Sales | Templates

15 Business Introduction Email Templates

Published November 16, 2023

Published Nov 16, 2023

Charity May Amancio

REVIEWED BY: Charity May Amancio

Bianca Caballero

WRITTEN BY: Bianca Caballero

This article is part of a larger series on Sales Management .

  • 1 Email Introduction Templates for Sales Leads
  • 2 Business Introduction Email Templates for Partners
  • 3 Email Introduction Templates for Customers & Accounts
  • 4 Self-introduction Email Templates for Freelancers
  • 5 How to Get More Value From Introduction Email Templates
  • 7 Bottom Line


Introduction email templates.

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💡 Quick Tip:

With Google WorkSpace, you can share email templates with your team and sync those templates with your customer relationship management (CRM) system, email marketing solution, and other software for lead generation and nurturing. Try out Gmail in business plans for 14 days or get started from $5.40 per user, monthly.

Business introduction emails are an effective way to start conversations with potential leads, referral partners, and customers. These offer a solid channel for generating sales pipeline opportunities and developing business relationships. When reaching out to a contact, you should use a proven introduction email template that grabs their attention and maximizes engagement. We’ve created 15 email templates to quickly and easily target prospects.

Download the introduction email templates above and customize them for your sales outreach. You can also import your templates into many CRM systems to use in sales emails.

Email Introduction Templates for Sales Leads

These email introduction example templates are specifically for targeting potential customers directly. They can be used for creating brand awareness, generating leads , or qualifying prospects after they’ve been submitted to you via a referral, website form, or digital ad submission. During these types of email introductions, you can employ various tactics within the messaging to grasp the contact’s attention (such as identifying their pain points) and place them in the sales funnel .

1. Cold Challenge/Solution Introduction to Sales Lead

The challenge-solution-benefit letter format is commonly used for writing e-books, whitepapers, and case studies. However, it’s also effective for making a business introduction email to prospects—specifically in business-to-business (B2B) sales . Here, you introduce a challenge your targeted customer profile likely encounters within their business. Then, present the solution for that challenge—which ultimately ends up being the product or service you offer. Subject Line: Helping [company name] [solve/scale/fix/reduce/etc.] [area of their business]

Hi [lead first name],

Hope all is well with you and [company name] in the [industry] world.

I notice [something specific to the lead/company {ex: “You haven’t posted a blog article since 2021”}], so I wanted to see if this scenario sounds like you:

[Introduce challenge the lead might face {ex: “You want to provide quality content for your blog to generate leads but don’t have the time or knowledge on cybersecurity to develop it in-house.”}]

If it does, I have a great solution. [Introduce your solution/product/service offering {ex: “Outsource your content writing to a writing agency that specializes in cybersecurity.”}].

I’d love to schedule a call to see if we can help with your [business area] goals. Let me know your availability to speak over the next few days.

[Your name], [title]

[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

[Calendar Schedule Button]

Copy to Clipboard

Pro tip: Google Workspace allows you to create and save email templates within your Gmail business email inbox. You can also include your email signature in the template. This helps increase your productivity by cutting the time spent on composing a message that you can send repeatedly, such as a company introduction email to a sales lead.

Visit Google Workspace

An example of an email template created in Gmail business email inbox.

Example of an email template created in Gmail business email inbox

2. Response to Online Form Submission

When you run effective marketing campaigns, you can put lead generation on autopilot and let the prospects come to you. This means, however, that you need to make that initial introduction to the contact to determine if they meet your lead qualification criteria to undergo the remaining sales process steps. Here’s how to introduce yourself in an email to an inbound lead after they’ve submitted their information via website, social media ad, or digital ad form. Subject Line: Hi [lead first name], thanks for your inquiry.

Thanks for expressing interest in our [product/service]. I look forward to helping craft a solution that meets your needs.

My name is [first name], [job position] for [company name]. To get started, I’d like to schedule a time to chat to learn more about you and your [solution {ex: “accounting,” “cybersecurity,” “content development”}] needs.

Please let me know your availability over the next few days—or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

3. Reply to Referred Lead

Referral marketing helps you increase your pipeline conversion rates. This is mainly due to the lead’s confidence in your brand because you were recommended by a trusted acquaintance or mutual connection. The referral itself, however, is only the start of the process. Make that first referral email introduction and thank the person who made the connection. Be sure to include both the prospect and the person who made the referral. Subject Line: [Subject name made by referrer]

Hi [referrer contact first name],

Thanks for the introduction—I appreciate you being a champion for my small business.

Hi [lead name]. Great to meet you.

As mentioned by [referrer name], my name is [first name], and I’m (a/the) [job position] for [company name]. I’d love to schedule a call and learn more about you and your [product/service] needs.

Please let me know your availability over the next few days, or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

Pro tip: Certain business verticals are better suited to send you referrals than others. This is due to the complementary products or services that mesh well with your offerings or simply the high volume of customers a center of influence manages. Check out our guide on the best referral lead generation sources to see which industries you should be connecting with.

4. Cold Introduction Referencing Recent Events

Another tactic for cold email outreach is referencing a recent event or development the lead may be interested in. For instance, you could cite a scientific study, legislative or regulatory update, or news story the contact person could relate to. Sending something that would pique their unique interest indicates a sense of care for the prospect. This introduction email sample template is designed to help build a relationship through personalization. Subject Line: Hi [lead name], Did You Hear About [event/development]?

Hope all is well with you and [their company name] in the [industry] world. My name is [first name], [job position] for [company name].

I wanted to reach out regarding [event/development name]. In case you haven’t heard, [briefly summarize the event or development]. This, obviously could [explain how it could affect the lead directly {ex: “add new compliance requirements for your business”/“lead to new innovative opportunities for your company”}].

All that said, I wanted to introduce myself and [company name] as [how your products/services can help the lead in relation to the event/development {ex: “we can help you navigate these new regulations”}].

I’d love to schedule a call to learn more about you and see where we can assist.

Thanks and best regards,

5. Post-event Introduction to Potential Lead

Leadshare groups, trade shows, expos, seminars, and networking events are all great places to meet leads and business partners. In these events, you can connect with a person with characteristics that fit your target market or have indicated a need for your product or service. Use this introductory email example as a template to cite the event you met at in the opening line.

Subject Line: Great Meeting You at [event name]

It was a pleasure meeting you at the [event name] [time increment that’s passed {ex: “last week.”}]. I particularly enjoyed the [something you like about the event {ex: “speaker who discussed the tax bracket changes”/“networking aspect of the event.”}].

I wanted to continue our conversation about [previous conversation regarding product/service needs {ex: “your insurance needs.”}]. Like I said when we met, [something you indicated at the event regarding your selling proposition {ex: “we have appointments with all the major carriers which lets us get the best possible market value”}], so I’d love to get on a call to discuss further.

Pro tip: Sales managers need to build their team, strategize a plan for success, and monitor progress along the way. They also must ensure their team has the resources, including technology, knowledge, sales materials, and templates, to hit their revenue goals. With all those responsibilities, managers can read about the key aspects of sales management for guidance in all aspects of their role.

Business Introduction Email Templates for Partners

When writing cold emails , you aren’t always sending them to potential customers. Often, sales reps and business owners look to make introductions to other businesses that could serve as valuable partners. They could be either solid centers of influence for referral opportunities or be helpful to add value to a customer. For example, IT management companies often partner with cybersecurity consultants to offer more services to their clients. Regardless of the purpose, here are some email templates for partner introductions.

6. Introduction to a Networking Group

Many professionals join organizations, such as trade associations, leadshare groups, or Chambers of Commerce, for networking and professional development opportunities. As new members or sponsors of those groups, it’s an excellent idea to make initial connections with the other members through email. Instead of sending a message directly to each person, users can use this template to mass-send to all the recipients within an organization.

Subject Line: Introduction to Members of [organization name]

Hi everyone,

Hope all of you are doing well. I wanted to make a brief introduction as I’ve recently joined [organization name]. My name is [your name], and I’m (a/the) [job position] for [company name]. I’m excited to get the opportunity to [indicate your relationship with members {ex: “work with”/“network with”/”get to know”/grow with”}] all of you.

[Include a brief description of your past experience, former employment, or context as to why you joined the organization].

I’d love to get a chance to have some one-on-one calls to learn more about each of you and see if I can be of value to you.

Pro tip: Automate your appointment scheduling tasks with a low-cost calendar tool like Calendly. This program lets you embed the portal as a link in an email signature button or within a message. By clicking and entering the portal, the recipient can find a time and channel that works best for them, and it will automatically be added to everyone’s calendar.

Visit Calendly

An example of Calendly's scheduling portal.

Calendly’s scheduling portal (Source: Calendly )

7. Request for Expertise

There are a few reasons why you’d reach out to a subject matter expert (SME). It could be for their subject knowledge on a topic you’re about to write or produce a video about. You might need advice regarding some areas in your business, such as lead development, customer service , or human resources management. Use this template to submit a request for expertise to an SME.

Subject Line: Requesting Expertise from [SME name]

Hi [SME first name],

My name is [your name], and I’m (a/the) [job position] for [company name]. I’m reaching out because [reason you’re reaching out {ex: “I need cybersecurity insights for an article I’m writing”/“I’ve been struggling with closing sales”}], and I see you’ve made a name for yourself in this field.

[Contextual paragraph describing your circumstances {ex: “The topic is specifically on the Zero Trust Model for network security. It will be published in Korich Magazine this Fall.”/“I’ve been doing a great job in my lead generation efforts, but can’t seem to properly get those leads through the pipeline and finalize the deal.”}].

Do you have time for a brief call to discuss this further?

8. Post-event Email Introduction to Potential Partner

Similar to sending a sales email to a prospect following an event, you can use this template to send a follow-up to a potential business partner. Like a long sales process, nothing will be finalized just by email. However, you can use this template with the email introduction examples to initiate the conversation with a good center of influence and get a calendar meeting.

Subject Line: Pleasure Meeting You at [event name]

Hi [potential partner first name],

It was a pleasure connecting with you at the [event name] [time increment that’s past {ex: “last week.”}]. I particularly enjoyed the [something you like about the event {ex: “speaker who discussed the tax bracket changes”/“networking aspect of the event.”}]

I wanted to discuss potential partnership opportunities with you. [Describe why partnership would be valuable {ex: “As you are in the search engine optimization (SEO) business and I’m in the content-writing business, we could be solid referral sources to help our clients boost their content marketing campaigns.”/”My managed-service provider (MSP) has been looking to add a supplemental system automation service to offer our customers, but we’d need to subcontract it out to a specialist like yourself.”}].

I’d love to get on a call to discuss this further. Please let me know your availability over the next few days, or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

Email Introduction Templates for Customers & Accounts

As we’ve covered templates for writing cold emails to prospects and business partners, let’s now explore the circumstances for sending a business introduction email to clients. It is assumed that a customer would already be familiar with their account manager, customer service rep, or client success manager. However, there are a few scenarios where you still need to send an email either to introduce yourself, another person, or a new product or service.

9. Cold Introduction to Newly Assigned Client

An agent or representative will encounter newly assigned clients every now and then. This could either be because of a new account, some territory structure changes, or the previous account manager left. Sometimes, a customer just isn’t happy with their service rep and wants a new one. In these circumstances, use this template to make an introduction to a client after they’ve been assigned to you.

Subject Line: Introducing Your [New or leave blank] [job position]

Hi [client name],

[Introduce circumstances {ex: “As you may know, Cameron Eck is no longer with the firm, so I wanted to make an introduction.”/”Now that you are officially a client of PK Cyber Solutions, I want to introduce myself as your account manager.”/”As there have been a few structure changes throughout our company, I am your new account manager and would like to introduce myself.”}].

My name is [your name]. I will be your point of contact for all things [indicate support services {ex: “billing, product issues, technical assistance, solution recommendations, etc.”}].

If you ever need assistance, you can contact me with the information below or use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find an appointment time that works for you.

I look forward to working with you.

10. Introduction to New Point-of-Contact

Instead of introducing yourself to a client, you might need to have a template ready to introduce a new rep, agent, or account manager to them. If you or your employee plans to leave the company or if there is restructuring within the organization, there must be an email making the initial connection. Use this new point of contact introduction email template to introduce the new rep who will be taking over the account.

Subject Line: Introducing [name of new point of contact], Your New [job position]

[Introduce circumstances {ex: “I wanted to inform you I will be leaving the firm next week to pursue a new opportunity.”}]. I’d like to introduce you to your new [job position], [name of new rep], who is CC’d here.

[New rep name] [briefly describe experience {ex: “comes with three years of experience in the marketing automation world.”}] and will be an excellent resource for you. [He/She/They] will be your point of contact moving forward for all things [indicate support services {ex: “billing, product issues, technical assistance, solution recommendations, etc.”}].

It’s been a pleasure working with you.

11. New Product or Service Introduction

This business introduction sample will help you facilitate cross-selling or upselling campaigns to your customers. Start with your current client base when you’ve developed a new product or service and wish to bring it to market. Providing new or upgraded solutions allows you to maximize customer retention rates by continuously finding ways to add value to your clients.

Subject Line: Introducing [new product or service name] to [customer name]

Hi [customer first name],

I wanted to reach out about a new [product/service] we are offering that could be beneficial to you. [Briefly describe new product or service {ex: “We are now offering payroll processing services in addition to our bookkeeping, tax preparation, and employment benefits management solutions.”}].

[Explain the value of the new product or service {ex: “This new solution will allow our clients to centralize all of their financial management activities to one provider.”}]

If you’re interested in learning more, I’d love to get on a call to discuss this new [product/service] line. Please let me know your availability over the next few days or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

Self-introduction Emails for Freelancers

Freelancers use self-introduction emails to companies or employers to request information about a job or to send their application. Use the introduction email examples below to catch the attention of your intended recipient and to increase the chances of receiving a response or getting hired.

12. Job Application Email Introduction

Recruiters usually deal with a lot of applications. If you want to stand out from other applicants, use an email introduction template that is concise and professionally written. Remember that a job email is neither a cover letter nor a resume, but it is merely a means to deliver these two. That said, don’t forget to attach your cover letter, resume, and work samples to your email.

Subject: [Job/Position] Application

Dear [employer’s name],

My name is [your name], and I greatly admire the work in [product/service] that [company name] is doing. I am reaching out to you today because I saw your email address listed as the contact person for an open [job/position] posted online. I have attached my resume and a cover letter to this email, and I hope you will consider me for this role.

I have attached my [resume/CV/work samples] for your review.

Thank you for your consideration and time.

13. Email Inquiry for Open Position

Use a job inquiry email template when you are passively job-seeking and want to connect with companies or organizations for future positions. This shows employers that you are interested in their company regardless of whether they have a job opening or not. It is also a great way to subtly convey a request to keep your application on file and to let you know once there’s an opening for you.

Subject: [Job title] Position Inquiry

Dear [name of recipient],

I saw the [article/online post] in the [name of website/publication] about your work with [relevant topic of interest], and I want to congratulate you on your success as [recipient’s job title] of [name of company/organization]. My name is [your name], and I am interested in the open [job title] position listed on your website.

I am reaching out to ask for more information regarding this position. Is it full or part-time, and [add other relevant questions]? I would appreciate it if you could respond to this email or call me at the number below.

Thank you for your time.

14. Email Introduction for First-time Applicants

When you finally finish your degree, looking for a job could be an exciting chapter, but it could also be daunting if you don’t know how to build your application. You can start by constructing an engaging email to introduce yourself to your potential employer. Use the email introduction sample below if it is your first time to apply for a job.

Subject: [your name] – [job title], [job reference number]

Dear [recipient’s name],

I recently graduated from [name of your school or university] with a [your degree] and am interested in applying my education to [name of company/organization]. I am humbly confident that my skills are a good fit for the [job title].

Despite being a fresh graduate, I have background experience for this position because I completed [relevant internships and training]. In addition, I am eager to pursue continuing professional development to advance my career in [your field of work].

I have attached my resume and cover letter for your perusal. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my qualifications. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

15. Referencing an Internal Contact in Email Introduction

When applying for a job, it can be helpful to get a recommendation or referral from someone who is currently employed at the same company. It helps emphasize how your working experience aligns with the position you are applying for and grabs the attention of the hiring manager. Use this job email template when mentioning an internal contact in your email introduction.

I was referred to this company for the position of [job title and job reference number] by my former colleague [name of former colleague], who is currently a [colleague’s present position] at [company name]. [Name of former colleague] accurately saw this position as a great representation of my potential, as [brief explanation for former colleague’s recommendation].

I believe that I am a good fit for [available job position] because of [brief overview of your educational background and work experience]. To help you better understand my qualifications, I have attached my resume and cover letter to this email. I look forward to speaking with you at your most convenient time. Please let me know your availability and I would be happy to settle on a schedule that works for you.

How to Get More Value From Introduction Email Templates

Our sample introduction emails are designed to facilitate conversations with leads, business partners, and customers to ultimately produce more revenue. In addition to using these outlines for sending cold emails, here are some other ways you can boost conversions for your introductory emails:

A list of four ways to get more value from introduction email templates.

Automate Calls to Action

When you send an email to someone where you’re initiating a call to action (CTA), such as “schedule a call” or “let me know your availability,” make it as easy as possible for the recipient. One way to do this is through automated CTAs. Rather than back-and-forth replies trying to agree on a time to chat, you can link automated scheduling tools in your message or signature.

Tools like Calendly, which is one of our best shared calendar apps , let users sync their calendars and set scheduling preferences to their availability. Then, by linking the scheduling portal in the email message or signature, the recipient can click to enter the system. From there, they can search for a time, date, and communication channel that works best for them. Once the call is scheduled, all participants receive a notification and have the event synced to their calendars automatically.

Calendly adding scheduling link to email signature (Source: Calendly )

Store & Share Email Templates

As you develop and rework your email templates, you’ll find some will be more effective than others. Store those “winning” templates for future use and share them with other reps. It not only helps maintain quality messaging, but also lets you increase the volume of sends as you only need to plug in contact and contextual information instead of writing a whole email from scratch.

Customer relationship management (CRM) systems like Pipedrive let teams create, save, and share email templates in the platform. Users can integrate their email system to easily craft emails from a contact record. There, they can save email templates in the CRM that will auto-populate the message using stored contact data.

Visit Pipedrive

Writing a message using an email template in Pipedrive.

Pipedrive choosing email templates (Source: Pipedrive )

Incorporate & Track Personalized Information

Personalization is huge for cold email success. It shows you took the time to learn about your lead or contact before crafting the email. Recipients can tell if an email is directly sent or mass-produced based on personalized parts in the introduction email subject line or message. You can cite items like their name, company, industry, or contextual information like where they went to college or how long they’ve been at a firm to help pique interest early on in the message.

As you collect personal information on leads, partners, and customers, store those insights in a CRM platform for you and other reps to use. Many products, like Freshsales, are robust information and business intelligence systems. In addition to basic contact data organization, Freshsales allows users to draft notes and tag CRM records. Tags give you information applicable to more than one record to filter out contact lists. If you met a group of leads at a webinar, for instance, tag them as “webinar” to provide those contextual details.

Visit Freshsales

Adding contact tags in Freshsales.

Freshsales adding contact tags (Source: Freshworks )

Purchase Email Lists

One of the goals of using professional introduction email templates is to save time with a message that’s partially crafted for you. Another time-saver is purchasing email lists rather than manually doing online research. Services like UpLead, for example, let you automate the prospect research step by generating email lists for you. Users can simply go to the platform and search for contacts based on details like industry, job title, and company size to create a list.

Visit UpLead

Searching and viewing contact profiles in UpLead.

UpLead contact search (Source: UpLead )

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a good introduction email template.

A good introduction email template uses an informative subject line, a personalized greeting, a brief explanation of why you’re reaching out, and a request or call to action. In addition, it should also include polite language, such as a short thank you for the recipient’s time.

How can I introduce myself via email?

In general, you can introduce yourself in an email by stating your name, job title, and relevant affiliation. You can also give a brief outline of your current project, field of expertise, and geographical location. If you want to establish a connection or build your credibility, you can mention any mutual connections in your email.

What is the most polite way to start an email?

The most polite way to begin an introduction email is to use appropriate salutations. These include “Dear [name],” “Hi” or “Hello,” “Hi everyone,” and “Hi [department name] team.” It is also important to create engaging openings by acknowledging the reader (“I hope you had a great weekend”), clarifying the purpose of your email, and expressing gratitude for the reader’s time. On the flip side, avoid using impersonal salutations (“To whom it may concern”) and make sure that there are no misspelled names.

Bottom Line

Email is a popular communication channel for developing sales opportunities and professional relationships. Using a business introduction email template helps improve messaging quality and save time through a proven outline already created for you. In addition to utilizing introductory templates, teams can improve production and conversions by using CTA automation, template storage systems, personalized messaging, and premade email lists.

About the Author

Bianca Caballero

Find Bianca On LinkedIn

Bianca Caballero

Bianca Caballero is a subject matter expert at Fit Small Business who covers Sales and Customer service topics. Prior to working at FSB, she was in field sales and territory management. When she launched her career as a writer, she worked with companies from the US, Australia, and China. At present, she uses her 12+ years of writing experience to provide FSB readers with the best answers to their questions.

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Creating Introduction Email Template That Will Get You Responses (And Deals)


  • 18th Sep '19


  • 17 minutes read

First impressions are very important, and this is why you need to pay attention and put some effort into writing a great introductory email whenever you need to meet an individual.

Since we’re living in the messaging era - where people would rather be contacted through email or text messages than receiving a call - which actually speeds things up when it comes to the first contact, it’s quite important to know the tips and tricks to craft good introduction messages.

The reason why we enjoy messages so much is because technology has made everything easier and quicker, so 75% of people believe that calls are time-consuming. Some people are connected throughout the day: email, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Facebook, or any other social network available.

By the way, the best channels for introductions are definitely email and LinkedIn , so make sure you have the right tools to help you extract, organize and send the emails .

Image Source: FreePik

It’s expected that by the end of this reading you will be able to come up with your own introduction templates. Here is a list of what we’re going to explain in the article:

Introduction Email Definition

Tips to Write a Good Introductory Email

Examples of Subject Lines For Introduction Emails 

Top-Notch Templates

What is an introduction email?

The name is self-explanatory: introduction email is a message to introduce yourself, a company or a third party.  

There are a few “email etiquette tips” that can be followed and different types of intro email template that can be sent to an individual or more recipients, but it all depends on the situation if it is business-related or for personal matters.

For sales, in particular, the introduction email sent to prospects is highly important and must be followed by a good follow up strategy . It is also a good idea to segment the mailing list and make it as personal as possible, as you need the prospect to relate to you in order to establish a trustworthy relationship.

You may also use an email list template to help. We made a list of the most common sales introduction emails:

Now that you understand what this introductory email is, it’s time to learn how to craft good messages based on email introduction template tips.

How to write a warm introduction email

First of all: you have to know your audience and define clear goals for your introduction. Make a list of things you would like to say in different introduction situations and keep it handy.

The content will vary from one prospect to another , but typically on a sales introduction email template is appropriate to add:

Your first name

The company you work for

Any affiliation worth mentioning (mostly when it’s for networking)

The reason for the introduction email

Services you provide (if applicable)

Professional Signature

Based on what was mentioned above and on email etiquette we came up with a list of things to do and things that should not be done on an introduction email.

Add a signature chosen from many templates available and provide more than one contact information;

Use an appropriate email address, preferably with your first and last name;

Direct the email to a specific person and not to the whole team or to a general email address. You can gather individual emails by extracting them from Linkedin, for example;

Personalize the sender’s name with yours to avoid looking like an email marketing campaign.

Don’t do it

Send the email without a subject. Most emails that do not have a subject line will probably end up in spam or deleted;

Don’t send mass email without a proper tool, otherwise, you’ll look like spam. Use a tool to help customize the message;

Do not write long emails. Make sure you cover the important topics in a concise manner;

Adding emoticons in the first email you send someone is not good for business, even if the person is nice and you’ve met. Keep it professional.

List of Introduction Email Templates - Sales, Business, Self-Introduction

There are a few different introductory email templates that we are going to explore:

Business Introduction

Self introduction: sales purposes, self introduction: new job , self introduction: new role.

New Point of Contact

Our goal is to inspire you to create your own based on best practices. Check out the templates:

The first type we’re going to discuss is the business introduction email template, which is about introducing a service or product. This one might be a little bit longer, as it is necessary to introduce yourself plus the company and its service. 

The company introduction email template is more about selling the company itself and making yourself available for further details. Check out a few examples:

The self-introduction email template is particularly good for Sales Development Representatives, as they are usually the first touchpoint during the sales process. It’s important to point out that the emails below were created based on the categories mentioned in the “what’s an introduction email” section.

You are a new employee and need to introduce yourself to a team as a colleague. In this case, you can be more casual and show your personality, make yourself available and show them you want to be a cooperative colleague.

You’re a new manager or team leader and you need to make a good impression, so this is an exception and it can be a bit longer.

New Point of Contact 

How to introduce someone else as the new account manager or PoC

You’re the new PoC and need to introduce yourself to a client.

Self-introduction email subject line examples

This might be the hardest question when it comes to emailing writing: how to write a subject line with only a few words that will convince the recipient to open the email?

The best way to do it is by thinking of the subject line as the handshake: it has to be strong, brief and confident. It’s proven that the subject line has a direct impact on the average email open rate , so take your time to think about them.

Image Source: FreePix

Aspects of a good introduction subject line:

It’s short

Personalized with the recipient's name

Straight to the point

Clear about the reason you are reaching out

Conclusion about introduction messages

Communicating is crucial for a business deal or personal networking and it is a good idea to keep an eye for every message you send. Think about ways to improve communication towards getting responses from people.

Just like everything in life, good writing can be achieved with practice and also by using methods that have already been tested and that the market knows of.

Here is a recap of the most important points:

Make sure to review the template you create

Be straight to the point

Use proper grammar and spelling

Make it professional

Don’t overshare

Remember to follow up on your introduction message, as some people are usually busy and receive a lot of emails on a daily basis.

We hope you enjoy creating a content strategy for introduction emails!


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how to write a business introduction email

For companies

Jun 26, 2023

How to write an introduction email with 5 samples and template

Introduction emails are critical in the business world. In this guide we walk you through each step of the process and provide 5 examples.

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

Hi, my name is Lawrie, and I'd like to introduce you to this in-depth guide on creating intro emails.

Introduction emails are a critical currency in the business world, helping to build connections. For example, you may want to introduce a colleague to a client (or customer) or a new colleague to an old one.

Whatever your reason for writing an intro email, we can show you how to do it better! (If you want to learn how to introduce yourself in an email, we've got a guide for that...).

We will walk you through each step of the process, explaining how to write an introduction email. We start by exploring correct email etiquette, then follow it up in Flowrite style with a breakdown of the individual parts in every persuasive email.

Finally, we illustrate how to create effective intro emails with 5 samples and a template. By the end, you'll be an intro emailing expert.

Introduction email etiquette

So, why write an introduction email? The primary introduction email purpose is to connect two (or more) people that don't know each other – but should.

Examples of essential introductions include:

  • Connecting a new team member with an existing customer
  • Introducing an account manager to a client
  • Bringing together two members of staff who have never met

If you're already working in an office environment, you'll likely have sent an introduction email. But are you doing it correctly?

There's a little bit of email etiquette at work here.

Firstly, before sending an introduction email, you should get permission from the parties that matter.

Let's say you're introducing an account manager to a client. This is a critical relationship, so you'll need to check that the person is in a position to do their job. So rule #1 is to check each side is prepared and expecting the connection.

Rule #2 is to find language that fits. You'll want to use a conversational style, but avoid using slang or being too familiar – particularly when dealing with clients and customers.

Rule #3 is to stick to the accepted introduction email format, so let's look at that now...

Introduction email format

There are three parts to an effective introduction email: the subject line, body copy, and sign-off. As you'd expect, this section explains the essential elements of every introduction email, including email subject lines, what to include in the email body, and how to sign off.

Work through this list, and you'll learn how to build clear and compelling introduction emails.

1. Introduction email subject line

Subject lines can be tricky to tackle, so follow this principle: Your subject line should clearly show the intent of your email. Don't try to be funny or creative; capture the essence of the email.

Email experts believe (and professional etiquette dictates) that you should start your subject with "Intro" or "Introduction". It explains the purpose of the message and quickly catches the eye in a stuffed inbox.

Then, follow that up with the names of the people you're messaging. (Don't worry about including the surnames unless there's a reason, such as both people having the same first name!)

Here's how that can work:

  • Intro: Jane x Kyle

Sometimes, it can be a good idea to include other information, such as what they do or who they work for. Here are a few ways that you can do this:

  • Intro: Jane ( ) & Kyle (Grava)
  • Intro: Lizz (Head of Sales at Shelby Co. Ltd.) & Kyle (new Senior Account Executive)
  • Introducing Kyle, your new Account Executive

These introduction subject lines are simple, straightforward, and short enough to be read in a fraction of a second. That's the key to their success.

Let's write an example email together, startign with the subject line:

2. Introduction email body

Introduction emails aren't about you but about creating a connection. So, begin with a clear and concise purpose.

Next, you'll need to explain why an introduction email is necessary, so after sharing details of the people involved, provide context.

Focus on building a positive relationship, so highlight strengths between the two parties.

There's a lot to consider here, but try to keep the tone of voice and professional. Don't be too formal or informal, try to hit the right note – as we do in this example.

3. How to end an introduction email

So, you've managed an introduction; your job is done, right? Not quite! When closing your introduction email, you'll want to be specific about the next steps – including who is in charge of taking things forward.

Respect other peoples' schedules, and let them work things out.

You'll also need to include the essentials, including contact details and any issues that may impact communication (if someone is off on a certain day or planning a vacation, for example).

5 introduction email examples

Hopefully, you'll now understand the fundamental parts of every introduction email. In this section, we illustrate the points with some practical examples. You can find 5 email introduction examples that demonstrate how to introduce someone via email, introduce colleagues to each other, and colleagues to clients.

These examples demonstrate how to put these things into practice. We recommend using these as the basis for your own emails (but if you're running short of time, feel free to cut and paste!).

1. Introduce someone via email sample

This simple intro sample is suitable for professional and personal use. It's stripped back to the bare bones and is easy to understand. Be sure to match this with an easy-to-understand subject line for a successful intro.

2. Introduce two colleagues via email sample

At work, you'll probably have to introduce colleagues to one another. It could be welcoming a new starter, introducing a new team member, or bringing together two individuals for a collaboration.

Whatever the reason, the format is the same and the focus should remain on getting work done!

This is how to introduce a colleague via email...

3. Introduce your colleague to a client via email sample

Introducing a colleague to a client is a big step. Before writing an email, ensure that your colleague is prepared for the email.

Are you confident they have the information, support, and confidence to take the connection forward? Once you're happy, use this to introduce your colleague to a client in an email.

4. New account manager introduction email to customer sample

Account managers are a crucial connection between you, your company, and your client. You'll want to ensure a smooth and happy handover, so do work before sending an intro email. As well as prepping the new account manager, you may also want to consider dropping your client ahead's up – particularly if it's a big and valuable customer.

When you're ready to start writing, here is an effective new account manager introduction email to a customer.

5. New employee introduction email to colleagues sample

That first-day feeling can be full of nerves. Still, a warm and welcoming introduction email to colleagues can work wonders.

Internal emails can be a little less formal and provide a little insight into your personality.

This new employee introduction email should put them at ease on their first day...

Introduction email template

Hopefully, the examples above show you how simple it is to create introduction emails. But if they don't hit the spot or suit the circumstances, you can use our customizable email template.

Work from the top to the bottom, and fill in the gaps to create a compelling message. Don't worry if some sections don't work; delete them.

Be sure to proofread and edit before sending!

Quick checklist for writing introduction emails

By now, you should have developed the skills to write engaging and effective introduction emails. But, before we leave you, here is an essential checklist for writing introduction emails. Follow it, and you'll create content that builds connections.

  • Start all introduction emails with a clear subject line that accurately reflects the contents
  • Greet both parties in a friendly and professional manner using their first names
  • Provide context for the introduction and explain why you are making it
  • Highlight relevant information about each person and their connection to the introduction
  • Keep the email concise and to the point (it's about them, not you!)
  • Write in a warm and approachable tone
  • Provide follow-up information or details on the next steps
  • Thank both parties for their time reading the email
  • Proofread and edit the email carefully before sending it

Final words on introduction emails

Introduction emails are essential parts of the professional's toolkit.

Thankfully, writing them is easy — especially if you follow our guide. Remember, the focus of each email is creating a connection, so strip emails back to the basics and focus on this.

Once you've made the introduction, step back and let them get on with it! You can relax with the warm glow that your job here is done.

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Perfect Email Introduction: 11 Examples for Any Scenario

Aug 23, 2023 - By Camilla Mackeviciute


Have you ever dreamed of writing the perfect introduction email? If you’re working actively, you will have had this dream forever. 

Writing a great introduction email is an art, and a single skill can open many gateways of opportunities when done well. An introduction email can be the first step toward building a solid professional relationship. 

This blog shares 11 examples of perfect email introductions based on proven communication etiquette and best practices. 

What is a Self-Introduction Email?

Before we share the templates, let’s look at what is a self-introduction email first. A self-introduction email is a great way to introduce yourself or a company to a stranger and make them feel valuable to you. These emails introduce a person, share their story, provide background, or ask/offer a favor. 

Self-introductions are sent to grab a chance to talk about a business relationship, extend a helping hand, or just let the other person know about you. These emails can warm up a cold prospect and build trust. 

Look at self-introduction emails as cold emails you send to someone to tell them about you. The goal is to get someone to engage with you and take the next step in starting a professional relationship. 

Formal Email Introduction Examples

When introducing yourself over email, sometimes you fall short of words despite many thoughts in your mind. Here are a few formal email templates based on known best practices to send to the client, prospect, colleague, or anyone to who you want to introduce yourself: 

Job Application Email Template 

One of the best ways to stand out from hundreds of applicants for a job role is to send out a formal introduction email to the recruiter (or a decision maker) at the company. Use the following template to reach out. Remember not to be too pushy in your email; don’t forget to attach your resume. 

Subject: Hey [First Name]! Can I work with you at [Company Name]? 

Hi [First Name],  [Your First Name] here. I have been following your journey at [Company Name/Product Name] on [Platform you Follow them] since [Period]. I got to say that you guys are doing a really great job at [Company Name].  I’ve worked in the industry for [number of years], through which I’ve worked with big names like [your client/project list].  I was working on a [project] and saw that you’re building something similar. I would like to work closely with you on the project and am attaching my resume and portfolio for consideration.  If you like my work, I’d be happy to hop on a call to formally pitch my candidature.  Looking forward.  Thank you.  — [Name] 

With Sender’s drag-and-drop email builder, free design templates, and easy campaign scheduling, all you need to do is add the copy, and you’re good to go! Oh, and it’s free.

Open Position Inquiry

It’s common knowledge that most jobs are filled before being advertised on job portals. Sometimes, a position is open, but hiring managers and HRs don’t have the bandwidth to broadcast it publicly. 

Email a formal inquiry about an open position to explore the possibility of getting a job at your dream company. Here is an open position inquiry introduction email template: 

Subject: Hey [First Name], Are you looking for a pro [job title]? 

Hey [First Name] My Name is [First Name], and I am reaching out to inquire if your company has an open role for [job title].  I was looking at your [project/website/future roadmap] and felt you might be planning to hire a [job title] soon. I’ve worked with big names like [your client/project list] over the last [professional experience, in number of years]  I’d love to be interviewed and show you how I can be useful. I’d be happy to hop on a quick call to discuss the possibility. Till then, my portfolio is attached for your reference.  Thank you.  Sincerely,  [Your full Name and LinkedIn link] 

Information Request

Sometimes, you need to reach out to a peer, customer, or stranger seeking information they have access to. This situation commonly arises when trying to gather market research data. Use the following formal email template to seek information from anyone: 

Subject: Hey [First Name]! Need your feedback/input/help [Not Spam] 

Greetings!  My Name is [Name], and I work as a [position] at [company name]. This might sound like spam, but I am genuinely interested in some information that you may have.  If you have a few minutes and can share with me about [details of the information needed], I’d be highly obliged.  You can also click the link [survey/feedback link] to answer a few questions quickly, and I will have everything I need.  Please reply to this email if you’ve got any other ideas about how I can source the info I need.  Thank you in advance.  Regards [Your Name] 

Professional Introduction

A professional introduction email is sent to anyone you know (or want to know) professionally to introduce yourself. Professional emails are sent to prospective partners, peers, and potential customers, telling them about you, your products, services, or what you seek. 

For example, a personalized professional introduction is a great way to stand out from other candidates if you’re applying for a job. Here’s a template to professionally introduce yourself over email:  

Subject: [First Name] here seeking help regarding [reason for introduction] 

Hello [First Name] My name is [First Name], and I work as a [job position/title] at [Company Name].  I’ve been an active member of the [mutual community/network/event] and am eager to get in touch with you about [reason for introduction/conversation].  Let me know if you’re free sometime next week for a quick conversation.  Looking forward. Thanks. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Self-introduction Email Sample

A self-introduction is a great way to make a good first impression with a new contact. Such emails are useful in starting a conversation, building a rapport, and warming them up. It helps to let them know who you are, what you do, and why they should talk to you. Here’s a sample:  

Subject: Hey [First Name]. Keen on Knowing You Better. 

Dear [First Name], [First Name] here, and I am reaching out to introduce myself as I recently joined/met/discussed [recipient’s product/company name/mutual contact].  I have been working on some great projects and clients in the industry for [number of years] and have worked with some great brands like [your client/project list] We can meet up sometime to discuss the possibility of chasing our common goals/ambitions and do some great things together.  If you’re free this week, let me know.  Looking forward to hearing from you. Best, [Your Name]

Formal Email Pitch

An email pitch is a cold email sent directly to someone you don’t know. You’re trying to reach out, expecting a response on your proposal, asking for feedback on a project, or seeking a meeting with someone. Generally, such emails are sent by startup owners to investors seeking a meeting. Here’s an example: 

Subject: [Product Name] Says 👋 & Loves Your Approach on [Mutual Interest] 

Hey [First Name]!  [Your First Name] here, and I wanted to reach out to you regarding [project name] I have been working on for the last [number of months, in number of months].  I read about your take on [mutual industry interest] and feel that you’d like to see what we’ve been up to in this regard. I have attached a brief pitch document for you to check and see if this is worth your time.  We’ve already put a lot of effort into [project name], and your input/feedback/guidance will help us stay motivated to work towards our shared goal.  I’d be happy to hear from you and look forward to meeting you.  Best, [Your Name]

Networking Email

A networking email is sent to introduce yourself to someone you’d like to stay in touch with in the future. The most common use case of such an email is sending it to someone you want to connect to and engage with, in person or on a social media platform like LinkedIn or Facebook. Refer to a mutual connection to start a conversation and build rapport. Here’s an example of such an email:  

Subject Name: Love your Ideas. Keen to Connect on [Platform of Interest]! 

Hey [First Name], My name is [First Name], and I’ve been on LinkedIn for [number of years]. I felt like connecting with you as we both work in/as a [profession/industry]. Your insights about [common interest topic] attracted me to your profile and made me eager to learn more about your journey and products. I’d be happy to share my thoughts and possibly have a video chat about [topic/company/product] sometime soon.  Eager to connect.  Thank you. Regards, [Your Name]

Sales Introduction Email 

A sales introduction can be used when you’re looking to sell something to a buyer or prospect and want to reach out to warm up a lead. An effective sales email introduction can help you break into the door of a potential prospect. It’s a formal email seeking permission to start a dialogue with someone. 

Subject: Hey [First Name] 🙋 đŸ»You no longer need to struggle with [pain point] anymore! 

Dear [Name], Greetings! This is [Your Name] here, [Company name]. I work on some interesting ideas every month and was reading your blog post on [blog topic]. I’m pretty impressed by what you’ve shared and found out you’re facing some trouble with [pain point/issue].  We’re currently building [Product Name], which solves your exact problem without increasing workload or financial spending.  Would you like to learn more about [our product/service]? If so, I’d happily schedule a demo or discuss your needs and goals.  Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you. Best regards, [Your Name]

Company Introduction Email 

A company introduction is a formal email sent to a prospect introducing your company, value proposition, and/or yourself in the context of what you do. It’s a great opportunity to tell someone about your business and how you could be useful to them. It’s a chance to introduce yourself to a potential prospect and build a relationship. Here’s a basic template for an introductory company email: 

Subject Name: [Company Name] Can [Save You Time/Bring Down Cost/Achieve Efficiency]. Discover More Now. 

Hello [First Name], My Name is [First Name], and I work at [Your Company Name]. I saw that you continuously seek support and assistance in [industry].  I am reaching out to introduce you to [your company name]. We provide [service/product set] for [target audience] to help them [your prospect’s pain point or growth goal].  I’ve been following you on [Linkedin/LinkedIn] and was wondering if we could quickly schedule a call to discuss if you need [service set].  I am available for meeting anytime during the week.  Thank you. — [First Name]

New Employee Self-introduction

A self-introduction email is useful when you’ve joined a new company and want to share your work experience and greet your new colleagues. These emails are generally sent during the onboarding process and are crucial to make collaboration in the future easier. Here’s a template that to introduce yourself. 

Subject: [Your First Name] Here! Reaching Out to Say a Quick Hello! 

Dear [colleague’s Name], I hope you’re having a good day! My name is [Your Name], and I am one of the new hires at [Name of your company]. Previously, I worked with [previous company name], during which I’ve worked with [your client/project list].  At [Current Company Name], my job will be to [job responsibilities]. I will be reporting to [Reporting manager], and you can dial in at [extension number] for a quick response.  Looking forward to working with you in the future.  Thank you.  Regards — [Your Name]

Newsletter Introduction Examples

Newsletters are one of the most effective ways to share the latest updates, engage your prospects, and keep subscribers hooked with the latest news about products and happenings in your company. A newsletter introduction email is sent to anyone you feel would be interested in signing up for your newsletter. Here’s a template: 

Subject Line: Fellow Writer & Admirer Reaching Out with a Request OR Loved Your Piece on [Topic]. Care to Listen to Me? 

Greetings! My name is [Your First Name], and I run a newsletter called [Name of Your Newsletter]. I came across your blog post on [website/article] and loved your take on [topic].  I thought I’d get in touch to let you know about my newsletter as I write in a similar niche.  We both are preaching/writing similar ideas, so I felt like reaching out. I regularly post hidden insights that you can use for your future blog articles in my monthly newsletter.  You can subscribe to my newsletter by signing up at [link to newsletter subscription page]. If you’ve got any questions, email me at [email address]. Once again, it was a delight to read your thoughts. I hope you sign up for my newsletter. đŸ€ž Best Regards [Your Name]

How To Write An Introduction Email? 

The templates shared above must’ve given you a fair idea about how to write an introduction email. If you’re unsure, here are a few writing tips to help you create the perfect email introduction for yourself. 

  • Professional subject line. Keep your subject line short, straightforward, and clear. If possible, never miss a chance to personalize your subject lines; 
  • Introducing yourself in an email. Introduction emails are all about introducing yourself. So, never miss out on sharing details about who you are, what you do, your industry, and other essential details about yourself. 
  • Greeting. Start any introduction letter or email with an appropriate greeting or salutation. For example, you cannot call a stranger dear in your first email. Your recipient would appreciate receiving an email from a human (we always greet before we talk) who knows how to start a conversation well. 
  • Use the recipient’s name. Personalize your introduction email using the recipient’s Name. Don’t refer to them as ‘prospect/manager/team member.’ Use the opportunity to personalize your email copy using their first Name. 
  • Clarify your purpose for reaching out. Never keep your recipient wondering about the reason you reached out. Give a brief but specific explanation as to why you are emailing them upfront, and always be honest in your intentions. 
  • Include a CTA: If you send an introduction email seeking a response, never forget to add a contextual CTA. For example, if you’re expecting a reply, remind them to reply to the email by adding a call to action. 
  • Close the email with a polite request. Requesting the other person when you reach out for the first time is good. So, always give a professional closing to your email with a thank you and a polite request to help you out or reply to your email (or any other call to action).  
  • Sign-Off. Always sign off your email with your real credentials, and never forget to add full information about your contact details, company, and other personal information. This will reflect that you’re genuine and eager to stay in touch and build a long-term relationship. 


Key Takeaways 

  • Always write in a polite and confident tone when you’re introducing yourself via email; 
  • Give special attention to your subject lines when sending an introductory email;
  • Always remember the context and personalize the email when customizing a formal introduction email template;
  • Never try to be spammy or pushy while sending someone an introduction email. 
  • 20 Business Email Examples & Professional Templates
  • Friendly Reminder Email Templates: 18 Samples You Should Try 
  • 36 Thank You Email Templates for Any Situation

Anmol Ratan Sachdeva is a content marketer and small business consultant who has a strong grip on topics like marketing automation, email marketing, and content marketing. He loves to write about building, improving, and growing a business.

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