn how to create suitable, correct responses as per weighted scoring system.

It is very vital to help learners achieve their academic or lesson goals easily. Therefore, to develop a clear idea based on the questions of the lessons, teachers at Vedantu have created easy lesson modules in the form of a PDF to help with the better understanding of the subject.   

In this chapter, we discussed the concept of gap-filling. Example passages along with answers have been illustrated. Gap filling is a key idea in all the English Grammar chapters. Students can fill in the missing words using exercises that involve gap-filling. Exercises that fill in the gaps test students' comprehension of sentence meaning.


FAQs on English Grammar Class 9 Grammar Gap Filling

1. What is a gap filling exercise?

Gap-filling exercises are those tasks where you have to fill in the blank by choosing the correct option and making the sentence more meaningful.

2. Can I learn tenses with gap filling exercises?

Yes, it is possible to learn a diverse range of grammar topics with gap filling exercises.

3. How to ace gap filling exercises?

The easiest way to ace gap filling exercises is through practice and understanding the meaning of the paragraph. 

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    Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction. Mission The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement.