
Essay on My Best Gift

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Best Gift in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Best Gift


The joy of receiving gifts is immeasurable. Among all the gifts I have received, one stands out as the best.

The Best Gift

My best gift was a book, gifted by my grandmother on my 10th birthday. It wasn’t just any book, but a collection of inspiring stories.

Why It’s Special

This book is special because it ignited my love for reading. Each story taught me valuable lessons about life.

The best gifts aren’t always the most expensive ones. They are those that leave a lasting impact on our lives, just like my book.

250 Words Essay on My Best Gift

Gifts hold a unique place in our lives, often serving as markers of significant moments or relationships. The best gifts are not necessarily the most expensive, but those that carry profound emotional value. For me, the best gift I’ve ever received is a small, worn-out notebook from my grandmother, a gift that has shaped my life in unimaginable ways.

The Gift’s Significance

The notebook, filled with my grandmother’s handwritten recipes, is more than just a collection of dishes. It is a testament to her love for cooking and a symbol of her desire to pass on the family’s culinary heritage. She had spent years perfecting those recipes, and her gift was a way of entrusting me with a piece of our family’s history.

Impact of the Gift

The notebook has significantly influenced my life. It sparked a passion for cooking that I was previously unaware of. I found joy in replicating the recipes, each dish bringing me closer to my roots and instilling a sense of connection to my family. The notebook also taught me the value of preserving traditions and the importance of sharing them with future generations.

In conclusion, the best gift I’ve ever received is not valuable in monetary terms, but it is priceless in its emotional significance. It represents a tangible link to my family’s past and a guide for preserving our traditions. It is a gift that has shaped my interests, values, and identity. The notebook from my grandmother is not just a collection of recipes; it is a cherished keepsake, a source of inspiration, and undoubtedly, my best gift.

500 Words Essay on My Best Gift

Gifts are a universal way to express emotions such as love, appreciation, and gratitude. Throughout our lives, we receive various gifts, but some hold a special place in our hearts. The best gift I ever received was not wrapped in shiny paper or tied with a colorful ribbon, but was a profound life experience that forever changed my perspective.

The Unexpected Gift

The best gift I ever received was a two-week trip to a remote village in Africa, a gift from my parents on my eighteenth birthday. Initially, I was perplexed, even disappointed. I had expected a car, a gadget, or a lavish party, but instead, I was given an experience that seemed unexciting. Little did I know, this trip would be the most valuable gift I’d ever receive.

Experiencing a Different World

In the remote village, I was exposed to a world far removed from the comforts of my urban life. The villagers lived in humble huts, tilled their fields manually, fetched water from wells, and cooked on open fires. There were no shopping malls, no internet, and no fast food. Initially, it was a culture shock. But as the days passed, I began to understand the essence of their lifestyle.

Lessons from Simplicity

The villagers taught me the beauty of simplicity. They found joy in the simplest things – a good harvest, a community gathering, a starlit sky. They were content with what they had, and they shared generously. Their sense of community was profound; they worked together, celebrated together, and supported each other in times of need. The happiness and contentment they derived from their simple lives were eye-opening.

Valuing What Matters

This experience taught me to value relationships and experiences over material possessions. I realized that the relentless pursuit of material wealth often leads to stress and discontentment. On the other hand, the villagers, with their simple lives and strong community bonds, seemed happier and more content. This realization was a paradigm shift for me, making me reconsider what I truly valued in life.

In retrospect, the trip to the African village was the best gift I ever received. It was not a material possession that would lose its value over time, but an experience that enriched my life and broadened my perspective. It taught me the importance of simplicity, contentment, and community – lessons that continue to shape my life. This gift from my parents was indeed a profound life experience, a gift that keeps on giving.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Gift
  • Essay on Geography
  • Essay on Today’s Generation

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Personal Writing: The Best Gift I Ever Received

golden retriever, puppy, dog-4135265.jpg

This worked up example isn’t perfect by any stretch! It is my work, not from a student, and so it might give ‘middle aged mummy’ vibes rather than feeling like the authentic voice of a teenager. Nonetheless, I think it’s helpful for students to see how to structure a piece of personal writing and keep it focused on the topic. 

For more on teaching personal writing, read  this blog post , and download my free Personal Writing Guide for students which you can download here:

Personal Writing

Write a speech for your classmates about the best gift you ever received.

The wind whipped around the front garden, gathering leaves into a mini tornado which whirled and swirled before me. Why was I sitting in front of the living room window, staring intently at the leaves, on this breezy autumn Saturday? Year 11, if I told you that this was the single most significant morning of my whole life, you might think I was exaggerating, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Come with me back in time to that momentous morning in October 2020 when I received the best gift a lonely, grieving young girl could ever have asked for.

Don’t launch straight into the gift itself. Make the reader wait. Instead, set the scene. Try opening with the weather. 

Address your listeners by name. Speak to them by inviting them into the story, e.g. Come with me …/Let’s journey back in time …/Imagine this …

The reader wants specifics – when, where, what happened. Avoid being vague.

Use repetition to create structure in a paragraph. In this case, anaphora. ‘We all …’ is repeated three times.

This story doesn’t really begin on that Saturday, if I’m being perfectly honest with you. I have to go back further. It was March of 2020 and the world around me was beginning to crack under pressure. I was 12 years old and I was about to become alone in the world. I was about to lose two things that were most dear to me: my freedom and my favourite person. Yes, this story is not just my story; it’s one we all shared. We all watched the news. We all listened to the scare stories. And then we all listened as Boris broke us. He told us that Covid-19 was spreading too quickly to be contained, and that we all had to stay inside.

Yes, I know you are thinking: “So what?” This happened to everyone across the world. Stop being so selfish and look beyond yourself. But this is my story, so you have to give me a minute! I was 12 and my world was already small. It was just the girls: granny, mummy and me. The three musketeers, mum always said. She said it even when no-one listened, because it made her feel better about the state we were in. No money, no treats and no big family to spend time with. Just the three of us. That is, until Covid-19 viciously ripped away one of our triplet: my granny didn’t stand a chance against that new and determined demon.

Suit your style to your audience – in this case, your class are your audience, so use a conversational, chatty style.

Create imagery through similes or metaphors. Here, a metaphor is used to compare covid to a demon.

Be real with your reader; personal writing is meant to be personal. Describe emotions, thoughts and feelings to help your reader to bond with you and feel what you feel.

Vary your sentence length. Note the three one-word sentences at the end of the paragraph – the full stops create long pauses which slow it down and make it feel more significant and emotive.

We said our heartbroken farewells to Granny at Roselawn Cemetery on a wet April day. Frosty mornings were giving way to the brighter spring weather but we didn’t notice; we felt only loss and sadness. Granny had lived a good life, but it was cut short and I wasn’t sure I could ever get over it. Mummy was also devastated and when we got home that afternoon, the house seemed to mourn. The walls were the same but the air was different. Sadder. Heavier. Darker.

Ok, ok, I can hear you all losing interest. You want to know about the gift, right? Well, let’s fast forward a few months. The summer had passed quietly; I missed my granny more than I could really describe. It was the companionship, chats and giggles I missed the most. My friends kept mostly to themselves and the covid rules were still in place, so I never really met up with anyone. I chatted to friends on facetime every now and then, but I was mostly alone when my mum was at work, and when she came home, the loss of granny seemed even bigger in the house. Someone was missing and we couldn’t get over it.

At this point, you might need to refocus on the topic – check the title and ensure you are moving towards a clear focus and a climax of the story.

Here is a little distraction, or a red herring, to keep your audience engaged. It’s short and relatable and keeps the reader waiting for a moment longer for the big reveal, the best gift you ever received.

Mum texted me that Saturday morning. She told me to wait at the window for a surprise. I figured she had been quick off the mark to get some of those cinnamon swirls we kept missing from the bakery. Every Saturday, we slept in and they were always sold out by the time we got there. Maybe mum had been in luck today.

I saw her car pull up and she got out, empty handed. My tummy gurgled and growled with both hunger and disappointment: “No cinnamon swirl for me then,” I thought angrily. Why would she tease me like this!

Give living attributes to anything you can (‘my tummy … growled … with disappointment’) to exaggerate feelings.

Repeating an idea from the start is a great way to add structure – the echo back to the start reminds the reader of the setting in this case.

She moved to the back of the car and opened the boot. Those swirling leaves didn’t distract me now as I watched her carry a large cardboard box towards the house. What on earth was it? I met her in the hallway and I opened the box as she closed the front door. I couldn’t believe my eyes; a beautiful, golden Labrador pup looked up at me with big brown eyes that I will never forget. She was absolutely beautiful and I lost my heart to her then and there.

Year 11, I won’t bore you with how much I cared for her, played with her and spent every waking moment with her, but I think those of you who know me, know how much Maggie means to me. Maggie was my granny’s name, and now a part of her lives on in Maggie the pup. Well, she’s not a pup anymore but you know what I mean! Mags has taught me to have fun again. She gets me outside, reminds me how to laugh and most of all, she has brought joy and happiness back to our home that we thought was gone forever after granny died. 

Talk to the audience regularly through the speech. Remind the reader of the bond you have (‘those of you who know me…’).

Use triplets/groups of three (cared for her, played with her and spent every waking moment with her) to create structure and rhythm to your sentences. This is more enjoyable to read, almost musical in its sound.

Go back to the title of the task – be very (very) clear that you are well focused on the main topic and have fully answered the task. Reflect at the end e.g. Looking back now …/I know for sure that …/This gift is …

Maggie the pup is, without question, the best gift I have ever, or could ever receive. I will never forget Granny Mags and she can never be replaced, but Maggie the pup is a brilliant friend who has picked me up and helped me keep going. Not only can I never forget my wonderful granny, but I will also never forget the kindness of my mum in seeing what I really needed in those lonely months and doing everything she could to get it for me, even though it came at a big cost to her pocket. Thank you, mum, for this amazing gift!

That’s all folks!

Thanks for reading, and please comment below if you have tips or suggestions on how to teach personal writing. We love to share ideas.

You can find the  mark scheme for CCEA GCSE Personal Writing on p10-13 in this link.

If you would like to guest post, or if you’d like to chat more, please get in touch via the  contact form . I’d love to hear from you.

Feb 2023 edit: read  this article , in which I get ChatGTP to write the same essay!

Should teachers worry about ChatGPT? Image shows AI robot with programming language in foreground.

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Describe the best gift you have ever received – IELTS Cue Card

Janice Thompson

Updated On Dec 27, 2023

essay best gift ever received

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Describe the best gift you have ever received – IELTS Cue Card

Predicted 50 + IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics 2024

In the IELTS Speaking section, one of the most common question types is the Cue Card Speaking prompt. The IELTS Cue Card topics will prompt you to formulate a response and speak on the given topic. To attempt this question, you must narrow down the essential questions on the given topic to answer within the given time. Consider the sample Cue Card below. Study the types of questions that have been formulated based on the cue card and how to go about with your response:

Describe the best gift you have ever received

You should say:

  • What was the gift?
  • Who gave it to you?
  • When did you receive it?
  • And explain why it is the best gift you have ever received

Sample Answer 1

Gifts, are always prized by everyone who receives them. Many people would argue that gifts, are an essential part of almost every special occasion. Gifts are a symbol of gratitude and never fail to uplift a person. One gift that always comes to my mind when I think of gifts is the birthday present I received for my 13th birthday. I had my heart set on a particular bicycle, and I received it for my 13th birthday.

This gift was given to me by my father. I had asked him for a bicycle to ride in the evenings around the neighbourhood for a long time, and he finally agreed to give me one for my 13th birthday. When he asked me what kind of bicycle I would like, I told him I would love a cycle with multiple gears. Although an expensive gift, my father bought it for me.

I received this gift on May 26 2013, and it was a Friday. I distinctly remember that day when my father agreed to take me to the bicycle showroom. I accompanied him on his bike, and we went to a specific bicycle shop on the other side of the city since bicycles with multiple gears were rare.

After we reached the shop and my father had a talk with the store manager, he asked me to pick a colour from the available options. I was elated, and my cheeks blushed with joy as I started to judge which bicycle colour was the best looking. I finally settled on the colour black, and my father made the purchase. After the bicycle arrived at our residence, I wasted no time before I started riding it around our house. That bicycle made my 13th birthday truly memorable and is one of the most cherished gifts I have ever received.

Sample Answer 2

Here is the sample for “Describe the best gift you have ever received” topic:

Gifts speak volumes about the love and care somebody has for you. Although, since childhood, I’ve received plenty of gifts from my relatives and family, one of them that I can never forget was a huge, orange-coloured doll and a battery-operated doll that was sitting on a cake and playing the piano. Just with the click of a button, the cake began revolving, and the doll sang a happy birthday song.

These gifts were given to me by my elder sister on my 12th birthday.

To begin with, it was the first-ever time when my sister had planned a surprise birthday party for me. She had decorated the room, placed these beside a huge cake, and had invited all of my friends – without my knowledge. Although she was merely two years older than me, I still hadn’t expected anything from her because she never used to express her emotions. However, that day, with such a grand gesture, she said a lot of things without expressing herself verbally. Another reason why all of these gifts and the party were special to me was that I didn’t know it was going to be my last birthday with her. She passed away after a few months because of a brain haemorrhage. So, the gifts remained memorable to me.

Sample Answer 3

Gifts are the most endearing thing one can receive. They are a proclamation of love, and they symbolize a feeling shared by the giver. As human beings, we have two ways of expression – Words and Action. When words aren’t enough to describe your emotions, they turn to action. Through gifting, a human being tries to express what words cannot encapsulate. 

The best gift I have received is my pup, Bruno. He is a German Shepherd and the cutest furball I have ever seen. Dogs are simply the most loyal companions one could ask for. They don’t love you for any worldly possessions of yours, they don’t love you for your wealth, they love you for you, and that is a beautiful thing. Dogs don’t care if you’re rich or poor, they just want to be happy, and they want to see you happy. Dogs are simply phenomenal. 

I received Bruno as a gift around 11 months ago. It was a surprise and the minute I saw his ecstatic little face, I knew we had an instant bond. Bruno is the kindest and pleasant dog I have ever met. He loves to take walks and play fetch. The minute he hears someone opening a snack, his ears perk up, and he comes running to get a piece too! He loves sweets and will definitely bring you a ball if he sees you upset. He’s the best gift I’ve ever received because he makes me happier than I thought I could be. He’s my best friend.

Here are the vocabularies for “Describe the best gift you have ever received” with examples:

  • Endearing : inspiring affection. Ex : Amanda was endearing to nearly everyone she met because of her kind heart.  
  • Proclamation : a clear declaration of something. Ex : The authorities issued a proclamation forbidding public meetings
  • Encapsulate : express the essential features of (something) succinctly. Ex : It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single one-hour documentary.
  • Phenomenal : remarkable or exceptional, especially exceptionally good. Ex : California had experienced a phenomenal growth in population.
  • Ecstatic : feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement. Ex : Sally was ecstatic about her new job.

Explore More Gift Cue cards >>

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  • A Gift You Gave That Took A Long Time To Choose
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30 + Difficult IELTS Cue Card Topics with Answer pdf

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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essay best gift ever received


Posted on Nov 26, 2023

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The Best Gift You Ever Received

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Every year, I always receive a lot of gifts from my parents and friends on my birthday.

But last year, I received a special gift from my best friend. It was my birthday. I was presented many colourful and expensive gifts. But my best friend did not give me a gift like that.

She gave me a small blue box and said that: “This is my special gift for you. I hope you will like it. ” I was very curious about what was in the box. I opened it.

It was a scarf! But it was not colourful, it was blue and white which were my favourite colours. It was not a normal scarf which was bought from the shop but it was made by my friend. She bought many balls of wool and learned how to knit. She tried her best to make a special gift for me. I knew that she had had much ado and time to finish kniting the scarf . Although it was not beautiful, I was happy and promise her treasure it.

However, it was also the last gift from my best friend. Two months later, she had to move to another country with her family. I was very upset when I knew that. When it is cold, this scarf is very useful for me. It is warmer than other scarfs because it is warm not only by keeping my normothermia but also by our friendship.

On my next birthdays, I know that I will receive many beautiful gifts but I always believe that this scarf is the best gift I ever received.

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essay best gift ever received

Best gift/present you have received – IELTS Cue Card

Describe the best gift/ present you have ever received.

You should say:

  • what the gift was
  • who gave it to you
  • when you have received it

and explain why it is the best gift/ present you have ever received.

To practice with past questions, please look at  Speaking Part 2  in more detail.

Describe the best gift present you have ever received.

Model Answer – The Best Gift I Ever Received: A Family Portrait

The best gift I’ve ever received is a family portrait. It was given to me by my parents on my 21st birthday.

The portrait captures a beautiful moment where my family and I are all gathered in our garden, laughing and looking blissful. What makes this portrait special is that it includes my grandparents, who have since passed away, preserving a precious memory of them.

The reason why this gift is the best I’ve ever received is that it signifies the bond and love that exists within my family. Every time I look at it, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love for my family.

This response is very good. It covers all points on the cue card with a logical flow and offers a detailed and engaging story about the best gift the speaker has received. The speaker has used emotive language to engage the listener, creating a vivid image of the family portrait and its importance.

Model Answer – The Best Gift I Ever Received: A Customized Watch

The best gift I ever received was a customized watch from my best friend. He gave it to me last year on my birthday.

The watch is exquisite, with my initials engraved on the back. But what makes it the best gift is not its physical attributes but the thought and effort my friend put into it.

The gift represents our long-lasting friendship, and every time I look at it, I’m reminded of the strong bond we share. Therefore, it is the best present I have ever received.

This response effectively addresses all points on the cue card. The description of the watch is detailed and interesting, and the speaker effectively explains why the gift is significant to them. The personal touch makes the narrative engaging for the listener.

Model Answer – The Best Gift I Ever Received: A Leather-bound Journal

The best gift I ever received was a leather-bound journal given to me by my sister on my graduation day.

The journal is beautifully made, with creamy pages and an intricate design on the leather cover. But more than its aesthetic appeal, it was the meaning behind the gift that made it special.

My sister gave it to me to chronicle my new journey in life. She knows my love for writing, and this journal was her way of encouraging my passion. It’s the best gift I’ve ever received because it was thoughtful, personal, and it supported my dreams.

This response is excellent. It provides detailed descriptions of the gift, who gave it, and why it is special. The speaker’s personal connection with the gift, as well as their passion for writing, make the response engaging and relatable for the listener.

Model Answer – The Best Gift I Ever Received: A Trip to Italy

Model Answer The best gift I’ve ever received was a trip to Italy, given to me by my parents as a graduation gift.

The trip took place a few months after my graduation, and it was the adventure of a lifetime. I had the chance to explore stunning cities, enjoy delectable cuisine, and soak up the rich culture and history of Italy.

This trip was the best gift because it was more than just a vacation—it was an educational experience, an opportunity to explore, and a testament to my parents’ support for my love of travel and learning. It’s a gift I will always cherish.

This is a fantastic response. The speaker offers a vivid description of the gift, explaining its significance and why it’s the best gift they’ve ever received. The explanation of how the trip benefited the speaker personally and intellectually makes this an engaging and thoughtful response.

We hope you found this post useful in helping you to study for the IELTS Test . If you have any questions please let us know in the comments below or on the Facebook page.

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essay best gift ever received

The Most Meaningful Gifts You’ve Ever Received

November 30, 2018 By Kelle

Earlier this month, on Instagram I asked for you to share the most meaningful gifts you’ve ever been given or ones you’ve thoughtfully put together for someone you love. I quickly scrolled through some of the answers as they were coming in, but then tucked the rest away knowing I’d return to them when I put this post together. I woke up early this morning as I always do, lit my candle, poured my coffee and finally pulled up that old post to collect the answers to share. What I didn’t expect were the tears, overwhelmed by the amount of love and thoughtfulness in all these precious gifts and the reminder that during this time of credit card-swiping gift giving, what we all really want is moments and words and reminders that we are seen and loved. We want one more hug with our grandpa who is no longer with us, we want our kids to tell us they remember the memories we made for them, and we want a recipe card with our grandma’s famous streusel coffee cake, written in her own handwriting, so we can hold our memories of her in our kitchen every time we bake it. Experiences, moments and stories trump anything you can “add to cart,” and these ideas you’ve shared prove it.

And, dear God, do some of you have the most thoughtful husbands/parents/siblings! Brett and I were dying reading some of the precious significant other gifts you shared. “Just so you know,” I told Brett, “Those salt and pepper shakers you got me last year just got their ass kicked so hard. I’d like you to meet the winner–‘100 reasons why I love you’ written on a scroll and tied with a ribbon. GOOD NIGHT.” For the record, gift giving is not his love language, and I am okay with it. Plus, those salt and pepper shakers are pretty cute.

I’ve taken several of the ideas you shared and am making them a part of our gift giving this year. I hope you are inspired as much as I was. There’s no way I could have compiled all the answers you shared, but I tried to pull as many as I could into one post. And to add a little visual festive to this post, I dug into the holiday archives which always hurts so good. Like this one, by far the most meaningful gift Nella has ever received…

essay best gift ever received

My sister and I filled a huge jar with 356 “remember whens” for my parents. They still do one strip a day. @sarablaira

My sister-in-law had a dress shirt of my dad’s turned into a skirt for my daughter. @wrigleyette

A cutting board engraved with a favorite recipe in my late mom’s handwriting. @daniellelackey

A set of cufflinks with the GPS coordinates of the location of our first kiss. @flippin_ani

My mother-in-law hand wrote her favorite (and my husband’s) recipes for me. @hazelnigella

essay best gift ever received

The gift of a workshop/class/experience (Doe Bay writing retreat). @laflechemasse

A wallet from my husband filled with gift cards from all my favorite stores and services. @janelle_johnstone

Every year my mom renews my kids zoo and science museum memberships. @thisrezlife

Handwritten letters from my children. @thealabamahousewife

essay best gift ever received

Personalized address stamp. @weiscl13

My daddy’s typewriter restored. @sherriemoore06

Watercolor piece done of my in-laws’ home where they’ve lived their entire married lives. @kenliparker

A necklace with my grandmother’s handwriting (she’s passed). @glowofgray

A collection of family recipes in a bound book. @reneegarbe

A CD with a photo slideshow of the pictures from the year, set to a meaningful song from the year. @conniefilbrun

essay best gift ever received

A gift with our baby’s name. She is in heaven. She is recognized. @_rebekah.ruth_

Hand painted ornaments of my childhood home (by Cindy Thurston on Etsy). @ashleysangha

I recently fell and dislocated my shoulder in the shower. My friend got me a shower mat. @stephc8568

“Open when” letters. @caitwebble

A sign with a family quote written in my grandma’s handwriting after she died. @menoblay

A Build-a-Bear dressed as a soldier with a personal message, from my deployed brother. @xolovekimblog

essay best gift ever received

A framed photo of when my grandparents were married. @mahscott

A painting of my favorite mountain. @coralma

A box of the most iconic goods from where we live and where my siblings live (coffees, alcohol, cheeses, etc.). @dwiseman

Dinner out with my adult children, no kids. @lindahartl001

Tickets to a musical with babysitting provided. @laurababes

essay best gift ever received

My husband made me a comic book about my first 5 months being a mom. @lolanmose

A door knocker for our forever home (someday I’ll hang it). @mandycunningham_

100 Reasons Why I Love You, printed on a scroll and tied with a ribbon. @melannerep

Grandpa’s old robes monogrammed for my nephews. @dwiseman

essay best gift ever received

I gifted my dad a keychain with the latitude and longitude of my sibling’s and my locations. @lorlyeloves

Cassette tapes that my grandfather recorded his life’s story on. Priceless. @amy1icciardi

A night at a hotel all by myself with the only task being to relax! @kritabaugh

An ornament my mom soldered (she took classes). She’s always learning something new. @dwiseman

Framed prints of the ship our great grandparents came over from Italy on to my siblings. @dwiseman

A Winnie the Pooh book published 10/14/26. My best friend gave me a copy for my son’s birth 10/14/18. @renatatataaa

My mother-in-law had an article that I wrote for the city newspaper framed. @carapcaudill

essay best gift ever received

A recent favorite–tap shoes and payment for a 12-week class. #firsttimer #adultdancer @emgmerritt

A print of a painting that was once mentioned…and remembered. @fourmenandalady

My dad photocopied every journal entry he wrote about me from my birth on, and made me a book. @erinmcbryant

A picture of the stars from where we live the night my daughter was born. @paigeb127

essay best gift ever received

My grandma who taught me how to sew gave me a box full of fabric leftover from her favorite dresses. I still have some of those scraps in my collection and will put them into quilts for my kids. @turbtastic

After my mother died, my aunt bought me a bottle of the perfume she always wore. @shaunaandco

Stockings made from old sweaters of grandma’s. @dwiseman

Storyworth which came to us via you! We’ve passed this around all our family, and it is so meaningful. @jfraserbeason

essay best gift ever received

A framed recipe card from my great-grandma with one of my favorite foods. @evkingry

One year my aunt compiled old VHS family videos onto DVDs for the whole family. @carlyehorse

Silhouette profile pictures of my children! My husband also made them for his parents. @thekeslerbunch

A bangle with my children’s name and DOBs stamped on it. @naterin

My husband built me a jewelry box. Got it one year unfinished. Next year with jewelry. @lolajean5

A round trip ticket to visit my best friend. @draeaskay

Alright, what did we miss on this list? To this day, one of my favorite gifts (I gave it to myself) is my keepsake quilt made from squares cut from my maternity jeans and the most memorable baby clothes from all three of my kids. It’s from Vintage Giggles , and this year I had the honor of giving a quilt–one I had made from my ties worn my by mother-in-law’s father who passed away early this year. It’s one of my favorite gift giving moments ever. What are your most favorite gift giving moments or meaningful things or experiences you’ve received?

essay best gift ever received

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November 30, 2018 at 10:08 am

This may be one of my favorite posts you’ve ever written. We are really trying to save this Christmas and don’t have a lot in the budget for big gifts. So many of these gave me wonderful ideas for precious, meaningful gifts I can make or create on a budget. Thank you so very much for the inspiration!!!

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November 30, 2018 at 10:43 am

I fell in love with a painting at a local art museum, by a local artist, that after the exhibition went into a private collection, presumably never to be seen again by the public.. Years later my best friend found a rendering of it in an art book. Purchased the book, carefully removed the page and had it professionally framed! It now hangs in my living room and I smile whenever I look at it.

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November 30, 2018 at 11:54 am

My husband and I bond over watching food network stars and cooking their recipes together in the kitchen or for each other- one Christmas he gave me these two beautiful 3-ring binders with tabs labeled appetizers, side dishes, dessert etc. and they were stocked with the recipe print-outs of our favorite food network cooks. Some of them had special meaning or hand written notes of the memories of cooking them or sharing them. And the rest were ones we hadn’t yet made but he wanted to try or thought I’d like. Best gift ever!

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November 30, 2018 at 12:55 pm

My dad has raced cars since he was a little kid. About 15 years ago he had some health problems, was losing his vision and decided to sell all of his racing stuff – truck, trailer, his car, my car, etc. After selling his car, I was in the shop with him one night when he told me “he’d messed up.” I had no idea what he meant. The steering wheel in his race car was one of the first gifts my mom gave him when they started dating. He’d moved it from car to car over the years but was so upset by having to sell everything that he didn’t think to take it out of the car before it was sold. I didn’t say anything that night but I tracked down the car and bought the new owner a new steering wheel in exchange for the old one. I also drove several hours round trip to pick it up. I didn’t even wrap it. I handed it to him in the living room one day and just watched his reaction. He recognized the wheel by feel alone. Now, both my mom and I have given it to him, and it hangs on his wall. Worth every penny to see the look on his face and know he had it back when so many things were gone beyond his control. Pretty sure it was a gift for me just as much as it was for him.

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November 30, 2018 at 1:30 pm

You just killed me. Dead. What a beautiful story…and the way you told it. Uggghh…right in the feels, man. Xo

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December 4, 2018 at 12:08 am

Crying! So beautiful!

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December 4, 2018 at 12:11 pm

I’m not crying. You’re crying. This is so so beautiful.

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November 30, 2018 at 3:36 pm

Oh my word. What is wrong with me today? I cried so much thinking about all the love and tenderness put in those gifts. Thank you for sharing these. My goal now is to find THE gift for my parents. <3

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November 30, 2018 at 7:43 pm

My favorite thing I have given is a short story I wrote and framed for my Grandma titled Grandma’s Hands. She is the most amazing grandma in the world and she absolutely loved it!

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December 1, 2018 at 9:46 am

My daughter’s 1st Chelristmas, she was only a month old. My husband gave me a box full of children’s books with her name in the title. For 9 years now, we’ve been reading “Lila Pirate”, “Lila Bloom”, “Lila Ladybird”, and others!

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December 1, 2018 at 1:46 pm

My mother had a very rough childhood, and one of the lone bright spots was a book sent to her from British relatives as a small child. For years, she would tell me about how the book made her smile in the middle of total dysfunction, but she couldn’t remember the name or the author, just the two main characters’ names. For YEARS, I stalked old book chatrooms, asking if anyone knew what book Happy and Butterball belonged to. Finally, someone gave me the author’s name, and from there, I found the book in Australia. Mom cried so hard when she opened it! My proudest gift-giving moment!

December 3, 2018 at 5:52 am

KILLING ME. How thoughtful.

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December 3, 2018 at 9:54 pm

Wow!! Amazing.

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December 1, 2018 at 1:53 pm

I took photos of my nephew as he arrived at the hospital and went up the elevator, we had him push the buttons etc, took photos of him washing his hands and then shyly meeting his baby sister. And then all the little moments. I’m the family photographer so no one thought anything about it. The I turned them into a book “the Day Lincoln became a big brother” and printed it hardbound. My sister ugly cried. They are trying to adopt and don’t know yet that my husband I have set aside money so I can go whenever they get the call to do the same. No matter where the baby is born. She said she wished they could do it but it is expensive to adopt. We also feel like it’s a way to let them and our new niece or nephew know someday how much we wanted them too.

December 3, 2018 at 5:51 am

This is amazing. You got me at “they don’t know yet that my husband and I have set aside money so I can go whenever they get the call to do the same.” You are an amazing sister. xo

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December 1, 2018 at 6:40 pm

My dad passed away in September of 2016, and we were very close. On Christmas Day that year, my husband surprised me with a frame, which held a typed copy of my dad’s father of the bride speech at our wedding (he watched our wedding video to get it word for word) and a photo of our father-daughter dance together. It is by far one of the best, most thoughtful gifts I have ever received.

December 3, 2018 at 9:57 pm

How thoughtful!

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December 1, 2018 at 8:51 pm

Where did you turn the picture into a dress? I want to do a shirt of one of my daughter’s paintings.

December 3, 2018 at 5:53 am

It’s picturethisclothing.com

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December 3, 2018 at 1:57 am

My favorite gift I gave was for my husband’s birthday. I secretly asked his friends & family to give me 3 words they thought of when they thought of him. Over 200 of them replied, and I made a word cloud using all of their responses. My husband loved it! He said he felt so affirmed, encouraged, and loved.

I love this.

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I love this idea! My husband’s 50th is coming up and I want to do something special. What do you mean by a word cloud?

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December 3, 2018 at 7:19 am

For the last 20 plus years, my sisters and I (I have 5 of them, and 2 bothers) get together and create a family calendar. We all bring pictures of our families and we cut them up and create a collage like page for each month of mixed pictures from everyone’s family.We have done vintage pages, of old pictures from our youth, and pictures of our parents who have passed years ago, etc. On the actual months page everyone’s birth day, anniversary date (include those that have gone before us) is put on the calendar. They are passed out on the day we have our family Christmas gathering. For about an hour, everyone is glued to their calendar talking about who is on what page, and what the event was. Some pages have upwards of 50 people on them.It is truly everyone’s favorite x-mas gift. It is a group effort made with lots of love for all. .

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December 3, 2018 at 2:32 pm

My favorite present I’ve ever given was a birthday present… for both my mom and dad’s 60th birthdays, I made them a hard-bound book full of letters from their kids, grandkids, extended family, friends and neighbors (I had contacted them all months before and had them either mail me or email me a letter telling their favorite memory of them, favorite thing about them, etc). I ended up getting 60-80 letters for each of them and I LOVED reading each as they came in. I complied them all and went to a local print shop where they bound them together with a hard cover for $15. My parents both got emotional reading them all. Best feeling ever.

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December 6, 2018 at 3:17 pm

MANY years ago, When my sister and I were about five and six. She received a record player and a 45 ( now I’m really dating us) of Johnny Cash’ A Boy named Sue. She played that song a lot, a real lot. On repeat. 10/15 times a day for weeks. Sometimes up to 30 times a day. Nothing could dissuade her from playing it- not begging, pleading, bribing. Now, I suspect a part of the fun for her was the fact she was making us all a bit crazy with it. After awhile, I’d had it. After about the seventh time she played it one day, I dramatically grabbed the 45 from the record player and broke it in half saying ‘ i just can’t take it anymore!’

Everyone just sat and stared at me in disbelief as I was normally the more, shall we say, well behaved, one of us. After a moment of stunned silence- my sister threw herself down on the ground and started crying. My mother, who has since admitted she was secretly grateful, pretended to send me to my room to ‘think about what I had done.’ Flash forward 30 years and we are now best of pals and it’s a fun store we tell. One year for Christmas, I found a 45 copy on eBay. I mounted it in a shadow box and wrapped it in brown paper the way we used to do our school books. Around the entire front of the box I hand wrote ‘I must not break my sister’s record’ . Thinking it was finally time she received justice for my crime. It was the hit of Christmas and she has it proudly displayed in her house ?

Ps. Neither of us can listen to the song without giggling AND cringing now

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December 8, 2018 at 4:33 pm

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December 8, 2018 at 9:36 pm

Received – my husband secretly filmed my daughter’s first year of her life and made me a DVD set to music of songs that were meaningful during that big year. He even had a DVD case of our favorite photo made. It starts with me on our way I the hospital saying “We’re going to have a baby!” And ends with he trying to say “I love you” with so many precious moments between.

Gift I have given: a family recipe book for each side of my family. I made photo books online with old family photos and my late nana and grandma’s recipes. It was a favorite gift on both sides of the family.

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December 11, 2018 at 4:07 am

My mom made a boy baby doll for me for Christmas when I was about 9. It was one of my most prized possessions. I kept that doll when I got married, and through every move, even when my husband and I and our 6 (at the time) kids downsized to a less than1,000 sq ft house, though he had to go into storage. A few years later we were sorting through our stored items and discovered that most of what we’d stored was ruined. Mice had eaten my wedding veil and flowers – I tossed them in the burn pile without tears. Precious books got burned with a sigh of regret. But when I found my doll (Johnny) with most of his hair gone and bites taken out of a couple of body parts and his clothes (a sleeper than my preemie son had worn) shredded – oh how I cried. I was about to throw him in the fire, too, but my husband told me not to. He said, “Maybe he can be fixed”. That doll was a nasty wreck, but I handed it to him and he put him back in storage, but in a plastic tub instead of a box. Unbeknownst to me, a few weeks later, he called my mom and asked her if she thought she could fix him. She said she’d try, so he snuck the doll to her on Thanksgiving, and she spent the next few weeks working magic. My oldest son brought a gift ‘from Santa’ when he came for Christmas, and my husband made sure to have the camera ready… When I opened the box, there was my Johnny doll, almost as good as new!! I’d been given my favorite present twice.

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April 14, 2019 at 12:10 am

My dad passed away many years before my grandson was born. Dad loved and wore Pendleton plaid shirts regularly. I saved one and made my grandson’s Christmas stocking out of it. I bought many tiny, symbolic ornaments and wrote a scroll about what each meant for his future… and tucked it in a little drawstring bag in the stocking so that every year he’d read it when he put up his stocking. Hopefully, he’ll still be reading that many years after I’m gone and know how much I loved him.

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August 17, 2022 at 5:20 am

I love this blog! I’ve been reading it for a while now and it’s always so inspiring. I think the most meaningful gift I’ve ever received was when my parents bought me a ticket to go see my favorite band play live

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September 25, 2023 at 11:22 am

I loved reading all of these gifts and the replies! I’ve given and received many thoughtful gifts over the years and am always looking for new ideas. I wanted to share one I got recently that blew me away just because it took so much thought, time, and effort! My significant other went through and printed out all of our loving exchanges in our text messages for our first year and printed the corresponding photos we took on those days and on our dates we went on etc.. Then made a scrapbook out of them! With all the stickers and decorations and everything! It’s a work of art and soooo time consuming! I was blown away and very happy to receive it on our first anniversary!

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The New York Times

The learning network | what’s the best gift you’ve ever given or received.

The Learning Network - Teaching and Learning With The New York Times

What’s the Best Gift You’ve Ever Given or Received?

Student Opinion - The Learning Network

Questions about issues in the news for students 13 and older.

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The 2009 Holiday Gift Guide has suggestions for gifts from graphic novels to DVDs to theater tickets. What’s the best gift you’ve ever given or received — whether tangible or intangible? Why? What do you want to give this holiday season? What do you hope to receive?

Though The Times creates an annual roundup of gift suggestions in categories from cooking to travel to music, articles on holiday giving can also go beyond the material. This 2007 article from the Science Times looks at how giving can be a gift in itself:

Gift giving has long been a favorite subject for studies on human behavior, with psychologists, anthropologists, economists and marketers all weighing in. They have found that giving gifts is a surprisingly complex and important part of human interaction, helping to define relationships and strengthen bonds with family and friends. Indeed, psychologists say it is often the giver, rather than the recipient, who reaps the biggest psychological gains from a gift. Frustrated by crowds, traffic and commercialism, people can be tempted at this time of year to opt out of gift giving altogether. A 2005 survey showed that four out of five Americans think the holidays are too materialistic, according to the Center for a New American Dream, which promotes responsible consumption. But while it’s reasonable to cut back on spending during the holidays, psychologists say that banning the gift exchange with loved ones is not the best solution. People who refuse to accept or exchange gifts during the holidays, these experts say, may be missing out on an important connection with family and friends.

Students: Tell us about a wonderful gift you’ve given or received. Why was it so memorable? What do you most want to give or receive this year? Why?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.

Comments are no longer being accepted.

Giving gifts to an elderly man who lives alone is something I enjoy. However, I am being more careful now because the more I give, the more he expects. He has now started giving gifts to me …… a casual jacket recently. I think he is bartering : he gave me a jacket that was given to him by someone else. It makes me think that he gave some of my gifts away. He is a smart cookie. Would a psychologist comment on this behaviour ?

I am growing an ultra sensitive plant called the “Pet” TickleMe Plant. It may even tell you how sensitive you are. With some only the leaves close when Tickled. With other the leaves close and even the branches droop.

The TickleMe Plant is the worlds most interactive Plant. Now it can easily be grown in the TickleMe Plant Greenhouse It even produces tiny breathtaking pink flowers. See the Video…This is real plant . It was the best gift I ever received!


I am a military child, but I have only been one for 3 years. For 12 years, I lived with my family and friends in my home town. When I moved all the way to Hawaii, Holidays were so lonely,. This is where my best gift comes in. All of my family and friends had a cell phone, but I didn’t so I could only talk to them like once a month. If I would have had a phone, I could have texted them like every day. But that Christmas I got a phone and now I can communicate with them more!

The best gift I have EVER received was my dad coming home from war on Christmas. He had been in war for almost 3 years, but they decided to let him come home. I really loves this present because my dad and I are really close. I can tell him anything and he won’t tell a soul or judge me in anyway. I really appreciate this because I can’t do that with anyone I know. They’ll tell me I’m exaggerating or just flat out tell me to shut- up. I’m very thankful that he is my dad. Without him in my life, I’d be depressed and wouldn’t know what to do.

For Christmas, I never got what I wanted. In my house, I am allowed to purchase my own present to myself. Of course I buy myself what I want most all year long. The best gift I ever given was a Bob the Builder memory game to my five-year old nephew. He loved it a lot and for the never five visits to my house, he said thank you every time.

the best gift i have ever gotten was the fact that i am alive. my parents brought me here and love me…they support me and care for me and it makes happy to know this

If I had the choice to choose the gift that I was given that would be the nest I would have to choose my first Barbie doll. When my aunt Angie gave me the doll I smiled from ear to ear. I will always remember that Christmas and remember that doll.

My favorite gifts are books, because if you are sad, they suck you into their world, and you pretend to be a character in the book. If you are sad, sometimes there bad times help you feel better, because you have someone to indentify with.

The best gift ever i have ever given to someone was my parents because when i was young i made them something form scratch and they still have it now. The best gift someone has ever gave to me was my first phone because i was so happy because my parents gave it to me!

The best gift i have ever received was the feeling i got when i gave my parents what they really wanted. My dad is a big skier so i bought him a pair of ski poles (his had recently broke). Then i bough my mom an ipod. While this may sound materialistic I felt really good about the investment even though i was wiped out and broke. The feeling of giving is always better than receiving.


The most memroble gift I have ever recived was a Robo Reptile. I was so glad to get it because I had wanted all year long so when I got I was really happy. This year I wnt to give my mom an Ipod She likes music But is kind of from the stone age.

I got alot of baby puppies

The best material gift I ever received was a receipt. You see I had discovered a robot that sounded really great on a toy website. My parents ordered me the robot for my birthday so when I was opening gifts found a receipt telling me it was on the way. I was so excited that I couldn’t stop jumping up and down. My parents were smiling the entire time. A few months later it still hadn’t arrived and my excitement was waning. Eventually my parents detracted the order and transferred the money they had gotten back into my savings account. That receipt had made me so jovial because I knew that my parents had listened to what I had to say and that they were happy that I was happy. I suppose the receipt was just a little material reminder that no matter what your parents will always love you. Other gifts are the same, they are just little material reminders of the love your family and friends have for you.

iv never had an amazing gift. nor have i ever given one,

My most memoriable gift i have ever recived was a panio. The reason was because it helped me to learn a musical instrument and help me do something instead of watch tv all the time. It is memoriable is because it made my christmas the year i got it.

I believe the best gift i had given was one which I’ve given to my Grandmother. I cut up pieces up paper, 30 to be exact. On each one I wrote something memorable I thought of that I knew she would remember and enjoy. I put them in a glass jar and everyday for a month she pulled one out and read it. When I gave in to her and explained it, she looked so happy. I believe gifts should have more of an inner value the how expensive it is.

I’ve loved every Christmas and every Christmas gift I’ve ever received. The older I get, the happier I am to just to be here for another one.

This could sound corny, but by all means it is not. The greatest gift I have ever recieved is Jesus. God gave me his SON as a gift…. so that I can live forever. Jesus’ death on the cross PAID for everything wrong i have done, am doing, and will do. And the best part is… after he died, he rose again, and now he is preparing a place for me in heaven! Jesus gives me refreshed and purposeful life here on earth; i live each day with a clear and exciting purpose. Jesus gives me everlasting life in heaven, and i cannot wait to join him someday! Until then, i’ll live in the world and not of the world, hoping to share this undying love with everyone i meet.

Jesus is truly and honestly the best gift I have ever recieved.

Best part is……..God gave this incredible gift to the ENTIRE world, every single being………so that gift is yours to accept too! His arms are always wiiide open.

(The best material gift I’ve ever recieved was a car!)

a jack russel terrier.. =) best dog ever.. and a pitbull named diamond king

i change my mind..!! i agree with priyaa.. jesus is the best gift

Last year on chrismas i got a car. It wasn’t a real surprise because i new i would get it. After my father gave me the keys i drove about 2 hours through my village. That was stupid but i was so happy. Now i would like to have a new and better one. The problem is that my parents said that i have to pay for my next car with my own money. =) The best present i ever gave to somebody was a stupid teddybear. This stuffed animals was not even expensive, i think i paid about 10 € for it. I gave it to a friend and she was so happy that she hugged and kissed me. Than she jumped around for 5 minutes. If all people would be so happy about such simple gifts it would be much easier for me =)

The best gift I’ve ever received was a cake from all my friends. That’s because I said a long time ago that I want to be a lawyer but I’m not sure if I get through this. On the cake there was a message saying“ You’ll make this” and a picture of a lawyer. It was at my birthday and not at Christmas but that’s dispensable

The best gift I had received was a bike from my parents.

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Describe a gift you have received that was important to you, describe a gift you have received that was important to you..

  • who gave it to you and on what occasion
  • what it looked like and how you used it
  • when you received it

Idea Generation for this Cue Card / Candidate Task Card Topic:

  • A birthday gift you got from one of your family members. 
  • A computer/ laptop/ mobile phone that you got as a gift from your parents.
  • A gift that a teacher gave to you. 
  • A gift you received on your graduation day. 
  • Any electronic device that you got as a gift. 
  • Any toy you were given in your childhood. 
  • A book, notebook, or pen that you were given by a friend. 
  • A household appliance that you were given and you used. 
  • A gift you received from a cousin. 
  • A present that you could not purchase but was given by someone. 
  • A bat, ball, gloves or costume that you received from someone you care about. 
  • A piece of furniture or an ornament. 
  • A car, house, prize bond etc.  

Useful Vocabulary for describing this Cue Card: 

  • Gift Synonyms: Present, offering, bequest, endowment, reward, tip. 
  • Important Synonyms: Significant, essential, prime, key, vital, crucial, paramount meaningful, considerable. 
  • Occasion Synonyms: Event, celebration, party, moment, time, instance, affair, function,
  • Looks like Synonyms: Appearance, resembles. 
  • Describe something you own which is important to you.
  • Describe a present or gift you bought for someone.
  • Describe an important possession you have.
  • Describe an occasion when you received a gift.
  • Describe a gift or present you received when you were a child.
  • Describe something you want to buy.

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Readers: What is the most memorable or thoughtful gift you ever received?

essay best gift ever received

‘Tis the season for where people focus more on kind gestures and thoughtful gifts ahead of the holidays.

Sometimes, those gifts are tangible, like a beloved stuffed animal or a toy a child will cherish for years to come. Other times, a sentimental gift captures a treasured memory as a keepsake. Sometimes, the gift is simply a surprise or time spent with loved ones, creating new memories.

As I reflect on the Christmases I have celebrated with family and friends, I mostly just remember the times we spent together and the memories we made. But there have been gifts that stood out to me as especially memorable.

One of the most thoughtful and memorable gifts came as a Christmas present a couple of years after my grandpa died. He had started a woodworking project for his grandchildren and planned to make tables for each of us. He made the parts of each table, but he died before he could put them together.

The project was then passed down to my dad, who finished the project based on the plans my grandpa had drawn out. He finished it with a small engraved plate that said “Inspired by Henry J. Shuda Nov. 26, 1922 – Oct. 19, 2006” with my grandpa’s signature.

It was special to have gotten a gift made by my dad that was also a final gift from my grandpa after he was gone.

This holiday season will be different for most of us because of the pandemic, so, let’s look back on the gifts of Christmases past. What is the most memorable or thoughtful gift you ever received? Did your parent give you a treasured toy? Did a relative surprise you with a visit on Christmas? Did a loved one do something special to make you smile? Did a holiday card from an old friend warm your heart? I want to hear your stories and memories this holiday season, so if a memory comes to mind, let me know.

Please send me your notes at  [email protected]  by 5 p.m. Dec. 16 and yours could be included in a statewide story that highlights these memories. Please include your full name, the city where you live and any photos you would like to share.

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Cue Card Sample

Ielts cue card sample 9 - best gift/present you have received, describe the best gift/ present you have ever received..

  • what the gift was
  • who gave it to you
  • when you have received it

best gift or present you have received

Tips for answering this Cue card question:

Part 3 - details discussion:.

  • Describe a thing which is important to you.
  • Talk about a gift you received in your childhood.
  • Describe a gift you received on your birthday.
  • Describe something you bought this year.
  • Describe a memorable gift.
  • Describe a valuable possession you have.
  • Describe an expensive gift you have received.
  • Describe a gift you gave to someone.
  • Describe a gift you gave to your friend. 
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The Best Gift You Ever Received Essay Example

The Best Gift You Ever Received Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (296 words)
  • Published: February 4, 2017
  • Type: Essay

What is the best groomsmen gift you ever received?

Every year, I always receive a lot of gifts from my parents and friends on my birthday. But last year, I received a special gift from my best friend. It was my birthday. I was presented many colourful and expensive gifts. But my best friend did not give me a gift like that. She gave me a small blue box and said that: “This is my special gift for you. I hope you will like it. ” I was very curious about what was in the box. I opened it.

A special gift I received

It was a scarf! But it was not colourful, it was blue and white which were my favourite colours. It was not a normal scarf which was

bought from the shop but it was made by my friend. She bought many balls of wool and learned how to knit. She tried her best to make a special gift for me. I knew that she had had much ado and time to finish kniting the scarf . Although it was not beautiful, I was happy and promise her treasure it.

However, it was also the last gift from my best friend. Two months later, she had to move to another country with her family. I was very upset when I knew that. When it is cold, this scarf is very useful for me. It is warmer than other scarfs because it is warm not only by keeping my normothermia but also by our friendship. On my next birthdays, I know that I will receive many beautiful gifts but I alway

believe that this scarf is the best gift I ever received.

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The best gift ideas for college grads in 2024 are fabulous surprises for post-school life

By Brittany Vincent , Carolin Lehmann

Updated on: April 24, 2024 / 4:26 PM EDT / Essentials

CBS Essentials is created independently of the CBS News editorial staff. We may receive commissions from some links to products on this page. Promotions are subject to availability and retailer terms.

Graduates hugging outdoors

Graduating from college is an exciting milestone that marks many students' final transition into adulthood. It's a huge accomplishment and one that you should mark with a token of appreciation. Think of something thoughtful that will equip them for the journey ahead, whether that means kicking off a career, heading off for even higher education, or enjoying real independence. It's hard out there – help get them started off right!

Of course, finding the ideal gift can be tricky. You want something practical yet fun to commemorate this major life event. Maybe it's sleek new luggage to jet off on a celebratory trip, wireless headphones to pump up their motivation during job searches, or a gift card to let them choose what they want. 

The possibilities are endless, but the thought behind it matters most. We're here to help with gift ideas to fit every path, from career-focused accessories to relaxation must-haves and everything in between. However your grad plans to take on the world, make sure they're ready for the next chapter with one of our specially curated gifts below. 

The best gifts for college grads in 2024

  • Best gift for college grads: Apple Watch Ultra 2  
  • Best gift card for college grads:  Amazon gift card

Best gift for traveling college grads: Away Large Flex

  • Best gift for hard to shop for college grads:  Blue Apron meal e-gift card

Best headphones for college grads: Bose QuietComfort Ultra earbuds

  • Best practical gift for college grads:  Leatherman Skeletool CX multitool

Best TV for college grads: Samsung 2024 Frame smart TV

  • Best gift for college grads who need more sleep:  Sound+Sleep SE sound machine
  • Best gift for college grads who want to make memories:  Fujifilm Instax Mini 12 instant camera

Best gift for college grads who need help waking up: Philips SmartSleep wake-up light

Best gift for college grads: apple watch ultra 2.

Apple Watch Ultra 2

The Apple Watch Ultra 2 is the ultimate gift for college grads, as it packs both style and function into one fantastic smartwatch that'll they'll appreciate long after the graduation parties have ended. 

This is the best Apple Watch available, especially for fitness enthusiasts who want to track their outdoor adventures. If your grad is going to be on the go or working on their physique after their college experience, give them the best companion to do it with. 

With crash detection, heart monitoring, cycle tracking and more, it provides all the health metrics your grad could want. It pairs easily with an iPhone for messaging, calls, and other apps, too. 

For college grads wanting a fully-loaded smartwatch to motivate their fitness routines and outdoor excursions, the Apple Watch Ultra 2 is a worthwhile upgrade. Its durable build makes for the perfect constant companion, and your grad can keep in touch easily with their new smartwatch, too. 

Even at this premium price, this feature-rich watch is a smart investment for tech-savvy grads.

Best gift card for college grads: Amazon gift card

Amazon graduation gift card

Your favorite college grad can get almost anything they need for their next phase with an Amazon gift card. 

Load this card (that comes in a fitting, graduation-cap gift box if you choose) with an amount between $25 and $2,000. It's as good as giving cash in several situations, since there's so much to be found on Amazon.

The balance can be loaded to an Amazon account via code, so you don't have to worry about the card being misplaced or stolen. Once the gift balance is on your grad's Amazon account, all they have to worry about is what they're going to buy with their windfall. 

From electronics to clothes and everything in between, grads will find something they love on Amazon and then some. 

Away The Large Flex

Is your college grad planning on seeing the world? If so, help them prep for a lengthy trip with a large, high-quality, hard-shell suitcase. Away's Large Flex is the brand's beefiest model. 

Its lightweight shell makes it perfect for wheeling around the airport and around town, and its 360-degree wheels are smooth and easily maneuverable. It even has a built-in lock, so your grad's belongings are safe. It's estimated to hold two weeks' worth of supplies for a trip, so it helps to condense packing time and the number of items needed. 

It can be expanded, too, making it even bigger, so there's no need to cram things inside and hope for the best. It's available in a number of colors, so you can match your grad's favorite hue to a new piece of luggage they might be planning to see the world with. 

Best gift for hard-to-shop-for grads: Blue Apron e-gift card

Blue Apron

What do you get the college grad who's too hard to shop for? Well, everyone needs to eat. So whether they're entering the real world or moving onto their next round of school, your grads can always use home-cooked meals. Make it easier on them with a Blue Apron meal kit gift card. 

Blue Apron is a meal delivery service that anyone would be delighted to receive. It brings a variety of pre-portioned, ready to cook meals right to your grad's door. All your grad has to do is follow directions and use all the ingredients in each box to make a tasty, filling dinner. 

There's a wide variety of recipes to fit any palate, and grads can learn valuable cooking skills while prepping each dish so they can take on their own cooking adventures when living on their own. 

Choose from denominations of $70, $140 or $280 and give the gift of delicious food. Anyone can appreciate that. 

Bose QuietComfort Ultra Wireless Noise Cancelling Earbuds

The Bose QuietComfort Ultra wireless earbuds are the perfect companion for college grads. With excellent noise cancellation, these comfortable buds block distractions fantastically, but they can also let the world in for important moments, too. 

Grads can immerse themselves in their favorite music or podcasts on the go. Or they can flip on these buds' transparency mode to let ambient sounds back in. The sweat-resistant design also means they're great for wearing to the gym and during intense workouts. 

The secure in-ear fit means no worries about earbuds slipping loose. And with up to 6 hours of battery life per charge, and a quick 20-minute recharge for an extra two hours, your favorite grad can listen as long as they want. 

For college grads wanting premium sound and all-day battery life, the Bose QuietComfort Ultra wireless earbuds are a top choice. You might just find yourself stealing them from time to time. 

Best practical gift for college grads: Leatherman Skeletool CX multitool

Leatherman Skeletool CX Multitool

Not sure what to give your college grad? Gift them something that'll come in handy in a pinch. Something super practical. They'll likely be living on their own or buying a home soon. A multitool is an excellent gift that they don't even know they need.

This tool comes with a variety of use cases, including a carabiner, bottle opener, wire cutter, pliers, knife, bit driver, and more. It's made of steel with a 25-year warranty from Leatherman as well, so you know you're giving a quality tool.

Your grad may not know exactly how this tool will fit into their daily lives at first, but when they happen upon a wire that needs trimming or a package that won't come open, they'll reach for this bad boy and whisper a silent thank you. You'll help them to be prepared for just about any situation. 

Samsung 65

Your grad likely doesn't have the money for a new TV. That's why you're going to gift them this awesome Samsung smart TV.

This super popular TV doubles as chic wall art for your grad's living space. It looks like it's just a TV, but it's actually a canvas for fine art and much more. It's no slouch when it comes to regular content, though. 

With Quantum Dot technology producing over 1 billion colors and an anti-glare matte finish, the Frame looks stunning whether your grad is streaming a show or displaying artwork. Plus, its slim, lightweight profile mounts flush with the wall for a museum-like look. 

But the real magic is Art Mode. It transforms the TV into a digital canvas that can show off your grad's favorite art or even their photos. It's eye-popping in multiple ways, and now that your grad will be leaving the dorms behind, they'll have a great display of their own to enjoy without having to share with a roommate. 

This is one graduation gift they won't soon forget. 

Best gift for college grads who need more sleep: Sound+Sleep SE sound machine

Sound+Sleep SE Sound Machine

College can be exhausting. If your favorite grad needs some extra shut-eye, encourage them to relax with this sleep sound machine. It can not only coax them into sleep, but also help them maintain a more peaceful slumber. Alternatively, it can be used as a tool to improve focus.

This machine is a major upgrade from a looping YouTube video. It provides 64 non-looping sounds, including rainfall, brown noise, city ambience, and much more, all with four richness options per category. It listens and adapts to the environment it's placed in, responding to changes in sound and adjusting its volume and sound mix on the fly. So if the dog barks loudly, the machine will get louder in an attempt to cover the noise.

Set the timer for 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes, and the machine will turn off automatically as it continues to shape the sound. A thunderstorm might sound different one night from another, and that's what sets this machine apart from the rest. Your grad will love settling down with the comforting sounds from this handy unit and will hopefully get more shut-eye, too. 

Best gift for college grads who want to make memories: Fujifilm Instax Mini 12 instant camera

Fujifilm Instax Mini 12 Instant Camera

If your college grad is sentimental, they might like physical reminders of some of their most treasured times. Sure, a smartphone can store all the photos they can snap, but a physical photo hits differently sometimes. Give them a fun and compact camera that can help capture the moment.

This retro-inspired Fujifilm camera prints out miniature 2 x 3-inch instant photos that develop in about 90 seconds. It has a selfie mirror for quick shots and automatic exposure and flash control to curb potential washed-out photos.

It's a quick and easy way for beginners who may never have used a physical camera, or for printed-photo enthusiasts to build up their collection of pictures to proudly display around a home, on a desk, or even a fridge. It's inexpensive and fun to use, and it can help your grad save those memories that'll last a lifetime in a special way. 

Philips SmartSleep Wake-Up Light

Now that they're entering the workforce or striking out on their own, your college grad needs to make sure they're ready for anything. That includes waking up on time. Whether they're heading to a job interview or an important date, help them wake up in a gentle yet effective manner.

The Philips SmartSleep alarm clock uses light to simulate a sunset and sunrise that can help wake your grad in a way that's much less harsh and abrupt than a blaring alarm. It offers a bigger energy boost thanks to the simulated sunlight and works to help improve their mood as the light gradually gets brighter the closer it is to wake-up time.

It has 20 brightness settings and five different wake-up sounds to choose from, as well as an FM radio, snooze function, automatic dimmable display, and bedside-lamp mode to get the most use out of the light. If your grad wants to make sure they're punctual in addition to well-rested, this clock is a great way to get them on the right path.  


Brittany Vincent has been covering gaming, tech, and all things entertainment for 16 years for a variety of online and print publications. She's been covering the commerce space for nearly a decade. Follow her on Twitter at @MolotovCupcake.

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a bottle of perfume

The 32 Best Wedding Gifts to Give or Receive

From fancy candles to a set of nontoxic cookware, these are the best nuptial gifts around.

Headshot of Christine Flammia

But if they've been living together for a bit, they might have some of that stuff already. In that case, you could opt for something that will help them commemorate the wedding or celebrate their newly joined couplehood, like a leather photo album or a monogrammed anything. Or you can keep it simple but universally enjoyed, like Dyson's newest vacuum or a very nice candle.

Whether you're looking for items to put on your own registry or you're deviating from someone else's, these gifts are all wedding appropriate for couples of all kinds.

Soho Home Barwell Cut Crystal Highball Glass Set

Barwell Cut Crystal Highball Glass Set

We all agree that fancy glassware is a great gift, and this set from Soho Home is Esquire approved .

Rimowa Original Cabin Suitcase

Original Cabin Suitcase

If they're headed on a luxurious honeymoon, they need the most luxurious suitcase. We endorse this one as the best there is.

Dyson Gen5detect Absolute Vacuum

Gen5detect Absolute Vacuum

We can't think of anything a couple would love more than Dyson's newest and most advanced vacuum.

Our Place Wonder Oven

Wonder Oven

Our Place's Wonder Oven single-handedly replaces nearly every kitchen appliance they can put on their registry. It's an air fryer, a roaster, a steamer—you name it.

Caraway Minis Duo

Minis Duo

Caraway's minis set, with a fry pan and sauce pot, is a very useful (and pretty) addition to a couple's kitchen.

West Elm Champagne Lacquer Jewelry Box

Champagne Lacquer Jewelry Box

A cool jewelry box stores those "I do" rings together and makes for a chic piece of decor, too.

Ralph Lauren Wyatt Double Champagne Cooler

Wyatt Double Champagne Cooler

Fill this Ralph Lauren cooler with a bottle of Champagne. Gift master.

Miyabi Kaizen II Chef’s Knife

Kaizen II Chef’s Knife

A chef's knife—and a very nice chef's knife at that—is a major kitchen upgrade even for couples who are already cohabitating.

Illy Y3.3 Espresso Machine

Y3.3 Espresso Machine

This machine won't take up too much space in their kitchen while making the perfect espresso.

Riley Plush Towel Collection

Plush Towel Collection

They probably haven't replaced their bath towels in a minute. Or if they have, now they have a plush extra set.

Miu Miu Head in the Clouds Eau de Toilette

Head in the Clouds Eau de Toilette

This elegant fragrance is a dreamy, romantic scent evoking the ambience of their wedding.

Nama J2 Cold Press Juicer

J2 Cold Press Juicer

If they're always on a health kick, now they can make their own fresh pressed juices every day.

Hermès Just Married Scarf

Just Married Scarf

This scarf will forever serve as a playful reminder of their union. And they can frame it, too, so it hangs on their wall for decades to come.

Aerin Valentina Velvet Frame

Valentina Velvet Frame

A demure velvet frame is sultry and stately. For bonus points, put a pic of them from the wedding in it.

Bottega Veneta Playing Cards

Playing Cards

For the couple who take their game nights seriously.

Uncommon Goods Wedding Waltz Personalized Art

Wedding Waltz Personalized Art

A vintage-inspired poster will commemorate their big day in a decorative way. The personalization will show you really went the extra mile.

Venus et Fleur Classic Bundle

Classic Bundle

Eternity roses for a love that's eternal. This boxed set does roses three ways—so it's basically three gifts in one.

Etsy Embroidered Cocktail Napkins

Embroidered Cocktail Napkins

Next time they host a dinner party, they'll be extra sophisticated pulling out these cocktail naps for hors d'oeuvres.

Jonathan Adler Mr. & Mrs. Muse Vase

Mr. & Mrs. Muse Vase

On one side, it's a mustache. On the other, lips. Ceramics master Jonathan Adler infuses the traditional vase with some marital playfulness.

Assouline’s Mexico City

If you know where they're going on their honeymoon, get them a coffee-table book to remind them of their travels.

preview for HDM All sections playlist - Esquire

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  1. The Best Gift You Ever Received Essay Example

    essay best gift ever received

  2. write a essay on The most special gift that I have ever received

    essay best gift ever received

  3. The Best Gift Ever (500 Words)

    essay best gift ever received

  4. 003 The Best Gift Ever Essay ~ Thatsnotus

    essay best gift ever received

  5. 019 The Best Gift Ever Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus

    essay best gift ever received

  6. 003 The Best Gift Ever Essay ~ Thatsnotus

    essay best gift ever received


  1. The Best Gift I Ever Received

    Best Gift. The best gift I have ever received has recently been gifted to me by my parents in the form of an Apple I pod touch. The sleek look of the gadget was enough to make me fall in love with it. The touch interface is superbly smooth and makes access of the applications and music very easy.

  2. Essay on My Best Gift

    Conclusion. In conclusion, the best gift I've ever received is not valuable in monetary terms, but it is priceless in its emotional significance. It represents a tangible link to my family's past and a guide for preserving our traditions. It is a gift that has shaped my interests, values, and identity. The notebook from my grandmother is ...

  3. The Best Gift I Have Ever Received

    The Best Gift I Have Ever Received. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. The last note resonated across the hall as I closed my eyes and lifted my hands in the air. The concert hall erupted with cheers and applause, and waves of emotions ...

  4. Personal Writing: The Best Gift I Ever Received

    Tips: Go back to the title of the task - be very (very) clear that you are well focused on the main topic and have fully answered the task. Reflect at the end e.g. Looking back now …/I know for sure that …/This gift is …. Maggie the pup is, without question, the best gift I have ever, or could ever receive.

  5. Describe the best gift you have ever received

    Sample Answer 2. Here is the sample for "Describe the best gift you have ever received" topic: Gifts speak volumes about the love and care somebody has for you. Although, since childhood, I've received plenty of gifts from my relatives and family, one of them that I can never forget was a huge, orange-coloured doll and a battery-operated ...

  6. The Best Gift You Ever Received

    The Best Gift You Ever Received. Every year, I always receive a lot of gifts from my parents and friends on my birthday. But last year, I received a special gift from my best friend. It was my birthday. I was presented many colourful and expensive gifts. But my best friend did not give me a gift like that. She gave me a small blue box and said ...

  7. Describe the best gift or present you have received

    Describe the best gift or present you have received. You should say: and explain why it was the best gift/ present you have ever received. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

  8. The Best Gift I Have Ever Received

    The ability to play the piano is the best gift IODIN have ever received. It grants me of limitless what in life. Through the piano, I have obtained inauguration, patience, leadership, and gathered one harmonious church. ... Starting softly lessons for kids at a recent era is aforementioned best choice. In this essay, I'm leaving to look at the ...

  9. Best gift/present you have received

    Describe the best gift/ present you have ever received. You should say: what the gift was; who gave it to you; when you have received it; and explain why it is the best gift/ present you have ever received. To practice with past questions, please look at Speaking Part 2 in more detail. Model Answer - The Best Gift I Ever Received: A Family ...

  10. Personal Writing: The Best Gift I've Ever Received

    One of the greatest gifts that I ever received was an angel pin from my grandmother. It was the Christmas of 1993 when she gave it to me, twelve months after my aunt had died. To me, the pin represented my aunt watching over me and my family. I have always thought of her as an angel because...

  11. The Most Meaningful Gifts You've Ever Received

    The most meaningful gifts you've received and given…. My sister and I filled a huge jar with 356 "remember whens" for my parents. They still do one strip a day. My sister-in-law had a dress shirt of my dad's turned into a skirt for my daughter. A cutting board engraved with a favorite recipe in my late mom's handwriting.

  12. What's the Best Gift You've Ever Given or Received?

    Marisa ·. The best gift I have ever received is a giant teddy bear. When I was younger I was way into stuff animals, one of my friends had this giant teddy bear so of course after i saw hers i had to have one. On Christmas morning I ran down stairs and saw the giant white teddy bear and i fell in love.

  13. Describe a gift you have received that was important to you

    A household appliance that you were given and you used. A gift you received from a cousin. A present that you could not purchase but was given by someone. A bat, ball, gloves or costume that you received from someone you care about. A piece of furniture or an ornament. A car, house, prize bond etc.

  14. The Power of Giving: Meaningful Gifts for Special Occasions

    Views. 21296. A gift is an object which is given freely without expecting anything from the nearest and dearest on a particular occasion as a token of expressing their gratitude, love, and friendship. Gifts will be remembered for a long time or a lifetime. Some of the common occasions are Birthday, Marriage, Anniversaries, Festivals, Personal ...

  15. Readers: What is the most memorable or thoughtful gift you ever received?

    But there have been gifts that stood out to me as especially memorable. One of the most thoughtful and memorable gifts came as a Christmas present a couple of years after my grandpa died. He had ...

  16. IELTS Cue Card Sample 9

    Finally, I consider this to be the best gift I have ever received because I received it when I expected it in the least. Sample Answer 2: I have received numerous gifts in my life and among them, the most exciting one was the Laptop my father gave to me when I was 14 years old. When I was 10, I found that many of my friends had their own ...

  17. The Best Gift You Received (essay topic): EnchantedLearning.com

    Writing prompt: The Best Gift (essay topic): Write about the best gift you ever received. What was it and why did you like it so much? What made it so special? Advertisement. EnchantedLearning.com is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free version of the site, with print-friendly pages.

  18. The Best Gift You Ever Received Essay Example

    It is warmer than other scarfs because it is warm not only by keeping my normothermia but also by our friendship. On my next birthdays, I know that I will receive many beautiful gifts but I alway. believe that this scarf is the best gift I ever received. The Best Gift You Ever Received Essay Example 🎓 Get access to high-quality and unique 50 ...

  19. The Best Gift I Have Ever Received

    Among of all the gifts I have ever received, the first one is the best. The best gift I ever received is none other than my parents, given to me by God on my birthday. Nowadays, not every child is fortunate enough to have both parents to nurture them. As for me, I am lucky to be raised by two loving parents.

  20. The Best Gift I Ever Received

    The Best Gift I Ever Received. The best gift I ever received was a box with a whistle inside. This may not sound like much of a gift, but it came to me from my father on my birthday one year, and I liked the simplicity of the gift and the meaning behind it. The whistle was just a plain red whistle, like the kind that policemen use when ...

  21. The Best Gift I Received from My Parents

    To protect the anonymity of contributors, we've removed their names and personal information from the essays. When citing an essay from our library, you can use "Kibin" as the author. Kibin does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the essays in the library; essay content should not be construed as advice.

  22. The best gift ideas for college grads in 2024 are fabulous surprises

    Best gift for college grads: Apple Watch Ultra 2 ; Best gift card for college grads: Amazon gift card; Best gift for traveling college grads: Away Large Flex; Best gift for hard to shop for ...

  23. 32 Best Wedding Gifts for Couples 2024

    The 32 Best Wedding Gifts to Give or Receive From fancy candles to a whole new set of non-toxic cookware, these are the best nuptial gifts around. By Christine Flammia Published: Apr 23, 2024 2:53 ...