
How to write an internship report conclusion?

Concluding an internship report: writing and examples

The conclusion is the last part of a Bachelor's or Master's internship report . It's just as important as the introduction . It summarizes the key points of your training report , highlighting the results you've achieved and the lessons you've learned from your internship experience. It also concludes your work by summarizing your observations and suggesting ways in which the company can improve.

In this article, you'll find some ideas for information to include in the conclusion of your internship report, as well as some specific examples .

answer problematics conclusion internship report

What should be included in the conclusion of an internship report?

Response to the problem.

A question was posed in the introduction to this academic internship report . The conclusion is the best place to summarize the answer to this question.

Summarizing the key points of your report

First, summarize the main points of your report by briefly presenting the different parts that have been developed. This will enable the reader to recall the elements that have been presented throughout your report.

conclusion placement report

Highlighting the results 

In the rest of your conclusion, highlight the actions you've taken , the results you've achieved, and the lessons you've learned from the experience.

Application proposal

You can conclude your internship report by mentioning your desire to continue working with the company that hosted you, and to return as an employee in the future. This will show the company that you have enjoyed your internship experience and are interested in future collaborations.

Acknowledgements internship report

Proposed recommendations

To conclude your report, suggest ways in which the company can improve . Identify the company's strengths and weaknesses , and propose solutions to improve its performance.

Acknowledgements for members of your company

You can express your gratitude to the company that trained you. Highlight its strengths , successes and the quality of its working environment . Express your gratitude for giving you the opportunity to complete your internship , and for allowing you to develop professionally as an intern . Be careful not to rewrite the thank-you notes you wrote at the beginning of your placement report .

Examples of how to conclude an internship report

Conclusion for a sales internship report.

I completed my second-year Associate Degree sales internship as a ready-to-wear saleswoman in the [store name] store. During these six months , I had the chance to put into practice the knowledge I had acquired during the school year in the field. This internship enabled me to familiarize myself with the world of luxury goods and work on my approach to customer relations . The experience reinforced my decision to work in the luxury sector in the future.

As my research question asked, and as I was able to observe in the field, the customer experience is essential in the luxury sector . It helps build customer loyalty, which in turn creates a strong relationship with the brand.

Conclusion for a communications internship report

I did my bachelor's degree internship as assistant project manager at the agency [agency name] . During these three months, I had the chance to put into practice the knowledge I had acquired during the school year. This internship enabled me to discover the world of communications and business in greater detail. The assignments I was given enabled me to better define the skills I'd like to develop for the rest of my career, such as community management and v ideo content creation .

This experience also opened my eyes to the importance of social networks in the development of a communications strategy. The company I worked for devotes a considerable amount of time to this. However, we need to look at the growing dependence of brands on the Internet giants.

Source : “ Examples of internship report conclusions ”, Indeed, 09/06/2023.

Other examples of internship report conclusions: " Internship Report Conclusion Writing Explained: How to Conclude an Internship Report? " AScolarship, consulted on 20/12/2023. " How to Write an Internship Report With Exampe " Scholarsrank

In short, the conclusion is an important part of any training report , as it allows you to summarize the key points , highlight the results obtained and suggest areas for improvement for the company. By following these tips, you'll be able to write an effective and relevant internship report conclusion .

Read our complete guide to writing an internship report👇.

Information: this informative article, which does not require any personal reflection, was written in part with the help of ChatGPT. We have reworked the automatically-generated content (corrected repetitions, corrected turns of phrase, added clarifications, added quotations, checked the veracity of the information, etc.).

Internship Report Conclusion Writing Sample : How to Conclude an Internship Report (With Examples)?

Writing an engaging internship report conclusion can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be! In this blog post, we’ll cover some tips & tricks on how to write a conclusion that is both informative and interesting. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What we will cover?

Start with the big picture

When writing a conclusion for an internship report, it is essential to start with the big picture. You should begin by summarizing the primary purpose of your report, the key questions you asked, and any significant conclusions you drew from your research. This will help readers understand your report’s context and how it relates to their work. Additionally, starting with the big picture will give your conclusion more clarity & direction. From there, you can narrow your focus and provide more details about your findings and recommendations. 

Summarize your key findings .

When summarizing your key findings, give a concise overview of the research you conducted throughout your internship. What did you learn during your internship, and how did it help you grow and develop professionally? Be sure to include any interesting trends or patterns you observed and any challenges or successes you experienced while completing your work. Additionally, describe how your work has impacted the organization directly or indirectly. Highlighting your accomplishments can demonstrate how valuable your work was to the Company and can add to the overall effectiveness of the report.

Connect your findings to the real world .

When concluding your internship report, connecting the information you have collected and analyzed to the real world is important. This helps give your internship report a more significant impact, as it allows readers to recognize the relevance of your work beyond the boundaries of the program. 

To do this, you can emphasize the practical applications of your research and findings. For example, if your research focused on increasing customer engagement at a store, you can explain how these findings can be applied to other stores. You can also advise how to implement similar strategies in different contexts. Additionally, you can suggest areas where further research is necessary and present potential solutions that could be explored. 

Finally, connecting your findings to the real world will help to draw attention to any issues or gaps that need to be addressed. By making your conclusions accessible & relevant to a broader audience, you are helping to make an impact beyond the boundaries of your internship report.

Include recommendations for future action .

The conclusion of your internship report should provide a summary of your findings, key takeaways, and recommendations for future action. It’s important to offer practical suggestions for improvement or further research, which can be implemented based on the results of your research. Here are some tips for including meaningful recommendations in your conclusion:

• Consider what worked well during your internship experience and make recommendations for how it can be built upon in the future.

• Think about the challenges you faced during your internship and suggest solutions for overcoming them.

• Take into account any new knowledge or skills that you developed, and suggest ways in which these can be used to benefit the organization.

• Research best practices from similar organizations and suggest how they can be adopted in the workplace.

• Offer ideas for ongoing research that could build on the work you completed during your internship.

• Talk about what you did as an intern and which aspects of the Company you would have enjoyed exploring more.

End on a positive note

When writing the conclusion to an internship report, it’s essential to end on a positive note. After summarizing the key findings of your work and connecting them to the real world, make sure to emphasize the positive impact your internship has had on you.

Highlight any improvements or changes made due to your internship and express gratitude for the opportunity to be involved. Acknowledge any shortcomings & explain how they were addressed. This will demonstrate to the reader that you have learned from your experience and are better prepared for future challenges.

Make sure to thank any mentors or supervisors who have supported you throughout your internship. This is especially important if they provide guidance, resources, or expertise. 

Finally, remind the reader why your internship was successful and how it has contributed to your professional development. Highlight the skills and experiences you’ve gained and explain how they will help you in your future career. Doing so will leave the reader with a strong impression of your work and your commitment to your career.

Sample/Template/Example of an Internship Report

1. In conclusion, my internship experience at ABC Company was invaluable. Through it, I gained valuable skills in customer service & problem-solving, as well as a better understanding of the different aspects of a business. The knowledge I have acquired will benefit me in my future endeavors.

2. All in all, this internship was a fantastic opportunity to gain hands-on experience and hone my skills in [field]. I am grateful for all the lessons & experiences I have gained during my time at [Company], which I can now confidently apply to any future roles.

3. My time at [Company] has been an incredibly rewarding & enriching experience. During my internship, I developed my technical skills & understand the operations of a successful business. I have also made some lasting connections that will be of great value in my professional life. Overall, I have learned so much from this experience, which will benefit me immensely in the future.

Final thoughts

An internship report summarizes the skills and experiences gained through on-the-job training. Writing an effective conclusion involves:

  • Reflecting on the big picture.
  • Summarizing key findings.
  • Connecting them to the real world.
  • Ending on a positive note.

With the right approach, an impressive internship report conclusion can serve as a lasting reminder of hard work.

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Writing a Successful Internship Report: Tips and Examples

conclusion of internship report

Internship reports are documents created by students who have completed an internship program. It is used as evidence of the work and experience they have gained in the field and serves as an official record of their participation in the program.

Purpose of Internship Report

The purpose of an internship report is to provide a comprehensive and detailed description of the work and experience gained during the internship program. The report should outline the objectives of the program, the scope of work done, the learning experience, as well as any challenges encountered during the internship period.

Importance of Internship Report

The importance of internship reports cannot be overemphasized. It plays a vital role in the improving the employability of students after graduation. Hiring managers, recruitment agencies, and other organizations view the internship report as an important document that tells a story of the student’s capabilities, skills, and work ethic. The report serves as evidence of the skills and knowledge gained during the internship period, provides insights into the student’s work experience, and demonstrates their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

Writing a successful internship report is essential in today’s competitive job market. It serves as a tool for students to showcase their work experience and knowledge gained during their time in the field. A well-written report can open doors to opportunities that students may not have otherwise had access to. Therefore, it is crucial that students take the time and effort to write a comprehensive, detailed and professional report that truly reflects their capabilities, skills, and experience.

Preparing for the Internship Report

Before you begin writing your internship report, it’s important to take some time to prepare. Here are some key steps to follow:

Understanding the Format of an Internship Report

An internship report typically follows a specific format that includes an introduction, main body, and conclusion. The introduction should provide an overview of your internship experience, while the main body should be divided into sections that address the objectives, tasks, and accomplishments of your internship. The conclusion should summarize the overall experience and offer some insights and recommendations.

Identifying the Requirements of Your Internship Program

Every internship program may have different requirements for the internship report. It’s important to review the guidelines and make sure you understand what is expected of you. This may include specific formatting requirements, word count limits, or even specific topics that should be covered.

Choosing a Suitable Topic for Your Report

Once you understand the requirements of your internship program, you can begin to choose a suitable topic for your report. You may want to focus on a particular project or task you worked on during your internship, or you may want to explore a broader topic related to the company or industry.

Getting Approval from Your Supervisor

Before you begin writing your report, it’s important to get approval from your supervisor. This can help ensure that you’re on the right track and that your report will meet the expectations of your internship program. You may want to share your outline or draft with your supervisor to get feedback and make any necessary revisions.

Following these steps can help you prepare for a successful internship report.

Outlining Your Report

Creating an outline.

Before you even begin writing your internship report, it’s important to create a solid outline. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you cover all of the important points in your report. To create an outline, start by listing the main topics and subtopics that you want to cover. Then, organize them in a logical order, starting with the most important points.

Deciding on the Structure of the Report

Once you have your outline, you can start deciding on the structure of your report. There are many different structures you could use, depending on your field and the purpose of your report. Some common structures include:

  • Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, Conclusion
  • Executive Summary, Introduction, Background, Scope, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion
  • Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion

Of course, these are just examples – you’ll want to tailor the structure of your report to meet your specific needs. Just make sure that your structure is clear, easy to follow, and logical.

Planning the Content of Each Section

With your outline and structure in place, you can start planning the content of each section. Each section should be focused on a specific topic or subtopic, and should include all of the relevant information and data. As you plan the content of each section, think about the key messages you want to convey and the audience you’re writing for.

Writing a successful internship report takes time and effort, but with a solid outline and clear structure, you’ll be well on your way to creating a report that impresses.

Writing the Internship Report

Writing an effective internship report is essential to demonstrate your learning and experience gained during your internship. In this section, we will discuss some tips and best practices for organizing content while avoiding common mistakes in report writing.

Tips for writing an effective internship report

  • Review the guidelines: Before starting your internship report, carefully review the guidelines provided by your internship provider. Make sure you understand the report’s purpose, format, and content.
  • Brainstorm your experiences: Take some time to reflect and brainstorm all your experiences during the internship, activities you participated in, and projects you worked on.
  • Follow a structured approach: Follow a structured approach for writing your report. Start with an introduction, then discuss your experiences, skills gained, challenges encountered, and achievements during the internship.
  • Provide evidence: Include evidence to support your claims about your experiences, skills, and achievements. Examples may include testimonials, emails with your supervisor, or project work samples.
  • Edit and proofread: Once you’re done writing, ensure you edit and proofread your report thoroughly.

Best practices for organizing content

  • Use headings and subheadings: Use headings and subheadings to organize your content logically.
  • Stick to the word count: Be mindful of the word count provided by your internship provider. Ensure you cover all relevant details while staying within the word limit.
  • Include citations: Use citations to support your work and analysis.
  • Use graphics: Incorporate graphs, charts, or other visuals to represent trends or data. Ensure that they are relevant and add value to your report.

Avoiding common mistakes in report writing

  • Writing in first person: Avoid writing in the first person. Use third-person, objective language.
  • Being too descriptive: Don’t include irrelevant details or become too descriptive. Stick to the main points of your experiences.
  • Submitting a report that’s too short or too long: Ensure your report is of appropriate length, following the guidelines given by the provider.
  • Failing to proofread: Ensure that you proofread your report thoroughly for grammatical errors or typos.

Including relevant details

Include relevant details such as the following:

  • The company’s name and information
  • The internship provider’s name and contact information
  • The start and end dates of the internship
  • Job duties and tasks undertaken
  • Projects completed and their outcomes
  • Skills gained and enhanced
  • Challenges faced and overcoming them
  • Feedback received from supervisors
  • Any other relevant information on your experience

Following these tips, best practices, and avoiding mistakes will help you create an effective, informative, and professional internship report.

Editing and Reviewing the Internship Report

One crucial step in writing a successful internship report is editing and reviewing. Editing and reviewing help to eliminate grammatical errors, refine the language, and ensure that your report is clear, concise, and compelling. Here are a few reasons why editing and reviewing are essential:

Importance of Editing and Reviewing

Professionalism:  When you submit your internship report, you want to demonstrate your professionalism. A report filled with errors and inconsistencies can reflect poorly on the quality of your work and your attention to detail.

Accuracy:  Proofreading allows you to correct any factual errors in the report. This ensures that the information you’re providing is accurate and reliable.

Clarity:  Editing and reviewing help to clarify your writing. You can identify areas that are confusing and reword them to make them more understandable.

Conciseness:  A well-written report should be concise and to the point. Editing and reviewing allow you to cut out unnecessary details and simplify your writing.

Tips for Proofreading

When proofreading your internship report, keep these tips in mind:

Take a break:  After completing your report, take a break before proofreading. When you come back to it, you’ll have fresh eyes and be more likely to spot errors.

Read it out loud:  Reading your report out loud helps to identify awkward phrasing and areas that need rewording.

Use online tools:  There are several online editing and proofreading tools that you can use to help you catch errors. These tools can be helpful, but they should not replace manual proofreading.

Print it out:  Print out a copy of your report and proofread it with a pen or highlighter. This allows you to mark up the document and make notes as you go.

Seeking Feedback from Others

Another essential step in editing and reviewing your report is seeking feedback from others. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Choose carefully:  When selecting someone to review your report, choose someone who is familiar with the topic and can provide constructive feedback.

Ask specific questions:  Ask your reviewer specific questions about your report, such as whether the main points are clear or if there are areas that need more detail.

Consider multiple reviewers:  It’s a good idea to have multiple people review your report. This allows you to get a range of feedback and ensure that your report is as polished as possible.

Editing and reviewing your internship report is an essential step in ensuring its success. Take the time to proofread carefully, seek feedback from others, and refine your writing to make it clear, concise, and professional.

Formatting the Internship Report

General formatting guidelines.

Formatting your internship report well is an important aspect of making it visually appealing and easy to read. Your report should contain the following sections:

A cover page that includes your name, the name of your supervisor, the date of submission, and the name of the company or organization where you completed your internship.

A table of contents that lists the various sections of your report and their corresponding page numbers.

An executive summary that presents a concise overview of the main points of your report.

An introduction that provides an overview of your internship experience and the scope of your report.

The body of your report which should include your project objectives and an analysis of your findings.

A conclusion that summarizes your findings and suggests recommendations for the organization.

Appendices which should include any data, charts or graphs that support your findings.

Your internship report should be typed using clear, easily readable fonts such as Times New Roman, size 12.

Specific requirements of your internship program

Your internship program may have specific requirements for formatting your report. Be sure to follow any guidelines provided by your program coordinator or supervisor. For instance, some programs may require students to use specific sections or may limit the length of the report.

Proper Citation and Referencing

A significant aspect of writing a successful internship report involves accurate citation and referencing. It’s essential to give credit where it’s due by citing all references and acknowledging the sources of information in your report. Use the following tips and examples to properly cite and reference your work:

Use a citation style that is recommended by your program, such as APA or MLA.

Citations should be inserted within the text using parentheses, and should include the author’s name, date of publication, and page number(s).

Your references should have a distinct page after the conclusion on which you list all sources.

Include information about the author, publication date, and publisher for books, and the author, title of the article, title of the journal, volume, issue number, and page numbers for journal articles.

Examples – Journal Articles

  • APA: Smith, J. (2008). The impact of social media on business marketing. Journal of Business Communications, 45(1), 23-48.
  • MLA: Smith, Jane. “The impact of social media on business marketing.” Journal of Business Communications, vol. 45, no. 1, 2008, pp. 23-48.

Examples – Books

  • APA: Johnson, T. (2015). Management principles to improve organizational culture. New York, NY: Wiley.
  • MLA: Johnson, Tim. Management principles to improve organizational culture. Wiley, 2015.

By following these guidelines and properly citing your sources, you will ensure that your internship report is well-researched, accurate, and reliable.

Including Visuals in Your Report

One of the effective ways to create an impactful internship report is by incorporating visuals. Research suggests that using visuals can help convey information better, increase audience engagement, and improve the overall readability of your report. Here are some benefits of using visuals in your internship report:

Benefits of using visuals

Simplify complex information:  Visuals, such as charts, diagrams, and graphs, can help contextualize complex information better. Using visuals can help convey information quickly and make it easier for your audience to understand your insights.

Increase engagement:  Including visuals can make your report more interesting and engaging. Visuals can help break up large chunks of text and add a visual interest element to your report.

Memorability:  Visuals can be effective at making your report memorable. Humans tend to remember visual information better than text, so using visuals in your report can help ensure that your insights are the ones that stick.

Types of visuals you can include

There are various visual elements that you can incorporate into your internship report. Here are a few examples:

Charts and graphs:  Visual representations of data help in conveying the key insights derived from it.

Tables:  Tables help in presenting data accurately and precisely.

Infographics:  Infographics are the visual representation of a piece of information or data. They are excellent at summarizing complex information and data.

Images and screenshots:  Images and screenshots provide a visual reference point for the targeted audience.

Tips for effectively using visuals

Here are some tips to consider when including visuals in your internship report:

Keep it simple:  Ensure that your visuals are straightforward, easy to understand, and support the audience’s comprehension of the report.

Choose appropriate visuals:  Consider the type of information that you want to convey and choose visuals that fit the purpose.

Provide context:  Always provide adequate context, labels, and captions for your visuals.

Maintain consistency:  Use a consistent style or color scheme throughout your visuals to ensure that your readers can understand how various visuals are related.

Incorporating visuals into your internship report can elevate it to a higher standard. It can enhance the report’s readability, help the audience comprehend your insights better, and make your report more engaging. Use the above tips to implement effective visuals in your report and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Sample Internship Reports

Example 1: marketing internship report.

This report thoroughly presents the intern’s work and learning experiences during the internship. The report is well-organized and visually appealing, with clear headings and subheadings that guide the reader through the report. The report also includes concrete examples of the intern’s responsibilities, completed tasks, and achievements. The report concludes with reflections on what the intern learned and how this experience will impact their future career. The report effectively showcases the intern’s abilities and impressive work during the internship.

Example 2: Accounting Internship Report

This report is well-written and professional, displaying the intern’s understanding of the accounting industry and their ability to apply technical knowledge to practical experiences. The report uses concise, clear language, and provides relevant examples to support the intern’s learning and experiences. The report also includes a thorough analysis of the intern’s strengths and weaknesses. The report concludes with an assessment of the intern’s overall experience and how it has impacted their career goals.

What makes them effective?

Both examples of successful internship reports have several common features that make them effective. First, these reports are well-organized and visually appealing, making them easy to read and understand. They use headings and subheadings to guide the reader through the report and provide a clear structure.

Second, both reports contain concrete examples of the intern’s work, highlighting their achievements and contributions to the company. These examples demonstrate the intern’s skills and abilities and provide evidence of their learning during the internship.

Third, both reports include reflective sections that assess the intern’s experience and what they have learned. These sections provide insight into the intern’s personal growth and professional development during the internship.

Finally, the reports are written in a professional and concise language, displaying the intern’s technical knowledge and understanding of industry-specific terminology.

Successful internship reports showcase an intern’s capabilities and learning experiences during the internship effectively. They are well-organized and visually appealing, include concrete examples of the intern’s work, contain reflective sections, and use professional language. By studying examples of successful internship reports, aspiring interns can craft their own report that will effectively showcase the value they bring to a company and their potential as a professional.

Submitting Your Report

After completing your internship, submitting a well-written and insightful report is crucial for showcasing your experience and demonstrating your learning. Here are some tips on how to submit your report effectively:

Checklist for Submitting Your Report

Before submitting your report, make sure you have completed the following tasks:

  • Proofread and edit your report to ensure it is error-free and well-structured.
  • Use professional language and tone throughout your report.
  • Cite all sources used while completing your report.
  • Include an executive summary that summarizes the key points of your report.
  • Provide recommendations and solutions to the problems and challenges you faced during your internship.

Deadlines and Submission Guidelines

It’s essential to track the submission deadline of your report and ensure you submit it on time. Your supervisor may provide specific guidelines and requirements for submitting your report, such as the format, font, and word count. Make sure you follow these guidelines to avoid any unnecessary complications.

Following up on feedback from supervisor

After submitting your report, your supervisor may provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. It’s essential to take their feedback seriously, as it reflects their expectations and assessment of your work. Here are some tips on how to follow up on feedback from your supervisor:

  • Review the feedback and suggestions provided by your supervisor carefully.
  • If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to ask your supervisor for additional clarification.
  • Implement the recommended changes and modifications and ensure you have addressed all the issues raised by your supervisor.
  • Once you have made the necessary changes, submit the revised report to your supervisor for final review.

Submitting a well-written and insightful report is crucial for completing your internship successfully. By following the checklist, submission guidelines, and effectively following up on feedback from your supervisor, you can confidently submit a report that showcases your learning and experience during your internship.

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How to Write an Internship Report (With Examples)

  • Draft a title page. …
  • Create a table of contents. …
  • Include background information on the company. …
  • Include your position and responsibilities in the internship. …
  • Discuss what you learned and the skills you developed. …
  • Conclude with ongoing considerations.

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Internship report template

When creating your internship report, you can follow this format:

[Name] [Class]

[Internship dates]

[Internship organization]

Table of contents

Company information

In [year], [Company Name] was established with the goal of [details]. The company’s mission statement is to [mission statement]. With [details], [Company Name] is very important to the community. I selected this organization because I think its mission is significant and pertinent to my professional objectives.

Internship description

My role at [Company Name] was to [details]. I worked directly with [team] in [internship responsibilities].

Overview of internship experience

My time working as an intern for [Company Name] allowed me to hone my [skills]. In particular, I discovered that [experiences] helped me to improve [my skill]. Despite the difficulties, I found that [experience] was helpful in helping me improve my [skill].

Ongoing consideration

Despite the fact that I gained a lot of useful experience at [Company Name], I believe that I still need to build my confidence in [task]. I would have enjoyed more time completing [task].

In conclusion, [details].

What is an internship report?

Use the following steps to create your internship report:

1. Draft a title page

2. create a table of contents, 3. include background information on the company, 4. include your position and responsibilities in the internship.

The majority of your internship report will be devoted to your interactions with the company. It can be helpful to describe your position and responsibilities as an intern with the company before going into detail about your experience and the things you learned. By doing this, you will be able to discuss your accomplishments in the role and provide your reader with a more thorough overview of your internship.

5. Discuss what you learned and the skills you developed

You will outline the specific lessons you learned and the skills you developed in the body of your internship report. Relate these skills back to your educational experiences. Give examples of specific experiences you had with the organization that helped you grow.

6. Conclude with ongoing considerations

It can be helpful to think about the abilities or experiences you still wish to acquire. For instance, talk about how you wished you could have gained more first-hand client experience. You could also mention that you had hoped to get more involved in the business’s technical side. This procedure helps you identify areas you want to focus on in your future employment while also suggesting ways for the company to make improvements to its internship program.

Remember that a variety of people, including your internship supervisor and other company management, may read your internship report. Your instructor, classmates, and other school officials may read your report if the internship counts toward your grade. Keep your communication professional, and before submitting your report, carefully proofread it.

Internship report sample

There are a variety of formats you could use for your internship report, but here is one using the model above:

Jessi Jones School Counseling Internship

Jan. 8–Dec. 18, 2019

Rogers Middle School

Rogers Middle School was established in 1924 to educate Dallas’s youth. The school’s mission is to advance students’ academic knowledge while also fostering their creative thinking. With its after-school programs and weekend tutoring events, Rogers Middle School plays a significant role in the community. Because I value the work this institution does with inner-city kids through outreach initiatives and after-school educational programs, I decided to complete my internship there.

I worked with middle school students and evaluated the counseling program at Rogers Middle School. I collaborated closely with the school counselor to identify students with learning disabilities, support teachers with behavioral issues, and meet with middle school students who were at risk.

I was able to hone my active listening, planning, and treatment plan skills during my internship with Rogers Middle School. In particular, I discovered that having direct interactions with these middle school students helped me develop my counseling abilities. Group sessions were difficult for me, but I think they helped me become more confident as a school counselor.

Despite the many beneficial experiences I had at Rogers Middle School, I believe I still need to increase my test-taking confidence. I’d have preferred to spend more time conducting and analyzing psychological tests.

To sum up, my involvement with Rogers Middle School was essential to my growth as a school counselor. I’ll apply the knowledge and abilities I’ve gained to my upcoming position.

How do you write an introduction for an internship report?

A description of the internship location and the range of the work done during the internship should be included in the introduction. It might contain background data required to comprehend the work produced during the internship. It resembles the opening paragraph of a research paper.

How many pages should an internship report be?

  • Report title.
  • Date of submission.
  • Internship time-period.
  • Information about the intern, such as name, ID, department, degree, period of study, etc.
  • Details of the organization of internship.

How do you write a weekly report for an internship sample?

Consider it the writing showpiece of your internship. It should be approximately 10 pages long, excluding the appendix. Reports for two-credit internships must be at least five pages long (excluding the appendix).

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7 Steps On Writing An Internship Report (With Example)

The concept of internships is to allow anyone who lacks the working experience to get hands-on knowledge in a particular field. Employers nowadays emphasise on hiring candidates that demonstrate a good work portfolio or resume, regardless of whether it’s an internship, actual job experience, or even volunteer work. 

An internship is considered an  official programme provided by organisations or companies to provide real-life work experience , especially for students or fresh graduates. In exchange for being a worker for a specific time in a company, interns are promised to be taught skills that are essential to their career. 

So, why is an internship so valuable? Simply put: You’ll gain real-world exposure! In today’s job market, your CGPA or examination grades just aren’t good enough to land you a job.  The real-life exposure will help you acquire the desired knowledge and skills to move forward in your career . 

An internship also allows you to establish your  professional network connections , as a vast connection even before you even graduate is a huge stepping stone. It enables you to have more job opportunities, and in case your contacts aren’t able to provide you with a job, they can write you a good referral letter! 

Having first-hand experience in your industry is important when it comes to landing your first job. However, that’s only if your potential employer gave you a chance to talk about yourself in an interview. And to get that, you’ll need a professionally written internship report.

What Is An Internship Report, And When Is It Needed?

Think of an internship report like your diary, except that it’s professionally written. In this report, you’re to  summarise your working experience as an intern, and the skills you’ve acquired . It will have all the relevant details regarding how you apply those skills, what tasks you’ve completed, and the general responsibilities that you have in that company as its intern. 

So, why exactly would the potential employer want your internship report? That’s because having it will  allow them to know if your experience is needed, or aligns with what they’re looking for in a candidate . 

And besides, having this can still be helpful for your own personal evaluation to improve yourself better! We’ve already listed down all the necessary steps and a template for you, keep reading to find out.

Here’s A Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through The Process

The key point of your internship report is to cover most of the details regarding your working experience. This, of course, includes the  soft and hard skills  you’ve developed along the way. 

And although we’ve provided you with a general step-by-step format, do note that there might be different instructions on how you should write your report, depending on the preference of the company. 

The general creation process of your internship report is as below:

conclusion of internship report

1) Title page

The first impression is always important. We believe you’ve heard of this phrase more than once in your life. And you’ve guessed it! The function of the title page is to give a good first impression on whoever is reading your report and separate you from other candidates who might be submitting theirs at the same time. This is why it’s crucial for you to include your name, which university you’re from, the name of the company you’re working or have worked with, as well as a brief introduction on who you are. 

2) Table of contents

It’ll also be helpful for the employers or hiring manager if you include a table of contents after the title page. Since you’ll be having a lot of information written, having a handy list of all the headers and sub-headers in your report allows readers to navigate to the page they’re most interested in reading. 

3) Learning objectives

Every internship comes with learning objectives. You wouldn’t be going for one, unless there’s something you want to gain and acquire from that company. Hence, listing down the knowledge and skills will allow the employers/directors to know if you’ve accomplished your learning objectives upon finishing the internship. 

4) Introduction

It’ll be best if you include a relevant history regarding the company in your report. The information you write can include the date the company was founded, their purpose, vision, and mission statement, the industries they’re in, the type of tasks, products, services they do, and any other relevant details. These will allow your readers to understand better the responsibilities and experience you’ve had while working there. 

5) Position and job responsibilities 

Before discussing what you’ve learned and the skills you’ve acquired, it’s best if you guide your readers through the role and responsibilities you’ve had in that organisation. Understanding the overview of your internship makes it easier for them to have an idea of the challenges, tasks, and accomplishments that you’ve gotten in that internship.

6) Learnings, challenges, and skills

Consider this as the main body of your report. Anyone who comes across your internship report will be looking at what you’ve learned, the problems and challenges you’ve solved, as well as the skills you’ve acquired along the way. In this section, you need to be descriptive regarding the specific things you’ve done, and relate all these experiences to your educational background. Provide a detailed explanation of how these skills are cultivated, and how the theories you’ve learned from your studies have helped overcome the issues you’ve faced while working. 

7) Conclude with your opinion

Last but not least, it’s important to conclude your internship experience in a succinct manner. Try and keep your conclusion around 1-2 paragraphs to explain the essential skills and experience you’ve gained from a few of the major tasks you’ve completed. You should also include your opinion as well, such as what are the things you think you can do better, if there are any other ways to solve a particular problem, how you’d like to be more involved in a certain aspect of the business, etc. 

Sample Internship Report Template

Title page [Name] [Class]

[Internship dates]

[Internship company]

Table of contents

  • Company information
  • Internship description 
  • Overview of the internship experience
  • On-going consideration

Company information [Company name] was founded in [year] with the vision to [details of the vision]. The company’s mission is to [mission statement]. [Company name] plays an important role in the [name of the industry] industry. I chose to intern in this organisation because I want to contribute to their mission which is aligned and relevant to my career goals. 

Internship description  My role at [Company name] was to [details of your job description]. I worked directly with the [department] and [other relevant departments (if any)] in ensuring [internship responsibilities].

Overview of internship experience During my internship with [Company name], I was able to experience working first-hand with [the tasks you’ve completed], and through that, I’m able to develop my [skills you’ve acquired]. I found out that my [experiences] are useful in solving issues related to [problems you’ve solved]. Although I am considered to be less experienced with [the tasks/issues you’ve faced], I’m able to solve the problems with the help of my team by [describing how you apply the skills you’ve acquired]. 

Outgoing consideration While I’ve gained many experiences and skills at the [Company name], I feel that I’m still lacking the confidence to solve [tasks you wished you were better at doing]. If I’m allowed more time to learn and participate at the [the aspects of the job you wanted to join], I would be able to polish my skills more in solving the [tasks/issues you’ve faced]. 

In conclusion, [details].

conclusion of internship report

Work Towards Your Passion!

The best part of being young is that you’re allowed to make mistakes and learn from them, and where’s a better place to enable you to learn by experiencing the tasks first-hand, other than your internship? This is why it’s essential for you to choose an  internship that best suits your career goals ! 

Before we send you off to a lifetime of adventure ahead, here are a few tips for writing an effective internship report:

  • Number all your pages
  • Do not include copied content
  • Add citations to support your claims
  • Share what you’ve learned during your internship process
  • Describe the challenges you’ve faced and how you overcome them
  • Highlight your accomplishments 
  • Make sure your writing, ideas, and concepts for your report are coherent
  • Your report should be between 9,000-12,000 words long

We wish you all the best in your future endeavours!


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Home » Internship Tips » How To Prepare An Internship Report

How to Prepare an Internship Report: A Step-By-Step Guide

Internships allow students or freshers to gain work experience before they step into full-time job roles. Getting selected after applying for an internship allows them to boost their confidence and understand their field of interest and helps them find their passion.  An internship report is a document consisting of all the details about the internship including all the contributions, learnings, acquired skills, achievements, and overall work experience. This report reflects and analyzes your growth and impresses potential employers. Therefore it is essential to write it professionally. With this blog, we are going to help you understand how to prepare an internship report! 

Let’s begin with exploring what to add to an internship report.

Table of Contents

How to Prepare an Internship Report?

Now that you have a fair idea of what an internship report is, let’s take a closer look at the various elements of an internship report. 

1. Title and Cover Page

The first page of an internship report consists of the report title and company name. Next, you have to write your details like name, college name, internship profile, and dates. 

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2. Table of Contents 

The table of contents is a list of headings and subheadings of your report. It enables the reader to navigate through the report better and find what they are looking for with ease. 

3. Acknowledgement

In this section, you have to acknowledge the support given by your mentors and show gratitude towards them. You can also talk about how they helped you throughout your journey. 

4. Executive Summary

An executive summary is a brief description of all the key points you want to highlight. It should be just 2-3 paragraphs long, giving an overview of your report.

5. Introduction

In this section, you have to talk about the internship objectives along with a brief introduction to the company. You can talk about what the company’s day-to-day activities look like, its aims and vision, among other things. 

6. Key Roles and Responsibilities

This section informs the reader about what your day looked like in the company. It gives an overview of what your key responsibilities were in addition to other tasks managed by you. 

7. Skills Acquired and Achievements

List down and describe any projects that you have worked on. Also, include your achievements along with the technical and soft skills that you acquired with the help of the internship. This is the section where you get the chance to impress the reader and shine bright.

8. Conclusion

This is the last section of your report where you are supposed to summarize your report by highlighting the major points in 1-2 paragraphs at max. 

Internship Report Template

To get a better understanding of an internship report, take a look at this internship report sample. You can use it to craft your own report.

Internship Report Example

Let’s look at an internship report example to help you understand how to make a report for an internship better. 

Internship report for a content writing internship, showcasing adept content creation, management, and strategy skills. 

Tips to Write an Impressive Internship Report

An internship report is a great way to analyze your growth and impress potential employers, making it essential for you to write it compellingly. For an effective report, follow these tips on how to create an internship report.

1. Keep it To the Point and Professional

Always stick to the point and remove all unnecessary information. Staying to the point will give a clear idea to the reader, removing any chances of misunderstanding. As it is a professional document it is vital to use professional words and tone. 

2. Use Statistics Wherever You Can

Using figures or statistical data will again give a clear view of your achievements and will make you look confident. 

3. Adding Your Portfolio is a Plus! 

You can never go wrong by showcasing your work, it is always a plus. Make sure to attach your portfolio to give a deeper view of your work and achievements to the reader. It will help present things in an organized and clear manner. 


An internship report is a document summarizing your work experience, learnings, and skills acquired while working at a company as an intern. This document provides a detailed overview of your skills to potential employers. Take guidance from the above sample, examples, and tips on how to write an internship report impressively. 

Now that you are done with one internship, it’s time to prepare for the next one. Make sure to check out some short courses on internship and job preparation , to ace your next interview! 

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Shailja Kaushik has been an Editor with Internshala since March 2023. She loves creative writing and experimenting with different forms of writing. She has explored different genres by working with journals and radio stations. She has also published her poems and nano tales in various anthologies. She graduated at the top of her class with Bachelor's in English and recently completed her Master's in English from the University of Delhi. Her experiments with writing continue on her literary blog.

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How to Write an Internship Report With Examples

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Examples of internship reports

Internships are an excellent way to start experiencing what your field of study has to offer. Many students or people who begin to enter the workforce may not have heard of report writing for an internship. This article will discuss how to create an internship report in detail with examples.

An internship report is a summary of what you learned during your time interning with a specific company. Many employers require one after an internship is completed. The report should be professionally written, just as if you were a regular employee. The report describes experience, the type of role and skills gained during the course of the internship. It is a great tool to help as you apply for future internship opportunities and full-time opportunities once you graduate. 

How to write an internship report 

Writing an internship requires planning. 

Here are the steps to how to write an internship report: 

1. Firstly, write the title

Place the title in the cover letter. Write the name of your school, your name, interning dates and the company’s contact information. The title should pinpoint the theme of your duties, so there should be a title for each page.

2. Secondly, outline the table of contents

Add a table of contents so the employer knows what to expect from your report. This should be the first part of your report. 

3. Thirdly, write the introduction

Introduce the characteristics of the company. For example, tell what their daily operations are like and industry status. This can show you have a thorough understanding of the business you interned with. 

4. Then, write about your duties and responsibilities

Elaborate on the duties you performed during the internship. Describe what your daily routine was like, who you worked with and any projects you worked on. Try to include numbers where possible to quantify your work. 

5. Next, describe what you learned

Consider what you learned about the company and your work. Detail any new skills or programs you learned while you were there. Try to relate your experience to your college coursework to show you gained valuable knowledge. 

6. Finally, end with a conclusion

Add a brief conclusion about your internship experience. Explain anything you want to learn more about, such as different project management or accounting processes. Your conclusion should be one paragraph. 

Remember that the internship employer, professor and future hiring managers could read your internship report, so keep it instructive and professional. 

Learn more:  How to Write an Internship Report (With Examples)

Depending on your intern position and the company, your internship report may be slightly different. 

Here are some examples of internship reports by type of career:

Example for an MBA summer internship report

Internship Report: Good Ventures

Jordan Rahim

Business Internship

June 3, 2018 to July 31, 2018

Good Ventures

Table of Contents



Ongoing Considerations

Good Ventures provides real estate consultation services to the United States. With a top-five ranking in the real estate field, Good Ventures is sufficiently qualified to help customers make wise investment decisions. 

From June to July 2018, I worked in Good Ventures’ residential investment section as an intern. There were 10 employees in total. 

My duties at Good Ventures were consulting on fix-and-flips prices and advising about the best market seasons to invest. I also helped employees prepare financial reports based on profits from individual sales for June and July.

I learned how to use Good Ventures’ in-house software that compared company prices to market value. Although the company is very fast-paced and it was challenging to complete all of my duties, I gained valuable experience, learned how to manage my time and how to organize work to maximize efficiency.

In the two months with Good Ventures, I feel I was able to learn as much as I could. However, I would like to learn more about the real estate market, including how to price new builds and how to discuss mortgage services for first-time buyers. 

This internship experience was important in building my business administration skills. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to get practical experience. 

Example for an accounting student’s internship report

Jacob Wilson

Accounting Internship

April – December 2011

May Financial

  • Description of the Company

Information about the Internship

Review of Experience

Reflection on Learning

Description of the Company

May Financial was established in 1998 with the goal of providing accounting services to the Middle Eastern retail stores in the United States. The company’s objective is to audit for various grocery stores to ensure they gained maximum profit. May Financial plays an important role in the industry by offering top services in product placement analysis, helping stores increase their sales volume. I decided to intern with the company because their objective was similar to the goal I am pursuing.

My role at May Financial was to audit clients’ financial statements. I worked with 20 employees in auditing grocery sales trends. Additional duties included collecting data, creating auditing reports and presenting findings to my manager. 

While I was interning at May Financial, I gained the ability to conduct sales content. I found analyzing and conducting content very important in helping me enhance auditing sales content. I thought this process of auditing required the knowledge of advanced concepts, but it helped me understand how to conduct gap analysis by auditing numbers, processing and measuring form. 

May Financial has successfully introduced me to the industry. I realized that I needed to develop confidence in accounting details. It would be preferable if I finished checking numbers at a faster pace, as reconciling statements was time-consuming.

In conclusion, I believe I learned a lot from my supervisors and about accounting in general.

conclusion of internship report

Writing an internship report: Everything you need to know

Mimir Mentor Praktikum Illustration

An internship report is an important part of every internship and serves to summarize and document the experiences and knowledge gained during the internship.

This article is intended to provide interns with instructions on how to create an internship report. We will discuss the structure and content of the report and give tips on how to write it. We will also answer frequently asked questions so that interns can successfully master the report writing process.

Internship report: structure and content

An internship report generally consists of an introduction, a main body and a conclusion.

Typical content/structure of an internship report:

  • Introduction: Overview of the internship, duration and area of work
  • Main body: Description of the tasks and activities, reflection on them
  • Conclusion: Summary of experiences, possible recommendations

Scientific Formulations in Minutes Seconds

In the introduction, you provide an overview of the internship, the duration and the area of work. In the main body, you describe the tasks and activities carried out during the internship and reflect on them. In the conclusion, you summarize your experiences and possibly give recommendations for the future.

Example: Students who have completed an internship in the field of marketing could write in this report:

Introduction: I completed my internship at company XYZ, which specializes in online marketing and social media. The internship lasted twelve weeks and I worked in a team of five people.

Main body: During the internship, I worked on various projects, such as creating Facebook and Instagram posts for different clients. I was also involved in the planning and implementation of a social media campaign. Working in a team has taught me the importance of collaboration and communication to deliver successful projects. One challenge for me was getting to know the various social media platforms and their target groups better.

Conclusion: Overall, the internship was a very instructive experience for me. I learned a lot about how online marketing as well as social media work and was able to improve my skills in this area. I recommend prospective interns to inform themselves in advance about the different social media platforms and their target groups to make their work more effective. I will incorporate the experience from this internship into my future career.

Internship report: Phrasing and sentence structure

An internship report is a valuable way for interns to present and prove their knowledge and skills. It can also be used for job or university applications and is therefore of great importance. Hence, the wording of the sentences is also important to make a professional impression and to convey all important information correctly.

Let Mimir formulate your bullet point (Example input: Running is great ➔ Result (1/3): Running is a healthy and effective form of physical activity that can contribute to improving cardiovascular fitness, mobility, and mental health.)

  • Use clear language and structure e.g. “I learnt how to create a business plan.”
  • Give concrete examples from the internship e.g. “By working with my team, I improved my teamwork skills.”
  • Reflect on the experience gained during the internship e.g. “I have realized that I want to focus more on my communication skills in the future.”
  • Use overly formal language
  • Give general statements without examples
  • Lie or exaggerate your experiences and achievements

Negative Examples:

  • “I learnt a lot during the internship.” (Without specific examples)
  • “I was the best in the team.” (Exaggeration)
  • “I carried out the entire project on my own.” (Lie)

Tips for writing a successful internship report

An internship report is an important part of your internship documentation. It gives your internship supervisor an insight into your work and your experiences during the internship. It is important that the report is well-structured and easy to understand in order to leave a positive impression.

Have your text checked by Mimir (spelling, grammar, unscientific words, and more…)

  • Start with a brief summary of the internship (e.g. “I completed my internship at XYZ and mainly worked with online marketing and social media.”)
  • Structure your report in clear sections, such as introduction, main body and conclusion
  • Use concrete examples from your internship to support your statements
  • Use formal language and avoid abbreviations or slang
  • Adding unnecessary details that are not relevant to the report
  • Use informal language or a personalized speech
  • Copy text from the internet
  • Use incorrect or inaccurate information
  • I contributed to the planning and implementation of a social media campaign, through which I learned how important collaboration and communication in a team are.’
  • An example of a don’t: “I really learnt a lot and was in great hands in the team. It was quite chilled there.”

Tips for writing your report

When you start writing your internship report, it can quickly become overwhelming. There are so many things to consider and it can be hard to know where to start. To make writing easier for you, we’ve put together a few tips here that will help you write your internship report successfully.

Tip 1: Start early

The most important tip we can give you is to start writing early. The earlier you start, the more time you have to plan, research and write your report. This way, you can ensure that you can hand in your report on time and don’t have to worry about a possible delay.

Tip 2: Use an outline

An outline is an important part of any academic paper, including your internship report. An outline helps you to organize your thoughts and ensure that your report has a clear structure. Use Mimir, a web tool, to create and check your outline.

Tip 3: Use examples

Examples are an important part of any academic paper as they allow you to make your points more vivid. Use examples from your internship to support your arguments and illustrate your experiences.

Tip 4: Use Mimir to correct your report

An important part of the writing process is reviewing and proofreading your report. Use Mimir to check your report for grammatical and spelling errors. This way you can ensure that your report is professional and error-free. Try out the correction directly:

Tip 5: Use clear language

Clear language is important to make your internship report understandable. Avoid unnecessarily complicated wording and formulations. Instead, you should use simple and precise language.

  • Use simple words and sentences
  • Avoid technical jargon unless it is absolutely necessary
  • Check that all formulations are understandable
  • Use unnecessarily complicated words or expressions
  • Use abbreviations without explaining them
  • Use imprecise terms

You can also use Mimir to check for clear language and get feedback on how to improve it.

Tip 6: Have someone else read your report

It is always helpful to get a second opinion before you submit your report. Have a friend or family member proofread your report.

Frequently asked questions

How long should my internship report be.

An internship report should generally be between 8 and 12 pages long. It is important that you describe all the important aspects of your internship without adding unnecessary details. With Mimir, you can check your internship report for the right length and receive feedback.

What belongs in the introductory section of the internship report?

In the introductory section of the internship report, you should summarize the most important aspects of your internship. This includes, for example, the name of the company where you completed your internship, your areas of responsibility and the duration of the internship.

How should I present my experiences and findings?

Deine Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse solltest du strukturiert und logisch präsentieren. Verwende dazu Überschriften und Unterüberschriften, um deine Gedanken zu ordnen. Vermeide es, subjektive Meinungen zu äußern und beziehe stattdessen Fakten und Beispiele aus deinem Praktikum ein.

How should I formulate my conclusions?

Your conclusions should be based on the findings from your internship. Avoid making general statements, but instead summarize your findings specifically. You can use Mimir to check your conclusions and receive feedback.

Can I also use Mimir to proofread my internship report?

Yes, Mimir offers free proofreading of your internship report. You can simply copy your text into the Mimir editor. This way you can be sure that your internship report is error-free and well-structured.

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Conclusion for Internship Report

conclusion of internship report

10 Conclusion Examples students.

The internship experience has been invaluable for bridging theoretical knowledge with real-world financial practices. It offered insights into the complexities of commerce and finance, fostering a practical understanding of business operations. This hands-on experience has enhanced my analytical, financial, and managerial skills, preparing me for a robust career in commerce.

Law Students

Concluding my internship, I have gained profound insights into legal procedures, client interactions, and the importance of meticulous research and analysis. This experience has solidified my commitment to pursuing a career in law, emphasizing the critical role of ethics and dedication in the legal profession.

Accounting and Finance

The internship has provided a comprehensive understanding of accounting principles and financial management in a practical setting. It emphasized the significance of accuracy, integrity, and strategic planning in the financial sector. Armed with this experience, I am more confident in my ability to contribute to the finance industry with professionalism and expertise.

Mechanical Engineering

This internship has been a cornerstone in applying theoretical knowledge to solving practical engineering problems. It has exposed me to the latest technologies and methodologies in mechanical engineering, enhancing my problem-solving skills and technical knowledge. I am now better equipped to enter the engineering workforce with a strong foundation and a commitment to innovation.

Procurement Students

The internship in procurement has offered a deep dive into the complexities of supply chain management and strategic sourcing. It has honed my negotiation, analytical, and decision-making skills, preparing me for a successful career in procurement and supply chain management with a focus on efficiency and sustainability.

BBA Students

This internship has been a transformative experience, offering a holistic view of business operations and management. It has sharpened my leadership, strategic thinking, and organizational skills, setting a solid foundation for a career in business administration and management.

BBA Marketing Students

The internship experience has been instrumental in understanding the dynamics of the marketing industry. It provided hands-on experience in digital marketing strategies, consumer behavior analysis, and brand management. This real-world exposure has prepared me for a successful career in marketing, equipped with innovative strategies and a customer-centric approach.

CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) Students

Concluding my internship, I have gained significant exposure to software development practices, coding standards, and the importance of teamwork in project success. This experience has solidified my programming skills and introduced me to emerging technologies, preparing me for a promising career in computer science and engineering.

Civil Engineering

The internship has provided practical experience in civil engineering projects, from planning to execution. It emphasized the importance of sustainable design, project management, and safety standards. This real-world exposure has enhanced my technical and managerial skills, preparing me for a successful career in civil engineering.

Web Development

The internship in web development has been a comprehensive learning experience, offering insights into front-end and back-end development, UI/UX design, and the importance of responsive design. It has strengthened my coding skills and understanding of web technologies, preparing me for a successful career in web development with a focus on creating user-centric solutions.


Internship Report Generator

Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Create an internship report summarizing the experiences and skills gained by a student during their summer internship at a local newspaper

Draft an internship report for a college student who completed an internship at a technology startup, focusing on project involvement and learning outcomes.

conclusion of internship report

Opportunities Circle1

How to write a good internship report [with template].

  • April 7, 2023
  • by Opportunities Circle1

Internship Report

An internship report is a document that summarizes your experience as an intern at a company or organization. It is an opportunity to reflect on your internship and communicate the skills and knowledge you have gained. The report should be well-written and professional, as it may be used as a reference for future job applications or academic programs. Furthermore, the internship demonstrates your accomplishments as an intern and highlights projects or tasks that you completed and their impact on the organization.

A well-written internship report can be a valuable reference for future job applications or academic programs. It can demonstrate to potential employers or educators that you have practical experience in your field and can complete projects and tasks. You must be thinking, are there any fully funded internships for international students to gain international exposure? The answer is yes! There are many scholarships, including   IST  Summer Internship in Austria , RIPS Summer Internship, KAUST international internship in Saudi Arabia and many more internship opportunities for you. 

Constructing a good internship report is important because it serves as a valuable tool in your professional development. A well-written report can help you reflect on your experiences, identify areas for improvement, and communicate your achievements to potential employers. It can also help you build your professional network and establish yourself as a competent professional. An internship report is more like an internship summary that explains your journey of learning and gaining work experience during the internship period at an organization/company. Therefore, you must start preparing for the internship report beforehand as it requires adequate time to complete.  This blog will guide you on how to write a good internship report. 

Tips to Write Internship Report:

  • Start with an outline: Before you begin writing, it’s a good idea to create an outline of your report. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your report flows logically from one section to the next.
  • Use a clear and concise writing style: Your internship report should be easy to read and understand. Use simple, straightforward and easy language and avoid jargons that may be unfamiliar to the reader.
  • Use headings in your internship report: Use headings to break up your report and make it easier for readers to navigate. Use clear and descriptive headings that reflect the main points of each section.
  • Include specific examples: Rather than just listing your responsibilities or tasks, provide specific examples of the work you did during your internship. This will help to illustrate your experience and make your report more engaging.
  • Reflect on your learning and growth: Internship report is an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned during the internship and how you have grown. Be sure to include your thoughts on what you have learned, what you enjoyed most about the internship and any challenges you faced.
  • Edit and proofread you internship report: Make sure to take the time to carefully edit and proofread your report before submitting it. A well-written report will reflect positively on your professionalism and attention to detail.

Following these tips, you can write a strong and effective internship report showcasing your skills and experiences.

Create a Good Internship Report

You can follow the following guide to craft an outstanding and professional internship report. 

1. Title/Cover page

The cover page of your internship report must contain the title of your report, your name, the name of your internship company, and the dates of your internship. It is the first thing employers see.

2. Table of contents

If your report is long, it’s helpful to include a table of contents so readers can easily navigate the different sections. The table of content should be on the first page after the cover page. 

3. Executive summary

This is a brief overview of your report. It should summarize the key points and main findings of your report in a few paragraphs. The summary is more like an abstract, briefly explaining the work and outcomes.

4. Introduction

After writing a good summary, the main body includes an introduction. In this section, you must introduce the purpose of your internship and provide some background information on the company/institute/organization. Provide a general overview of the company where you interned, including its history, mission, and products or services.

5. Description of duties and accomplishments

Describe the tasks and responsibilities that you had during your internship. What projects did you work on, and what are your role and responsibilities? Then highlight your accomplishments during your internship. How you contributed? What challenges did you overcome? You must write the internship report carefully as it will help you get a good career or academic opportunity.

6. Skills learned

This part of the internship will reflect on the skills that you developed during your internship. What new skills did you learn? How will these skills be useful to you in the future? You can relate the acquired skills to your academic background and how they contributed to personal and professional development.

7. Conclusion

This will be the last paragraph of the main body of your internship report. Here you should summarize the main points of your report and discuss the overall value of your internship experience.

8. Acknowledgments

If there are people who helped or supported you during your internship, thank them in this section. Acknowledgments can be added at the start or the end of the report. However, most students do not add acknowledgments in their internship reports.

9. Appendices

If you have any additional materials (such as documents or photos) that you want to include in your report, you can include them in the appendices.

10. Use the STAR technique

The STAR technique describes your accomplishments and experiences during your internship. The acronym STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Using this method, you can provide specific and detailed examples that illustrate your abilities and achievements, which can be especially useful when writing an internship report or during job interviews.

Internship Report Template

There are multiple formats you can find when searching for an internship report sample. No matter what template you choose, remember to include relevant details by following the guidelines provided above.

Title/cover page

Table of Contents

Internship at XYZ Company

Internship Dates: 

Executive Summary:

During my internship at XYZ Company, I worked on various projects in the marketing department. I assisted with the development of social media campaigns, wrote blog posts, and conducted market research. I also had the opportunity to attend meetings and observe the inner workings of a successful marketing team. Overall, my internship was a valuable learning experience that allowed me to develop new skills and gain practical experience in the field of marketing.


I was excited to have this opportunity to intern at XYZ Company, a leader in the field of marketing. My primary responsibilities were to assist the marketing team with various projects and learn as much as I could about the industry.

Overview of the Company:

XYZ Company is a full-service marketing agency that specializes in helping small and medium-sized businesses grow their online presence. The company was founded in 2009 and has since grown to a team of 65 employees and still adding up due to the professional learning environment. 

Description of Duties:

During my internship, I was responsible for a variety of tasks in the marketing department. These include a ssisting with the development of social media campaigns, w riting blog posts for the company website, c onducting market research and a ttending meetings and taking notes.


One of the projects I was most proud of during my internship was developing a social media campaign for one of the company’s clients. I worked closely with the rest of the marketing team to create a strategy and develop content for the campaign. The campaign was successful in increasing the client’s social media following and generating leads for their business.

Skills Learned:

During the internship, I had the opportunity to learn a variety of new skills. These included social media marketing, content writing, market research, and time management. I have a strong command of XYZ and feel that I am ready to step into a professional career.

Challenges Faced:

Challenges are a part of the learning process. One of the challenges that I faced during my internship was getting up to speed on the various tools and software that the marketing team used. However, I overcame this challenge by asking for help from my colleagues and doing my research.


Overall, my internship at XYZ Company was a valuable learning experience. I was able to develop new skills and gain practical experience in the field of marketing. I am grateful for the opportunity to have interned at such a successful and dynamic company.


I would like to thank the entire team at XYZ Company for their support and guidance during my internship. In particular, I would like to thank my supervisor, Jane Smith, for her mentorship and the opportunity to intern at the company.

We hope this guide will be helpful and you can write a good internship report using the guide provided above. Subscribe to Opportunities Circle for more guides and opportunities. If you are applying for an international internship or scholarship program and must submit a statement of purpose and recommendation letter . Check our simple guide for writing a winning SOP/motivation letter.

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  • How to write Conclusion of Internship Report : Tips & Examples

conclusion of Internship report by InternsBaba


As you wrap up your internship report, one of the most crucial sections to focus on is the conclusion. A compelling conclusion can leave a lasting impression on your readers and tie together your experiences and insights. Let’s explore some tips and examples to help you write a compelling conclusion for your internship report.

1. Summarize Your Key Findings: Start your conclusion by summarizing the key findings and insights from your internship experience. Highlight the most significant accomplishments, challenges overcome, and lessons learned during your internship. This sets the stage for a reflective and impactful conclusion.

Example: Throughout my internship at XYZ Company, I have gained valuable insights into the marketing industry, honed my project management skills, and developed a deeper understanding of consumer behavior. From launching successful social media campaigns to analyzing market trends, each experience has contributed to my professional growth and development.

2. Reflect on Your Learning Journey: Reflect on how your internship experience has contributed to your personal and professional growth. Discuss the skills you have acquired, the challenges you have overcome, and the lessons you have learned along the way. Share how these experiences have shaped your future aspirations and career goals.

Example: My internship journey has been a transformative experience that has allowed me to expand my skillset, build confidence in my abilities, and clarify my career objectives. From mastering new software tools to collaborating with cross-functional teams, I have embraced every opportunity for growth and learning.

3. Connect Your Experience to Future Goals: Tie your internship experience back to your future goals and aspirations. Discuss how the skills and knowledge you have gained during your internship will support your academic and career endeavors moving forward. Share your plans for applying what you have learned to future projects or opportunities.

Example: As I look ahead to my future endeavors, I am excited to apply the insights and skills gained during my internship to pursue further academic studies in marketing. I am confident that the hands-on experience gained at XYZ Company will serve as a solid foundation for my future career in the field.

4. Express Gratitude and Appreciation: Take a moment to express gratitude to everyone who has supported you during your internship journey. Thank your supervisor, colleagues, mentors, and anyone else who has played a role in your professional development. Acknowledge their guidance, encouragement, and contributions to your success.

Example: I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Ms. Smith, for her invaluable guidance and mentorship throughout my internship. I am also grateful to my colleagues for their support and collaboration, which have made my internship experience truly rewarding.

5. End with a Positive Note: Conclude your internship report on a positive and optimistic note. Leave your readers with a sense of closure and optimism about your future endeavors. Reiterate your enthusiasm for the opportunities ahead and your commitment to continued growth and learning.

Example: In conclusion, my internship at XYZ Company has been a transformative journey filled with valuable lessons, meaningful experiences, and personal growth. I am excited to carry forward the skills and insights gained during my internship as I embark on the next chapter of my academic and professional journey.

In summary, crafting a compelling conclusion for your internship report is essential for leaving a lasting impression and showcasing the significance of your internship experience. By summarizing key findings, reflecting on your learning journey, connecting your experience to future goals, expressing gratitude and appreciation, and ending on a positive note, you can create a conclusion that resonates with your readers and highlights the value of your internship experience. So, put these tips into practice and write a conclusion that leaves a lasting impact!

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conclusion of internship report

Conclusion for Internship Report

The conclusion of an internship report serves a crucial purpose in summarizing the key findings, experiences, and lessons learned during the internship. It provides a final opportunity to reflect on the internship experience and highlight the skills and knowledge gained.

Writing a conclusion allows the intern to demonstrate their understanding of the industry and the specific role they played within the organization. Additionally, it can serve as a valuable resource for future employers, academic advisors, and personal reference. A well-written conclusion can leave a lasting impression and showcase the intern’s professional growth and development.

How to write Conclusion for Internship Report

  • Briefly recap the main points of your report, highlighting the most important insights and discoveries you made during your internship.
  • Discuss how the internship has impacted you personally and professionally. Consider what you learned about yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and your career goals.
  • Provide feedback on the internship program itself, including what worked well and what could be improved. Offer suggestions for future interns and the organization.
  • Emphasize the skills and knowledge you gained during the internship, and how they will benefit you in your future career.
  • Conclude your report with a memorable statement that ties together your experience and key takeaways. This could be a call to action, a reflection on the industry, or a thank you to those who supported you during your internship.

The internship experience at X Company over the last three months has proven to be immensely rewarding on both a personal and professional level. Through hands-on training and mentoring from experienced staff, I gained valuable insights into the industry and my own abilities.

Conclusion of Internship Report Sample

My key findings and accomplishments include successfully managing the social media channels, boosting engagement by 15%, and developing marketing strategies that increased website traffic by 20%. I also led focus groups, analyzed data, and used my graphic design skills to create promotional materials. These experiences helped me realize that I excel at gathering insights, developing creative solutions, and connecting with an audience.

Conclusion for Internship Report

Internship Report Conclusion

While challenging at times, the internship program overall provides excellent preparation for a career in marketing. The hands-on nature of the tasks, guidance from mentors, and exposure to real-world projects have given me the tools to succeed. I do suggest expanding the program to allow interns to job shadow other departments as well to gain a fuller view of company operations.

Conclusion for Internship Report Example

In conclusion, I want to reiterate how appreciative I am for the opportunity to intern at X Company. The skills and experiences gained here will stay with me as I move forward in pursuing a marketing career. I am confident that with the knowledge I now possess, I can transition smoothly into a full-time role and hit the ground running. Thank you again for everything this internship has afforded me both professionally and personally.

Do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when writing a conclusion for internship report


  • Do summarize your key findings and experiences.
  • Do reflect on what you learned and how it will benefit you in the future.
  • Do provide feedback on the internship program and offer suggestions for improvement.
  • Do highlight your accomplishments and new skills gained.
  • Do end with a strong closing statement that ties everything together.


  • Don’t introduce new information or ideas in the conclusion.
  • Don’t simply repeat what you’ve already written in the report.
  • Don’t be overly negative or critical of the internship program or organization.
  • Don’t use overly complex language or jargon.
  • Don’t forget to proofread and edit your conclusion for grammar and spelling errors.

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How to Write a Detailed Internship Report (With Examples)

An internship report is an opportunity for you to potray  the skills  and experience you have acquired during your internship. a well written internship report can help you stand out from the crowd when applying for future internship and job opportunities. therefore, it is crucial to write an internship report professionally and create a report […] the post how to write a detailed internship report (with examples) appeared first on chegg india..


An internship report is an opportunity for you to potray  the skills  and experience you have acquired during your internship. A well written internship report can help you stand out from the crowd when applying for future internship and job opportunities. Therefore, it is crucial to write an internship report professionally and create a report that gives the employer a gist of all the activities and tasks undertaken by you during your internship. In this guide we  will help you through how to write an internship report, from the format of the report to samples of internship reports for students of different fields, provide tips to write an internship report and elaborate on the various aspects of an internship report . By the end of this guide you will be well equipped to write the best internship report to gain an edge over the competition.

Format of the Internship Report

To learn how to write an internship report, one must know the format of an internship report . As significant as the internship report is, the question still remains about what it outlines and how it is outlined. The report typically outlines the tasks undertaken, skills developed, challenges faced, and lessons learned throughout the internship. You worked as an intern in MNC and felt your supervisor could not provide you with apt guidance in a specific category. With the report, you can convey both the experience and your perception. It helps the firm recognize the challenges the interns may face. Besides this, it also states the quality of exposure they provide, which can help the firm to update and improve.


A report consists of your experience and skills you have gained. In return, it helps you study its impact on your self-growth. You better understand all the new skills you have gained and the current weaknesses you need to overcome. The report can help you understand your exposure and how it will align with your career choices.

Achievement Records

You get concrete evidence of the skills you acquired and the experience you have gained. This document can be beneficial in any job application you apply to.

Portfolio Enhancement

The report enhances your resume, as well. Any proof of internship is proof of the practical application of the knowledge you have gained, which every firm demands nowadays.

Networking and References

The professionals you worked with during the training can provide you with feedback, evaluations, and references. While applying for a job, a reference and a recommendation enhance your chances of finding an opportunity.

Goal Setting

Self-assessment can provide you with clarity about your skills and goals. You can decide if this is the field you want to be a part of or if you want to try a different specialization. Internships and post-assessment can be contributing factors to your career choices.

Now that we have understood the report’s significance let’s cover how to write a progress report for an internship. The format may vary as per the company’s requirements. It is because companies often provide their own format, and you need to follow it when submitting the report. The company then asks you to submit an internship report PDF in the standard company format. However, there is a general outline of the internship report you can follow:

  • Cover Page: It should include the title, name, and basic details of the company you interned with. It must provide your basic details and essential information.
  • Table of Content: Mention the main sections and subsections of your report. It will help the viewer get the hold of important information quickly and easily.
  • Acknowledgement: Mention your advisors and thank them for the support they provided. This special part highlights your appreciation for supervisors, co-workers, leaders, and the team.
  • Executive Summary: Briefly describe the company’s background, duration, and objective. Highlight the experiences you had and the skills you hold. It should be self-contained and thoroughly state all the major points of the internship.
  • Introduction: Mention the internship program in detail. It should clearly state the internship site, scope, and focus.
  • Body of the Report: Write about the objectives, work environment, job details, challenges and solutions, and skills you acquired. Give specifics about the duties you performed throughout your internship. Talk about the knowledge you gained and the encounters you experienced.
  • Conclusion: You have mentioned all your details in the document by now. Now you need to know how to write a conclusion for internship report. When writing a conclusion, summarize your report and mention key takeaways. The section should also mention the skills you are working on.
  • Appendices: Include any documents related to your internship, such as project reports, presentations, or performance evaluations.

Steps to Write an Internship Report

An internship report of any company follows a specific structure, format, and content that might make you feel that writing an internship report is challenging. Truth be told, it can get challenging if perceived with difficulty. There are, however, certain steps you can follow to ensure that you draft an effective internship report. Let us walk you through the details required to answer the question how to write an internship report

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Step 1: Understand the Requirements

The recruiting companies often provide guidelines on how to write a progress report for an internship. You will also be given the outline of the content. The internship report of any company follows a specific format and offers detail on what to mention. Go through these details carefully and understand the requirements and the language level that must be used. Your report should be grammatically correct and effectively structured.

Step 2: Gather Information

Review your notes, assignments, and any relevant materials you accumulated during the internship. Comprehend the relevance of the tasks you performed or the project you were a part of to your chosen domain.

Step 3: Organize The Data

All the data you have collected needs to be presented in an organized manner and chronological order. The outline will help you structure the report logically. Put more emphasis on your learning experience in internship reports. It will also help you focus on the most important details.

Step 4: Draft an Engaging Introduction

After gathering all the data, start writing an introduction for the report. The introduction needs to be engaging. Any report, or any data for that matter, requires a brief introduction with clear aims and objectives. It will help you highlight important parts of the report and better clarify the objective.

Step 5: Describe Your Responsibilities and Projects

Mention the details of the tasks, projects, and assignments you were involved in during your internship. Describe your responsibilities, the skills utilized, and the outcomes of your work. Use specific examples and quantify your achievements whenever possible. While at it, you must also state all the challenges and how you overcame them.

Step 6: Elaborate How Your Work Environment Benefited You

An internship report of any company aims to understand its work culture and environment. Write about the detail you focused on or what intrigued you and what made you choose this specific company, to begin with. Write about how your colleagues and supervisors guided you. Mention how their contribution and involvement helped you achieve your goals. It will help you with future recommendations or references you may need.

Step 7: Assess Your Skills

Explain how you believe the skills you gained will benefit you in the future. Put emphasis on this point but be sure to be crisp and forthright here. Focus on the advantage you believe you will get in the future. And mention the examples that support your development.

Step 8: Address the Challenges You Faced

Discuss what you felt was challenging for you and mention what solution you used. It would help you a lot if you could mention specific traits you have used to overcome those challenges. Mention how you landed on that conclusion and how the environment helped you. It will highlight your problem-solving skills and approach.

Step 9: Feedback

Mention the feedback you received and add the feedback you would provide. Write how this has influenced your growth and development. Discuss how the evaluation helped you understand and grow.

Step 10: Conclude and Reflect

Practice how to write a conclusion for internship reports because it is one of the most important parts of its structure. Summarize your overall internship experience, emphasizing the most significant achievements and the lessons you believe you have learned. Reflect on how this internship contributed to your personal and professional growth. Specify how you believe this experience will support you in the future.

Step 11: Edit and Proofread

Consider this to be the most important step. Proofread your report, and check for errors. Make sure what you were trying to convey is accurate and that there is no overlap between your concept and the outcome. If need be, seek feedback from your mentor. It will always support your report quality.

Step 12: Format and Finalize

Format your report according to the guidelines provided by your company. Pay attention to headings, subheadings, font size, margins, and any specific formatting requirements. The report must include a cover page, a table of contents, and necessary appendices.

These steps will help you effectively present your document and internship experience structured and comprehensively, highlighting your skills, achievements, and professional growth throughout the internship. After completing writing it, you can forward the internship report PDF to your company.

Examples Of An Internship Report

It can still feel a little challenging to you without a sample of the internship letter. An internship final report sample will help you add value to your report and make it more effective and engaging. Here are two internship final report samples which will clear all doubts in your mind regarding how to write an internship report

01. Internship Final Report Sample of an MBA Summer Internship

Internship Report: Good Ventures Jordan Rahim Business Internship June 3, 2018, to July 31, 2018 Good Ventures

Table of Contents

Introduction Description Learning Ongoing Considerations


Good Ventures provides real estate consultation services to the United States. With a top-five ranking in real estate, Good Ventures is sufficiently qualified to help customers make wise investment decisions.

From June to July 2018, I worked in Good Ventures’ residential investment section as an intern. There were 10 employees in total.


My duties at Good Ventures were consulting on fix-and-flips prices and advising about the best market seasons to invest in. I also helped employees prepare financial reports based on profits from individual sales for June and July.

I learned how to use Good Ventures’ in-house software that compared company prices to market value. Although the company is very fast-paced and it was challenging to complete all my duties, I gained valuable experience, learned how to manage my time, and organized work to maximize efficiency.

Ongoing Considerations

In the two months with Good Ventures, I was able to learn as much as I could. However, I would like to learn more about the real estate market, including how to price new builds and discuss mortgage services for first-time buyers. This internship experience was important in building my business administration skills. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to get practical experience.

02. Internship Final Report Sample of an Accounting Student’s Internship

Jacob Wilson Accounting Internship April – December 2011 May Financial

Description of the Company Information about the Internship Review of Experience Reflection on Learning

Description of the Company

May Financial was established in 1998 to provide accounting services to Middle Eastern retail stores in the United States. The company’s objective is to audit various grocery stores to ensure they gain maximum profit. May Financial plays an important role in the industry by offering top services in product placement analysis and helping stores increase their sales volume. I decided to intern with the company because their objective was similar to my goal.

Information about the Internship

My role at May Financial was to audit clients’ financial statements. I worked with 20 employees in auditing grocery sales trends. Additional duties included collecting data, creating auditing reports, and presenting findings to my manager.

Review of Experience

While interning at May Financial, I gained the ability to conduct sales content. Analyzing and conducting content is very important in helping me enhance auditing sales content. This auditing process required knowledge of advanced concepts, but it helped me understand how to conduct gap analysis by auditing numbers, processing, and measuring forms.

Reflection on Learning

May Financial has successfully introduced me to the industry. I realized that I needed to develop confidence in accounting details. It would be preferable to finish checking numbers faster, as reconciling statements was time-consuming.

In conclusion, I learned a lot from my supervisors and about accounting in general.

Tips to Write an Internship Report

Besides having an expected format, there are certain measures you can carry out to make it more effective and thorough. You can follow the following tips to draft a good internship report:

  • Use the appropriate font that maintains professionality. Use professional language
  • Do not make your report too flashy. Keep it simple and neat.
  • Highlight takeaways and keywords using the ‘bold’ feature
  • Proofread your report. The report must be grammatically correct.
  • Use digital tools for help, such as Grammarly.
  • Use examples, and mention personal and professional experience.
  • Take feedback from your colleagues.
  • Understand and organize. Your data needs to be organized and structured.
  • Follow the guidelines mentioned by your company.
  • Be ethical. Avoid disclosing content that may be confidential.
  • Share your challenges but be respectful.
  • Thank your supervisors and acknowledge the help they provided.
  • Showcase your skills and experiences
  • Keep your goal intact

Writing the Best Internship Report!

As we acquire the details and examples, we can comprehend how the report can benefit a fresher or a student in more than one way. It can be understood how when you know how to write an internship report , it helps you in your assessment, self-growth, skills enhancement, and goal alignment.

Writing a report can sometimes be tricky as the requirements and guidelines vary for the companies. But following a general format helps you attain better clarity and learn about the improvements in your skill set. Keep the tips in mind. Focus on what you want to convey and details you feel are mandatory. The report may not be necessary, but writing one helps you organize your learning but helps you maintain professional relations and references.

Any comprehensive report includes experience, work environment, skills acquired, feedback, evaluations, and the guidance received. And acts as concrete evidence of your achievements for future reference.

Evaluate numerous career choices to choose the right career path for yourself. Dive in to our guide on  Career Advice .

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

An internship report can range from 5 to 15 pages depending on the requirements. Before writing one, you must understand the requirements of the company and follow the guidelines provided by them. If they haven’t given any, then follow the standard format and be extensive.

An internship report of any company often follows a fixed company-given format. However, there are still certain tips that you can follow to make it in-depth. You can refer to this article to write a compelling internship letter. Follow the steps and tips carefully, and it will help you write a report with ease.

Include the highlights of the details mentioned in your report, emphasizing the significant parts. It should emphasize the experience you gained, the skills you developed, and the company culture that helped you grow and learn. The summary should be a short para version of your entire report.

A good introduction needs to be engaging, use easier but precise vocabulary, and mention what your report will be about. While writing an introduction, ensure that it sets the tone for the entire report and maps your growth and learnings.

Related Links:

  • Internship Certificate- PDF, Format & Samples

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PLM Fleet, LLC.

2024 summer internship.

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PLM Fleet LLC is accepting applications for its Summer 2024 Internship program. The program will accept junior or senior level undergraduates.

All interns will work out of our Newark, New Jersey office. Local candidates only. We offer a ten-week program beginning June 3, 2024, and ending August 9, 2024. Mandatory in-office work every Tuesday and possibly more days.

PLM Fleet (PLM) is a national leader in supply chain solutions for refrigerated transportation assets, offering structured financial solutions and technologies for optimized fleet management. The cold supply chain is rapidly evolving from farm to table with the use of innovative technology solutions such as leading-edge sensors, Telematics, IoT and a cloud-based technology platform, providing new opportunities for growth and innovation. PLM has 30 locations across the US with headquarters based in Newark, New Jersey’s Gateway Center. We are seeking creative, flexible, take-charge individuals that can generate customer value through process simplification and high impact digital interactions resulting in a positive customer experience.

Visit or visit our LinkedIn page for more information about the company.

We are currently interviewing for the following departments:

The internship involves working in a department and integrating in the day-to-day functions complimented by formal training sessions. You will also be required to oversee a specific project and report on it at the conclusion of the internship.

We look forward to discussing our Summer Internship program with you.

This is a full-time internship (37.5 hours per week).

We respectfully acknowledge the University of Arizona is on the land and territories of Indigenous peoples. Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the O'odham and the Yaqui. Committed to diversity and inclusion, the University strives to build sustainable relationships with sovereign Native Nations and Indigenous communities through education offerings, partnerships, and community service.

Home » Career Guidance » How to Write a Detailed Internship Report (With Examples)

How to Write a Detailed Internship Report (With Examples)

how to write a report for internship

Table of Contents

An internship report is an opportunity for you to potray  the skills  and experience you have acquired during your internship. A well written internship report can help you stand out from the crowd when applying for future internship and job opportunities. Therefore, it is crucial to write an internship report professionally and create a report that gives the employer a gist of all the activities and tasks undertaken by you during your internship. In this guide we  will help you through how to write an internship report, from the format of the report to samples of internship reports for students of different fields, provide tips to write an internship report and elaborate on the various aspects of an internship report . By the end of this guide you will be well equipped to write the best internship report to gain an edge over the competition.

Format of the Internship Report

To learn how to write an internship report, one must know the format of an internship report . As significant as the internship report is, the question still remains about what it outlines and how it is outlined. The report typically outlines the tasks undertaken, skills developed, challenges faced, and lessons learned throughout the internship. You worked as an intern in MNC and felt your supervisor could not provide you with apt guidance in a specific category. With the report, you can convey both the experience and your perception. It helps the firm recognize the challenges the interns may face. Besides this, it also states the quality of exposure they provide, which can help the firm to update and improve.


A report consists of your experience and skills you have gained. In return, it helps you study its impact on your self-growth. You better understand all the new skills you have gained and the current weaknesses you need to overcome. The report can help you understand your exposure and how it will align with your career choices.

Achievement Records

You get concrete evidence of the skills you acquired and the experience you have gained. This document can be beneficial in any job application you apply to.

Portfolio Enhancement

The report enhances your resume, as well. Any proof of internship is proof of the practical application of the knowledge you have gained, which every firm demands nowadays.

Networking and References

The professionals you worked with during the training can provide you with feedback, evaluations, and references. While applying for a job, a reference and a recommendation enhance your chances of finding an opportunity.

Goal Setting

Self-assessment can provide you with clarity about your skills and goals. You can decide if this is the field you want to be a part of or if you want to try a different specialization. Internships and post-assessment can be contributing factors to your career choices.

Now that we have understood the report’s significance let’s cover how to write a progress report for an internship. The format may vary as per the company’s requirements. It is because companies often provide their own format, and you need to follow it when submitting the report. The company then asks you to submit an internship report PDF in the standard company format. However, there is a general outline of the internship report you can follow:

  • Cover Page: It should include the title, name, and basic details of the company you interned with. It must provide your basic details and essential information.
  • Table of Content: Mention the main sections and subsections of your report. It will help the viewer get the hold of important information quickly and easily.
  • Acknowledgement: Mention your advisors and thank them for the support they provided. This special part highlights your appreciation for supervisors, co-workers, leaders, and the team.
  • Executive Summary: Briefly describe the company’s background, duration, and objective. Highlight the experiences you had and the skills you hold. It should be self-contained and thoroughly state all the major points of the internship.
  • Introduction: Mention the internship program in detail. It should clearly state the internship site, scope, and focus.
  • Body of the Report: Write about the objectives, work environment, job details, challenges and solutions, and skills you acquired. Give specifics about the duties you performed throughout your internship. Talk about the knowledge you gained and the encounters you experienced.
  • Conclusion: You have mentioned all your details in the document by now. Now you need to know how to write a conclusion for internship report. When writing a conclusion, summarize your report and mention key takeaways. The section should also mention the skills you are working on.
  • Appendices: Include any documents related to your internship, such as project reports, presentations, or performance evaluations.

Steps to Write an Internship Report

An internship report of any company follows a specific structure, format, and content that might make you feel that writing an internship report is challenging. Truth be told, it can get challenging if perceived with difficulty. There are, however, certain steps you can follow to ensure that you draft an effective internship report. Let us walk you through the details required to answer the question how to write an internship report

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Step 1: Understand the Requirements

The recruiting companies often provide guidelines on how to write a progress report for an internship. You will also be given the outline of the content. The internship report of any company follows a specific format and offers detail on what to mention. Go through these details carefully and understand the requirements and the language level that must be used. Your report should be grammatically correct and effectively structured.

Step 2: Gather Information

Review your notes, assignments, and any relevant materials you accumulated during the internship. Comprehend the relevance of the tasks you performed or the project you were a part of to your chosen domain.

Step 3: Organize The Data

All the data you have collected needs to be presented in an organized manner and chronological order. The outline will help you structure the report logically. Put more emphasis on your learning experience in internship reports. It will also help you focus on the most important details.

Step 4: Draft an Engaging Introduction

After gathering all the data, start writing an introduction for the report. The introduction needs to be engaging. Any report, or any data for that matter, requires a brief introduction with clear aims and objectives. It will help you highlight important parts of the report and better clarify the objective.

Step 5: Describe Your Responsibilities and Projects

Mention the details of the tasks, projects, and assignments you were involved in during your internship. Describe your responsibilities, the skills utilized, and the outcomes of your work. Use specific examples and quantify your achievements whenever possible. While at it, you must also state all the challenges and how you overcame them.

Step 6: Elaborate How Your Work Environment Benefited You

An internship report of any company aims to understand its work culture and environment. Write about the detail you focused on or what intrigued you and what made you choose this specific company, to begin with. Write about how your colleagues and supervisors guided you. Mention how their contribution and involvement helped you achieve your goals. It will help you with future recommendations or references you may need.

Step 7: Assess Your Skills

Explain how you believe the skills you gained will benefit you in the future. Put emphasis on this point but be sure to be crisp and forthright here. Focus on the advantage you believe you will get in the future. And mention the examples that support your development.

Step 8: Address the Challenges You Faced

Discuss what you felt was challenging for you and mention what solution you used. It would help you a lot if you could mention specific traits you have used to overcome those challenges. Mention how you landed on that conclusion and how the environment helped you. It will highlight your problem-solving skills and approach.

Step 9: Feedback

Mention the feedback you received and add the feedback you would provide. Write how this has influenced your growth and development. Discuss how the evaluation helped you understand and grow.

Step 10: Conclude and Reflect

Practice how to write a conclusion for internship reports because it is one of the most important parts of its structure. Summarize your overall internship experience, emphasizing the most significant achievements and the lessons you believe you have learned. Reflect on how this internship contributed to your personal and professional growth. Specify how you believe this experience will support you in the future.

Step 11: Edit and Proofread

Consider this to be the most important step. Proofread your report, and check for errors. Make sure what you were trying to convey is accurate and that there is no overlap between your concept and the outcome. If need be, seek feedback from your mentor. It will always support your report quality.

Step 12: Format and Finalize

Format your report according to the guidelines provided by your company. Pay attention to headings, subheadings, font size, margins, and any specific formatting requirements. The report must include a cover page, a table of contents, and necessary appendices.

These steps will help you effectively present your document and internship experience structured and comprehensively, highlighting your skills, achievements, and professional growth throughout the internship. After completing writing it, you can forward the internship report PDF to your company.

Examples Of An Internship Report

It can still feel a little challenging to you without a sample of the internship letter. An internship final report sample will help you add value to your report and make it more effective and engaging. Here are two internship final report samples which will clear all doubts in your mind regarding how to write an internship report

01. Internship Final Report Sample of an MBA Summer Internship

Internship Report: Good Ventures Jordan Rahim Business Internship June 3, 2018, to July 31, 2018 Good Ventures

Introduction Description Learning Ongoing Considerations


Good Ventures provides real estate consultation services to the United States. With a top-five ranking in real estate, Good Ventures is sufficiently qualified to help customers make wise investment decisions.

From June to July 2018, I worked in Good Ventures’ residential investment section as an intern. There were 10 employees in total.


My duties at Good Ventures were consulting on fix-and-flips prices and advising about the best market seasons to invest in. I also helped employees prepare financial reports based on profits from individual sales for June and July.

I learned how to use Good Ventures’ in-house software that compared company prices to market value. Although the company is very fast-paced and it was challenging to complete all my duties, I gained valuable experience, learned how to manage my time, and organized work to maximize efficiency.

Ongoing Considerations

In the two months with Good Ventures, I was able to learn as much as I could. However, I would like to learn more about the real estate market, including how to price new builds and discuss mortgage services for first-time buyers. This internship experience was important in building my business administration skills. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to get practical experience.

02. Internship Final Report Sample of an Accounting Student’s Internship

Jacob Wilson Accounting Internship April – December 2011 May Financial

Description of the Company Information about the Internship Review of Experience Reflection on Learning

Description of the Company

May Financial was established in 1998 to provide accounting services to Middle Eastern retail stores in the United States. The company’s objective is to audit various grocery stores to ensure they gain maximum profit. May Financial plays an important role in the industry by offering top services in product placement analysis and helping stores increase their sales volume. I decided to intern with the company because their objective was similar to my goal.

Information about the Internship

My role at May Financial was to audit clients’ financial statements. I worked with 20 employees in auditing grocery sales trends. Additional duties included collecting data, creating auditing reports, and presenting findings to my manager.

Review of Experience

While interning at May Financial, I gained the ability to conduct sales content. Analyzing and conducting content is very important in helping me enhance auditing sales content. This auditing process required knowledge of advanced concepts, but it helped me understand how to conduct gap analysis by auditing numbers, processing, and measuring forms.

Reflection on Learning

May Financial has successfully introduced me to the industry. I realized that I needed to develop confidence in accounting details. It would be preferable to finish checking numbers faster, as reconciling statements was time-consuming.

In conclusion, I learned a lot from my supervisors and about accounting in general.

Tips to Write an Internship Report

Besides having an expected format, there are certain measures you can carry out to make it more effective and thorough. You can follow the following tips to draft a good internship report:

  • Use the appropriate font that maintains professionality. Use professional language
  • Do not make your report too flashy. Keep it simple and neat.
  • Highlight takeaways and keywords using the ‘bold’ feature
  • Proofread your report. The report must be grammatically correct.
  • Use digital tools for help, such as Grammarly.
  • Use examples, and mention personal and professional experience.
  • Take feedback from your colleagues.
  • Understand and organize. Your data needs to be organized and structured.
  • Follow the guidelines mentioned by your company.
  • Be ethical. Avoid disclosing content that may be confidential.
  • Share your challenges but be respectful.
  • Thank your supervisors and acknowledge the help they provided.
  • Showcase your skills and experiences
  • Keep your goal intact

Writing the Best Internship Report!

As we acquire the details and examples, we can comprehend how the report can benefit a fresher or a student in more than one way. It can be understood how when you know how to write an internship report , it helps you in your assessment, self-growth, skills enhancement, and goal alignment.

Writing a report can sometimes be tricky as the requirements and guidelines vary for the companies. But following a general format helps you attain better clarity and learn about the improvements in your skill set. Keep the tips in mind. Focus on what you want to convey and details you feel are mandatory. The report may not be necessary, but writing one helps you organize your learning but helps you maintain professional relations and references.

Any comprehensive report includes experience, work environment, skills acquired, feedback, evaluations, and the guidance received. And acts as concrete evidence of your achievements for future reference.

Evaluate numerous career choices to choose the right career path for yourself. Dive in to our guide on  Career Advice .

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

An internship report can range from 5 to 15 pages depending on the requirements. Before writing one, you must understand the requirements of the company and follow the guidelines provided by them. If they haven’t given any, then follow the standard format and be extensive.

An internship report of any company often follows a fixed company-given format. However, there are still certain tips that you can follow to make it in-depth. You can refer to this article to write a compelling internship letter. Follow the steps and tips carefully, and it will help you write a report with ease.

Include the highlights of the details mentioned in your report, emphasizing the significant parts. It should emphasize the experience you gained, the skills you developed, and the company culture that helped you grow and learn. The summary should be a short para version of your entire report.

A good introduction needs to be engaging, use easier but precise vocabulary, and mention what your report will be about. While writing an introduction, ensure that it sets the tone for the entire report and maps your growth and learnings.

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De-Coding Indian Intellectual Property Law

Law Commission’s 289th report- Trade Secret and Economic Espionage

Illustration of a character stealing money

The Law Commission (LC) recently released its report no. 289- “Trade Secret and Economic Espionage”. ( Part 1 ,  Part 2 and  Part 3 ) In this post, I will discuss the key elements of the report and the draft bill proposed by the LC. First, I will analyze the provision on Compulsory Licensing of Trade Secrets included in the bill and discuss its upside and downside in the current form. Second, I point out the key provisions in the bill which indicate a shift from the current common law regime of Trade Secrets. Then, I will list out the various recommendations made by various stakeholders in the report and identify which stakeholder had a final say in the draft bill. Lastly, I will discuss the proposals on Criminal remedies for misappropriation of Trade Secrets and Trade Secrets Registry. 

Compulsory Licensing of Trade Secret 

Why is Trade Secret (TS) important? (refer  here  for the meaning of Trade Secret. See also more below in this post) To understand this, let’s revisit the debate around compulsory licensing (CL) during the Pandemic. Although several vaccines against Coronavirus were developed in record time, the access to vaccines in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries was disappointingly low compared to higher-income countries. Why? Lower supply and Exorbitant Prices. To bridge this disparity, it was suggested that the ‘vaccine patents’ should be compulsorily licensed, allowing local third parties to produce the vaccines at affordable prices. However, the information disclosed in Patents, on its own, is insufficient for third parties to manufacture complex biological vaccines. Why? A Patentee may choose not to disclose information pertaining to manufacturing technology or methods used for carrying out the invention in an effective and commercially viable way. The information is also not covered in the patent disclosures despite best mode disclosure some know-how is unconnected with the patent over an invention. This ‘additional’ undisclosed information i.e. ‘Trade Secret’ may be crucial for third parties to manufacture complex biological vaccines. 

Without such information, a CL of the patent will be useless. ( here ) The Patentee, on the other hand, is not obligated to disclose this information in the patent specification so long as it meets ‘best mode disclosure’.( here ) The TS information provides an economic or competitive advantage to the patentee since it is not generally known. As a result, there is a greater incentive for a patentee to keep this information confidential rather than share it with other entities. Currently, in India, TS are protected under the broader regime of Contract Law and Common Law remedies. Also, TS, as against patents, are protectable in perpetuity as long as it remains confidential. 

The LC report noted the failure of attempts to get companies to voluntarily license TS during COVID-19. As a result, it proposed a separate section in the Protection of Trade Secrets Act, 2024 (‘Draft Bill’) for CL of TS. Certain key features of the provision are- 

  • The Government can issue CL for use of TS to third parties or the Government in a situation of public emergency which involves substantial public interest. 
  • The recipient of the TS will be duty-bound to not disclose confidential information during or after the expiry of the license. 
  • The Government can terminate the license after such a public emergency has ceased to exist. 

The LC has sought to balance the public interest with the interest of a licensor by narrowly construing ‘disclosure’ to mean disclosure only to a third party under strict obligations of confidentiality. It does not mandate public disclosure of the TS since the commercial value of the information derives from its secrecy. 

Will the provision bring any real change? 

It can be argued that CL of TS may help bring Companies to the negotiating table for a reduction of prices. For instance, if during a public health emergency, a vaccine manufacturer refuses to reduce prices despite repeated insistence, the Government may threaten to issue a CL of the Patent and TS. Fearing possible future commercial losses (also a possible fear that the TS might be leaked), the companies will be forced to negotiate for fairer and affordable prices. As a result, the Government will wield a potent weapon which forces big pharmaceutical companies to come to the negotiating table. 

However, the assumption is that the provision, in its current form, has a strong enforcement mechanism. Does it? 

In my opinion, the answer is a resounding no. There is no mechanism to force a pharmaceutical company to involuntarily share its manufacturing technology without a voluntary licensing agreement. It is not possible to compel an unwilling company to reveal its know-how and know-whys to third parties or the government. There are no provisions which penalize a company for refusing to share their confidential information in a situation of public health emergency. In such a situation, what is to be done? 

Possibly, the assumption is that since the market share of these companies in India is too substantial for them to leave, they will try to negotiate with the stakeholders, fearing extreme actions or reprisals which might hurt commercial interests. 

Irrespective of how the Government seeks to enforce this section, it will have a huge impact in terms of innovation in India. It needs to be careful in devising a detailed mechanism to enforce this section rather than adopt an ad hoc mechanism during crises.

Key Provisions in the Draft Bill

First, it provides clarity as to what qualifies as a ‘Trade Secret’. Currently, TS is referred to as ‘confidential information’ in India. Although Confidential Information has been defined in certain cases ( Rochem v. Nirtech ), sometimes the courts fail to answer whether the information is confidential in the first place or not. ( Markets and Markets Research Pvt. Ltd. v. Meticulous Markets Research Pvt. Ltd. & Ors .) The Bill, borrowing from TRIPS, provides the following conditions to qualify as trade secret-

  • The information is not generally known;
  • The commercial value is derivable from the secrecy of the information;
  • The holder of the information took reasonable steps to keep the information confidential; and
  • Disclosure of the information will lead to damages.

Second, it provides an alternative adjudication mechanism in the form of Commercial Courts for misappropriation of TS. To be clear, the common law route for breach of confidence/ trust is still open to parties since the Act does not derogate from other available remedies. (Sec. 13) The reason is that since TS is a major commercial asset, the expedited process with relaxed procedural requirements under the Commercial Courts Act, 2015 will provide a swift resolution.  

Third, it provides protection against ‘groundless threats’ of legal proceedings. Prashant, in his  paper , details how criminal actions are pursued by employers to threaten ex-employees from joining a competitor since the courts sometimes equate confidential information with property. The LC notes that TS cannot be treated on par with property since it does not confer ‘monopoly rights’ on the holder of information. Rather, it can be lawfully acquired by independent discovery, reverse engineering etc. Also, unlike other forms of IP law, there is no dissemination of information to the public. The bill, by mentioning various lawful means to acquire a TS (Sec. 4), indirectly clarifies that TS is not a proprietary concern with monopoly rights for the holder. As a result, pursuing criminal remedies as a threat tactic will no longer be useful. 

Fourth, the bill creates a ‘whistleblower’ exception to TS. (Sec. 5) If the TS is disclosed (i) to expose an unlawful act or professional misconduct; or (ii) in good faith to protect public interest, it will not mean misappropriation of TS in the bill. Prashant, in his paper, had proposed codifying an exception against private persons and corporations for whistle-blowers to publish confidential information in the public interest without fearing legal proceedings. 

Fifth, it provides that ‘experiences and skills’ acquired by an employee during normal profession practice are not TS. (Sec. 2(f)) In  Niranjan Golikari v. The Century Spinning , SC had restrained an ex-employee from joining a competing firm post-termination. The court noted that the employee can disclose ‘special processes’ and ‘special machinery’ that was taught to him during the course of employment to the competing firm if allowed to join the respondent. Prashant highlights that this reasoning is flawed since it assumes that an employee cannot work for the competitor without divulging confidential information and breaching his duty of confidence. The newly added provision safeguards against a similar conclusion being reached by courts in the future and protects an employee’s mobility. Protection against groundless legal proceedings will also come to the aid of employee mobility. 


The stakeholders consulted for proposals on the law can be broadly divided into four groups- 

  • Only Hon’ble Justice Pratibha Singh was consulted in this group. 
  • She supported a separate legislation for Trade secrets for clarity and enabling technology transfer. 
  • TS is not a property but an intangible asset which is a database in a larger form.
  • Against compulsory registration of TS. 
  • No need to adopt criminal remedies in the new law against the misappropriation of TS since IPC suffices. 
  • Suit relating to misappropriation of TS must fall within the scope of the Commercial Courts Act, 2015. 
  • Prof. (Dr.) N.S. Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Arul George Scaria and Dr. Tania Sebastian were consulted in this group. 
  • No empirical data to suggest inadequacy in the current legal framework. 
  • Supported CL in public emergency. 
  • Against criminal remedies for misappropriation of TS 
  • Inclusion of whistleblower exception 
  • No need for a Trade Secret Registry
  • ASSOCHAM, CII and FICCI were consulted in this group.
  • All of them argued for a separate law for TS.
  • CII was opposed to CL of TS 
  • FICCI and CII were against mandatory registration. 
  • ASSOCHAM and FICCI proposed that the reverse engineering exception to TS must be narrow in light of advancement in machine learning. 
  • Only DPIIT was consulted. 
  • Although opposed to CL of TS, in favour of waiver of TS for government use for emergency situations. 
  • A separate law should not be abused for evergreening or protecting non-patentable inventions as TS. 

 In our opinion, it seems the major division was on the issue of compulsory licensing of TS, which was eventually included in the draft bill. It is also important to highlight that the report specifically identifies each stakeholder consulted and their respective proposal, which brings much-needed transparency.  SpicyIP has regularly called out government bodies for the lack of transparency in their operations. Therefore, the transparency shown by this report in identifying the individuals and bodies consulted needs to be applauded. 

Criminal Remedies and Trade Secret Registry 

It is notable that the draft bill originally sent for the consideration of the LC contained criminal remedies for the misappropriation of TS. However, the LC subsequently dropped this from the proposed draft bill after consultation with various stakeholders. Most stakeholders had suggested that criminal remedies would impact independent creation and employee mobility. As it stands, only civil remedies in the form of interim injunction, ex-parte injunction, permanent injunction and damages are available. 

The establishment of a Trade Secret registry was also suggested wherein it would be mandatory for all companies to register respective TS/confidential information. This suggestion was rejected by all the stakeholders across the board since it would mean risking leakage of the secret information. The idea was rejected as counter-intuitive and counter-productive. 

This is not the first attempt to codify legislation on Trade Secret. The previous iteration of a similar attempt was the National Innovation Bill. ( here ) That bill was heavily skewed in favour of the holder of the information with unclear exceptions to TS and onerous obligations on third parties to prove whether the information was received through legal means or not. (noted in the LC report). The proposed bill has sought to balance the interest of companies and the public interest. However, the provision on the compulsory license of Trade Secrets lacks teeth in its current form. Apart from that, it has sought to clearly define the qualifying criteria for TS, exceptions to TS and the remedies for misappropriation. With pressure from various quarters, it seems it is a matter of time before a separate legislation on Trade secrets is adopted. However, the form of the legislation remains undecided for now. 

[I would like to thank Mr. Prashant Reddy, Dr. Arul George Scaria and Swaraj for their inputs.]

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About The Author

conclusion of internship report

Yogesh Byadwal

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conclusion of internship report

Informative good read!

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  6. How to Write an Internship Report (With Examples)

    Use the following steps to create your internship report: 1. Draft a title page. 2. Create a table of contents. 3. Include background information on the company. 4. Include your position and responsibilities in the internship.

  7. How to Create an Internship Report You Actually Use

    An internship report is an overview of your experience working for a company as an intern. Internship reports identify milestones in your professional development, highlighting which skills you used most frequently and key moments where you got to put those skills into practice. ... Finish your report with a conclusion that shares how you plan ...

  8. How To Write An Effective Internship Report

    7) Conclude with your opinion. Last but not least, it's important to conclude your internship experience in a succinct manner. Try and keep your conclusion around 1-2 paragraphs to explain the essential skills and experience you've gained from a few of the major tasks you've completed.

  9. How to Make a Difference with Internship Reports (+ Samples)

    The conclusion of your internship report is where you summarize your experience and reflect on what you have learned. This is also a good place to thank your employer or supervisor for the opportunity to intern with their company. If you have any recommendations for the company, such as ways to improve the internship program, you can also ...

  10. How to Prepare an Internship Report? Tips, Template and More

    Conclusion An internship report is a document summarizing your work experience, learnings, and skills acquired while working at a company as an intern. This document provides a detailed overview of your skills to potential employers. Take guidance from the above sample, examples, and tips on how to write an internship report impressively. ...

  11. How to Write an Internship Report

    Writing an internship requires planning. Here are the steps to how to write an internship report: 1. Firstly, write the title. Place the title in the cover letter. Write the name of your school, your name, interning dates and the company's contact information. The title should pinpoint the theme of your duties, so there should be a title for ...

  12. Writing an internship report: Everything you need to know

    An internship report is an important part of every internship and serves to summarize and document the experiences and knowledge gained during the internship. ... Conclusion: Overall, the internship was a very instructive experience for me. I learned a lot about how online marketing as well as social media work and was able to improve my skills ...

  13. Conclusion for Internship Report

    CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) Students. Concluding my internship, I have gained significant exposure to software development practices, coding standards, and the importance of teamwork in project success. This experience has solidified my programming skills and introduced me to emerging technologies, preparing me for a promising career ...

  14. How to Write an Internship Report: A Step-by-Step Guide

    But write in your own words, without having to quote any author. 2. Inform when and where the internship took place. In a paragraph, you must inform when the internship took place and where you had this experience. Therefore, put the full name of the company and the period in which you did the entire internship. 3.

  15. How To Write a Good Internship Report [With Template]

    Create a Good Internship Report. You can follow the following guide to craft an outstanding and professional internship report. 1. Title/Cover page. The cover page of your internship report must contain the title of your report, your name, the name of your internship company, and the dates of your internship. It is the first thing employers see.

  16. How to write Conclusion of Internship Report : Tips

    5. End with a Positive Note: Conclude your internship report on a positive and optimistic note. Leave your readers with a sense of closure and optimism about your future endeavors. Reiterate your enthusiasm for the opportunities ahead and your commitment to continued growth and learning. Example: In conclusion, my internship at XYZ Company has ...

  17. Conclusion for Internship Report

    The conclusion of an internship report serves a crucial purpose in summarizing the key findings, experiences, and lessons learned during the internship. It provides a final opportunity to reflect on the internship experience and highlight the skills and knowledge gained. Writing a conclusion allows the intern to demonstrate their understanding ...

  18. Internship Report Conclusion Writing Explained: How to Conclude an

    Internship Report Conclusion Section Template, Sample and Example. In conclusion, this internship has been a very useful experience for me. I can safely say that my understanding of the job environment has increased greatly. However, I do think that there are some aspects of the job that I could have done better and that I need to work on.

  19. How to Write a Detailed Internship Report (With Examples)

    An internship report is an opportunity for you to potray the skills and experience you have acquired during your internship. A well written internship report can help you stand out from the crowd when applying for future internship and job opportunities. Therefore, it is crucial to write an internship report professionally and create a report that gives the employer a gist of all the ...

  20. Conclusion

    Conclusion. In a nutshell, this internship has been an excellent and rewarding experience. I can conclude that there have been a lot I've learnt from my work at Cemosis. Needless to say, the technical aspects of the work I've done are not flawless and could be improved provided enough time. As someone with no prior experience with Node.js ...

  21. How To Create An Internship Report: 2024 Guide

    You can write an internship report using these steps: 1. Prepare a title page. The first page would be the internship report introduction and it is required to include the report's title, and the name of the company. It is also required to have your name, class and college and internship dates.

  22. Internship Report copy (pdf)

    Under no circumstances the logo and the workflow diagrams will be used beyond the project report. Abstract This internship report provides an overview of the experience gained during the internship at Raychem RPG in the field of Human Resource Management. The report focuses on the Halol branch of the company and includes detailed information ...

  23. 2024 Summer Internship

    The internship involves working in a department and integrating in the day-to-day functions complimented by formal training sessions. You will also be required to oversee a specific project and report on it at the conclusion of the internship. We look forward to discussing our Summer Internship program with you. This is a full-time internship ...

  24. How to Write an Internship Report Professionally

    An internship report is an opportunity for you to potray the skills and experience you have acquired during your internship. A well written internship report can help you stand out from the crowd when applying for future internship and job opportunities. Therefore, it is crucial to write an internship report professionally and create a report that gives the employer a gist of all the ...

  25. Law Commission's 289th report- Trade Secret and Economic Espionage

    The Law Commission (LC) recently released its report no. 289- "Trade Secret and Economic Espionage". ( Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3) In this post, I will discuss the key elements of the report and the draft bill proposed by the LC. First, I will analyze the provision on Compulsory Licensing of Trade Secrets included in the bill and discuss ...

  26. Peraton Awards George Mason Honors College Students National Security

    George Mason University 4400 University Drive Fairfax, Virginia 22030 Tel or SMS: +1703-993-1000